Inkopolis Underground FAQs!


Inkling Cadet
May 30, 2015
The Squidhole
Welcome to the Inkopolis Underground Q and A! Here you will find answers to any questions you might have!

Q: What is Inkopolis Underground?
A: Inkopolis Underground is a competitive gaming squad, mixed in with some roleplaying and casual gaming.

Q: Why should I join?
A: Because if you don't I'll find you and keep spawn killing you We are probably one of the most unique squads out there in the Splatoon community. With our standard competitive Splatoon gaming combined with some fresh new aspects such as roleplaying, we'd like to think we offer a bit more to the community. Plus, you'll receive an AWESOME identification card (which you can look at on our Information page), receive your own rank / nickname, read up on some of our members' cool comic strips and designs, and much more!

Q: What exactly is this roleplaying you speak of?
A: Roleplaying is when you create an identity or character for yourself that you can customize entirely to your personal liking and inputting it into a story. In our squad, when you apply, you put in your application an entirely customizable character that you can personalize, including its name, gender, age, weapon usage, personality, and background.

Q: So how exactly is roleplaying implemented into our squad?
A: It's not as much as you might think. Most of you are probably thinking "Roleplaying is stupid This roleplaying is done 24/7 and will ruin my Splatoon gameplay, the apocalypse is coming! AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH". This is definitely not the case though the apocalypse part is debatable. Most of our squad's focus is on Splatoon, so don't worry if you think the gaming aspect will be undermined.

Q: How will the competitive aspect come in to play?
A: We will constantly take part in tournaments and matches against other squads. We will rally available members and assemble them into the competition ahead.

Q: How do I join?
A: It's easy! Just post an application on our squad's thread (, and we'll contact you soon after. If we accept it (and, let's face it, you'll probably be recruited no matter what), we'll invite you into our Skype chat, and BOOM you'll become a member of our squad! Make sure to join our group, and you'll become an official member, and receive all the swag stated above in green!

Q: What is the goal of this squad?
A: The goal of our squad is to become the elite group while also having fun. We aim to become as big as 30 members, and maybe even bigger. We hope to push the boundaries of what a Splatoon squad can offer, and create a well-rounded, lively community within our base.

Q: What if I have other questions?
A: If you have questions, either post it down below, comment on our thread, or contact our squad leader NeoStar to ask.
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