I'm going to rant about Recycled brella, and you can't stop me


Inkling Commander
Jan 30, 2024
Switch Friend Code
I apologize in advance

I chatted about the recycled brella with isaac4 for a bit yesterday and I couldn't stop thinking about it since, so there you go.
Look, I need to set the stage here, so I'm going full ao3 mode and yes, I am losing my mind why are you asking?


It's the last shift of the week, and you're closing up shop at the local cafe you've been working in for a month, finally looking forward to some well-earned rest. Suddenly, the door bell rings, and an odd-looking young man walks in. Wasn't the front door closed? It must have slipped your mind...

"Good evening sir, we were about to close down, but can I help you with something?"

The customer simply stares at you, bags under his eyes, seemingly lost in thought. Getting a closer look at the odd fellow, you notice he's wearing a cartoon squid badge on his shirt. Isn't it from the kids game that released a year or two ago? You recall seeing these icons in the video game you gifted your nephew last christmas, before he shamelessly sold it second-hand to go back to playing Fortnite. The *******...

"... the Recycled Brella 24 Mk I?" mumbles the customer.

"Excuse me, I didn't quite catch t-"

"Have you played the Recycled Brella 24 Mk I?", he repeats, nonchalantly.

"What's that?"

"Good, I need to talk to you." Is he even listening? "I've been playing this weapon for an entire month, and I've finally realized my problem with it! This weapon has a fundamental design problem. Nintendo gave it a shot and a shield that want to do completely different things, the shots deal good damage at a distance thanks to the tight shot spread, but they don't paint well and are extremely precise: you get very little leniency with your aim, so you should be playing to outrange your opponents and staying at a safe distance. Meanwhile, your shield is small, launches very fast, moves quickly, and paints very well, while having low HP. It's like having a juiced up curling bomb, it's a great movement tool! See my problem?"


"Exactly! this weapon's design doesn't make sense! Your shots have no shot spread, meaning if you use your shield aggressively and close the distance with the opponents, you have to hit a ridiculously precise shot, not once, but twice! Since this weapon deals 90 damage max, your kill time isn't that good, and it's extremely easy to miss your shots, compared to something like a trislosher or an octobrush. Something like tent can actually play aggressively and shark with its shield, because of its one shot! And it has actual shot spread, meaning you have some leniency with your aim, unlike recycled. So if it can't play aggressively, maybe it's meant to play more as a midline? Well, its damage can be solid, but you have about the same range as a 52. gal, and your paint is simply awful, I've seen range blasters painting more than I did! So when playing passively, you're just not a very threatening weapon: your shots need to be extremely precise, and if you're even slightly off with your aim, you become a 3-shot, which is awful at this range. So this weapon is extremely easy to rush down...

'But then just use your shield!' I hear you say, but your shield only has 100 HP, which means most weapons can shred it before the half a second it takes to launch it, and if it's shredded then, you get stunned, unable to shoot for a bit, and essentially insta lose; and even if it launches, it goes so fast and is so tiny that it's incredibly ignorable, you can simply walk sideways and resume the fight like the shield was never there! A midrange brella needs a shield to stall for itself, to give it the time and safety it needs to hit its shots, like the tent has. This shield does the exact opposite, it's a very light stalling tool at best, and if you decide to follow it, you better hope your opponent will be polite enough to stand in place for you to hit both your shots!

This weapon has an identity crisis, and I think that's the reason why I'm still struggling to figure out its playstyle after all this time. It's simply because nintendo didn't plan one. It can play at a longer range, or go in like a roller, but it's bad at both of these. Which means that no matter what you do, you never feel like you're playing it correctly, because there is simply no way to play it correctly in its current state. Every other brella, heck, every other weapon in the game, feels like it was designed around a particular playstyle: even undercover, as weak as it is, is designed around around being able to paint well in unsafe area thanks to its shield, and being able to slowly chip away at your enemies' resources. It's not great at it, but it feels purposefully designed around doing this particular thing during the game. Every stat it has is balanced around that fact.

For recycled, it feels like nintendo was tired of hearing fans complaining about 90 damage brella getting nerfed, so they decided the new one would deal 90 damage, but then proceeded to decide every other stat on a dice roll:

'-Its range?
-Oh, it's going to have solid range, more than splat brella!
-The shield's size?
-Tiny, we can't give it a bigger shield
-The shield launch?
-It's going to launch in... half a second! Perfect!
-The shield's speed?
-Mach speed, it's going to bolt away from you instantly
-The shot spread?
-You know what, tiny! It's going to be like squiffer
-The fire rate?
-Slower than splat brella
-The paint?
-Ridiculously bad, it's going to be a tiny straight line
-The shield's paint?
-Amazing, this thing is going to cap zones!
-The HP?
-... What?
-Well, it launches its shield all the time, so it's essentially 200 HP, it's going to play like tent
-Doesn't the shield go very fast though?
-Does it? Well, it can always follow it like tent
-But it can't one shot...
-It's 90 damage brella the fans want, so just give them the damn thing already!'

I could go on, but you get my point, it feels like a nonsensical mish-mash of ideas in its design. It's almost like nintendo designed it out of spite for all the fans begging for 90 damage brella to come back, but they didn't understand that the thing the fans missed was having a brella that consistently 2-shots if you aim well, not just a brella that deals 90 damage for the sake of it.

