The Path to the Million!


Inkling Cadet
Jun 28, 2015
Hey guys! It's me Topaz! (Duh) and I came up with this cool idea on this show based on where objects compete against each other to win a million dollars! The objects go through tons of challenges until one rises at the top and wins the million dollars. The way they win is by getting the viewers to not vote for them. After each challenge, one person will be eliminated. The way a character is eliminated is when the viewers (aka you) vote. The person with the most votes are eliminated. Typing this now, I realize there are some object shows that are animated but I won't be copying their characters so don't worry. Now, like every other object show, animated or not, you can vote! In the beggining of the series, the objects are split into two teams till the final eight. The two teams goes through challenges and the losing team will have an object eliminated and therefore, lose the game.

I'm gonna make a straw poll and the choices will be all the losing teams characters. The character/object with the most votes will be eliminated from the series! We do this until the final two, where you just have to read on and find out who wins!

So now without further ado, this is The Path To The Million!

Joke book

And the host, Potion!

So now you know all the characters, let's get to Part one!

"What's poppin' people! Welcome to the Path to the million! I'm your host, Potion!
These are the contestants, the people who will try to get the million dollars! But remember, only one can get it!"

"Yea yea yea cut to the chase dum dum lets get to the challenge so I can destroy these chumps and take the million!"
Sword said with a big grin.

"Ok if you guys wanna so badly, but can I say my intro first? Ok. 14 contestants. 1,000,000 dollars. This is The Path to the Million!"

Potion guided the group to the arena. A volcano.

"What the? Why in the world are we standing on a Volcano?!" Pen said as he looked at the lave, scared.

"Because your gonna be on the side of the volcano! The challenge is to avoid the lava! Last two standing win team captain!
Potion said as everyone else gasped

"Well, according to my calculations, The temperature of this lava is over 200 degrees Fahrenheit! Very dangerous." Atom said nodding.

"We didn't ask for a science lessen nerd" Sword said as he kicked Atom into the lava.

"Oh yea by the way there are no rules other than no killing each other! But I have a respawn spell for that so don't worry!"

"Hey Pen, I say we make an Alliance so we have each other's back!" Marker said to Pen "Well, ok for now, but we are splitting up at the final four" Pen said and both objects shook hands.


"Duh yea uh I think not." Sword said as he kicked Wheelie into the Lava.

"I really don't care cuz I stand for Justice!" Flag said as he marched straight into the lava dropping sword and pen in too!

"Wow guys! The competition is really 'heating up' now! Hahahah! Get it? Heat? Lava? I'm hilarious!" Joke book said but to only find out he made only two people fall into the lava. Marker and and banana. "I never got a chance to taaaaaaaaaaaaalllllllllkkkkkkk" Banana said as he fell to his doom.

It was so hot Frame passed out, leaving sock kicking him into the volcano.

"Oh man, is it me or am I getting really steamed now? Get it?" Joke Book said as he walked into the lava too.

"Hmmm...maybe if I blend in as a boulder, people won't kick me in!" Boulder said as he shut his eyes and covered his mouth so he looks like and average big stone.

"Down to the final four! Chair cookie Boulder and Sap- nevermind" Potion said as Sapling jumped into the volcano.

"Final three! Only two can be team leader though!" Potion said.

"I'm over cooked! I'm so hot!!" Cookie said as he started to burn. He ran straight into chair, burning him and making them both run into the lava.

"I'm the last one!" Boulder said and jumped with joy

"Ok, since Cookie was the last one to die and Boulder is still alive, they are both team captains!" Potion said as he use the magic spell to revive everyone.

"Now think of your team names while I think of a challenge for the next part." Potion said as he walked off.

"Well" Boulder said," I'm gonna name my team, Team Iron! Cuz it sounds cool!"

"Mines team Sugar!" Cookie said.

"Ok I'm back. Now this randomized will pick your teammates for you."

(Two minutes later)

"Ok here are the members for team Iron!


And team Sugar!

Joke Book

Now, there's not voting for this part-neither team lost! But in part two there will! Which will come Thursday or Friday!

Any advice would be highly appreciated too!

Thanks for taking your time to read this! Hope you enjoyed it!

Which team do you think will win the next challenge? Post your thoughts in this thread!
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Inkling Cadet
Jun 28, 2015
Mods please forgive me for the double post.

Part two of The Path to the Million is here! I will make a straw poll so you can vote for anyone on the losing team! Only vote once. That's my only rule.

"Welcome back viewers! Once again, this is your host potion and this is part two!"

"Let's get to the challenge dweebs!" Sword said with a clutched fist

Pen whispered to Marker, "wow why is he saying that? Everyone knows the jerks get eliminated first!" "Mm hmmm gurl" Marker said nodding.

