Aquamarines - Splatoon Fanfiction


Inkling Commander
Jul 5, 2015
Canada, ON
Hello! Welcome to my first ever fanfiction! I have no idea why I'm using exclamation marks!
If you guys have any constructive critique, feel free to post.

Shen woke with a gasp, his X-marked hand reaching instinctively to protect his face. Looking around the room in a panic, he let out a sigh. He was in his Octarian Laboratory located near Octo Valley. Getting up from his bed, he went to the washroom, and stared into the mirror. A grim reflection glared back, he bent towards the mirror, investigating the scar that marred his face. It was a steam burn that he gained back in the Great Turf War.

“I wish I never created that Weapon...”

He tried to transform into an Octopus, only thing he accomplished was achieve searing pain. Shocking him back into his Humanoid form, he tumbled into the tub, hurting his back in the process. He clambered up from the tub. Leaving the washroom into his large bedroom, he put on a set of new lab clothes, it had a dark fuchsia Octopus with an ‘X’ marking on the chest. It signaled that he was an Octoweapon Pilot of Old, not that his ‘X’ scarred hand didn’t announce it for him, it would’ve been a sign calling for respect... if it weren’t for a certain DJ.

He opened the door and walked out of his room... right until the door slammed back on him, getting up while groaning; he reopened the door and found a dazed Octoling. It was his lively apprentice Wayna, holding a metal box. She was rubbing her head, her face looked slightly flattened. She had the same exact outfit as Shen, although it was lacking the ‘X’ marked Octopus, instead a Reaver-Bot was shown glaring at the person she was facing with its gleaming purple eye.

“Oh, hello Shen, ow...” her voice was slightly nasal, probably a byproduct of her flattened face. “How has your day been so far? Mine was good, at least until I got my face remixed.”

“Mine has been wonderful, than you had to sprint into my door. What is inside that box you have there?” He pointed to the metal box Wayna cradled in her hands.

“This? Oh it’s just a side-project I was working on. It’s a prototype of the chemical water we made for the Manifold-Bots. I dubbed it Melta-Water! Pretty cool huh?” She proudly stated, giving a beaming smile. That had a chipped fang.

“Is that so? I want to see it.” Shen asked.

“Oh you can’t, it’s highly reactive and will boil in contact to air. It has capabilities of reaching 356.7 Celsius in just a few seconds.” She warned, backing away quickly as if scared.

“Well than, show it to me later.” He snapped.

“Will do!” Wayna quickly ran off. Shen promptly shook his head. “Kids never learn...”

Wayna let out a breath of relief. She quickly ran to a storage room, it was dimly lit. Most of the lab’s maintenance were done by cleaning bots, which bore a resemblance to a horseshoe crab. Setting her box down, she walked into one of the dark corners. Then she began pushing a heavy metal crate, after 10 minutes of backbreaking effort. She finally got it near the light, Wayna entered in a code on the crate. It opened, folding onto their respective sides. It revealed a curled up Reaver-Bot, but this one didn’t look like the others. It had a more modern edge to it, a difference from the other bots which had an old Samurai appearance to them. Kneeling down to the smaller box, she opened it. She did have the Melta-Water, two in fact. But there was also a Manifold Core. Picking up the small rectangular chip she inserted it into its head. Suddenly the Gleaming Eye turned on, it rose up from its ball position and examined its surroundings.

“I have awoken. What are your orders Creator-Wayna?” The bot asked, peering at her as if it had a million questions to ask her.

“First off, please don’t call me ‘Creator’ I just modified your hull.” She corrected the bot, she fumbled for a piece of paper. “01000101 01101110 01110100 01100101 01110010 00100000 01010011 01100101 01101101 01101001 00101101 01010011 01100101 01101110 01110100 01101001 01100101 01101110 01100011 01100101 00100000 01010000 01110010 01101111 01110100 01101111 01100011 01101111 01101100 01110011”

“Affirmative, I am wiping temporary data now. Activating semi-Sentience protocols.” The bot’s eye blinked out for a minute. Wayna looked behind her, relaxing slightly to find no-one there.

“Where am I? Creator, why are you here?” The bot’s memory was blanked.

“Listen up Legionnaire. You’re in a storage room, relax and give me your right arm.” The Legionnaire did what it was told, holding up its arm to her. She reached into the small box “Probably shouldn’t give my semi-sentient robot killing machine ammo for its gun...” Wayna murmured. She loaded a tank of Melta-Water into the fore-arm.

“Now extend your arm fully, I need to check if it’s okay.” Again the Legionnaire did what it was told. “Good.”

It flexed its hand, then reached down to its side and pulled an Ink-sword out. It held up the sword, examining it in the dim lighting, “Even better! But Legionnaire I need you to vow me this: Never under any circumstance harm these three.” Wayna held up a picture of two grinning Octoling kids and their mother, in front of one of the rides at the Octo Carnival.

“I vow this.” The Legionnaire held out its hand, as if to shake her hand.

“Um... Thanks, but I’m gonna have to pass that up.” Wayna said, declining the handshake. The bot's hand retreated and it said.

“What is my next objective? What is... my name?”

“Your next objective is to take these two out of the lab and take them to Inkopolis, capital of the Inklings. As for your name, it would be Legi. I think it’s cute don’t you?” The bot just stared blankly at her. “Oh right, no humour.”

Legi stood up and walked out of the room, leaving Wayna in the maze of crates. “Legi stepped on the flashlight...”
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Inkling Commander
Jul 5, 2015
Canada, ON
Here's the second part to the prologue.

Legi walked out of the huge storage room, he examined the hallway he entered, looking side to side. He scanned the corridor, a brawler bot looked at him curiously.

“Scans conflicting: You are Legionary-1, Commander of the Legions. Our files report you fell upon the outskirts of old Inkopolis, defeated by the Jellywraiths.” The smaller, bulky bot stated, looking at Legi.

“Legionary-1... No, I am Legi-1.” He stated back to the bot. Its eye brightening as it scanned Legi, before blinking once and began to leave him, its treads rumbling loudly down the hallway.

“Resuming original objective: Rescue the twins, leave the facility.” Legi said, walking down the corridor. It accessed the data-files of the laboratory; it flipped rapidly through the security bots and cameras littered throughout the lab. Legi found one of the two, and hacked the security files, and scanned her. It was Ikara, practicing in a makeshift firing range using little panicked robotic crabs scampering on the walls, firing at them with an Octo-Charger.

Crime detected: Robot Abuse. Legi computed as he walked to the room she was using. It was a long walk, but he made there, and opened the door. Ikara looked curiously at the Reaver-Bot who just entered, before simply brushing it off as just another patrol. “Go away; I’m just practicing for the Octilla.” She grumbled at it. Legi’s eye brightened and he slowly raised his left hand. It quietly hissed with electricity, a loud pop rang out. A Taser was launched out of one his left fingers, shocking Ikara. She dropped to the ground with a pained yelp, Legi walked over, and did a ‘gentle’ bop on her neck, finishing the job and knocking her out. Ikara in possession, Legi thought as he walked out of the room, with her on his back, and charted a path to the exit of the lab, which would lead to a dock.

“Stop right there!” A voice shouted behind him. Legi looked behind him, and saw a blue-eyed Reaver-Bot. “Legionary-1, you’ve abducted one of the granddaughters of Lord Shen. What say you?”

Legi looked over at the opposing metal figure, and quickly searched through the datafiles in his head. “You are the Legionary MK2? Centurion-2, I am right?” The Reaver opposite, stood still, not reacting to Legi’s knowledge openly.

“That is correct, Legi-1. I am Centi-2, your successor. Now answer us! Why did you kidnap Ikara in such a manner?” It screeched angrily, the sword on its hip launching into its metal grip, and it flashed in a metal glint and was held up towards Legi.

“I am on secret orders from Shen to train her to fight in the Octilla, does that answer you?” Legi responded, not being fazed by the sword, his eye darkening to a deep purple.

“Legi-1... You are forgiven, but just this once. Only because you are helping the Octilla win this upcoming war with the Inklings!” Centi-2 put the sword into its sheath and walked away from Legi.

Legi proceeded to walk away from the suspicious Reaver-bot, quickly making his way to the exit, and came into a large room, which had several colossal structures with treads attached to the bottom. Command Platforms, meant to conquer cities and control the newer models of the Legions. Legi looked reverently at them, before quickly shaking his head to get rid of any influence from the power A.Is onboard the Platforms.

Legi walked to a smaller door, located beside a blast door. He walked through it, his eye adjusting quickly to the strong glare of the sun. Ikara on the other hand, simply groaned grumpily. He raised his hand, preparing to knock her out again. Then she stopped, and resumed to drool on Legi’s shoulder.

Legi found a small boat, and he looked it over. It was a small boat, with a simple functional design to it. It had a cabin for a crew, and a small amount of weapons, perfect for the task he was assigned...If he had told the truth to Centi-2. He put her on a cot in the cabin, and tucked her in. “As you fleshy creatures say: Sweet dreams...”

Scanning for the other twin; Twin detected. Legi thought as he walked back into the long corridors in the lab. He saw her in a tech lab, on a computer that was hooked up to a crab-like bot.

He walked in; Adara was too consumed in her computer to care about the ‘patrolling Reaver-bot’ to look at him. Another loud pop rang out in the laboratory, followed by a loud cry.

Legi walked to the boat in silence, and placed her on the cot opposite of Ikara. Shortly afterwards, he looked around the docks, careful not to arise any more suspicion and found a sack of laundry procured from both Emerald Octo and Crimson Squid, it was in an orange biohazard bag. Legi looked at it, and doused it in the water below the docks. Legi walked back onto the boat, wringing the clothes one at a time. He looked back, an angry Centi-2 glared back at him.

“Stop right ther-“ Centi-2 called out to him. However, Legi dropped the innocent act and got to the helm and kicked the ship away from the docks. Centi-2 got a running start and leapt to the boat, falling short and dropping like a rock into the water.

Legi stared down the water, making sure his pursuer didn’t climb over the side. Nothing came up, and he walked down, and started to wring the remaining clothes dry, before putting them in a bag on the boat. Afterwards Legi went back to the helm, and made his way to the city of Inkopolis, on a stolen military boat.

Legi began to play one of DJ Octavio’s tracks, while on his lonely voyage to Inkopolis.
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Inkling Commander
Jul 5, 2015
Canada, ON

Incoming, I got a new chapter, and an extension to the prologue. Which is found in the second post. ^ Up above.

Urgh... W-where am I? Adara thought. Why am I swaying, I was underground, this bright light in my face. Adara rose up. “Wha...? Where am I?” She asked openly, only to be answered by an unknown voice.

“You are onboard a boat, on route to Inkopolis.” A robotic voice rumbled.

“Inkopolis?!” This panicked Adara, she began to hyperventilate. “I can’t... go there! Inklings will turn me... inside out and... string me up!”

“They are not Predators, Adara. They are descendants from ancient squid, similar to how you are derived from ancient octopi. Checking databases now, you two are also native to this world.” The voice added.

“Databases? Oh no, is that a Reaver Bot?” She hid in the covers, seemingly trying to hide. “Playing audio recording. Adara and Ikara Octadron! Get up this instant!” Wayna’s voice shouted at them. The covers on the cot opposite shot up in response to Wayna’s voice. “What the...?! Why am I here? I was practicing with a charger!” Ikara panicked, similar to Adara.

“Get up this instant! Playback ended. Adara, Ikara. I am Legi-1, your protector and guide. I have been uploaded with sufficient knowledge from Creator-Wayna to defend against an array of possible foes. Whether they are Crustaceans, Ink-based life or robots like me” The robot introduced itself, it walked in and did a respectful bow to the two. “I am also programmed to defend you two and your mother.”

