Recent content by Spenstar

  1. Spenstar

    Anything you miss from Splatoon 1?

    SEEKERS! They were so cool, they served multiple functions all at once and were really awesome in concept. I like curling and auto bombs but you just cant beat a seeker
  2. Spenstar

    Poll: Returning Splatoon 1 Weapons!

    I missed out on most of the weapons from splatoon 1, but right now Im loving the Heavy Splatling. And the way I play it, I feel like I would adapt pretty quickly to a higher-range, slower-charging version. So gimme the Hydra!!
  3. Spenstar

    Splatoon 2 Heavy Splatling Talk

    I really appreciate this! I've been using the Heavy more and more, and it's now my #1 go to weapon. I'm still trying to get a perfect gear setup (thinking Goolloom's recommendation sans Ink Res Up, in favor of ink saver sub and ink recoveru up... or maybe run speed up? idk) but the gear I do...
  4. Spenstar

    Splatoon 2: Find Out What's Fresh! (General Discussion)

    So I decided to give Salmon run a serious try again, after playing it before and not really liking it, and holy carp am I sorry I neglected this mode before. I was having a blast as long as I wasnt loaned the Dynamo roller, and the rewards are amazing! The fact that 4000 gold is the default...
  5. Spenstar

    Splatoon 2 Heavy Splatling Talk

    Until only yesterday, I absolutely loathed Splat Zones. Maybe I didn't quite understand it maybe my playstyle was just not conducive to the mode, but for whatever reason, I avoided it at all costs. What changed? The Heavy Splatling Deco. I figured my problem (I was using the NZap as my main for...
  6. Spenstar

    What If You Got To Make A Weapon?

    New Sub: the Bounce Bomb It looks like those throwing balls that skid on water. It costs 75% of your ink tank to throw one. When it lands on the ground, it bounces, leaving an imprint of your ink on the ground that's about 75% the size of a burst bomb explosion. How high and how far it bounces...
  7. Spenstar

    The Custom Splattershot Jr. is Releasing Tonight

    I love this weapon! Im gonna be using it a lot more than the Vanilla. IDK why but I use autobombs a lot more often than I ever used splat bombs, (even if splat bombs might be more useful for a quick kill) and the Ink Storm is so much fun to drop. It's a bit on the expensive side, gotta run...
  8. Spenstar

    Splatoon 2: Find Out What's Fresh! (General Discussion)

    I've been using a lot of the Tenatek Splattershot recently, which led me to ask a weird question: why does Tenatek only have one weapon to its name? Every other brand (forge, nuveau, deco, custom, etc) has multiple weapon kits apiece. What's the deal with Tenatek?
  9. Spenstar

    What If You Got To Make A Weapon?

    I'll repost a couple of weapon ideas from a similar thread here. Feedback would be much appreciated! Ink Hose Type: Charger This weapon looks like, well, a hose. The inkling holds it in their right hand while moving. On the inkling's back is a decent length of hose curled up around the ink tank...
  10. Spenstar

    Hypothetical New Weapons

    OOOOO I GOT ANOTHER ONE This is an alternative take on the rapid-fire slosher concept from Cuttleshock. Shosh Bottle It's an oversized water bottle. Specifically, the plastic refillable kind. It behaves just like any slosher, except the ink trail is narrower. Not sure how long the range should...
  11. Spenstar

    Hypothetical New Weapons

    Ink Hose Type: Charger This weapon looks like, well, a hose. The inkling holds it in their right hand while moving. On the inkling's back is a decent length of hose curled up around the ink tank with a hose faucet located within reach.. It's a charger, but it operates on different rules than...
  12. Spenstar

    Splatoon 2 Two Questions for Getting Good

    Hello! So I have two different questions that I'm not really sure where to put. I didnt see a "simple questions, simple answers" thread so may as well post them here. Okay, so! The first question I have is about the Tri-Slosher. Everybody is saying it's really good, and I'd kinda like to use...
  13. Spenstar

    Splatoon 2: Find Out What's Fresh! (General Discussion)

    What are those nuances? I tried maining the Tenatek for a little while but really coudnt get the hang of the inkjet special
  14. Spenstar


    Hi there! I'm Spenstar. I got my switch a couple weeks ago specifically for this game and I am LOVING it!! I didnt play that much Splatoon 1 for whatever reason but I am completely absorbed in this game. I'm not that good yet but I'm getting better! Unironic Splattershot Jr main despite being...
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