Wait, is someone lurking in the shadows? (Story about a superhero OC)


May 1, 2018
Octo Valley
Oh, it's the mysterious Octo Ninja! He fights crime in the shadows, he's the silent guardian of the innocent.

Everywhere there are criminals, he is there to use his trusty Splatana Wiper to take them out. No one knows his true identity, but he could very well be walking amongst you in broad daylight, ready to fight any troublemaker at a moment's notice, then disappear into the shadows once more, as if he was never there.

The news can't even get a good look at him, he's untraceable. Nevertheless, innocents revere him, and criminals fear him. He watches from the shadows, ready to stop any diabolical villains in their tracks, the only obvious path he leaves is for law enforcement to follow toward the unfortunate troublemaker who had an encounter with him.

Octo Ninja, the silent guardian of the innocents.
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