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  • Autism comes with many joys (Stayed up late drawing some of my Splatoon OCs and having a great time) and many horrors (Stayed up VERY late.) Waking up to the sounds of my sister being asked if lunch is almost done being prepared is... never a good sign
    I beat a Triumvirate! I'm mainly grinding for scales currently (800 bronze a piece for the Octoleet gear was made to hurt me specifically), but I am VERY glad to have gotten that for that sweet sweet badge!
    Ohh good job! I got four of them but I haven't beaten them yet. The horror
    The horror indeed. Not gonna lie I am GENUINELY shocked I managed to even get the one I did (Especially given that I wasn't even participating in the final few seconds, I died to Joe lol. My death cam was still in the sky when my team got the win), but I'm both VERY happy that I did, and also NOT AT ALL expecting to get another LOL
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    Any of y'all gonna be on Artfight this year? I'm prepping for it now since it's a month away, and would love to follow anyone here if I'm not already lol
    I am! My user on there is 2bdamned. I didn't get to do much last year since I was travelling but I'm hoping to attack people back from 2023 and get some new people!
    i’ve done it once, back in 2022, and i’d like to do it again but i struggle so bad with making reference sheets…

    i’m sevenleaf on there (and i see you already found me lol), but no promises i’ll participate this year
    Hehe yeah my finding you was what prompted me asking here, stumbling onto your account made me figure I ought to actually ask everyone instead of just catching the occasional "Oh hey, I recognize you!" I hope you participate, but no worries if you don't, s'all about fun after all!
    Forgot to post my find from the final day of the con! Well, less "find" more "I'd been eyeing it the entire con and finally decided I HAD to get it", but I bought the Hero Shot zine! I hadn't the money to buy a copy of the zine when it first went up for sale, I thought I'd just never get one! However, the organizer for it was AT the con selling copies! As a fun touch, it was wrapped in an in-universe newspaper too!
    Todays lucky con find was the recolor Inkling boy amiibo! I don't have the recolor amiibos on my list for things I wanted to collect, but the price was ABSOLUTELY less than I was anticipating, so I picked it up! Got tons of other squid things too, to the extent I got stopped by several people JUST to compliment the sheer amount of Splatoon items I had on me!
    Attended a convention today! Not only did I buy an absurd amount of Splatoon charms (To which every vendor I bought from complimented my various Splatoon pins and charms I already had!), but I even found the Holy Grail. A sealed copy of the Splatoon 3 artbook!
    A moment of mourning for my Clams X power please. First two games were disconnects because of my sisters wifi. Third was just a plain old regular loss. I haven't played Clams X this season so this is for my initial X power. RIP </3
    My series is over, and my total was: 1 win, 2 legitimate loses, and 7 (seven) disconnects when counting lobby DCs. Wonderful !

    hey I hope you had fun at least :')
    Honestly all jokes aside, as frustrating as it was to have so many DCs and losses even when I didn't, it was NOT the worst Clams matches of my life lol. I normally NEVER play Mincemeat Clams because I hate that combo so much, but it wasn't as bad as it has been in the past
    Today, my nephew stood at my door waiting for me to get up ENTIRELY because he wanted to play Splatoon. I got up and first thing I hear is him asking if he's allowed to play Splatoon now LOL
    I guess my 4 year old nephew gets to play Splat2 at the library, because ever since I've been here he's been BEGGING me to play Splat3. Learn the way of the squits, boy
    Finally got stable enough connection to play some Splatoon! Not much, but I was able to play some Eggstra Work in the final rotation it was available. Can't WAIT until I'm back home and can play daily again
    I'm out of town right now and y'all would not believe how much self restraint I had to have to not bring exclusively my Splatoon shirts and nothing else. [Guy who always has Splatoon memorabilia with them] But how will people know I like Splatoon otherwise?
    Just finished my final palette for hackless Side Order runs! By FAR the hardest was Splatling, and the easiest was Octo Shot. If there's a chip tierlist already out there I think I'll fill mine out for what chips I feel work best lol (Spoiler warning: Top place is GONNA be Mobile Special Charge). All that's left for me is a Drone only run!
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    Mobile Special Charge appreciation post✨

    And lucky bomb drop HAS to be top tier right? Once you get a few of them it's insaneee
    Oh ABSOLUTELY, Lucky Bomb Drop was a LARGE part of the reason I was even able to BEAT Splatling in the first place, I had managed to max it out over the course of my run and it was SO vital in keeping me out of large swarms
    mobile special charge and lucky bomb drop are probably the most op chips in this game (that aren't weapon-specific... looking at you, charger...)
    Got thrown into a match against a streamer just now and managed to win! I thought it was an imposter at first until I tracked down their stream and yeah that's legit. Not the first time I've gotten matched against them even, but last time my team DC'd and the literal last moment in the game was my death LMAO
    what stream was it?
    Cephalorock's stream! Last time I ended up on stream with them it was with a bunch of other Splatoon artists + content creators, this time it was just them and their audience, and NEITHER times was I even aware they were streaming or trying to get matched, sheer coincidence that it happened. Very fun tho, friend found when my game happened, you can see me hesitate after splatting them so I can take a screenshot LOL
    heh, really wish I was in it I rarely play anymore due to getting grounded each week
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