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  • Hey Kbot! I applied for membership to the Midwest group but I'm not sure how this all works. I've been playing for a couple of years, I keep an A/A- rank and I'd love to join a group. Never played in a group before, but I have discord and I'm ready!
    In all honesty, I'm not 100% sure if that group is even active anymore. It also isn't quite a formal clan, more so just a collective of people. If you're looking for a competitive clan, you can head over to the Squid Locator Forum!
    Awesome!! That's a huge help, thanks so much!
    We are hyping up InkCage right now. Oh, did I mention LUTI's going on?
    heard you needed a sniper?
    Actually, as one of my ex-members was trying to tell you, IU was disbanded. So not anymore. Sorry :/
    Looking to get Inkopolis Underground into more tourneys and SCL matches soon.
    I hope you're doing well as a co-leader of IU! :). If you're too busy, you can always appoint another co-leader or two. Just ask NeoStar for a request to bump someone up into a co-leader position.
    Oh boy am I trying. Thanks for the check-in. I'm trying to think of who to appoint though, so that's a thing :P Also, I'd like to pick your brain about one more thing. Check your Skype please :)
    Leaving Sunday-Thursday, no computer. Can't wait to come home and look through 20 threads to play catch up.
    Time to write a new chapter in this History of Nintendo. Let's move forward.
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