Adara stood up from her cot, holding her stomach. “Our mum, I thought she was dead?”

“Negative, she survived and is now living in a house adjacent to Inkopolis. I have learned of another Octoling within Inkopolis. I believe she was your friend back in Battle-Dome #5, prior to the Collapse” Legi added, causing Adara to faint. “You know of this person” Legi said turning to Ikara.

“Yes, that would be Philis Monterey. I thought she was splatted during the cave-in, I hope she’s okay, though.” Ikara confirmed.

“Wake up Adara. We’ve almost docked at Port Mackerel. We can’t be carrying around an unconscious girl, especially with one such as me.” The Reaver said, leaving the cabin.

Well that was weird Ikara thought. She got up and looked around the ship’s cabin. It was pretty barren. Most of the Octarians designed everything with function over form. There was a drawer that she opened to find a set of Octoling gear. This’ll get me arrested or shot on sight, she thought. Looking down on herself, she was in her training gear, “Great...” she muttered angrily. “Now how in the world am I going to survive a minute near Inkopolis?” As if answering her, a bag flew through the doorway. “Wha-. I’m not going to ask, this day has been weird as one of the DJ’s raves.” She opened the bag, inside were two sets of civilian clothes. A maroon pullover hoodie, branded with the word “Zekko”, whatever that was. A set of black underclothes and a pair of recoloured Octoling Goggles. “It’s something, I suppose.” She put on the clothes and went to wake her sister. She knelt down, put her hands on her shoulders and violently shook Adara awake. “What the heck was that for!?” Adara shouted at Ikara.

“That, my dear sister was your punishment for fainting and making me deal with one of Shen’s robots.” She scolded. “You know those things are dangerous.”

A third voice cut in, causing them to jump “My purpose is to defend you both and your mother. Not kill you.” Legi flatly said.

Ikara shot her sister a look. “We’ll find out when we get there.” She said, stuffing the clothing bag into Adara’s hands. “Put them on.” Adara went into the bag, pulling out a green zip hoodie, the same black underclothes and a Puff-ball hat. She groaned, and went to change.

Ikara left the cabin into the deck, looking around it still had the same look as an Octarian army vessel. “Uh... Legi, is it? How are we going to get into the harbor, without being sunk?”

“That question is rhetorical, I will answer anyway. You jump.”


“Scans indicate your aural sensors are working, but you act like you’re deaf.” Legi said, making Ikara flare up with anger.

“Ikara, what it’s trying to say is that we super jump, avoiding the water.” Adara said walking out from the cabin, guarding her eyes from the sunlight. Ikara did a silent “O” face, showing she understood.

“Affirmative, the boat will become a derelict once I jump off as well. I will join you two on the shore.” Legi said, still steering the ship. “Get ready, I see the Port ahead.”

“1... 2... 3... Jump! Go to the dock..!”

The twins jumped into the air in unison, leaving a quickly fading dark fuchsia scar in the sky. Legi looked up at them, “I do not get why I said jump ship for myself. I should crash into the harbor, but I would cause panic.” He looked back down at the steering wheel. Legi warped it out of shape and tore it off, tossing it onto the ground. Legi picked up a faded dark fuchsia cloth and put it over him, tying it around his ‘neck’. He walked to the railing of the ship, took a look down. “It is shallow, good.” He jumped over the railing, plunging into the blue. He floated down for 10 seconds before he landed on the seabed; he walked forward towards the shore, depending on his built-in GPS for navigation. Legi walked for an hour before he saw a beam rising out of the ground; reaching the base he began to climb it. He finally reached the top and pulled himself onto the dock. “Hello! Pleased meet you.” A jellyfish asked him, “You here watch Turf War game?”

“Could not parse query, say again.” Legi asked the not-so fluent Jellyfish.

“You... here... to... watch Turf War game?” The Jellyfish slowly said.

“Turf War? What is that?” Legi asked the Jellyfish.

“Is game, Inklings fight. Shoot Ink, lots Ink. Claim turf.” The Jellyfish informed the massive bot, who continued to stare at it confused.

“I don’t have time for this, have you seen two girls?” Legi demanded, his hand going to his sword.

“Uh... Yes, they contestants in match.” The Jellyfish nervously stated.

“WHAT?!” Legi’s mechanical voice screeched. “Alert, danger to twins detected.”

Legi looked up and saw what looked like an arena, encased in a glass wall. Stopping before the glass, he looked inside, he saw the twins who looked nervously around, near two Inklings. Across was another group of Inklings with a different Ink colour, in the middle was a small fat cat. Ikara noticed Legi and nudged Adara, she pointed to him. Legi prepared a punch to the glass, shattering it instantly. “Knock, knock.” He walked up to a small pudgy cat, picking the fat ball up. He looked at it with his sunburst eye. “Do you see any mercy in this eye?” He raised his other arm, the hydro cannon whirred. “Wait! Legi don’t do that!” He looked and saw Adara running to him.

“Legi, that cat you’re holding is Judd. He’s the judge of these matches, he’s a celebrity! You shoot him, we’re done!” Adara said quickly.

“He put you in here? Then he endangers your lives, playback begin. ‘I sent an Ink Changer to your mother Adara and Ikara; it’ll change your being. You will no longer be able to be killed by Squid Ink, but you’re going to lose your Octo Ink.’ Playback ended. He endangers your life, but you defend him.”

“Well we had no clue this was going to happ-“Adara was cut off by a rude interruption

“Oh just leave the match already! Make your Dad leave!” An Inkling boy yelled at them, making Legi turn his head toward him.

“Do I get permission to shoot him?” Legi asked.

“No... You’re not going to shoot anyone.” Adara stated, folding her arms stubbornly.

The bot blinked once, and then lowered Judd, who hissed and ran away. The hydro cannon whirred and stopped, Legi stood there looking at Adara. “We’re heading to your mother’s right now, follow me.” He walked to Ikara and lifted her onto his shoulders. Then he walked for 4 straight hours without stopping to their Mum’s, alternating piggy backing the sisters. They finally reached the house, which was pretty big for a house on the outskirts.

“Whoa... This almost makes the walk seem like nothing.” Ikara said

“Got that right...” Adara said, hopping off of Legi.

Legi walked forward and knocked on the door, with the two close behind. The door opened after a brief delay of hearing multiple locks open. Legi took two steps back behind the twins, who were engulfed in a massive hug.

“I am so happy to see you two again!” their Mum said, putting them back on the ground. Ikara held her chest, heaving for air. Adara looked dizzy. “Ah thank you Legi.” She did a bow and Legi responded in kind.

“Come in you three, I assume you two have a lot to ask me.” She said, pointing the question at the two girls. “Legi, put your coat on that rack.”

Looking inside the house, there was a stairway opposite the entrance, to the right was a living room that they were entering. It had a coffee table, an empty pedestal and 2 couches and a single chair.

“Yeah, we do.” Ikara said, sitting down on a couch.

“Well, ask them. I’ll answer them to the best I can.” She said.

“How did you survive the Collapse? Most of the domes caved-in, or were declared dangerous to inhabit.” Adara asked.

“Well... during the Collapse, when we were separated. I managed to find an Ink-Line; I used it and nearly fell to my doom after the end that I came from was crushed. At the end of the Ink-Line was an operational Kettle which I used and it lifted me to the surface. Before I knew it I was rushed to a hospital by a woman. She was massive, almost as tall as Legi over there.” She added, pointing to the Reaver standing on a pedestal.

“Oh I almost forgot! Speaking of Legi, it mentioned an Ink Changer?” Ikara asked

“Oh... that. Well I did get it, but I don’t know the side effects of it. Wayna wasn’t clear on the side effects, and by clear I mean that fool didn’t even mention it.” Their Mom hastily said.

“Scans show that using it will change your Octo Ink to Squid Ink. It is highly recommended to imbibe the Changer. The gains far outweigh the risks, especially if you’re going into Turf Wars.” Legi said from the pedestal.

“Well, if he says so.” She reached under the coffee table and pulled out a box, entering the code she pulled out two vials. “Take it, and here’s a glass of water to drink it down with.”

The twins took it and drank it, immediately they started to gag and choke on it. “Tastes... awful... like a... spoiled catfish.”

“Well what did I say?” Their mother beamed, looking down on them.

"Scans indicate that their heat levels are raising. They are also unconscious, I would suggest you place them elsewhere." Legi suggested, looking at the two below them.

"Right, let's take them up to their beds. They've had a long day in this city." Their Mum said, receiving a nod from Legi, and they carried the two upstairs to a pair of beds in their new-found room. Legi put his hand on their foreheads. "They are in pain right now, I wouldn't recommend waking them right now. For it would cause a lot more." Legi cautioned.

The sun has risen over the city of Inkopolis, its rays shining down on the city, waking the inhabitants and starting a new day. It shone through an apartment room’s window that had just so happened to have its alarm on. Evelyn, one of the two residents of the apartment had slowly sat up in her bed, blinded by the sun and still drowsy from sleep, she managed to flop out of bed and turn off the alarm. She had taken care of hygienic business in the washroom, went and made breakfast for herself. After that she wondered where her older brother was. She shrugged and went to watch T.V; she walked to a chair and stubbed her foot on a heavy box. Any sleepiness she had in her was gone now, she knelt down and opened the heavy box, which to her surprise contained 3 items, a card, a set of designer headphones that was scratched with a strange message ‘From Cyrus’ and a wrapped box.

Evelyn looked down at the box, and then thought, my foot hurts...

She looked back at her foot, which wasn’t an orange tentacle-foot. But a fully formed humanoid foot! She realized she was 14, and began to excitedly jump up and down. Evelyn knelt down, barely containing her excitement, and looked at the card, which was a birthday card.

It said. Have a happy birthday Evelyn! Sorry I’m not there, I had to do a tourney with my team. But I wish you a happy birthday! I think you’ll like what’s inside the box! - Signed, Icarus.

Evelyn put it back in the box, and picked up the wrapped box, that was within the box. She quickly tore the wrapping off, and found a crate with the words “Ammo Knights Gift-Delivery” on it. It had two clasps on it, which were hastily undone. She opened it, and found...

Inside it was a repainted Splattershot that had a couple differences to it, a Splat Bomb and a Bubbler being the biggest differences to it. She looked it over, it was blue, the Splat Bomb Ink-tank attachment glowed faintly, and the Bubbler quietly hummed. Evelyn held it up to her ear, the Bubbler hummed with a tune, placing it back inside the Splattershot. She flipped the safety on, and put it back in the crate.

Evelyn stood up, and walked to the bathroom. She looked at herself, she was small, and frankly wasn’t dripping Ink, which was a start. She closed her eyes and transformed into a squid, and swished around the bathroom floor, she did the same thing and turned back into her new humanoid form. She walked out of the bathroom, and opened her wardrobe, and looked inside it. Most of her old clothes wouldn’t fit her new form, she began to dig through it, throwing clothes randomly around the place, and most of the clothes were too short, too tight, or too small in general. Finally, she found a large varsity sweater and a pair of shorts that were pilfered from her brother. Luckily her shoes –Squid Stitch Slip-ons -weren’t too small and she put them on and left her apartment.
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Inkling Commander
Jul 5, 2015
Canada, ON
Another chapter, although this one ends up in a cliffhanger.