"Alright! Let's get to the challenge! Losing team of this challenge will be up for elimination! Good luck to Team Iron and Team Sugar!
Ok. The rules are-" "MIIINNNNTTTTEEEEDDD AAAAAAPPPLLLEEEESSSS" Wheelie yelled as there were a few moments of silence with everyone looking at him. "Ok challenge is a triathlon! Consisting of three challenges! First, you Run, then you drive, and then you get in a canoe and ride it to the finish line! I'll give each team a few minutes to decide three of their players to participate." Potion said

"Ok guys, this challenge is made for people who are quick. We have to pick people who are fast." Boulder said to his team and everyone nodded. "It has to be me losers! You don't know anything!" Sword said laughing "ok sword, if you really want to,you can do the canoeing part." Boulder said as he rolled his eyes. "I'll do the running part, since I can roll to the Next person, and Pen, you can do the driving part. Don't screw it up." Boulder said as everyone was ready.

Back at Team Sugar, Cookie said " Since this is a triathlon, I think Atom should participate becuase since he is so smart, he can plan out a strategy!" Everyone agreed. "Good! Looking at the challenge, I'd say I would be ideal for the canoeing. I know I good strategy to give me a larger boost" Atom said "Ok! I'll take the driving! I love driving!" Sapling said and everyone agreed to that too. "I think Flag can do the running, becuase he can use himself, combined with the wind, to sail to Sapling!" Atom said "wow that's a good idea! Flag your in!" Cookie said.

"Ok the participants will be from team Iron, Boulder, Pen and Sword in that order. In team Sugar, Flag, Sapling and Atom! Is everyone ready? Get set, on your mark, go!" Potion said as he blew a whistle.

Both Flag and Boulder ran off. Flag let himself relax as he let the wind carrying him to the end of the track. He high fives Sapling, and he started driving. By the time Boulder made it to the end, Sapling was halfway across the track. Pen went as fast as she can and eventually caught up to Sapling! Both high fives Sword and Atom respectively.

"You think I'm gonna lose to a nerd?" Sword said to Atom "yes! Yes you will with my new invention, The rocket rudder!" Atom said as he attached his new invention and went blasting off. "Get back here dum dum!" Sword said, then he had an idea. He jumped off his canoe to slice the tip of himself into Atom's canoe, only to find himself underwater becuase he fell! By the time he got back on his Canoe, Atom was at the finish line!

"Wow nice strategy Sword!" Everyone yelled at him "like you losers could do any better!" Sword said grunting.

"Looks like team Iron lost! Their team is up for elimination! Vote one person to be eliminated! Voting ends Tuesday or Wednesday, August 11 or 12! Cya viewers!" Potion said Here's the voting! Choose wisely!

Which person did you vote for and which person do you think will be eliminated? Post your answer!
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Inkling Cadet
Jun 28, 2015
Hey guys! It's me again back with part three!

Sword was sitting a a bench near the ocean, when Boulder showed up and sat next to him.
"Whadayya want from me loser?" Sword said, grumpy. "All I want is to help. You don't wanna be eliminated right? But the viewers see that your mean, so your probably gonna be eliminated realize that right?" Boulder said as Sword looked off in the distance, not making eye contact. "Yea but being a mean jerk face is my thing. I can't go through a day without being mean. I wanna let *** my rage out in a satisfying way, so I chose to be mean." Sword said with a grunt. "But your not gonna get the viewers to respect you that way, so I found out a good strategy you can use that will help us in a way, and you can still be mean but not let the viewers stab their vote on you!" Boulder exclaimed as he jumped.

Sword finally turned around to face Boulder. "Ok you got me interested. What's you idea slash strategy?"Sword said. "I call it being Niean. It's when-" "that's the most stupid name I had ever heard." Sword said, interrupting Boulder as he rolled his eyes. "Being Niean is being mean, but really being Nice to that person. For example, if Wheelie was near a cliff, going crazy as usual, he could instantly fall off that cliff and die. Now, if you walk up to him, you would say, Wheelie, what you doing is very dumb. You could get hurt. Please stop. Then he would stop and wouldn't die!" Boulder said as he awaited Sword's response. "Well...if it'll keep me in the game...yea sure why not. I'm off now. Cya loser!" Sword said walking off.

"Welcome everyone to our elimination area!" Potion exclaimed with glee " Today one of you will be eliminated! The contestant with the most votes will be eliminated from the show and will never come back. EVER." Potion said as the contestants were confused. " did we get-" "Ok let's show the votes! If you are not eliminated, you get a sponge!" Potion said interrupting Marker's question.

