Which abilities do you think have become problematic in the meta right now?


Pro Squid
Apr 4, 2018
Switch Friend Code
Personally I think it's a combination of two right now. And those would be Special Charge Up and Respawn Punisher in my opinion. Now I know that's probably a controversial one, but I believe it. I'll start off with the first one, Special Charge Up. I know it's intended design was probably to help weapons that don't paint so well get their specials faster. But in practice it just seems to be primarily used to help meta weapons that have their special costs nerfed practically carry on as usual, defeating the entire purpose of the nerf and helping them keep their place in the meta pecking order. And the other one is Respawn Punisher. I know it was designed to counter Quick Respawn but that was ages go when QR was actually busted. I know a lot of people are going to disagree with me, but I'll ask anyway. What do you think?


Semi-Pro Squid
May 9, 2020
Switch Friend Code
I don't think any abilities are harming the game in any way currently. Even stuff as omnipresent as QR and SJ are, they allow for faster paced games, which In my opinion is a good thing.

it just seems to be primarily used to help meta weapons that have their special costs nerfed practically carry on as usual, defeating the entire purpose of the nerf and helping them keep their place in the meta pecking order.
Well the fact that these "meta weapons" are running special charge is a cost in it of itself because they're missing out on a potentially better ability instead. Besides special cost nerfs rarely affect weapon usage much unless it's a huge increase. As of now, there haven't been many large increases in Splat3.

And the other one is Respawn Punisher. I know it was designed to counter Quick Respawn but that was ages go when QR was actually busted.
I'm not sure what you mean by "when QR was actually busted." Because to me that means Splat1's QR. Y'know the one game that didn't have respawn punisher. Even still, weapons like E-liter use punisher more due to it fitting the weapon well and less to counter QR. (Although being able to nullify QR is a huge boon to the E-liter)

I think something to keep in mind is that gear often doesn't matter as much as people think it does. Your fundamental knowledge and mechanical skill is going to carry you father than any "meta-optimized build" ever could.


Pro Squid
Apr 4, 2018
Switch Friend Code
I don't think any abilities are harming the game in any way currently. Even stuff as omnipresent as QR and SJ are, they allow for faster paced games, which In my opinion is a good thing.

Well the fact that these "meta weapons" are running special charge is a cost in it of itself because they're missing out on a potentially better ability instead. Besides special cost nerfs rarely affect weapon usage much unless it's a huge increase. As of now, there haven't been many large increases in Splat3.

I'm not sure what you mean by "when QR was actually busted." Because to me that means Splat1's QR. Y'know the one game that didn't have respawn punisher. Even still, weapons like E-liter use punisher more due to it fitting the weapon well and less to counter QR. (Although being able to nullify QR is a huge boon to the E-liter)

I think something to keep in mind is that gear often doesn't matter as much as people think it does. Your fundamental knowledge and mechanical skill is going to carry you father than any "meta-optimized build" ever could.
I didn't realize that RP didn't exist in the first game, so my bad. However, the game that I'm talking about is Splatoon 3. What I mean by problematic abilities are ones like Damage Up and MPU. Although I doubt there will ever be another one that game breaking.
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