Recent content by Sora the KidSquid

  1. Sora the KidSquid


  2. Sora the KidSquid

    Competetive Player finding Competetive Team.

    We would love to have you in our squad!
  3. Sora the KidSquid

    Squid squad searching!

    Hey!We would love if you could join our squad!We do use discord but don't worry about not talking.(I don't use it personally)
  4. Sora the KidSquid

    Looking for squads (A - S rank)

    Hey!Our squad does use discord (I personally don't) But don't worry about it!Our squad has two Bs, an A and a S.Hopefully you'll join us!:)
  5. Sora the KidSquid

    Looking to play someone with Mic.

    Hey!we use discord (I personally do not) Hopefully you'll join us! If you want more info on our discord stuff ask @Ag3ntSquid
  6. Sora the KidSquid

    squid ranging from B to A ranking looking for a squad

    Hey!Sadly were not a 18/21+ group but we still use discord and most of us wants to get our ranks up!Hopefully you'll join us :) I personally don't use discord but everyone else does.
  7. Sora the KidSquid

    Starting new squad

    Hey! :) I'm not asking to join but we would like to know if we could come together and have some battles sometime!We could learn from each other ;) If you're interested please contact me with a pm. Thanks! Average Rank Level!: B+ Average Level: 45 Timezones: EST,GMT,PCF,Central
  8. Sora the KidSquid

    Recruiting Members For Ink Corp Neo

    Hey guys!Our current squad has 4 members!So we decided to make another one! Ink Corps Neo Ink Corps and Ink Corps Neo would do scrims and training.We would like to have a full squad and a full replacement! Ink Corps Although we currently have a full squad, that doesn't mean we aren't open for...
  9. Sora the KidSquid

    Hey!We actually need to do a test thingy because we have people going for the same spot too >.>

    Hey!We actually need to do a test thingy because we have people going for the same spot too >.>
  10. Sora the KidSquid

    Recruiting Beginner-To-Ranked Members!

    Yes but now there's four contestants at our fourth spot >.>
  11. Sora the KidSquid

    My squad needs a 4th member!We're tired of 3v4ing!

    My squad needs a 4th member!We're tired of 3v4ing!
  12. Sora the KidSquid

    I cri evrytiem

    I cri evrytiem
  13. Sora the KidSquid

    ^Future Me IRL >.>

    ^Future Me IRL >.>
  14. Sora the KidSquid

    Currently got a squad going!It would be nice if we got one more person...

    Currently got a squad going!It would be nice if we got one more person...
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