Recent content by Squiglet

  1. S

    So many guns need a Nerf IMO.

    I want to be mad and reply angrily but I can't. Damn you! Seriously though, I was being half-facetious. No need to attack me and tell me to grow up dawg. Also, that's not how most carbon rollers play. At least not the good ones. Anyone who uses the carbon roller in the manner that you're...
  2. S

    So many guns need a Nerf IMO.

    Interesting, because I don't think I have ever been hit by a carbon roller that wasn't 1-hit KO.
  3. S

    Moments of pure stupid...

    Idk if this counts or not, but every single time, I manage to kill chargers 2-3 times on arowana mall, just because they are so stupidly predictable. Beginning of the match, I charge up the killer whale, and just blindly shoot at the grates that hang just a little shy of the middle section...
  4. S

    So many guns need a Nerf IMO.

    Pfft you're all nuts. Only weapon that needs to be nerfed is that dang Carbon roller. My God, they make me rage every match....
  5. S

    The Rainmaker's Shield is not based on HP.

    All I know is the .52 gal is BALLS when it comes to taking that shield out. It takes me FOREVER. At one point, I decided to just skip it every time and defend it while I wait for my teammates to come get it. It just wasn't worth it.
  6. S


    Is this discussion really that important? We've all given our opinion on it. No need for this to escalate further.
  7. S

    Inkslingers ~ The Splatoon 2 Clan for Adults! [Recruiting]

    Thanks guys. I get that reference with the pen and cassette tape and I feel so old... brb, going to go cry now.
  8. S

    Squid looking for a friendly squad to play with

    Hi! My name is Squiglet and I am looking for some friends/squad to play with. I would love to be able to play with some people who aren't completely random, and I can form strategies and team experiences with. Skype: Dantewolfwood (I also have Discord...which is AMAZING) NNID: Daxellwells...
  9. S

    How many of us have made it in to A+ Rank in Splatzones?

    B+ and I don't want to move from there. I feel like that is a very accurate representative of my skill lol. No shooter has ever made me rage like splatoon when I am playing rank battles. I had to stop playing one time because I feared an aneurysm!
  10. S

    The uselessness of ink saver sub

    Nailed it. Ink saver is AMAZING when you use the .52 gal and splash wall. Having those few extra shots really make a world of difference.
  11. S


    I made a post about seabagging on miiverse and I got around 150 "yeahs". It's pretty frowned upon and I think for good reason. That type of behavior is not welcomed in this type of community. Keep that in your FPS shooters, like CoD or Battlefield (both of which I am huge fans of btw. Not...
  12. S


    Awesome, I sent you a reply! The status mii is currently my wife (she's addicted to Art academy at the moment). Look forward to playing!
  13. S

    Why Did You Choose That Username?

    Mine might be a tad bit offensive to some but oh well. I call my nephews "my little niglets" (we all are part african-american). Don't worry, it's playful. Squiglet is a play on that word. I love it! :p
  14. S


    Hello! Squiglet here! Just thought I would officially introduce myself. I've been a lurker for awhile and I absolutely love splatoon. It is the most creative team-based shooter I've seen in a long time. I'm glad to be part of this community and I look forward to putting in input! Also, I'm...
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