Thoughts about spawn camping?


Inkling Cadet
Jun 7, 2015
Fair enough, but I still think that the concept of spawn camping itself is not flawed.
spawn camping relies on the enemy making mistakes.

1) campees allow themselves to be distracted
2) campees don't pay attention to flank routes
3) campees don't have awareness of each other

in ranked you can kinda ignore them and go for the objective (or at least pretend you are to bait them, then hide and take them out), so it counts on the enemy abandoning the objective. SZ is more camp-friendly seeing as the playstyle is not far off from TW, but a patiently executed flank from a single member on the camped team can result in a zone reversal (dat punishment timer) and a wipe.

in TW it's easier, but it still relies on the enemy not working as a team. if the enemy is patient enough to wait til they're all/mostly alive and have a special or two going for them they can wipe the enemy out rather suddenly -- since only the last 30 seconds really matter as far as laid ink is concerned, the enemy team has ample opportunities to work out a reversal. in my case if i'm being camped, i like to tag slowly behind an obviously weak team member (who unknowingly becomes bait) and pop out at the enemies when they reveal themselves.


Inkster Jr.
Feb 25, 2017
Switch Friend Code
Hm, I must say, I do participate fully in it when the situation calls for it. I tend to let it go when there have been DCs in the other team; it is much nicer to study the inspiring adrenaline-induced strategies corned squids display.

Really hate it when it happens to myself; but more than once I've been able to assist in breaking free of it (though it still usually results in a loss). When I'm operating the .96 Gal Deco I just go for the kills as it has such greatly underestimated range, when I'm with my N-Zap, I spam point sensors in the hope my teammates will better finish them.

kunoichi squid

Inkling Cadet
Apr 23, 2015
I really think it shows poor sportsmanship to spawn camp no matter what side you're on; the winning side gains nothing more and the losing side can't gain anything. There should be some sort of way to come back and retaliate when you're that far behind; if you're on the winning side, great job, but now there's nothing more to do for the last however much is left in the match. Those are my thoughts.


Feb 27, 2017
I don't like it in or not in enemy's sife. When in enemy side,they always kill me, in team side,i don't make enough color points so i don't basically grow in the game.
Jan 8, 2016
Don't wanna sound mean or anything, just trying to keep it real.
But if you wanna get out of the sticky mess that is spawn camping, especially if, at some point, you wanna play with a slight amount of seriousness, the only thing to do is to git gud.

To stop sucking.

With all that bs going on in solo queue'ing many people are gonna take chances to step their game up when opportunity arises. And there is absolutely no excuses when your team tries to push out of the situation and that charger or other long range weapon that happens to be with you is not able to take care of the fellas at the other side trying to keep the spawn camp going.

At this point you guys would be better off making yourselves a group, throw in a private battle and apply your "honor code" oriented rules if you wanna enjoy your battles. But be wary of people that could be pretending to be honorable people only to proceed in brutally violating your rules all in the sake of maximising the salt mines.


Egyptian Goo God
Feb 23, 2016
Switch Friend Code
Don't wanna sound mean or anything, just trying to keep it real.
But if you wanna get out of the sticky mess that is spawn camping, especially if, at some point, you wanna play with a slight amount of seriousness, the only thing to do is to git gud.

To stop sucking.

With all that bs going on in solo queue'ing many people are gonna take chances to step their game up when opportunity arises. And there is absolutely no excuses when your team tries to push out of the situation and that charger or other long range weapon that happens to be with you is not able to take care of the fellas at the other side trying to keep the spawn camp going.

At this point you guys would be better off making yourselves a group, throw in a private battle and apply your "honor code" oriented rules if you wanna enjoy your battles. But be wary of people that could be pretending to be honorable people only to proceed in brutally violating your rules all in the sake of maximising the salt mines.
Yeah, no, you're being rude. Nonsense like "trying to keep it real" is a classic and fruitless method to try and hide that kind of rudeness.

Telling someone to stop sucking with no further commentary is never going to be the right thing to say. Yes, a lot of players suck, and spawn camps happen. Yes, a lot of players are pragmatic to the point of doing literally anything to win. But you aren't helping now with this, it won't help in the future, and you're certainly not inclined to help anyone given your mildly elitist attitude.

Who are the "you guys" you're talking about anyway? This seems to be directed at someone despite your responding to a thread that's been dead for two months.
Jan 8, 2016
stuck in the A ranks
It's clearly a problem
I... don't really think being stuck in the A's is synonymous to sucking?

Anyways, you talk about being mildly elitist, yet here you are denouncing someone only by it's rank.
You should go on ahead and call out every B and C ranks out there if it makes you feel better.

Who were the "you guys" you were thinking of anyways? This seems to be directed at players who won't even bother to play this game after the second one comes out in roughly two months.


Egyptian Goo God
Feb 23, 2016
Switch Friend Code
I... don't really think being stuck in the A's is synonymous to sucking?

Anyways, you talk about being mildly elitist, yet here you are denouncing someone only by it's rank.
You should go on ahead and call out every B and C ranks out there if it makes you feel better.