Evelyn left her apartment room only to realize she forgot the weapon crate and the brand-new, expensive set of headphones. She quickly ran back in, climbing several flights of stairs to her room, carefully put on her colourful headset, smiling as she went to the bathroom mirror and looked at it. The headphones adjusted to her current color. Then took the box, which was surprisingly heavy. She hefted the box, and brought it down the stairs.

Once she came back outside, she walked to the monorail station, repeating the same tedious process with the stairs when boarding. She sat down on the seats, putting her aching legs on the crate.

Evelyn looked around the train; a lot of Jellyfish were on it, along with some Inklings who looked as drowsy as she did. She started to doze, at least until the train stopped again.Two weird looking girls wandered in, wearing their hoods up and trying to not look at anyone directly. A tall purple robed man walked in behind them, his feet clanking on the floor. Evelyn looked at his feet, they were metal and hissed with each step. “Maybe they’re just for style?” She whispered. The man’s hood glowed somewhat on the front, and there was a crescent adornment peeking out of the top, giving his hood a weird shape to it. Evelyn managed to catch a glimpse of the front of him, and what she saw didn’t look like anyone you would meet on the monorail.

He had a single glowing eye. Evelyn tried her best not to look startled, so she looked away from the trio, and tried to doze off again, thinking this was too much to deal with, she’d rather get a couple more minutes of sleep in the train. However, as soon as she started doze off, the train stopped once more.

“We’ve stopped at Booyah Base, all Turf Battlers. Old and new must get off.” A bored man’s voice stated. Clearly he doesn’t like sitting on the train all the time.

The ‘man’ looked up, and glanced over at his kids. He stood up, but the girls didn’t seem like they wanted to leave. So their ‘Dad’ picked them and carried them up the steps to the Plaza, drawing curious glances from the people on the train. People glanced around at each other, confused.

Evelyn stood up, along with a couple of other Ink Battlers, and walked out into the Plaza. She began forward before she was heard. Stopping when she heard that familiar voice.

“Hey! Have a happy birthday Evelyn!” Called the voice. The boy proudly walked out of the crowd. His striking eyes giving him a confident appearance, as he stopped in front of Evelyn, and gave a broad grin, waving his hand.

“Hey Canchi, what have you been up to?” Evelyn said to the smiling kid, flashing a smile at him in return.

Canchi ran up to her. “Me? Oh, nothing, I’ve just been doing the usual. You know, waiting for you to stop being a Squid, so you could join me in Turf Wars. Maybe we’ll get you some new stuff...” Hhe said looking at the box she stood beside, and glancing at her headphones. “So... what’s up with the box and your fancy new headset?” he asked, pointing down at the box curiously.

“This? My big bro gave it to me, it’s a Splattershot,” Evelyn replied, kneeling down to open the box and showed its contents. “It comes with a Splat Bomb Sub and a Bubbler Special.”

“And it’s Dark Blue like the Splattershot Pro,.” Canchi noted, pointing at the Blue Ink-gun inside.

“Yup, you’re right.” Evelyn said plainly, closing the box and standing it up.

“Anyway, I wanna try out some Turf Wa-“

“--Nope.” Canchi cut-in, smirking and, waving his finger in the air. “I’m gonna teach you how to shoot that thing. Just because your brother is a clearly talented and great team player doesn’t mean you’re the same.”

“What...?” Evelyn said indignantly. “Don’t compare me to him! I-I’m much better than Icarus!” She folded her arms, pouting a little. “Besides, he regularly took me to the shooting range.”

“You’re much better, without even being in a single Turf War?” questioned Canchi, raising an eyebrow. “Come on, it won’t take that long.” Canchi insisted, then walked away from the Plaza to the Dojo, taking a look back to beckon her over. Flustered but understanding his point, Evelyn followed her grounded, and honest friend. Besides it couldn’t hurt to learn the ropes.

Evelyn walked up the steps, lagging because of the box she was holding. Slowly, she managed to reach the top, with Canchi waiting impatiently at the doors of the Battle Dojo.

“Well come on! Here, I’ll take this thing for you,” Canchi offered, reaching for the weapon box before being slapped away from it by a defensive Evelyn.

“Hey, this is MY birthday gift!” Evelyn hissed.

“Well at least go quicker, I guess...” Canchi said, holding the door open for her and tapping his foot on the ground as he waited for her to hobble through and unpack the Ink-gun that was inside it. She slung the Ink-tank over her back, and took the Splattershot out from the protective foam around it. Evelyn held it up, looking at it in wonder.

“Yeah yeah, quit bragging about it.” Canchi murmured. “Alright, I want you to step on that pad over there!”

Canchi pointed at a little pad that had antennae around the rim of it, pulsing gently in the lighting of the room.Evelyn tentatively approached it, causing an exaggerated sigh from Canchi. “Hey, it’s not gonna bite you,” he said jokingly, chuckling. Evelyn looked back at him, sticking her tongue out before marching right onto the unknown pad.

“Okay, I want you to take this walkie talkie and I’ll talk you through this little tutorial.” He held out a little radio forto her. “Just latch it onto one of the straps on your Ink-tank. It’ll let you talk to people during battle, or at least in this case, lemme teach you how to play good.”

Canchi walked over to a button on the wall, and pressed it.Instantly Evelyn vanished in a puff of Ink-vapor, and Canchi walked over to a door and opened it, going into a small room that had a monitor and a reclining chair with a remote, and sitting down.Canchi gave a content sigh. He turned on the remote and saw Evelyn struggling to move her feet. She was looking at the camera with furious eyes, and spoke through clenched teeth. “Canchi...why... can’t I move?”

He rose up the walkie-talkie. “Because you’re in training, and I have a job to do. Now you see those balloons that are just hanging there?” said Canchi. “Aim your gun at them and shoot. You’re using a Splattershot so you should have no problem with range or accuracy.” He explained seriously.

Evelyn raised her weapon, took aim and fired at the balloon to her left, then the center and finally the right one. “Is that it, me just shooting a bunch of balloons?” Evelyn asked Canchi, who simply responded with “...Basically.”

“Alright, now I want you to follow the trail of balloons that way. Shoot them as you go,” Canchi said, still using the phony experienced-person voice. Evelyn nodded and shook out her feet return the feeling back in them. She ran to the other balloons, stumbling as she was more used to running around as a Squid, rather than her new form.

“Evelyn, turn yourself into a Squid and shoot some Ink in front of you. You’ll go faster that way.” Instructed Canchi.

She nodded, panting, as running towards the balloon trail was quickly exhausting her. She transformed into a Ssquid and sunk into the Ink. An ink trail was rapidly formed as she went along, popping out of the Ink to shoot the balloons that were above her. After that, she came to a skatepark-like area,that looked more like a training area for running around in.

“Alright Evelyn, I want you to get to the top. You see that little incline there? Get to the top and get to the fence.” Canchi instructed. Once again, Evelyn nodded and squidded to the top, getting there in no time flat.

“Aren’t you forgetting something?” Canchi said, causing Evelyn to turn around. About 18 Balloons were just hovering above the skate park. She let out a curse-filled sigh and went to work on popping them all. “HEY! I heard that!” Canchi warned.

Shortly afterwards, Evelyn climbed back to the top and tried to lazily squid across the grate, falling through it easily.

“You can’t do that. Remember what you’re made of?” Canchi said into the walkie-talkie.

“Yeah, yeah...” Evelyn said between tired breaths. Evelyn dragged herself across the grate, reaching the other side in a minute.

“Now you can go squid-mode again.” Said Canchi.

Evelyn struggled to lift the Splattershot, firing a couple rounds on the ground to squid through. She fell off another grate and did an aggravated burble on the bottom.

“Don’t worry! You’re fine, just keep going on ahea-- When did that saucer get there?” Canchi sounded confused. Before reverting back to his previous serious attitude. “Never mind, just keep going. You should reach another Launchpad that’ll take you straight back to Booyah Base.”

Evelyn came out of Squid form,= and walked to a wall, listening to Canchi. “Climb two of these and you’ll find the Launchpad.”

Evelyn pointed her gun and shot a trail up, squid-climbing up it easily enough. Evelyn just flopped onto the Launchpad, letting it suck her in and throw her back to Booyah Base, she gave a sigh of relief, glad she was out of the tutorial.

Canchi gave her a little pep-talk as she flew through the air. “Good work! Your rank came out as High Squidder! You should be proud, not many people reach that skill level!”

“Thanks dude, I appreciate that. Now can I go battle?” She asked hopefully.

“Nope, I gotta introduce you to Sheldon, Jelonzo, Crusty Sean, Annie and Moe!” Canchi rattled off. “I’ll be waiting for you when you land, you got like 3 minutes of flight so... you might as well recover I suppose.”

Evelyn let out a sigh. She thought, might as well make the most of this, I guess... She began to imagine whom these people were that she was going to be introduced to. At least until Canchi said into the walkie-talkie.

“Evelyn, we got a problem down at Annie & Moe’s.”
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Inkling Commander
Jul 5, 2015
Canada, ON
"W-What's going down at Annie & Moe's? Better question, who's Annie & Moe?" Evelyn asked him, confused at the current situation.

"These two girls are causing some trouble. This huge guy is with them! Although he’s just standing there and kinda just staring at the situation," Canchi added nervously. "Whatever, I'm going to need a hand with this one."

Evelyn's thoughts flashed back to the train, to the big “guy” and the two girls with him. She thought worriedly about him, and what would happen if the man were to start a fight fighting, or if he began it. Though the way Canchi described him --He's kinda just staring at the situation-- doesn't sound like your typical rabble-rousing person to begin with.

Not to mention the man was simply staring up at her as she made her descent to the ground, a glowing eye watching her from ground. She noticed a shift in his clothing, and a shining glint.

"Evelyn, he's firing at you! Try to dodge the..." Canchi abruptly trailed off, making Evelyn worried as to what was being shot at her.

"It's something!” He finally responded, “Get out of the way, now!" He demanded, a distressed tone creeping into his voice. Evelyn panicked and began to trying various things to quicken her fall or stop her entirely.

"Canchi how I get out this jump quickly?" Evelyn screamed in a panic into the walkie-talkie.

Canchi unexpectedly said,. "What clothes you got on?" Evelyn looked around, before looking down at her shirt and shoes.

"I know this is a dumb question but answer me!" he asked.

"Uh! A large Varsity jacket and my Squid-Stitch slip-ons!" She cried out, looking down at her imminent destruction.

"Dam-- actually hang on, lemme try something." Canchi stated, before disconnecting and cutting out and not offering any cutting off his advice. Evelyn took a deep breath, attempting to calm herself down. Evelyn took aim, and fired an 8 shot burst at whatever was heading towards her, it managed to slow it down and it flew away harmlessly below her.

"Yes!" Evelyn called out, before seeing an object fly at almost terminal velocity right in front of her. A tornado of ink issuing forth from the object's impact site, deflecting her and covering her in purple Ink as she flew away from Inkopolis Plaza, she landed in a dumpster off in some alleyway.

"You good?" Canchi asked hopefully.

"No," Evelyn grumbled, picking off half-eaten hot dogfish off her jacket. "I would really like it if you told me your plans before making me fly into a dumpster, because now I smell like a hobo lobster that just came from a successful night out eating, because someone flung me into a dumpster!"

Canchi sighed dejectedly. "Sorry about that, like I know it’s your birthday, but I didn’t want to see you get hurt.” He trailed off, sad.

She sighed, feeling bad for scolding him when he helped her. “It’s alright, I guess you couldn’t be completely blamed for that, because I bet I’d probably do the same in your shoes if I were you,” Evelyn reassured him.


Canchi started to feel a little less guilty about that mistake and the misuse of an Inkstrike.

