Recent content by Squid__Kid

  1. Squid__Kid

    S+82 Free Agent

    Sigh. Why do people do this? There is no reason to say anything rude on someone's recruitment page, even if you truly dislike them. This will in no way help anyone or the community, so why even post it. Keep it to yourself. No one wants to hear you say things like that to ANYONE.
  2. Squid__Kid

    Calamari Cup 4: Chocolate Coated | Feb. 13

    Signed up Hooked on Kraken, a branch team from Hightide Era. Expect some more of us to sign up too!
  3. Squid__Kid

    INKSTORM 3 Feedback thread

    So, overall I had no major problems with the tournament except the way the NO and Infinity tie was handled. I think there needs to be some serious thought gone into tiebreakers in the future. I think that 1v1 should be the only tiebreaker, valued above games in sets.
  4. Squid__Kid

    squad X, recruiting squids now!

    Filled out an application.
  5. Squid__Kid

    I'm sick of ________

    Minrange them. Get as close as possible.
  6. Squid__Kid

    Worst Weapon Sub and Special?

    So this thread is opinions only, so please, if someone thinks a weapon you use is the worst in the game, don't start a flame war, think about it this way, your winning with a bad weapon! That automatically makes you good right? This way we can have a better and healthier discussion.
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