Ok. With zero votes...The two B's! Boulder and Banana are safe! Here's your sponges!" Potion said as Boulder and Banana fist pumped and said yes as they got their sponge. "Also with zero votes...Marker and Chair! Congratz!" Potion said tossing them their sponges. "Now it's down to Sword, Pen and Wheelie. Each of you got atleast one vote. Let's let our assistant here, TV, show the votes!" and the TV loaded the votes. The loading wasn't very quick...because Sword, Pen and Wheelie all got one vote!

Everyone gasped. "How are we gonna settle the tie?!" Boulder said "I would've said that if you didn't rudely interrupt me, but we are going to settle the tis by letting the rest of Team Iron vote! Just get into the voting box and pick a person! Viewers, if you want this to be a surprise, don't look at the Spoiler below." Potion said as each person except the three people who are not safe filed into the voting box.

Boulder: "I talked to Sword today and he might change. I vote for Pen cause she doesnt even care about the team! Besides...I think Wheelie is funny...
Banana: "..." (Banana can't talk so...) *holds up picture of Pen*
Chair: Well...Pen actually did something last part, Wheelie did nothing! I vote for him!"
Marker: "I would never vote for my friend Pen! I vote for Sword! He's mean!

"Ok! The votes are in! TV! Show the real votes!" Potion said as TV showed a Bar for Sword, Wheelie and Pen.

Sword's Bar stopped at number one. One person voted for him!
Wheelie's Bar stopped at One too!
Pen's bar stopped at two!

"Sorry Pen, with two votes, you are E-lim-Ina-Ted!" Potion said as Marker and Pen gasped.

"No Pency Pence! Don't go home now!" Marker said as Pen walked away, sad.
"What are you doing Pen? Get back here! Into the Machine!" Potion said "what? What machine?" Pen said "Into the Stoner Machine! Go! Now!" Potion said pointing to a Machine with a wide nuzzle at the beggining "It turns you into stone. Don't worry, you'll get your own podium and in case that stone spell wears off, I'm putting you in a plastic box, for display!" Potion said grinning.
"What makes you think I'm going there? I don't wanna be turned to-" Pen said as Sword kicked her into the nuzzle. You could hear her screaming."sssssssssstttttttttttooooooooooooonnnnnnnnneeeeee" as the machine fumbled and rumbled and Pen came out only as stone, grinning as he was sent into a plastic box. "Um how did you get Pen to grin? She was screaming when she went in." Boulder said as potion raises a hand. "Don't ask"

Ok today's challenge Oh yea a dodgeball contest! If your hit anywhere, you out! If you throw it to an opponent and they catch it, your out! The match will be team against team. Losing team will be up for elimination and if you run out of dodge balls or just don't feel like using one, throw anything round!

The teams were on the dodgeball field. "I'm an expert at dodgeball guys! Watch this! "Sword said as he threw two dodgeball so up in the air. With prescise aiming, the two dodgeball so hit Cookie and Sapling. Then the Dodgeballs bounced into the air again, hitting Joke Book and Flag.

"Wow that was a real hit in the park...haha! Get it?" Joke book said laughing as he walked of stage with Flag and ther others. It was down to Sock and Flag. Flag used sock as a cannon and launched Dodgeballs at the opposing team. They got everyone(even Sword!) except..."Wheelie? Seriously? This'll be easy!" Flag said as Sock agreed, Launching tons of Dodgeballs at him. Wheelie Hid his legs and rolled to dodge the inkoming attacks. "BITTER CARAMEL QOSMDCJVJRKFKVJGODWPQKDIRJGN" Wheelie screamed as he rammed into both Flag and Sock.

"Wheelie is round! Their out! Team Sugar is up for elimination!"
"Wow Wheelie! For once you were useful!" Everyone on Team Iron said as Wheelie responded with a "WOAISXJFJBJTJGNDKWKDJFEJCM" "it's ok team! Just hope and you won't be eliminated!" Cookie said trying to bring back hope. Here's the voting! Once again choose wisely! Part 4 will be on Sunday, August 18!

Who do you think will be eliminated this time? Post your thoughts below!
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Inkling Cadet
Jun 28, 2015
Hello everyone again! It's me back with part 4! Enjoy!

Flag was sitting near a river, sighing until Sapling walked in.
"What's up Flag? You seem sad. What's bothering ya?" Sapling said, concerned.
"We lost the challenge last time becuase of me. It's my fault. I shouldnt have underestimated Wheelie, and thanks to me our team is up for elimination!" Flag said with hand gestures.
Sapling walked closer to him. "Sometimes we make mistakes Flag, that's what makes us, well, us! We have to make mistakes in order to learn from them, sure the team may be mad at you, but you can totally make it up to them in the future! Then they'll see how awesome you really are!" Sapling said smiling

Flag nodded. "Yes I guess your right" he said in his British accent (he's British) "But you haven't told that to the rest of the team. What if they all vote for me if its a tie?" Flag said, once again, worried.
"Don't worry! They will understand, I know it. Don't be such a worryrat! Well worry about it when it's time to worry about it" Sapling said as he patted Flag on the back "Yea... Thanks Sap!" Flag said.