“Anyway, you think you’d be able to get here in time? I saw them carrying off Moe to the balloons out front,” Canchi said, narrowinged his eyes. “What are they doing with Moe?” The two girls tied him up to the balloons and Moe was lifted up by the balloons, which were a choice of decorating for the situation he was in.

Canchi started to laugh. “Uh… Canchi what’re you laughing at? It isn’t another plan is it?” Evelyn asked worried about the possibility of another ‘brilliant’ plan.

“T-They tied him up to a bunch of balloons and they’re just watching him go up into the air, “ Canchi laughed at the scene, Moe cursing at the girls below him and calling for help from Annie to get him down.

“Alright, I’m on my way. I’m gonna try another Super-Jump, and hopefully not get shot down again.” Evelyn added.

“Okay. I’m gonna go help Annie get Moe down, because he’s giving me the stink eye.” Canchi noted, looking up at the angry clownfish, who was glaring down at him.

Canchi was about to run into the shop, when a hand stopped him from entering, he looked up at the person. “Stop. What do you think you’re doing?” It was the man from before, the one who attempted to shoot down Evelyn. He glared down at Canchi with a glowing, furious eye.

Canchi tried to push the arm out of the way, to no avail. It was like suplexing a boulder out of the way, he just wasn’t able to do it. “I’m trying to help out that clownfish up there” He pointed out. The ‘man’ looked up at Moe, before looking back at Canchi.

“Initiate capture protocol 134.” The man aimed up at the angry clownfish, Moe’s anger quickly flaring up at him, and daring him to shoot him. The purple man fired a net out of his arm. “What the!?” Canchi said in surprise, looking up at the net that flew up to Moe and wrapped around him. It gave his light form enough weight to slowly drift down, he continued to threaten and insult the girls even as he drifted back down to them.

The man looked back at Canchi. “Is that better?”

“Uh... I guess? Yeah, it’s better.” He replied, feeling small under its towering gaze.

The two girls that Moe had accosted were walking away now. The man’s head quickly swiveled with a whir to look at them, and then he ran to the two.

Canchi, on the other hand, stood there confused at what had happened. He heard someone running to him, and he broke out of his trance to look towards it. It was Evelyn.

She stopped after running to him, huffing and holding her chest. “Canchi... What happened? Where is the person who shot at me... with whatever?” Evelyn asked him.

“I think they shot you with a net.” He replied, still looking in the direction that the trio had gone.

“A net...? What am I, a fish now?”

“From the way you’re huffing, yes.” Canchi smirked.

“Shut up...” She mumbled, before standing up straight. “Let’s go find that person. I wanna settle some business with that guy. You know where they went?”

“You sure?” He asked her, receiving a stern nod from Evelyn. Canchi shrugged, pointing down the street. “They went down there, but I don’t think it’s a good idea to follow them...”

Evelyn moved forward, before beckoning Canchi. “Come on. I want to see who they were, and ask them why they did that.” She cast a look in his direction. “I got a sneaking suspicion that you didn’t ask that...”

He simply replied by shrugging his shoulders, before going to lead her to where he believed they went. Thankfully, it wasn’t too hard to follow them, as they didn’t get far before spotting them. The big guy was getting scolded by the two kids. Canchi and Evelyn quickly ducked into an alleyway, eavesdropping on the conversation on the trio they were trailing.

“...You had to try to catch that Inkling in a net, didn’t you?” A girl growled.

“Yes, to ensure your defense, I must be wary of aerial threats, Ikara.” The man replied.

“Our best defense right now, is to remain unknown, especially with something like you around!” Another girl cut in.

Canchi looked over to Evelyn, “you hearing this?” He asked her.

“Yeah...” Evelyn trailed off.

They began listening to the trio again.

“...If you two ever need assistance. I am ready.” The man’s stated.

“Okay, okay. We’ll ask you if we need help. Right, Adara?” Ikara said.

“I guess...” Adara replied, mumbling her agreement.

Canchi and Evelyn listened to the heavy footsteps of the man walk away; they clanked and rumbled with each step. The man left, leaving the two kids behind.

One of the two sighed. “What are we going to do with that robot? Like... It’s an assault bot,” Adara grumbled. “We’ll probably get arrested for bringing one of them here.”

“Shush, we’ll be alright.” Ikara said, in an assuring tone. “As long as it doesn’t get seen, we’ll be good.”

Canchi peeked past the wall, catching a glimpse of the two girls talking there. They were talking, until they spotted him, quickly ducking back behind the wall.

“Uh... That’s slightly creepy” Ikara said, loud enough for Evelyn to hear, who glared at Canchi.

“Hang on, I got this.” Evelyn muttered, quickly walking back out to the sidewalk. She came face to face with an Octoling. “Holy! What are you?” She cried, jumping up in surprise.

“Uh... I’m an Octoling.” The girl replied, looking slightly offended.

“Oh uh... I’ve never seen an Octoling before.” Evelyn admitted, sheepishly. “I’m Evelyn.” She introduced herself to them, before asking. “Have you two seen a man? He’s pretty tall, and he shot something at me while I super-jumped from Turf War training. I was looking for him, and I was wondering if you two saw him?”

The second girl came up from behind. “Yeah, we were just talking to it...” She cringed slightly, “him.” She said, correcting her mistake.

“I’m Ikara, and this is Adara. We’re new here, in fact, we just moved in yesterday.” Ikara introduced herself. “If you were talking about Legi, I can tell you it wasn’t planning to hurt you.” She admitted, looking over to Adara for support.

“Yeah, Legi didn’t want to hurt you.” Adara confirmed, nodding.

“That’s reassuring...” Evelyn muttered, not convinced about “Legi’s” intentions.

Canchi peeked out of the alleyway, catching a harsh glare from Adara. “And who’s your ‘friend’ back there?” She asked, pointing out Canchi, who quickly walked out of the alley.

“Hi... I’m Canchi,” he awkwardly introduced himself, “Evelyn’s friend, who you tried to shoot down.”

“Oh... Well, she told us already.” Adara said, shuffling around awkwardly. “Like we told her, Legi didn’t mean to hurt anyone.” She repeated to him.

“Well, what about Moe? You guys just kind of went and tied him up to the balloons outside Cooler Heads, and you didn’t expect anyone to notice that?” Canchi asked, folding his arms.

“That dumb clownfish, Moe? He went and insulted our choice of headwear!” Ikara said, pointing at her Octo Goggles on their perch in her tenta-hair, then at Adara’s Puff-Ball hat. “Wait, you don’t work for him, do you?” She asked.

“No, no. “Canchi shook his head, “I work as a training instructor up at the Battle Dojo. Where they train newcomers to Turf War, they teach various strategies and stuff. Like Splat-hopping, gear sets, and generally teaching people on how to become a better player.” He explained.

“We’re already trained, Canchi. We don’t need to go through even more.” Ikara said. “Well... I don’t know about Adara there. All I saw her do is tinker with her little robots and weap—“ Ikara stopped, putting her hands on her head, turning to Adara. “Carp... Adara, I forgot my Charger back at...” She looked back at Canchi and Evelyn.

“Well... I suppose Wayna can get out of there for you?” Adara suggested, shrugging. It seemed to calm Ikara down a little.

“Yeah... I want my Charger though.” Ikara mumbled, almost childishly kicking the ground.

Evelyn, who was waiting for the two to stop talking about their missing Charger, asked the two. “Do you guys... wanna go play some Turf War with us?”

“Sure? I mean, what’s the worst that can happen?” Adara said, going to walk back to the Plaza, before stopping. “I... I have no clue where to go.” She said, confused.

“Well, it’s a good thing that you have a certified trainee instructor with you!” Canchi proudly stated, walking forward. The three quickly followed him.

“Wait, Canchi, you’re only a trainee instructor, or did you mean you teach trainees?” Evelyn asked, confused.

“I teach people, so yes, I’m a certified trainer.” Canchi cleared up.

The four walked in silence, going through the streets. Finally, they reentered Inkopolis Plaza. “We’re here!” Canchi said, pointing at the Tower across from them. “That’s the lobby for Turf Wars.” He stated before adding. “Come on, let’s go pla...” He stopped. “ guys do have Splat-Weapons, right?” Canchi said, turning around just as he was about to walk up the ramp.

“Um... No?” Ikara shook her head. “Where would we get one?” She asked.

“No, no. It’ fine, I guess. There’s always a spare Splattershot Jr. or two at the Battle Dojo.” Canchi said, leaving them and running to the Battle Dojo, emerging quickly from the Dojo holding two boxes in his arms. “Here you go... and... you. There! We’re ready to go.” He ran up to the Tower, the door slid open and revealed a small circular room. They quickly followed.

He ran onto an incline into a doorway with a sign that was labeled “Boys” and there was another incline that was labeled “Girls”. Adara, Ikara and Evelyn assumed that it was a locker room.

Which was confirmed when Canchi came out with an Octoshot. “Come on guys,” he said, “let’s go turf!” Canchi smiled, trying to seem warm to the three ‘newbies’ as they would be called.

However, the Octotwins wondered where he could’ve gotten the Octoshot, before they settled on it being a fake.
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Inkling Commander
Jul 5, 2015
Canada, ON
I appear to have exceeded the 20000 character limit on my last post. ;s
“Since you guys got your guns just now. You won’t have to get assigned lockers just yet.” Canchi mentioned, pointing at their Splattershot Jrs.. “You’ll have to talk with a Squidforce representative though, because I don’t get to give out locker keys.”

“Okay… Can we open these boxes now?” Evelyn asked, holding up the container and showing to Canchi.

“Well, obviously!” Canchi replied, smiling once more.

The three knelt down, releasing the clasps on the cases. The twins took out their Splattershot Jrs. and they lifted it up, a disappointed frown on their faces. “That it? Its… pretty disappointing.” Ikara said, looking at it. Adara muttered an agreement.

Evelyn opened her case, and lifted her Splattershot up. It was still the same it looked as when she opened it in her apartment. Blue Splattershot, Splat Bombs, and a Bubbler. Same as ever.

The twins went green with envy, literally. Their hair shifted into a greenish tone, before Ikara noticed it and turned her hair back into it’s normal color. Adara doing the same. “What? That’s not fair! She gets an actual weapon and we get these mobile sprinklers.” Adara grumbled childishly.

“Well, you can talk with Sheldon after a few matches!” Canchi replied hastily, glancing at Evelyn, before looking back at the twins, “although, I wouldn’t recommend visiting him just yet. Booyah Base has a -slightly controversial- rule with its shops that makes it that you have to be a certain ‘Freshness’ level to even browse the items in the shops. Trust me, Jelonzo doesn’t like it when people on Freshometer are level 1 and enter his shop.” He explained, trying to prevent a fight from going down, smiling cheerily while he was at it.

Suddenly a soft woman’s voice came over an intercom. It sounded like she was automated.

“Stage Selection for 12:00 PM to 4:00 PM is: Port Mackerel and Moray Towers for Turf Wars! And ”

“Detecting beginners, beginning Turf Wars now.”

It began counting down for the players in the room.


“Don’t worry,” Canchi turned to the three, “it always takes this long.” He said.

“10...11… Players found! Beginning now.”

Suddenly the four vanished in a uniform poof of orange. Adara and Ikara felt that it was familiar, a kettle, perhaps? While Evelyn nearly lost her lunch. And then Canchi was just became slightly dizzy and felt off balance.

And then the four reappeared in Port Mackerel. The Octotwins were surprised to see it back up and running, because Legi was quite the gatecrasher when it broke down the glass walls on one of the open areas.

