Recent content by splooshlover

  1. splooshlover

    What is your Achilles Heel?

    We all have at least one (heck, even Achilles did)... I have three: First, I love playing ranked but play even when stages/modes don't suit my style. I am a perpetual S/A+ lately. If I just played Rainmaker I could be S+. If I just played TC, I could be C+. I lack the desire to limit my ranked...
  2. splooshlover

    Help! Opposing team raiding spawn point.

    I have seen this a lot lately as squid parties become more prominent on turf wars. I like to party with my comrades and then when they sneak in for the easy kill go beserk with the kraken. We still lose but at least I go down with honor.
  3. splooshlover

    Need help with sensitivity.

    Great post, better than I said it. My thing was I was always trying to do a 180 (or 360 or even mctwist 720 - not a real thing...) for a kill when me and my opponent could see the whites of each other's eyes, and the other guy was so often faster on that turn. Now I know why. The last 48 hours I...
  4. splooshlover

    Need help with sensitivity.

    There are some posts on this already, but I don't want to leave you hanging. It really depends on how you play and what weapon you use. I main Sploosh and always used the default setting and made it to S. Just yesterday I played around a little with the sensitivity because I was trying to learn...
  5. splooshlover

    Secrets of S Ranked? (Or How I Learned to Stop Worrying About Splat Bombs and Ask for Help)

    When I heard there would be a new Sploosh I got excited, but I am so bad with the inkzooka. Honestly, as much as I love to Kraken, I would have ideally liked to see a bomb with echolocator. I love it when my team has an echo but I suck with all those weapons.
  6. splooshlover

    Secrets of S Ranked? (Or How I Learned to Stop Worrying About Splat Bombs and Ask for Help)

    Also, thanks for the build! Is defense up worth it? I have tried to study all the stats on abilities and was unsure about it as damage and defense up have such confusing stats. I have lately forsaken speed gear for stuff with special abilities (primarily saver as I still tend to die more than I...
  7. splooshlover

    Secrets of S Ranked? (Or How I Learned to Stop Worrying About Splat Bombs and Ask for Help)

    Your last sentence was - for lack of a better word - superawesome.
  8. splooshlover

    Secrets of S Ranked? (Or How I Learned to Stop Worrying About Splat Bombs and Ask for Help)

    Good post. Many times you see a team win by just executing the obvious strategy. The higher in rank I have gotten though the more I also realize that a game that seems in hand can be flipped by one unexpected move. You have to know what they expect you to do in order to surprise them by doing...
  9. splooshlover

    Secrets of S Ranked? (Or How I Learned to Stop Worrying About Splat Bombs and Ask for Help)

    You are so right. Once I stopped trying to Sploosh every mode and map I realized how stupid I was before. I still love aggressive play, but did some N-Zap 83 today on splat zones at Salt Spray and wondered what the heck I was doing ever playing Sploosh there. I need to branch out even more and...
  10. splooshlover

    Secrets of S Ranked? (Or How I Learned to Stop Worrying About Splat Bombs and Ask for Help)

    Great post! I have been mixing it up in ranked and playing with random weapons. You are so right that it is FUN! Not great for your rank but I could care less as I am improving and having a good time. I find when I go back to the Sploosh (usually after ranking down) I am magically better. I have...
  11. splooshlover

    Secrets of S Ranked? (Or How I Learned to Stop Worrying About Splat Bombs and Ask for Help)

    Just a little update: Took me a long time to get there, but I made it. I think the mental part of the game was obviously what I was missing. I blamed my teammates for every loss. The more I started really analyzing the games though, the more I realized it was usually my fault. I started...
  12. splooshlover

    What Builds Are You Currently Running/Experimenting With?

    Dang that's fast! I'm jealous of your :clothes_tes019:. I have one but my subs are not as sweet.
  13. splooshlover

    What Builds Are You Currently Running/Experimenting With?

    I main the Neo Sploosh. Mobility is key (:ability_runspeed::ability_swimspeed:) because I have to be able to basically press the gun up against the enemy to kill. Abilities that help me Kraken (:ability_specialsaver::ability_specialcharge::ability_specialduration:) and toss more Point Sensors...
  14. splooshlover

    Pointers for competitive play?

    This is great advice. I would add that you have to know what maps/modes are good for you and which will almost always cost you points. I used to play ranked no matter the maps/mode but am now limiting my play to favorable matchups. Also, don't go on tilt. If you sit down and lose 4 in a row...
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