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Forge Splattershot Pro

The meme is real. Superman 64 out of ten.
Is this a joke? Are you having a chuckle?

What a waste of everyone's time.
I didn't have what it took to use the Forge so I followed the guide and left. There was such a big significance in my skill with the Forge so I went into my inner kindness (had to dig real deep for this) and gave it a 1 star instead of giving it a 0.1. Great job!
It's so good, that when I entered six stars, there was an overflow in the bits, and it wrapped to one.
I can't give it half a star, unfortunately.
Is this some kinda sick joke?
Rofl. This guide is hilarious.
So funny.We really needed this guide.Thx.
Where is the guide?
Basically the best guide I've ever seen. So much detail. You covered anything anyone could possibly need to know about this weapon for each and every game mode. I would give this 6 stars, but it seems like the highest is 5, so I'll just pretend that the white stars are worth one, and a gold star is worth 2, and now this guide has an amazing 6 star rating!!!
Unfinished and 3 sentences long, try for a full guide or no guide next time :]
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