But it seems like they just piled a bunch of containers covered in Ink-proof rubber to prevent people from getting in, or leaving mid-match. They probably got a couple of volunteers to clean it up.

Across the port. Blue team stood there reading their weapons and glancing over at the 4 slightly confused, because of the fact that they were facing a mixed team of Octolings and Inklings. And not the usual group of Inkling opponents. They consisted of a gas masked Splat Roller. A noobie like Adara and Ikara, who looked around nervously. And two snipers, one with an E-Liter and the other with a bamboozler.

“Alright everyone!” Canchi said to the group, holding his head and steadying himself. “Let’s do this!” He thrust his free hand into the air, cheering. Despite the fact we got like, no weapon variation. He thought, disappointed.

Ikara flipped on her goggles, and they blinked on, quickly adjusting to the light and turning on a little hud for her that told her the distance between her and the things she looked at. “Whoa, Adara, these goggles are really, really weird.” She fumbled with her Splattershot Jr. as she experimentally aimed to see the viable distance it could shoot.

“You don’t have to rub it in that you got the cool goggles.” Adara grumbled, pulling her puff-ball hat on a little snugger around her head.

“Well, losers snoozers.” She playfully mocked in reply.

“The match begins in 3!” The automated lady announced. “Ready…Go!”

The 4 rushed out into the stage, inking the ground orange as they went into the arena. Canchi went on the side route to the left, attempting to get a height advantage with his Octoshot to ink the area, while Evelyn ran ahead, below him.

The Octotwins, Ikara and Adara ran the opposite side and inking the ground in straight lines, it seemed like they were heading to splat rather than ink everything on the stage.

Adara sprinted ahead of Ikara, trying to Ink the right lane in the middle of the stage, before the roller jumped out of a lane and held the roller over his head, a mad glint of glee in his eyes as he slammed the roller down on her. She tried to block it with her Splattershot, but to no avail and got splatted.

Ikara wasn’t too far behind and saw the act happen, quickly becoming angry because she believed that her twin sister had died. She launched herself at the roller in a flurry of swears and a ton of Ink.

The roller attempted to run, but she slid a splat bomb behind him as she closed in. Preventing his escape. He turned around, seemingly cowering as she approached him menacingly. A cruel sneer on her face as she took aim.

“Any last words?” She asked him, as her hair flared up to signal she’s got a dormant special.

“Uh… It’s just a game, bro?” The mad roller replied, uncertain of the credibility of his answer.

“You’re done for.” And then Ikara fired her Splattershot, splatting the boy and she watched his squid-ghost drift lazily upward back to his spawn.

“Ikara!” A familiar voice called out, causing her to quickly turn around to see the cause, “this Turf War, it’s just a game.” Adara said happily, smiling as she just got to experience being splatted. “We respawn back at the start!”

“W-wait… what?” Ikara asked, confused about what just happened. “I thought… you died, and I just avenged you.”

“Well, I think the Inklings made some sort of revival mechanism in that pad to revive splatted players. If you get splatted, you just respawn back at the starting pad!” Adara explained quickly, trying to make it seem convincing to her somewhat shocked sister.

“Oh…” was all Ikara could manage as she looked back at the last place the roller stood.

“Well, let’s get back to it! I think Canchi might be holding everyone off right now.” Adara added, quickly running to the front. Where Canchi was pinned behind a cargo container with a laser beam scanning the area behind him.

“Where the heck were you two?” Canchi yelled at the two. “Evelyn’s been running back and forth away from a Bamboozler and you two are nowhere to be found!” He scolded, annoyed that they were too busy being either splatted or taking their sweet time splatting a roller.

“Whatever, if either of you have a special ready,” he continued, looking back out behind the shipping container, “we can get that E-Liter and help Evelyn. Unless neither of you have a special active, which I think you do, because your hair’s flaring up and twitching around, Ikara.”

“What? How do I activate the special?” Ikara wondered, curiously examining her weapon.

“Look on the gun’s handle.” Canchi pointed out, poking a button on the Octoshot’s grip. “There should be a glowing button, if you press it it’ll activate your special.”

Ikara looked around the Splattershot Jr.’s grip, spotting a small button that had a picture on it of a bubbleblower. She pressed it and heard a high-pitched ding.

“Great! You found the button to blow bubbles, you bubble blowing freshwoman!” Canchi sarcastically congratulated, patting her on the back and running out of the container’s cover. He pulled a suction bomb out of his Ink-tank and reared back -like a baseball player- and threw it at the E-Liter’s perch. “You guys go help Evelyn! I got this.” He called back to them.

Adara and Ikara looked at each other and shrugged. They didn’t know where Evelyn was, so they ran out and saw a panicked Inkling running in a circle around an inflatable plastic wall, panting heavily as a girl with a stick of bamboo-- a bamboozler to be correct was taking aim at her. And unsuccessfully hitting the wall ahead of them instead of their intended target, which was Evelyn.

The twins looked at each other, an unspoken agreement caused them to each throw a bomb at Bamboozler. The Bamboozler panicked and jumped 4 ft into the air, calling the Octotwins’ mother unsavoury things as the bombs exploded and her squid ghost was hovering away slowly back to spawn.

Evelyn doubled over, huffing. “Thanks… for that, you two.” She sputtered out, collapsing onto the ground. “I’ll be up… in a bit.”

The Octotwins looked at the sweaty heap lying in the orange Ink on the floor, then looked at each other. Shrugging, they walked away, leaving Evelyn on the ground, who eventually turned into a squid.

Eventually the Roller came back around, instead of his usual “rush and smash” tactic. He decided to run around the container, and another shouted angrily as he got splatted. It sounded oddly familiar to Canchi’s voice.

“Ah carp…” Ikara grumbled as she ran to the other side of the container and saw an Octoshot and a berry ski jacket on the ground. The roller turned back to them, and ran away from them into the open field. Another surprised -and extremely annoyed- shout was heard.

“Great…” Adara mumbled as she quickly ran to where Evelyn was. A blue Splattershot was on the ground and a muffled snicker were the only remnants of her splatter-er.

Suddenly a laser beam and a line of Ink was formed behind them as a rippling trail formed in it. The roller emerged and…

...the noob with the Jr. walked in front of the roller and the Roller slapped him in the face with the big paint roller, flinging the noob to the ground and causing him to instantly bubble and roll across the stage straight back to the blue spawn.

Suddenly the Roller tore his gas mask and threw it onto the ground, stamping on it angrily as he formed gibberish and screamed at the sky and threw his Roller up into the air.

“The ultimate rage quit,” was all they could say as they watched the kid yelling at the sky.

They simply rose their Splattershot Jrs. and splatted him and watched his Squid-Ghost slowly drift to their spawn, feeling an angry pair of eyes stab into them.

The automated lady came back, saying. “Stop! The round has ended. Standby for Judding.”

Shortly afterward, a cat jumped off a cargo container and landed very daintily for its size. It looked harshly in the Octotwins’ direction as it judged the stage’s coloration.

The two teams lined up in the middle of the map and watched the cat strangely rub itself, although it was probably looking for the Orange or Blue flags on it’s person.

The fat cat decided on that Orange won by 51.5% over Blue’s 49.1%, pulling out an Orange flag in Team Orange’s direction and dropping it dramatically on the ground. It then picked up the now Ink-covered flag and rubbed it off and stuffed it back in its furry pockets.

“Well… That was definitely unexpected,” Canchi said, scratching the back of his head, “do you guys wanna go for more, or is one match good for the day?”

The group shook their head in almost perfect unison, with Evelyn piping up. “Even though I’m hungry, I say we can do more. If that’s okay with you two.” She turned to the Octotwins, who nodded their approval once again.

“Well, that settles that.” Canchi smiled, walking back to the respawn pad with his Octoshot slung over his shoulders. Followed by Evelyn, Adara and Ikara. They were taken back to the Tower and queued for more battles to do, some were losses and others were victories, they all did them in good spirits and less… murder-y tendencies because of perceived loss. They did this for a week, the noobies of the team had leveled up their “freshness” level to 14 and 16.

A week later, in the Octotwins’ home on the outskirts of Inkopolis within the basement was a robot, standing within a small gantry, connected to it by a series of cables. It had a week’s layer of rust covering the soles of its plated feet, and a coat rack beside it with lots of puffy parkas, large overcoats, and a single, long, piece of purple fabric. A large selection of hats were on a shelf near the door.

It’s eye was dark purple, and glowed faintly in the dimly lit room, which had a single light bulb illuminating it.

Suddenly, the eye flared up and the robot turned its head to look around the room. Before it disconnected itself from the gantry, the cables hissing quietly as it stepped off. The room itself was plain and had various tools for the robot and its gear. Welders for damage, slosher buckets with paint inside, oil cans for its joints, and various containers of rust remover, some were empty and on their side, while others were upright and full.

It walked to one of the sloshers, grabbing it and leaving the small room, heading upstairs. Where the Octotwins and their Mom were having breakfast.

The kids managed to look up from their food and wave and smile and Legi, while their Mom said “Hello”.

“Greetings, Mrs. Octadron,” it replied, “how are you this day?”

“Good, thanks for asking!” She nodded, sending Legi off on its way.

Legi walked to the kitchen and turned the sink on, making sure it was warm water and not cold or lukewarm. It quickly grabbed some soap and put a little into the bucket, mixing it so it got a bucket of warm soapy water. It looked back at the family of Octolings and glanced down at what they were eating.

Bacon and eggs, typical meal for them.

It returned back to the small room and sat down on an overturned bucket, setting the filled bucket beside it. It took a cloth and dunked it into the soapy water--

“Legi! It’s time to go!” The Octotwins called downstairs to the robot.

The robot hunched over, slightly annoyed that it wasn’t able to properly tend to its weary hull without being interrupted. “Wait 10 minutes, I will arrive shortly afterwards!” It called back

“Okay!” They replied.

It chattered in its robotic language angrily as it polished the plating on its chest and head, quickly going down to its legs and arms, quickly dumping the rust remover inside two more buckets and dunking its feet inside. Before long, Legi was polished haphazardly and a bit less peeved.

It grabbed one of the gray overcoats and put it on, reaching inside and pulling out a pair of pants from the hanger within. It quickly slipped it on and walked upstairs, grabbing a power mask from the shelf and putting it on its head. The purple visor quickly glowing as Legi put it on.

“I’m coming up!” Legi shouted upstairs, walking to the front door where the Octotwins waited for it.

Adara quickly pulled out her phone and texted something, causing an annoyed chirp from Legi.

“Stop your texting, a real sold--” It stopped mid-sentence when it realized that they weren’t soldiers. “Stop texting, Adara. Your Inkling friends are suspicious and you shouldn’t trust people who needlessly endanger you.”

“Well…” Adara replied cheekily. “I think that would include you, because well, you’ve been saying that everyone is a danger to us. When they’re not. Canchi and Evelyn are our friends, so they should be allies to you.”

“Yeah Legi, we’ve known them for a week now, and you should know who they are.” Ikara piped in, adding her own points.

Legi grumbled and muttered an agreement in response. “Let’s go to the Tower. I’ll wait another 12 hours for you four to stop playing…” It trailed off, because it's new job was now waiting for them to stop playing Turf Wars, letting them fight, while it wasn’t able to protect them and had to watch.

Ikara perched the goggles on her head, and looked down at her phone, checking the time. “Alright, Legi, the train is going to arrive and leave if we don’t hurry up.” She told it, leaving the house with her sister in tow.

Legi hastily followed the two down to the monorail station which was a few blocks away, just getting on in time when the train left along with a rather large crowd of Inklings, Octarians, Jellyfish, and Crustaceans boarding it with them.