Who were the "you guys" you were thinking of anyways? This seems to be directed at players who won't even bother to play this game after the second one comes out in roughly two months.
You're telling others to stop sucking as some kind of inane troll while complaining in another thread about your teammates. Seemed appropriate. I'd say the same to players of any rank with your lousy attitude. That last line fails to make sense so let's just mutually ignore each other and be on our merry way.
Jan 8, 2016
That last line fails to make sense so let's just mutually ignore each other and be on our merry way.
OR, I could keep spouting my inane bull**** and you'd come back here saying that my wording, in which I fully explains my motivation to keep on going with this conversation, still don't make a sense to you.

Besides, yes, some people do suck, and that's that. Nothing to really do about it.

Im just really shocked that some dude gets really upset about





Neon the squid

Inkster Jr.
Sep 3, 2016
I do participate in Spawn Camping. But it is incredibly annoying for me when I am on the losing side. Really the only advice I guess you could try to get rid of spawn campers is ink up as much space as you can (while staying in spawn) then use your special. Inkzookas, Krakens, and Inkstrikes would be the best. Although I don't know if this would work since I haven't tried this out.

Sir Ngyes

Inkster Jr.
May 30, 2017
It's basically the team's biggest relief when a teammate chases out the spawn campers with a longer ranged weapon or special weapon. At least then, they still have a fighting chance. Spawn camping is a pretty cheap way to win, especially in maps that prevent any escape from it, but some people just can't help taking the opportunity to do so.


May 30, 2017
Louisiana, USA
I feel that spawn camping is bad -- even in Ranked Battle. I know, we're basically guaranteed a win, but I usually don't participate. I just feel bad for the other team. Sometimes, people will get so caught up in a game that they/we could be losing, but still just spawncamp and forget about the objective. (Turf and Ranked) I've had teammates do this plenty of times. I usually focus on the objective more than kills, because winning is more important than your K/D at the end of the game. But it IS ranked, and the objective point is mostly in the base of the other team, so sometimes it is necessary. But in turf war? No. Give the other team a chance. Spawn camping in turf war is completely useless, and should not happen. Nobody is gaining or losing anything, so I just stand there and go do something else while my poor team is getting continuously splatted. If my team is spawncamping, then I just go and do other things around the map to help my team win.
(I'm in S/S+ and this has been my strategy since the A ranks.)


Inkling Fleet Admiral
Apr 18, 2017
Switch Friend Code
Do I do it? Yes and no. Let me explain.

Lets say I've snuck into the enemy teams main turf area, where they spill out into after they spawn. No ones around so I start to ink it up since it can slow them down, and nab me a quick charge of my special. I see on the team indicator that someone on the enemy team was just splatted. Then another...and another, okay. Most of the team is about to spawn. So what do I do?

Ambush them.

If it succeeds, I ink their area some more and rush back to their spawn. Theyre aware of me now so they got some advantage. But if they cant take me out the 2nd time and I splat them again near the team, weither I ask for it or not, is likely to come over and pin the enemy team even more than I was planning to. So that can't be helped.

Now what I usualy do- after Ive taken out the pinned down team members 3 or so times- I back off. That's right. I dont have time to waste staying in a corner if ive already inked it. And it gives the enemy team a fighting chance. If MY team just happens to come over and keep them pinned down even after I've left, then thats their decision and not mine. I'm already off elsewhere inking the rest of the main turf thats been missed...or doing the objective in ranked. Whichever it be.

And if my team and I end up spawn camped...I'm usualy not worried- especially if im using a brush. I always manage a way to break out and escape, and distract a enemy or two as they try and chase me down.


Certified Nerd
May 20, 2016
Switch Friend Code
It's the worst thing when you're the one being camped. You literally can't move an inch without getting splatted by an persistent blaster or shooter. It's not very nice to do it to others, even if it does secure a win. Do us a favour, Let the other team play properly. It has happened to me a few times and it's pretty hard to push the campers away (especially if there's 3, the 4th would usually push the objective).


Inkling Cadet
Mar 8, 2017
Is it nice to do it to others?
is it fun being spawn camped?
no, but thats splatoon.
If you want to win, you really aren't going to give the enemy a advantage on purpose and give them a chance to win even though they screwed up, hell they might spawn camp on you for your mercy.
(well, except when playing with randoms that ragequit/troll, then you didn't screw up)
even more so on ranked, i`m not going to risk losing points when i could easely have a victory my and my team probably worked hard for.

when playing with friends or maybe a random turf war, i`d probably purposely give the team chance since its a match purely for fun or practice.
but not in ranked or other competitive scene.
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Luka Puka

Inkster Jr.
Aug 7, 2016
I just hope that I get a stage like Saltspray Rig or some other stage with an inaccessible spawn point if spawn camping happens to me often.

It doesn't really, though. Most of the time it's just on Blackbelly Skatepark, which makes complete sense, but I'm a strategic enough player (and many times my teammates) that I/we can push out of a spawn camp.

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