Recent content by Voidem

  1. Voidem

    Squids of Science Recruiting now!

    fill out the application and i will get back to you as fast a possible :D
  2. Voidem

    Squids of Science! [now recruiting]

    BTW add me on discord since speaking on there is so much easier :) SoS | Sodium/Voidem#3765
  3. Voidem

    Hello! I'm a New Inkling ^_^*

    If you need a squad ive recently opened my own squad named Squids of Science [SoS] and were already got 1 member an 2 more ready for tryouts we require you to be A+ or higher and to be able to use discord and some kind of mic :)
  4. Voidem

    Squids of Science! [now recruiting]

    for tryouts there will be a few 1 v 1s and a few squads to test how you play in a squad and your skill in 1 v 1 situations add my nnid (turfing) and tell me your time zone and we can organised the tryout :)
  5. Voidem

    Squids of Science! [now recruiting]

    would you like to play now or another time?
  6. Voidem

    Squids of Science! [now recruiting]

    gimme a sec i'll look at it quick
  7. Voidem

    Squids of Science! [now recruiting]

    and the losing streak thing its fine ive dropped all the way down to A before *.*
  8. Voidem

    Squids of Science! [now recruiting]

    and we can try to get ur S back
  9. Voidem

    Squids of Science! [now recruiting]

    well if you would like to do tryouts i can do it now
  10. Voidem

    Searching for a squad c:

    Hi im Sodium/Voidem the leader of Squids of Science [SoS] and i think you would fit in perfectly with us. We are a new squad so we only have me and 1 other member in our competitive team but we are a team that recruits A+ and above for our competitive team. i also live in the UK and we also have...
  11. Voidem

    Squids of Science! [now recruiting]

    Squids of Science! (S.O.S) Welcome to SOS, we're a newly formed squad hoping to reach the big leagues of competitive Splatoon! we accept both competitive players and non-competitive, so long as the competitive players are A+ or higher. You don't have to know anything about science to join, it''s...
  12. Voidem

    Class Zero Squids are recruiting once more!

    as soon as possible really my skype is voidem360yoloswag so message me there when your free to do it
  13. Voidem

    Class Zero Squids are recruiting once more!

    by the way what rank are you?
  14. Voidem

    Class Zero Squids are recruiting once more!

    Hai im Voidem i main all variants of the e-liter and i main a bunch of other weapons i have skype and all that but im a little ehh on the facebook thing but i'll probablry make another account if i get in. I am S rank and i play any style i need to play. :D
  15. Voidem

    [Я★R] - Rejected Refugees are recruiting (brand new team!)

    Hai im S rank and i want to get into competetive
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