The twins sat down on one of the many seats on the subway train, while Legi stood up, waiting for their stop at the Plaza. At least until something caught its eye, an Inkling teen with black tentacles being escorted by a fully equipped soldier?Curious indeed.

Although Legi was an 8ft tall robot that had to hunch over to fit in the train properly, and not to mention it was escorting two Octolings of its own. Still, the unlikely duo caught its curiosity and it stared at them until the train stopped.

Legi quickly -and gently- pushed the Octotwins off of the train, keeping its head locked onto the soldier, who shoved the Inkling off of the train. “A bit crude, perhaps?” Legi mumbled as it looked away from them, following Ikara and Adara out of the monorail station.

“Alright, Legi, we’ll be back at around…” Ikara paused for a moment to think, “7 o’clock.” She added, excited about the games ahead of her.

“Ikara, do you have your .52 Gal?” Legi asked her.

“Yep,” she nodded in reply.

“Adara, do you have your N-Zap ‘85?” Legi looked over at Adara.

“Yes,” she replied to Legi.

“Good, I’ll see you two soon then.” Legi patted them both on the shoulder and hummed quietly as they left and went to the Tower. A purple Inkling wearing a ski jacket approached them, waving and smiling, along with another blue Inkling girl in a varsity sweater wearing a pair of colourful headphones.

If Legi could smile, it would’ve done so right then. But it just turned and went to explore the plaza, strolling around the large Plaza. Even if it acquired curious glances from passersby, it didn’t really care. What could they do to Legi? Spit Ink at it?

However, an Inkling stood out to it. Literally, she stood there and stared at it, suspiciously. The Inkling had a sickly look to her, and yet, she gave Legi a feeling of worry, as if she could beat it in a fight.

She turned around and started to leave the Plaza, dissolving into the crowd and leaving a slightly agitated Legi in the Plaza. However, the robot didn’t feel keen on letting the Inkling leave just like that. So it followed the Inkling out of the Plaza, watching for a light green head bobbing and weaving through the crowd.

It was tracking it for a while when the quick Inkling suddenly ducked into an alleyway, giving Legi cause for alarm and it quickly upped its pace and looked into the alley, looking around for it.

The Inkling had seemingly vanished, and it walked into the dark alleyway, scanning for the Inkling. Even just a droplet of Ink that could confirm she was there, but nothing. Nothing at all.

It felt watched, and it looked above it to the rooftops. There was the Inkling yet again, and she didn’t seem to give much reaction to Legi’s presence, aside from a smirk downward. She had a ghastly amount of teeth that were pointed and -Legi guessed- were very sharp.

Before then, the Inkling disappeared once again. And this time, Legi wasn’t able to follow it. Confused, it left the alleyway, gaining a lot more curious looks than usual. It retraced its steps back to the Plaza and waited in the cafe, fiddling with a coffee’s stirring stick as it waited for the Octotwins’ arrival.
Last edited:


Inkling Commander
Jul 5, 2015
Canada, ON
Next chapter batch is up.

Hours passed as Legi sat there in the cafe, watching people come and go as it pondered who that Inkling was.

Sharp, pointed teeth, sickly look-and-feel on her, but she is strong enough to get onto a rooftop without the use of a superjump? Very unusual for an Inkling with no help.

It looked outside into the sunset city, watching the sun leave and be replaced by night. It checked its internal clock. It was 7pm, and the Octolings hadn’t shown up yet. A feeling of trepidation crept its way into Legi. What if that Inkling went after them? What if they were attacked and it was nowhere near them?

Legi stood up just as the group went down the Tower’s steps; it left the cafe, leaving a tip behind for the non-existent services it asked of the servers there.

It looked at the two Octolings, and hurriedly approached them. Grabbing their wrists and dragging them away, only to stop when the two dug their feet into the ground.

“Legi, what’s wrong? We came on time as we told you earlier!” Adara cried, annoyed that she was already being dragged home.

“I saw someone today, someone that didn’t give me “good vibes” as you people say.” Legi answered, looking back at the two Inklings who were talking to each other worriedly.

Legi explained the strange encounter, from the weird way the Inkling acted, to her sudden departure, and then the abnormal agility when she got onto a rooftop. The two Octolings stared at Legi in response, confused and somewhat concerned about what it witnessed. Ikara turned to her sister, concerned about Legi. “Adara? You think Legi’s speaking the truth?” She asked.

“Robots don’t lie,” she replied quickly, the two’s usual maroon tentacles turning pale.

Legi looked back at Evelyn and Canchi, who were hesitantly approaching. “Tell your friends, we may need to warn them.” Legi told them, quickly sending them off to Canchi and Evelyn. They looked at them skeptically, obviously they weren’t going to believe them at first.

Legi’s rolled it’s eye and walked up from behind the Octolings who were bad at explaining.

“Canchi, Evelyn,” it eyed them up and down, standing at its full height making them feel small. “What these two told you is true, because that Inkling is probably a threat to you, and contrary to what they commonly believe. I do everything to ensure they’re safe, and by extension you two fall into it as well.

Canchi looked up, wondering whether to be slightly worried about the Octotwins’ state of mind, or if they have an overprotective Dad.

“Well, I suppose…” Canchi trailed off, confused about what to say, “thanks, I guess. We’ll take that warning seriously, right?” He looked at Evelyn for her view and she nodded in reply.

“Thanks for the warning, Legi.” Evelyn told the robot, before checking the time on her phone. “Anyway, we should get going.”

“Yeah, I’ll see you guys. Bye,” Canchi said, leaving the 4 behind at the Plaza. Leaving Legi to usher the 3 onto the monorail, which stopped at the Octotwins’ stop, and then once again at Evelyn’s stop.

Yawning, Canchi walked up to the bus stop and sat down. He brought out his phone and began to read through the texts he got. He ached all over from being smashed into a pancake from empty Rollers.

His Mom telling him to go home, one from Squidforce informing about a new shipment of clothes available for sale in the shops at Booyah Base, the usual things. He replied to his Mom, telling her he was coming home soon. He lazily swiped the notif away. Tiredly sinking into the uncomfortable seat.

Canchi sat back up in his spot. Dozing off on a bus bench at night wasn’t really something he’d want to do. He looked around. Surprisingly, the bus stop was empty.

“Damn,” he grumbled, painfully aware he missed the bus, “I’ll have to sit here for a while now.” Canchi mumbled to himself, he mentally facepalmed.

He checked the time. 7:20. He arrived too late, well, he thought hopefully, at least I have a reason to be late. Remembering his parents and what they would definitely say.

Canchi got comfy in his seat, playing a game on his phone until he got bored. He looked from side to side, not even a car passing by. Which was surprising, given the fact that it’s usually busy, just less so during the night. He began to whistle a tune out of boredom.

Someone started to mimic his whistle, but he didn’t care, it was probably just one of those jellyfish who liked accompanying people on anything. He looked around to find them, curious about where they were.

No one was near him.

Confused, he stopped whistling and the other whistler stopped in unison. He raised his eyebrows, still confused but impressed by the unknown whistler. Canchi decided to stop and sit in the silence.

This whistler creeped him the heck out. Maybe they could be that person Legi told him about? And it was just him and the darkness surrounding his little lit up bus stop. It wasn’t too lit up, because most Turf War players didn’t live within range of a bus ride to Inkopolis Plaza, most rode on the subway to the Plaza. Like Evelyn, Legi and the Twins.

Someone sighed, seemingly bored now. Canchi grumbled, wondering who they were and why they weren’t coming to the bus stop and lounged around in the dark. He looked behind him, “you know, if you could stop being weird and take a seat,” he said, annoyed, “you’d probably not be bored.”

“No thanks,” a woman replied, “I’m rather fine here.”

He jumped up once he heard the woman talk, least it wasn’t just some silent, whistling mugger. “Suit yourself,” Canchi responded. “Weirdo…” he mumbled afterwards

“Excuse me?” She snapped.

Canchi froze up, crap she heard me, he thought. “Sorry, it was nothing lady.”

She sounded like she was going to say something in response, but then the bus’ headlights came into view, and she stopped.

Canchi shrugged, not wanting to look behind him. He watched the bus come and stop in front of him. He went into the bus, taking a seat near the back.

Canchi thought back to that weird lady in the dark back at the bus stop. She didn’t follow with him into the bus, and she certainly didn’t walk down the street. What a weird person, he thought.

He looked out the bus window for the rest of the ride. The bus stopped and he got off, already heading to his home. An apartment not too far away from it.

He started to whistle again, a western styled tune. Thankfully, this time there was no response from a mimic. Cheerfully, he continued, walking along until he passed an alleyway, when he caught a glimpse of a figure lunging out at him.

“Oh cra--” was all he could manage before the mugger grabbed him and pulled him in.

“Get off of me,” he said, punching the person in the jaw --at least he thought it was the jaw. The person lost their grip on him and Canchi turned to run, when someone else stopped him. They knocked him out with one punch, he fell to the ground like a bag of rocks.

“Nice job T,” the person congratulated, a woman, she grunted, picking up Canchi, who turned into his squid form. She put him into an Ink tank. “First time and you already screwed up.”

“T” merely grunted in acknowledgement, following behind. She walked past a dumpster and opened it, she searched it for an Ink tank. Pulling it out and closing the dumpster lid. Frowning in disgust, she heard something shuffle inside it, but she brushed it off, seeing as how it was probably just some animal digging around in it.

They walked into an alleyway street with a car in it, “come on T,” she said, “get in the backseat and keep an eye on him.” The two got in, and “T” kept the Ink tank with Canchi in it securely down by seat belting it to the seat. Then it drove off.


Inkling Commander
Jul 5, 2015
Canada, ON
Exceeding the character limit is fun.

In the morning, the Octotwins, after letting an annoyed Legi tend to it’s morning duties, which consisted of it cleaning itself up and picking up an adequate hat that would cover up it’s head, they set out to the crowded subway. They met up with Evelyn, who was dozing off near the train doors.

Struggling to get to her, the Octotwins sat down beside her, “hey Evelyn,” Adara said, smiling, “you ready for some more Turf Wars?”

“Probably, although it’d consist of me getting my butt kicked,” she grumbled in response.

“Nah, maybe a week of playing helped you somewhat?” Ikara chimed in, voicing her opinion.

“Yes, perhaps it did help you Evelyn.” Legi began, “Adara and Ikara said you were chased around a plastic barrier by a charger, ” Legi recalled, “you cannot be as bad as you were a week ago.”

“Thanks Legi, that really boosted my confidence.” Evelyn sarcastically replied.

“Always happy to help.” It replied.

The train stopped, and they got up to leave. The four entered the Plaza, and Canchi wasn’t there to meet them at their usual place, the vending machine near the Tower. With the Great Zapfish looming over the spot.

Evelyn “hmm’d,” surprised at his absence. “Canchi isn’t one to be late.”

“Well, maybe he’s caught up at work? You know? Teaching a person who’s really… bad at pointing a gun at the ground and coloring it?” Adara suggested, she pointed up at the Battle Dojo. “Who knows, maybe it’ll take a while longer.”

“Well, you three can start playing,” Legi told them, pushing them insistently to the Tower.

“Hey! Hey!” Adara shouted at the robot, she dug in her heels into the ground and made Legi stop. “How do we know you won’t just go and find him through your ‘nice’ ways?” She asked it.

“Yeah, what if you get in trouble?” Ikara asked, chiming in her thoughts.

“If you two are that annoyed about my methods, then I will truly be this ‘nice’ you are requesting.” Legi gave up instantly, attempting to quiet their complaints. “I’ll go up to the Battle Dojo and see if Canchi’s there.”