I'm mostly just so disappointed that I was waiting for a cool new brella to come out for years at this point, but what we got was this... meme of a weapon that just doesn't have a consistent identity. Like there's so many potential concepts they could have done but nintendo went with a squiffer that two shots and has a shield that's allergic to your presence. I hope I don't come off as overly negative because I really was excited for it, and I gave it a solid shot, but this weapon just feels like a mess to play, you never feel like you're doing the right thing when playing it, and now, there are times when I just don't get what I'm supposed to do except get god aim and hit all my shots, which like, yeah skill issue or whatever, but it's ridiculously hard and not rewarding enough for it. Honestly, this weapon could be removed from the game, and I don't think I'd miss it.

Oh, and I haven't even talked about the kit yet! It has-"


"What are you..." Taken aback, the chatty customer looks at the broom you just shoved in his hand.

"I trust you can do some cleaning? Oh, and please never come back."

"Hey, hey wait a min-"

But his complaints grow more and more distant as you close the front door, ready to start the weekend earlier than expected.


I feel like this customer rambling about this random weapon right now, so at least I hope I was entertaining!


Inkling Commander
Jan 30, 2024
Switch Friend Code
And in case I need to justify my credibility or whatever, I have only played this weapon for the entirety of march, got 189 wins on it, and got a peak or 2480 X power in zones (Ttek division) with it, so I have been on a recycled brella brainrot this last month, though I think I'll stop playing it now.

And I'll give my thoughts on the kit quickly, I like it because it's synergystic and makes sense with the weapon, even if it's not great balance wise. If I liked the main weapon more, I wouldn't mind the kit at all, but it certainly isn't enough to carry the weapon, which I don't even know if any kit could

I know this was a bit long, but I had a lot to get off my chest, consider this my weapon review!


Inkling Commander
Jan 31, 2024
Marooner’s Bay
Switch Friend Code
You are correct.
I would like to take a moment to talk about the Riptide Brella.
"What is the Riptide Brella," you ask? It's an old main weapon concept I came up with, probably last year at this point, and it ended up being strikingly similar to the Recycle Brella. Weak shield that launches and travels quickly. Same paper canopy. Same effective range. You could practically call it a correct prediction; funny enough, I've even accidentally called the Recycle Brella "Riptide" before. I'm not here to gloat about having the same idea as the developers, though. I'm here to explain why my idea was better.

The Riptide Brella is distinct from the Recycle Brella in one key area; it didn't use its canopy as a shield, it used it as a projectile. My idea was for the shield to travel at incredible speed, matching a blaster shot. More importantly, the shield did 80 contact damage. (It was also perfectly circular and spun when launched, but I think we can leave that part out of a Recycle Brella rework.)

Anyway, it'd be cool if they made the launched shield more threatening rather than mundanely making it tougher.


Inkling Cadet
Jan 30, 2024
Stardew valley
I apologize in advance
no need to apologize this is peak story telling

What really bothers me about this weapon is that just this weapons existence makes buffing Splat brella harder
Buffing Splat brellas damage/shot spread are both now much harder to do without stepping on Bambrellas toes
and the same goes in reverse! they could make Bambrellas shield be held out for longer but then that would step on Splat brellas toes its a lose-lose situation

Not saying its impossible to buff these guns now but its unnecessarily harder now with Bambrellas inclusion


Inkling Commander
Jan 30, 2024
Switch Friend Code
The Riptide Brella is distinct from the Recycle Brella in one key area; it didn't use its canopy as a shield, it used it as a projectile. My idea was for the shield to travel at incredible speed, matching a blaster shot. More importantly, the shield did 80 contact damage. (It was also perfectly circular and spun when launched, but I think we can leave that part out of a Recycle Brella rework.)

Anyway, it'd be cool if they made the launched shield more threatening rather than mundanely making it tougher.
That's a pretty cool concept, I like the idea of making a bullet hell esque weapon where you can shred the projectile if you can't dodge it, though it'd probably need a slightly larger shield to not be too dodgeable, also make the shield look like a wave, that'd look so cool.
And riptide brella is the sickest name I've ever heard, so bonus points for that

no need to apologize this is peak story telling
None of you are ready for the shipping material in chapter 2 just you wait haha
What really bothers me about this weapon is that just this weapons existence makes buffing Splat brella harder
Buffing Splat brellas damage/shot spread are both now much harder to do without stepping on Bambrellas toes
and the same goes in reverse! they could make Bambrellas shield be held out for longer but then that would step on Splat brellas toes its a lose-lose situation

Not saying its impossible to buff these guns now but its unnecessarily harder now with Bambrellas inclusion
Yeah they kind of step on each other's toes now, so I've basically given up on 90 damage brella ever returning, but my hope is that they buff splat brellas paint: make it able to actually paint the map pretty well, since it can't fight that much, that way it'd be a better all-rounder weapon and it could even fit better in comps since I think the kit can enable some weapons, with a lethal bomb + entry tool


Inkling Commander
Jan 31, 2024
Marooner’s Bay
Switch Friend Code
Yeah they kind of step on each other's toes now, so I've basically given up on 90 damage brella ever returning, but my hope is that they buff splat brellas paint: make it able to actually paint the map pretty well, since it can't fight that much, that way it'd be a better all-rounder weapon and it could even fit better in comps since I think the kit can enable some weapons, with a lethal bomb + entry tool
I had that same thought. It already has one supportive kit (kind of) and can shield for teammates, leaning into that aspect with more paint seems like a good direction for the weapon now that the Hypoallergenic All-Organic Environmentally-Friendly Vegan Brella exists.


Inkling Commander
Jan 30, 2024
Switch Friend Code
I had that same thought. It already has one supportive kit (kind of) and can shield for teammates, leaning into that aspect with more paint seems like a good direction for the weapon now that the Hypoallergenic All-Organic Environmentally-Friendly Vegan Brella exists.

I unironically love how recycled is actually an eco-friendly weapon, that's the cutest detail

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