Recent content by whitecarlos

  1. whitecarlos

    Ability Thoughts Eliter sniper classes. Damage up? anything else?

    i've seen many eliters make usage of damage up. i know its best used for not charging full shots, burst bombs, and up close. but i wanted to know what others thought about this technique. also what could be the best abilities for an eliter class. im all ears.
  2. whitecarlos

    FA is having an open practice/tryout session tonight. Open to all.

    skype me if you are interested in having our first team practice tonight. Less of a tryout. More of an open house. We currently have 4 members and will be doing PM/Squading tonight roughly around 7 PST Skype or pm me for details.
  3. whitecarlos

    The Free Agents Squad Program

    If you're looking for a squad but have no luck? Join the program so we can help each other out! We will find you one and give you a temporary home! :) For more details see the group page. Every squid is welcome !
  4. whitecarlos

    Squad/Team Update #1 10/20/15

    We currently have 2 members. Me and BattleToad. I am currently trying out for a team I would really like to join and have tried out for but am currently waiting for an answer. This is the point of the whole program. If I leave it does not mean I am abandoning the group. If anything I'm helping...
  5. whitecarlos

    Still awaiting a response from another Cali team. If not I could join

    Still awaiting a response from another Cali team. If not I could join
  6. whitecarlos

    Free Agents Establishment Announcement

    This squad is a place for the squids looking to join another squad, but in the meantime have nowhere to go/ practice, rank up with. If interested message me, whitecarlos. Temporary Stay is encouraged. No level or rank requirements. Side Team recruitment is also available with requirements. For...
  7. whitecarlos

    Interested in joining. Is there any information yet? I see you have nme's logo

    Interested in joining. Is there any information yet? I see you have nme's logo
  8. whitecarlos

    Looking for a team. Must consider

    I would like talk to someone over a Skype call tonight if that's possible. I have some questions. I feel like it could be possible if I could just resolve some issues
  9. whitecarlos

    Looking for a team. Must consider

    Sorry man I didn't mean to demote the squad or anything. My apologies. All I was saying is that it's hard for me with school and all
  10. whitecarlos


    hey this sounds really cool. Where can I apply my information
  11. whitecarlos

    Hey I'm interested in trying out. where can I apply my informmation

    Hey I'm interested in trying out. where can I apply my informmation
  12. whitecarlos

    Joined my first squad! But then something happened...

    so I applied for Team Kaxe, and it may have taken about a week before they could give me a solid answer, but, I made the squad, my first squad! But then I realized something when they weren't replying to the Skype request. They're a British Team. I live in Cali. They're 6 hours ahead and I'll be...
  13. whitecarlos

    Looking for a team. Must consider

    I sent the request already. I'm also available to play
  14. whitecarlos

    Looking for a team. Must consider

    Awesome. I will do so when I get home from practice tonight. Thanks
  15. whitecarlos

    Looking for a team. Must consider

    I often feel I could be at a much higher rank if I had communication with some teammates. It's pretty hard especially when it comes to rainmaker or tc.
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