“Okay, that’s surprisingly… lenient of you, Legi.” Ikara relented, cautiously looking at Legi, looking for any indication of it lying. It wasn’t.

“Go, you three go play in those matches,” Legi suggested, “I’ll go find Canchi in the Battle Dojo. Have fun with that as well.” It tacked on to it’s goodbye.

“Alright, Legi, I’ll see you soon!” Adara waved goodbye, quickly going to Inkopolis Tower with Ikara and Evelyn behind her.

Legi looked up at the Battle Dojo. It walked up the ramp and entered it, finding the first room to be empty of anyone. The counter, which Legi assumed was supposed to have someone behind it, was vacant, except there was a bell. It pressed it, a loud ding rang out through the building and it heard a person quickly running from behind a door, opening it with a bang. The Inkling who answered it looked tired, as if they’d been running around. Their vibrantly colored hair was sunburst yellow, and their eyes had an energetic, but also tired look to them.

He looked to Legi, tiredly, but bright, “hello, sir! Whoa… you look funny...” He greeted Legi, “I’m Michael, a worker here in this tiring establishment. Is there anything I can help you with? Registering a new squad, by the looks of it?”

“No,” Legi replied, stern and plain, “I would like to know if an employee-- Canchi, has shown up today.”

Michael collapsed over the counter at the mention of Canchi, “Canchi, that lazy goofbag…no he didn’t show up today at all. Not even a call in.” Michael replied.

Legi robotically chattered, surprised at Michael’s response. “Well, do you have his cell number?” It asked him.

“No, I don’t have his number, and I wouldn’t hand it out to begin with.” Michael grumpily snapped, “sorry, sorry, I’m just not used to having to work this hard.” He apologized quickly.

“Really? I thought you would have your work divided by multiple people.” Legi asked, confused.

“It would, but the other person Buck, called in sick today. Canchi, well, I’ll just assume you’re a friend of his, he didn’t even arrive or call to tell me why he wasn’t coming in.” Michael responded, annoyed.

“What job do they have here?” Legi questioned him.

“Buck works down at the 1v1 arcade and arena, which is 1 floor up.” Michael pointed upward, then pointed behind him, “and Canchi teaches newbies the ropes in Turf War. But I don’t get why they both had to choose this particular day to skip out on me.”

“As you can see,” he pointed at his face, showing off the fact he was visibly tired, “my work is cut out for me.”

“I see, well, thank you for your time.” Legi replied, it left the Battle Dojo and Michael, who quickly dashed away from the counter and into the room he came from.

Legi walked into the cafe to wait for the group to return from their matches. It waited, concentrating on folding a napkin the max amount of times, before it heard some people sit down at the table.

“Hey Legi,” Evelyn said, it responded by giving her the napkin. Which was a small cube now. “Okay?” She mumbled, confused about the napkin.
“So is Canchi there?” She asked, quickly sliding the napkin away from her.

“Yeah, we kinda kept getting noobies.” Adara murmured, annoyed at the memory of many, many close matches.
“Negative, apparently, Canchi was never there to begin with. The clerk there, Michael said he had never arrived or even called in sick.” Legi replied.

“That’s odd.” Evelyn responded, “typically Canchi shows up early. Every time.”
“Should we go to his house?” Legi asked the three.

“Nah, you two keep playing matches, I’ll get him.” Evelyn said, getting up to leave before she was stopped by Legi.
“Be careful,” it warned.

“What? Why?” She responded quizzically at it’s warning.
“I always assume the worst, so be careful.” It added.

“Allllright then.” Evelyn murmured, continuing her exit. She left the cafe, entering the more crowded-than-usual Plaza. Remembering the way to Canchi’s apartment, she walked to the bus stop. She sat down and began to wait for the bus.

Thankfully, it didn’t take too long and she boarded it with the other people at the bus stop. Putting on her headset --a sign for saying I don’t want to chat and to listen to music. She stared out the window, listening to Squid Squad.

The bus slowed down, and she stood up and disembarked from it. She turned to the direction of Canchi’s apartment, she began a brisk pace to it.

It’s broad daylight, and Legi thinks I’m going to get kidnapped, well, it does have some right to think that, Evelyn thought, thinking back to it’s warning and Canchi’s disappearance.

She increased her incredibly fast walk to a steady jog and arrived quickly at the apartment complex Canchi lived in. She pressed the button for Canchi’s apartment, it was slightly staticky, but she heard his Mom. “Hello?”

“Hi Mrs. Chiro,” Evelyn replied, “it’s me, Evelyn.”

“Oh! You! Is Canchi with you?” Mrs. Chiro asked her, “come on up.”

She looked and saw the locked door open, Evelyn walked into it and looked up. “Holy Mackerel… I have to walk up that?” She groaned, beginning the trek up to Canchi’s apartment.

After several minutes, she reached it, and knocked on the door. It opened to reveal Mrs. Chiro. A short, worried looking woman in her 40s. “Hello Evelyn, uhm... you can come in,” she ushered Evelyn into the apartment.

It looked similar to hers, except it was slightly less messier than Evelyn’s. The main room had a large TV, much like hers, but it had a console under it.

“So, did you see or hear from Canchi?” Mrs. Chiro asked, worried about her son’s well being.
Evelyn shook her head, “no I haven’t heard from him, I thought he was just really sick.”

Canchi’s Mom seemed to deflate after hearing that. “I... bet it was those annoying ‘Pro-Inklings’ that took him in. Those idiots hate Octolings like your two friends Adara and Ikara. M-maybe they kidnapped him to get at your friends? Took him in the night!” She started to cry, worried about him.

Evelyn froze up, she didn’t know how to deal with a situation like this. “Uhm…” She began, “don’t worry, we’ll get him back.”
“The police could help, I mean, we could get them to investigate the leads for this kidnapping?” Evelyn suggested to Mrs. Chiro.

She sniffled in response, “I’ll call them then…” Canchi’s Mom walked to a table, she picked up the phone that was on it and dialed a number.

“S-sorry about the news,” Evelyn awkwardly said, receiving a nod from Mrs. Chiro, who started to talk with the police. Evelyn stood there awkwardly in the living room, unsure of what to do or say next.

So she waited for the call to be over.
After 5 minutes, Mrs. Chiro put down the phone, she sat down on a chair and let out a worry filled sigh. “ can go if you want to.” She mumbled.

“Don’t worry, Mrs. Chiro, they’ll find him.” Evelyn shakily reassured, leaving the apartment.

She arrived in the lobby and left the apartment, and began to walk to the bus stop.

Evelyn brought out her phone and turned it on. Maybe she should give Adara a call--call… maybe Canchi still has his phone with him? It was a slight hope, but maybe he might answer. And give her and her friends-- and the police a hint at where he was.

She quick-dialed his number and waited. It kept ringing and wasn’t answered. Evelyn sent a text to Adara before she heard someone from an alleyway. She looked in and saw an Octoling sitting there by her lonesome.

Remembering Legi’s warning, she paused and looked around. No one but a ton of Crustaceans and Jellyfish on the sidewalk with her.

This Octoling didn’t really look physically fit to kidnap anyone--being thin and all, so she hesitantly approached her. “Hi,” Evelyn said, slightly worried. Maybe this person might know what happened to Canchi?

The Octoling jumped at her greeting, seemingly freaked out by Evelyn’s simple “hi.”
“Oi, what just ‘appened?” She asked Evelyn.

“I just said hi,” Evelyn replied, “I was just wondering, since you’re a… bit homeless, it seems, and if you happened to know if a kid, a boy walked home here last night.” She asked, hoping that the homeless Octoling might know.

“Oy’m not ‘omeless,” the Octoling responded, “oy live in Octo Valley, oy’m just here resting aftah a shipment to that cat, Judd I think.”
“Well, could you at least answer my question then?” Evelyn asked again.

“Oy dunno…” The Octoling began, “oy might’ve. But me memory isn’t too good…” she brought out her hand towards Evelyn.

She stared at the fingerless gloved hand, indignant at the thought of just paying up to this person for information. Evelyn just turned to leave, muttering. “Adara and Ikara better have a better--”

“Oi! Wait!” The Octoling stood up, “did you just say “Adara and Ikara?”” She asked.
“Uh… Yes?” Evelyn stopped and turned back to look at the Octoling. “Do you know them or something?”

“Blimey…” The Octoling mumbled, shocked, “aftah all these years. They’re still living. Those Octadrons really know ‘ow to survive, don’t they.” She chuckled, recovering from her initial shock.

“Sorry, but what?” Evelyn questioned, confused about her meaning.

“Aye, they survived the Collapse down in Octo Valley, when the juice started to run out for the Domes. Oy thought they died in it, but apparently they didn’t. These two wouldn’t happen to be twins, would they?” The Octoling asked, beginning to smile.

“Uhm…” Evelyn stuttered, “Y-yes, yeah they are.” She responded.
The Octoling’s smile seemed to get bigger, “Oy would like to meet them, after all this time. Would you mind taking me to them?”

“Sure, sure.” Evelyn replied, “it’s not like I'm happy with dragging a hobo around.”

The Octoling heartily laughed, “Oy’m not a ‘obo. Oy’m a tailor for Cuttlegear.”

“And I’m a detective.” Evelyn replied to the strange Octoling.
“You kinda are!” She replied, still laughing.

“Let’s just go to the bus, I don’t want to keep them waiting for their --apparent-- old friend.” Evelyn responded, quickly walking away from the Octoling, who followed Evelyn.

The two reached the bus stop, but the bus was about to leave. The two dashed as fast as they could to the bus, the Octoling quickly overtook Evelyn and reached the bus before the last passengers got on.

She told the bus driver to wait for her friend Evelyn, the anemone was reluctant but waited for Evelyn to catch up and board. She caught up, out of breath and tired, she sat down near the back of the bus. The Octoling sat beside her.

“So… what’s your name?”” Evelyn awkwardly trailed.

“Oy’m Phillis, and what’s yours?” she introduced herself, bowing slightly.
“I’m Evelyn.” She replied, before turning hopefully to Phillis, “can you answer my question now?”

“Sure, it’s the least Oy can do for finally seeing my friends after 2 years,” Phillis began, “well, it happened when Oy was out on a delivery to that cat Judd. Oy was taking me favourite shortcut through that backstreet--it really cuts down on the time, y’know.” She interjected, “but oy encountered the kind of folk you wouldn’t really like to meet, y’know, the kind that would mug you soon-as-look at you. So, being the quickthinker Oy am, Oy jumped into a dumpster to avoid them.”

“Really? And to think I’m bringing you to my friends…” Evelyn grumbled, she rolled her eyes.

“Naw, don’t worry about it,” Phillis reassured before continuing, “so, as oy was sayin’. oy jumped into a dumpster, and then oy heard a brief scuffle from outside the dumpster, so oy went and peeked outside. It was pretty dark, so oy didn’t see much. But oy could make out an unconscious boy being carried away into a car. But Oy swear, that woman that carried your boyfriend--”

“He’s not my boyfriend,” Evelyn snapped, beginning to blush. “He’s just a friend, that happened to get squidnapped.”

“Sure, sure,” Phillis smiled playfully, “the woman punched him once and he was out cold, then this boy named ‘T’ apparently did a terrible job at subduing em. And that was it.” She ended, shrugging to Evelyn.

“And… you didn’t think to tell the police?” Evelyn pointed out, both confused and annoyed.
“‘Ey, who’s going to believe the ‘hobo?’ Definitely not the police.” Phillis replied.

