Gear System So Far (Pre-Splatoon 3 release)


Semi-Pro Squid
May 9, 2020
Switch Friend Code
SW-2068-8505-2901 - This is where the info came from. Some of this stuff might change when the game fully releases but I'd say it's pretty set in stone

Gear gear gear. Everybody loves their gear. From the casuals to the competitors it is truly what brings everyone together to play virtual dressup in the OG squid game. A recent datamine has shed some light on the new things coming for three's gear and thought I'd lay them out for others to see. I will be making a few assumptions as well so take it with a grain of salt.

Brand Changes

New Brand's Favored Abilities
  • Barazushi: + Intensify Action, - Sub Power Up
  • Emberz: + Intensify Action, - Special Charge Up
Changed Brand's Favored Abilities
  • Toni Kensa: + Ink Saver Main
  • Annaki: + Ink Saver Sub
  • Inkline: - Intensify Action
Main Ability Replacing

It's confirmed that main exclusive abilities (e.g. Ninja Squid, Tenacity ect.) can be put on manually like other abilities. With it being that you need a menagerie of specific abilities to apply one. I won't be going over all of them but here are a couple examples
  • Opening Gambit: Swim Speed up, Run Speed Up, and Ink Resistance
  • Respawn Punisher: Quick Respawn, Special Saver, and Sub Resistance Up
With the cost of replacing a main ability costing 45 chunks these main exclusive one will likely require 15 of each required ability. And when replacing a main exclusive you get 2 of each chunk that corresponds to what you replaced.

Star Power

Star Power is replacing the rarity system of older games. Rarity 1 gear is now 0 stars, Rarity 2 is 1 star so on and so forth.
Here is what star power equivocates to and it's cost to upgrade it in the store
  • 0 Stars = 1 sub slot
  • 1 Star = 2 sub slots - 10,000 cash
  • 2 star = 3 sub slots - 30,000 cash
  • 3 star = 103% exp gain - 50,000 cash
  • 4 star = 106% exp gain - 100,000 cash
  • 5 star = 110% exp gain - 200,000 cash
The amount to level up each slot is 2,000exp, 8,000exp, and 14,000exp. There is a final bar that requires 28,000exp to fill. I'm unaware of what star level it requires. I'd assume it works like a splatfest tee where when you have all three slots filled you can level up this bar and still get chunks out of it.

The last thing to say is does upgrading your gear at the store wipe chunks and/or added mains? The gear still has that green cycling symbol for getting back a piece of gear with a different main ability like in splatoon2. Maybe these will be separate from one another, but who knows as it wouldn't surprise me if the devs did that. And at least super sea snails will upgrade your gear with out any hassle I'm sure.

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