Splattershot Jr. Analysis

Splattershot Jr. Analysis

The Splattershot Jr. is a fairly well balanced weapon, that is used by both novices and professionals. This guide will explain the pros and cons of this weapon, and will also include a few tips and gear setups for each competitive game mode. I'm clueless as far as turf war goes. :S

The Main Weapon:

Continuous shooting time: 16 seconds
Damage output: 28.0
Spread range (Width x Length): 15 dashes x 3 lines
Max range for damage: 10 dashes x 2 lines

With low ink consumption, a wide spread and a good rate of fire, this weapon is great at covering the ground around you. This allows for great map control to halt your opponents' movements. Your mobility while firing this weapon is really good, allowing for quick movements to cover ground, or for you to maneuver better while in a firefight against other weapons.

This weapon's wide spread is one of its downfalls. At maximum range, the Splattershot Jr.'s shots deviate by about 10 line dashes (approximately 3 Inklings wide). This means that if you try to stay a safe distance away from your opponent during a firefight, there is no guarantee that you will get enough shots off for a splat. This weapon's range is also very short. The damage output on this weapon is fairly low, sporting 28.0 damage per shot. While this weapon spreads about 3 lines in front of you, you can only hit enemies that are 2 lines or closer to you, making getting in close a challenge for this weapon.

The Vanilla Splattershot Jr.:
This version of the Splattershot Jr. has splat bombs as its sub weapon, and the bubbler as its special. You can shoot for about 5 continuous seconds immediately after throwing a splat bomb (Without ink saver abilities.)

SPLAT BOMBS::splatbomb:
These bombs explode after being on the ground for a short amount of time. If an opponent is caught in the explosion, they will get splatted immediately. Without any bomb range abilities, this bomb can be lobbed up to a distance of 3 lines. To make this bomb explode more quickly, you can roll it across the ground instead of lobbing it. This bomb can be bounced off of walls.

This special grants you a small amount of time in which you are invincible.This is useful when you are greeted with a sticky situation that you want to get out of. A bubbler can be shared with teammates by getting close to them. Your movements are still slowed by standing in enemy ink, however, you will not take damage. However, while you have the bubbler activated, you will be shoved around by enemy fire more than usual, and your hitbox is increased. This makes using the bubbler risky when used next to an unprotected ledge, such as the center of Arowana Mall.

This Special requires a minimum of 180p turf covered by the user to be activated, and cannot be charged up while in use.

This version of the Splattershot Jr. is definitely geared more towards aggressive players. The amazing rate of fire on this weapon paired up with a 4 shot splat makes for quick kills. The splat bomb allows for the Splattershot Jr. to get enemies outside of its normal range, and the bubbler allows the user to get in close and pressure enemies with ease. The bubbler can also be used when a difficult situation appears, such as when a dynamo roller about to slam down. However, playing passively is also an important part of succeeding with this weapon. This weapon has the ability to cover the ground around you very quickly, which will put the opposing team at a great disadvantage, so take every opportunity to cover a lot of ground, and get up that special in the process!

  • Try to avoid getting into a skirmish with a longer ranged shooter. Clever use of your bomb can splat them or disrupt their objective.
  • If you see a charger, it is probably best not to get up close and personal, unless you are behind them. Throw a bomb, so that they either get splatted, or force them off of their position, leaving them open for an attack.
  • If you feel the need to challenge anyone with a Splatling, try to pounce right when they start recharging. (Be extra careful around Mini Splatlings, as their charge time is very fast.)
  • Rollers are the easiest weapons to deal with as a Splattershot Jr.. Only Dynamo rollers are able to outrange you with their 1-hit splat potential. If a roller gets too close, shoot 'em down!
The Custom Splattershot Jr.:
This version of the Splattershot Jr. has the disruptor as its sub weapon, and the echolocator for its special. You can shoot for about 8 continuous seconds after throwing a disruptor. (Without Ink saver abilities.)

This sub weapon does not splat enemies. Rather, it slows down your enemy drastically upon contact. Their running speed is slowed down, their swim speed is demoted to a crawl, their jumps become super low, and their ink recovery is extremely slow. This sub weapon is great for if someone were to make an offensive push, as they will be forced to either super jump away, or fight with a great disadvantage. Without any bomb range abilities, this bomb can be thrown up to 3 lines in front of you.

This special is very team friendly, as your entire team benefits from this special upon activation. When this special is activated, a ring appears around an opponent, along with a line that leads from the user and their teammates to the ring, allowing the user to see if anyone is behind them. The entire team of the user sees the locations of the opponents. However, the opposing team can see the ring around them, so that they know that they are being tracked. This special can be shortened if the opponent has the ability "Cold-Blooded".

This special requires a minimum of 200p turf covered by the user to be activated, and can be recharged while in use.

