What is a "DoLittle Raid"?

Coasty 30

Jul 8, 2015
Have you been in the middle of s turf war and the other team successfully boxes your team in at a choak point. Now they've set up a kill box, aka "Splat" box and you and your team are getting no where and the clock is running down. Usually at this point barring a miracle victory is a distant memory, but that's when inkings get desperate. Then it happens one of your poor barnacles breaks out of the splat box and starts running into a sea of opposite color ink. The chances of wrenching a win from the jaws of defeat are next to nil, in fact all your doing is drawing a single line of defiance down the map that screams we didn't go down easy.

So this little and ultimately futile raid into the vast enemy territory "did little" except to make your opponent's victory less sweet and, the taste of defeat less bitter.

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