Recent content by SquidHunterX

  1. SquidHunterX

    A serious discussion on the Clash Blaster

    A lot of people don't realise how long it takes to actually die to clash. It's slower than you think lol. Play shot or something vs clash and it'll feel like you're fighting someone that's shooting at you in slow motion. It's just not good enough sadly Besides it's kit, the only reason the main...
  2. SquidHunterX

    Bubble Blower Appreciation Thread

    *has SPU bubble combo flashbacks*
  3. SquidHunterX

    What's your main weapon and why?

    Dark tetra dualies because I like feeding
  4. SquidHunterX


    This meme will never die
  5. SquidHunterX

    What weapon do you guys play and why?

    I played dualies because I just loved the idea of having two guns lol. That testfire for Splatoon 2 did it for me. When I say dualies, I mean the entire class. In S2 I played all of them and could switch between them depending on team comps. In S3 I only really play tetras
  6. SquidHunterX

    Zones only vs all-modes

    The only real selling point for me with "zones only" is having different team compositions and complexities. When that doesn't happen it's just impossible to watch for more than like a few sets. Too boring.
  7. SquidHunterX

    NineWholeGrains appreciation thread

    I love this guy. Very open-minded, awesome commentator.
  8. SquidHunterX

    Dynamo is going to replace Pencil

    I tried really hard but no. I just can't see that happening. Pencil is just vastly superior. For Dynamo and pencil to even be on the same level and have the same amount of impact over the outcome of a game, pencil would need to be nerfed in a way that would be pretty extreme imho (just realised...
  9. SquidHunterX

    Who's your favorite comp player?

    Kyo, Fuzzy or maybe Grey. My top 3 to watch
  10. SquidHunterX

    General Guide playing smarter: a guide to improving tactical thinking

    This is great. Amazing work
  11. SquidHunterX

    H-3 appreciation (propoganda) thread

    I love S2 h3 (the real one) and miss it a lot.
  12. SquidHunterX

    Now that we aren’t on Twitter

    It would be cool to see. Rarely ever fought them so I'd love to be able to see them get some usage and learn the MU more
  13. SquidHunterX

    Where it all began

    I genuinely haven't been on this site in years LOL I'm so glad we're bringing it back. Not a hardcore splatooner anymore, but I enjoy discussing and debating about weapons and special related stuff! Nice to meet yall!
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