The Custom Splattershot Jr. is not meant to be an offensive weapon. Rather, this weapon is for support. You can use your disruptor on an enemy that is challenging you, making both fight and flight very viable options. This weapon can cover the ground at an amazing speed, disallowing the enemy to advance too quickly, and filling up your special gauge. You will probably get up your special a lot, which can be extremely useful. The Echolocator is one of two specials that doesn't disrupt what you are currently doing for a split second, so you can use this as an instant refill, and a way to know your opponents' locations! You may not be able to get many splats during a game, though.

  • You can assist your teammates to get splats. If you see a teammate having a fight with an opponent, throw a disruptor! This will put your opponent at an immediate disadvantage. If your teammate gets splatted anyway, you can attack safely, as your opponent is probably very weak, and still disrupted.
  • If you are sneaky enough, (and careful enough) and manage to get onto the enemy side of the field, cover up as much of their color as possible! This forces anyone on the enemy team to take a little extra time to get back into the game, possibly allowing your team the advantage. (Just be careful of longer ranged weapons spotting you!)
  • Disruptors can easily ruin an E-Liter's day, as its ink consumption requires for it to recharge often. The longer it takes for an E-Liter to recharge, the safer your team is!
  • Check your map often. You can see how an enemy might be approaching by the way the ink moves on the map.
Gear Setups for each weapon in each game mode:


All Game Modes:
  • Ink resistance up.:ability_inkresistance: Since you will be running around, trying to cover up enemy turf, it would be horrible if you got sneak attacked while you were covered in tons of enemy ink.
  • Special Saver.:ability_specialsaver: If you screw up and get splatted while you have a bubble, it can be devastating. This effect can be lessened with this ability.
  • Swim Speed Up.:ability_swimspeed: As this weapon, you will want to be as mobile as possible. you can flee from a dangerous challenge, and you can get over to enemy turf as quickly as possible to mess up their possible plans.
Tower Control:
  • Special duration up. :ability_specialduration: I find this to be a more effective than special charge up on this weapon for tower control. The Splattershot Jr. already gets its special up so quickly, that for offensive purposes, it's not necessary. However, if you are going to be stacking a ton of this ability, I would recommend bubbling on the tower whenever threatened. This allows for an amazingly long push, and possibly an opportunity to flee if things don't quite go your way.
  • Bomb Range Up.:ability_bombrange: This allows for you to throw a bomb onto the tower from a much safer distance than normal. Better safe than sorry!
  • Bomb Range Up.:ability_bombrange: Being a safe distance from the Rainmaker Shield is paramount, yet you may still want to help out. This ability will allow for that strategy.
  • Ink Saver (Sub).:ability_inksaversub: You may be using your bombs a lot in an attempt to splat the Rainmaker, and this ability will lessen the amount of time necessary to charge after throwing a bomb.
  • Ink Recovery Up.:ability_inkrecovery: This goes hand-in-hand with the Ink Saver abilities.
Splat Zones:
  • Defense Up.:ability_defenseup: You will be forced to get up close and personal a lot in this mode. One shot can make the difference between life and death!
  • Ink Saver (Both).:ability_inksavermain::ability_inksaversub: You will be running around, shooting ink, and throwing bombs a lot in this mode. While you use very little ink with this weapon, your supply is not unlimited.

You will be playing very similarly in all game modes, so I will just mention abilities that work in all game modes.

  • Bomb Range Up.:ability_bombrange: Your disruptors can be thrown from further away than normal. Allowing for more time to run away, or a better distance to help your teammates with.
  • Special Charge Up.:ability_specialcharge: While it's not exactly necessary, it's still nice to almost always have an Echolocator ready, to figure out enemy locations.
  • Special Saver.:ability_specialsaver: This isn't needed if you have a lot of Special Charge up, and vice-versa. However, if you get spotted and splatted, you won't suffer nearly as much.
  • Cold-Blooded.:ability_coldblooded: Since you want to play stealthily, a point sensor, haunt, or Echolocator can ruin your plans. You want to stay out of your opponents' radar as possible.
  • Recon.:ability_recon: You almost always want to know where the enemy team is, to help out your teammates to the best of your ability. If you stand on your spawn point, you can see where your opponents are, and what they are holding on your gamepad's minimap. This ability cannot be run alongside haunt, and vice versa.
For Both Weapons:


  • Strength Up.:ability_damage: You will splat most enemies in 4 hits, unless they have 3 defense up mains. If you are afraid that you will run into people with 3 defense ups, two subs of damage up will do the trick.
Alright guys, I hope that this guide was helpful for those looking to be able to use these very... interesting weapons in ranked battles. Please tell me what you liked about my analysis/tips, what you hated about it, and any suggestions you have for this or future analyses. I am up for requests on weapons, so ask away if you want more of this!
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This guide was great. I loved how you put different abilities for different ranked modes. The junior is my most inked weapon, and it's always nice to learn a few more things occasionally about this powerhouse.
This is great you covered most of the overall problems and ways to deal with them.
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