Empire's Official Thread: Currently Recruiting EU and US players!


Full Squid
Jun 6, 2015
Orange, California

Hey everyone! Welcome to Empire's official thread :D This is where all our applications will be posted and where our records in wars and tournament entries will be! We are a new squad that is currently recruiting and accept players who are adamant about being in the competitive scene or just want to chill with all of us! We will try to mix things up in this squad and create a unique experience for you all!

This squad was made for people who are looking for a competitive type of squad or just a squad to take a break and chill. We will be active in the Splatoon war community and will be in the tournament scene as well. So we will mostly be looking for players who will be active in order to participate in these events. Keep in mind that we will be looking for EU and US players. We'll keep timezones in mind when measuring availability of the squad as a whole.

Now without further ado...


This clan has rules which are essential for joining members to be aware of. We expect all members to follow these rules; failure to reach these standards will result in a temporary or permanent ban.

1. Have a rank of either S or S+ to apply.

2. We will hold tryouts in order to determine whether you are able to stay in the clan. This will be based on how you act to other members and how well you communicate and play with the others.

3. You must be of at least 14 years of age to join this clan.

4. Be moderately active. We require you to be active for the majority of the week, exceptions can be made if a staff member is aware of your situation.

5. There is no insulting in this clan. You may not, in any way, tease another member of this clan, or make any rude remarks about certain people. As a competitive and friendly squad, we would like you to have respect for all players inside and outside of the clan.

6. Have a Skype and Discord account. Skype will be used for non-vocal communications, and Discord for team calls (during scrims, tournaments, practice, etc.)

7. Following the previous rule, you are expected to be able to voice chat. If you have any exception, please tell include this in your application, and further options will be discussed.

8. Have fun! Even though we are a competitive clan, we take pride in what we do, and want all members to feel comfortable, no matter the skill level. Please do not hesitate to ask a staff member if there is a problem.


How do tryouts work?
Your trial will last 1 week max. Within that week we will test you how well you play with and against us and other teams. We will squad with you and we will do private battles in order to test you. Also, we will be evaluating how you act toward others and how well you get along.

What if I drop from S rank while I'm in the clan?
This is no big deal! It happens to everyone so it's not a big deal. Take your time getting back up to S rank.

Will this squad be frequently warring and scrimming?
We definitely will! We will try to have as many squad wars and scrim against other squads. We will also try to enter as many tournaments as possible in order to provide a great experience for everyone.

Leader info(with Skype):

Leader - @AlpacaJesus837 (AlpacaJesus837)
Coleaders - @xSkytte (selina.chiu1), @Ending (ending25343)

Be sure to message us if you ever have a problem!


Current Members





F&E Rainmaker Only Tournament

Applications are open! Keep in mind we are looking for US players as well and EU players! However, we are still open to any other options.

Recruitment Thread!

Once you apply we will review your response and contact you!

Thanks for applying and here's to a great squad full of great people! :D
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