"Well ya better be worried now, cuz it's elimination time!" Potion said, dropping from above and dragging then to the elimination stadium.

"Welcome back contestants! As you know, your team is up for elimination! TV, show us the votes please!" Potion said to TV "as you wish sir!" TV said as he loaded the votes.

"With zero votes, Sapling and Atom! Oh yea, and the prizes are spoons!" Potion said, tossing them each a spoon.
"Also with zero votes, Joke Book and Frame! Here's your spoons!" Potion said, tossing them each a spoon, but Frome doesn't have any arms, so it just went through him.

"Cookie, Flag and Sock. Each of you got at least one vote, let's see who's eliminated this time!" Potion said as TV loaded the votes.

"Another three-way tie! Once again the other members from Team Sugar must vote between Cookie, Sock and Flag!" He said as everyone filed into the voting box again.

"Well, Flag and Sock managed to stay in while Cookie did nothing! I vote for him!" Sapling said
"Flags going too hard on himself. Im not voting for him.Im voting for Sock becuase he could've stopped Flag from shooting at wheelie!" Frame said.
"Well, I vote for Cookie becuase his loss was a big-" Joke book got interrupted becuase Atom butted in.
"No jokes please! Anyway, givin the circumstances, Cookie made no progress whatsoever, my votes on her."

"Ok! The votes are in! First, Flag, with no votes, you are safe!" Potion said as Flag breathed a sigh of relief
"Sock and Cookie, Your the final two. TV, votes please!" Potion said as TV showed to results.
"SOCK!!! With one vote your safe! Cookie, your eliminated! Into the Stoner!" Potion said, kicking her into the stoner. She came back out with a polite smile as a statue.

"Ok! The challenge is a...(to be continued)

Sorry for such a short part, but part two of two is coming Friday, August 21! No voti this part either. Thanks and cya latr!


Inkling Cadet
Jun 28, 2015
Forgive me friends! Didn't know it was Saturday already! Apologies for the late part but here it is!

...Simon says!" Potion said with glee. "This will work by me as Simon and I'll do one team at a time. I'll then do a few rounds for each team. At the end of the rounds, the team with the most people still in the game wins! Simple eh?" Potion said as he walked towards Team Iron. "Your up first Iron!" Potion said as everyone on Team Iron stood together in a neat line.

"Ok Team Iron. Potion says, Jump up three times!"
Everyone jumped three times.
"Potion says, Spin around three times!"
Everyone did as he said.
"Ha! Too easy!" Chair said.
"Shut up!" Potion said and after a few moments of silence he said, "Ha! I didn't say Potion says!" Potion said as he threw a piano at Chair, knocking him out.
"Potion says, Hold your breath for 20 minutes!"
"How are we supposed to do that?" Sword said as everyone else held their breath. Sword decided to go with it.
2mintes later...

Everyone took a breath
"YOUR ALL OUT" Potion said smiling
"How were we supposed to hold our breath for over 10 minutes?!" Boulder said as Potion just ignored him.

"Ok to Team Sugar! Potion says, take a big step backwards!"
Everyone did as he said
"Now talk like a British person!"
"Easy! I'm British!" Flag said, soon getting hit by a piano.
"Ugh, now someone get me more pianos!"
Everyone got one piano each
"...becuase I'm gonna throw them at you! YOUR ALL OUT" potion said while grabbing and throwing all pianos.

"The only way to settle this tie is a tiebreaker! Quick the first one to break this really-hard-to-break tie!
"I got this." Sword said as he sliced his blade part into the tie, ripping it."
Team Sugar is up for Elimination once again! Now all you viewers, please be sure to vote for a person off the show but please make the vote reasonable too! Don't just vote for one person! Ok? Ok.

That night...

Atom was taking a walk to make himself sleepy, when he saw something in the bushes. It was shaking back and forth, not stopping. When Atom was walking towards it....

"HEY, ATOM, FOR A PERSON MAKING SCIENCY STUFF, YOU SURE DO USE A LOT OF YOU!!! HAHA GET IT? CUZ UR AN ATOM!!!" Joke book yelled in his face. "You idiot!" Atom said as he looked in the bush only to see that there was nothing there. "The thing got away! It could've been something intriguing! Do you really have to drag yourself here in the middle of the night the to make a stupid pun? It isn't even funny!" Atom yelled.

"It might've not been, but dat reaction doe" Joke Book said, walking away. Here's the voting choose wisely! Next part will come August 26, a Tuesday I belive. Til then, Cya!

Anyway what do you think was in that bush? It's probably nothing right? RIGHT?

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