
Welcome to Squidboards!
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Hello Squids! Today we are excited to announce the (re)launch of Squidboards. Nearly a year ago, TheRapture launched a beta version of the site on free forum software. Over the last month we've been working on a big update to the site with new features and functionality through the Xenforo forum software. Several users on the previous version of Squidboards asked for features similar to Smashboards and we are excited to launch with very similar functionality. Before going further, the team behind the new-look Squidboards @AlphaZealot - As the owner of Squidboards and Smashboards, he'll mostly be handling the business end of things. Follow him on Twitter here. @TheRapture - General Manager of Squidboards, you know him as the man from the E3 Invitational and the voice of Splatoon. Follow him on Twitter here. TheRapture will be writing another article introducing himself and some of the endeavors to look forward to with the new site. @Warchamp7 - Head admin of Squidboards and...
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