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  • aeieu aeieu aeieu brbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrb john madden john madden UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU
    No matter where I go, no matter who I meet, no matter what I try to talk about, it always ends up being about Overwatch doesn't it?
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    Reactions: Danku
    i havent played the game seriously in such a long time, lol. Splatoon 2 has totally taken me away.
    Mr. Squiggly Squid
    Mr. Squiggly Squid
    I mean, I don't have anything against Overwatch, It's a really good game. I'm just so bored with it because it's always the same maps and modes over and over. Competitive is an OK time waster, but there's no real incentive to play it other than the golden guns (which are lame). Plus the saltiness really knows how to get to me when I play it, maybe it's some of the characters? I dunno.
    Mr. Squiggly Squid
    Mr. Squiggly Squid
    But I do like the idea of giving Marina the doomfist!
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