“Well, do you know what direction they were left?” Evelyn questioned her further.
“Oy think it was the industrial part of Inkopolis, y’know, the place with all the warehouses and factories and such.” She responded, shrugging.

“Well, it’s a lead I guess, a carp lead but one nonetheless.” Evelyn mumbled in response, sitting back in the seat. She put on her headset and started to listen to music.

Phillis got the message and didn’t talk for the rest of the trip back to the Plaza.


Inkling Commander
Jul 5, 2015
Canada, ON
More character limits! :D

The bus ride was uneventful, as all bus rides usually are. And Evelyn and Phillis left the bus and walked to the Plaza, arriving at the cafe. The two found the booth where the Octotwins were sitting with tea for each. Legi wasn’t present. So Phillis and Evelyn sat in the booth with them.

“Hey Evelyn, who’s thi--” Adara paused, looking at Phillis as if she just saw a ghost, “P-Phillis? I thought you were gone!”
“Same could be said for you,” she replied, slightly grinning.

“Where were you all this time?” Ikara asked her, she uncomfortably shuffled slightly in her seat.
“Living in the Flooder Junkyards, being a tailor for the people there and Cuttlegear,” Phillis answered.

Evelyn rolled her eyes, “any of you want anything to drink?” Adara and Ikara shook their heads, Ikara answering for them. “No, we already got something.” She pointed to her tea in their hands.

“Oy’ll have a drink!” Phillis chimed in, smiling. “Tea, specifically!”
Evelyn nodded, she left to the counter to buy the two drinks. Once she was gone, Adara looked at Phillis.

“Phillis? What’re you doing here?” Adara asked, confused about why she was there. “Like, why’re you here in Inkopolis?”

“Oy was delivering some clothes, oy decided to rest, then your friend over there brought me here,” she pointed over at Evelyn at the counter, “and now oy’m ‘ere.” Phillis answered, shrugging. “Now what about you?”

“They are here on orders of Wayna,” Legi responded, walking into the exchange. Phillis jumped up when she heard it, not expecting Legi to pop up suddenly. “Scanning: identity confirmed. You are Phillis Monterey, yes?” It asked her.

She hesitantly nodded in response, “oy didn’t know oy had fans.” Phillis nervously chuckled.
“This unit is not a fan, it is an Octarian Assa--”

Ikara quickly interrupted it, “it’s our figurative bodyguard, it brought us here.”

Evelyn returned from her time at the counter, holding tea for Phillis and coffee for herself. “Now uhm… I don’t mean to barge in on your conversation. But, Phillis, can you tell our friends here what happened to my friend Canchi?” She asked her politely.

“Ah! Good you brought that up, we were just reminiscing about back home.” Phillis replied thoughtfully, smiling about the thought of Octo Valley.

She went to explain what happened to Canchi and how he got kidnapped--with a fist in the face, the --really attentive-- lady, “T” and his mumblings, and where the car went. Phillis ended with her encounter with Evelyn.

“Yeah! That’s about all that happened, you two.” She took a sip of her tea, wincing slightly when she realized it was too hot.
“She mentioned that the car drove in the direction of the factories and warehouses.” Evelyn added.

Phillis nodded with her addition, smiling, “yep, she gets it.”
“Hmm…” Adara said, taking a thinker’s pose. “Ikara, you thinking what I’m thinking?”

“Probably.” She replied, smiling at her sister, “Legi, do you think you could look around in that area for us?”
It quizzically looked at them, “scout the locations around Walleye Warehouse?” Legi asked, wondering what they were getting at.

“Yes, and while you’re there, you can attempt to find Canchi. But don’t get too far ahead, we’ll need to work together to make sure we get him.” Adara added, she shrugged hopelessly, “it’s a bad lead, but I suppose it’s better than putting up a bunch of signs around the city and on milk cartons.”

Legi nodded, it turned to leave the cafe, before looking back at them. “You three, stay safe, affirmative?”
“We will.” Evelyn replied. It nodded, and left them in the cafe to mull over potential locations and where Canchi could be.

Legi arrived at the edge of the Plaza, it turned to look back at the Cafe. Balling it’s hands, it continued on it’s way to the Warehouse.

Legi reached the district, it saw a small band of Inklings drawing something on a warehouse’s wall. Curious, it wandered behind them to see what they were making. A few of them took notice of Legi’s approach and confidently walked towards it.
“You are drawing…” It asked them, seemingly confused at the picture. “A mural of an Octarian stereotypical racial slur?”

“Nah, we’re just drawing a picture for those Octarian idiots, what’s it to you, punk?” One in a baseball cap and a filthy leather jacket said, he tried to push Legi, but failed.

“I would caution you against trying that again, Inkling.” It warned in response. The Inklings drawing the picture hurried with their offensive mural.

“Ha-oh!” Cap said sarcastically, backing off with a step backward, “we got a tough guy over here! Well, let’s see how tough you are when you feel this!” Another Inkling came in from behind and hit Legi on the back with a baseball bat.

It stumbled forward slightly, off balance. “I will issue one more warning before I enact self defense. Stop this now. Or face the consequences.” Legi threatened.
Cap laughed mockingly, “or what? You’ll beat me with your fists?” He asked, before another Inkling hit it again.

Legi looked straight at Cap, it’s eye seemed to become fiery as it glared at him. It seemed to sigh to itself, before it quickly launched forward at Cap, who barely dodged it’s initial attack. He swore at it’s sudden speed before he was grabbed by the neck. Legi lifted him into the air, then drop kicked him into a building’s wall, turning him to a yellow splatter and a very, very dazed Squid ghost.

The Inklings around it stood in shock at it’s violence and way of dealing with Cap. Before one of them rallied the scared group and they charged at Legi.

Legi attempted to fight off the group, but couldn’t fight so many at once. So it went on the defense. Blocking baseball bats, deflecting rollers, and dodging a gun at some point. It was in a stalemate against the Inklings.

After 5 minutes of non-stop fighting, it started to hear other sounds of fighting. Gunfire, shouting, and general mayhem from beyond it. Legi wondered what the sources were. Aside from the obvious fighting.

10 minutes passed, the group started to become exhausted from the constant fighting. Whoever these Inklings were, they were persistent. Legi saw something out of the corner of it’s eye, because of its self defense protocols, turned to look at it. One of the rollers hit upside the head, knocking Legi down.

It looked up at its attacker-- and will-be destroyer. The gang member rose her roller over her head triumphantly, cheered on by her comrades.
Legi attempted to raise its left arm to block it-- the one containing the Melta-Cannon. But it was held down.

The Roller swung downward on it’s head, cracking its optical camera. Suddenly, a hand grabbed one of the long tentacles of the Roller’s and pulled viciously. The Roller yelped in pain at the yank, before getting kneed in the face by her attacker. She dropped down, unconscious.

Suddenly, the Inklings holding its arm down released and it used the chance to punch the ones on its right arm. Sending them all flying away.
It stood up and assessed the damage it took. Several dents on the arms and legs, and a cracked eye. Primarily superficial damage, it could tend to it after it returned to the house.

“Hey!” A voice called out, causing Legi to point it’s Melta-Cannon towards the person.

Legi looked at them, the man wore a bomber jacket over a red hoodie, he was masked by a Ski Mask with the visor tinted red. “Whoa, whoa! We just helped you from that gang! Ease up on the self defense!”

Another person --dressed much the same, except they wore a gas mask with the eyes tinted black-- stood beside him, holding a blackened Dynamo Roller like a baseball bat. As if ready for another fight.

Ski Mask noticed his partner wasn’t really helping his side and he quickly did some hand gestures. And Gas Mask put their weapon down, but looked around the area, seemingly cautious. Although it was probably the gunfire in the background that caused them to be that way.

Legi looked down at the unconsicious Inkling ‘gang members’ on the ground, then back at the two masked vigilantes. “Who are you two?”

“Us?” Ski Mask asked, “we’re the Crimson Squids!” He proudly pointed at his partner and then to himself. “We uh… mainly fight the two gangs vying for ‘Turf’ around the city. Seeing as how they’re both racist,” he motioned to the half-finished mural on the wall, “and quite vicious in their fights. As you, well obviously, saw just now.”

“Gangs?” Legi asked him.
“Yeparooni,” Ski Mask responded, seemingly jolly to answer Legi’s questions. “Pro-Inkling and Pro-Octarian. Real original, I know, but it gets their racist attitude across.”

“Two racist gangs attempting to route the other from the city?” Legi wondered, looking at one of the gang members who were starting to wake up. It stomped on their knee, it cracked and they went unconscious from the pain. “Tell me, do they base here?” It asked Ski Mask.

“Probably.” He answered, “their activity is heaviest--”Ski Mask went quiet, and then looked behind him. “Carp, they managed to get their hands on the construction mechs!” He shouted in a mixture of fear and anger.

A blue mech with black stripes along the hands was charging at them, the mech aimed and fired at them hitting Legi squarely in the chest. It slid backwards because of the strength of the cannon.

“Combat abilities: Hindered.” It said, noting the fact that the Ink was sticky and caused it to move slower. Legi braced for the inevitable assault from the Mech.

The mech rammed into Legi, pushing it even further. The mechanized suit quickly punched it in the face, knocking it away. Legi launched backward, sliding against the ground. It’s coat quickly tore and started to burn from the sparks being thrown by Legi’s hull.

It laid there for a moment, dazed, Legi lifted itself up somewhat and watched the fight. Ski Mask was agilely dodging the mech’s shots, in between them he shot at the pilot cabin, attempting to blind it. Gas Mask was blocking the mech’s fists with their Dynamo Roller, whatever it was made of, it was strong. They swung the Roller like a sword and deflected most of the punches, any Gas Mask couldn’t deflect was blocked instead. It noticed that the two masked vigilantes appeared to be tiring, as Ski Mask started to miss his shots and Gas Mask started to block more than deflect.

It was a losing battle.

Noticing that there was an access panel on the back of the mech, an idea formed in Legi’s head. If it destroyed whatever was behind that access panel, it would win, otherwise it would lose. Legi stood up gathering its strength for charging at the Mech. It ran to it, the two vigilantes realizing that Legi was charging the back of the Mech, the two went along with it and made the Mech fully face them.

Legi jumped onto the Mech, knocking it off balance and making it crash onto the floor. From there, it tore open the access panel, noting that there was an electricity symbol, and punched its hand into it and tore a bundle of wires from it, watching it spark and burst into flame.

The Mech stopped moving and fell limply to the floor. The pilot kicked out the door to the cabin, crawling, she attempted to get away before Legi grabbed her and dragged her towards it.

“I assume this is when you two vigilantes turn them in?” Legi asked the Crimson Squids.
Ski Mask nodded, “yep, but can I just say something?”

Legi hesitantly nodded its approval.

“You’re a damn tough fighter, like dang! You took a fist to the face and…” Ski Mask trailed off, looking at Legi’s exposed head. “You’re… a robot?” He asked.

Legi froze up, before shrugging its shoulders casually. “Yes, yes I am.” It replied.
“Dang dude! That’s totally sci-fi!” Ski Mask responded, almost happily hopping around. “Like really! I thought we weren’t going to have any for a while.”

The pilot attempted to struggle out of Legi’s grasp. It simply tightened it in response. “Inkling, tell me, have you seen a pale green Inkling woman? Accompanied by another simply called “T?”” It asked her.

She spat on it’s coat, “bugger off.” She replied.

Ski Mask scoffed, chuckling at the pilot’s attitude. He caught whatever Legi was attempting and helped it. “If you don’t tell the big robot, it’ll do something you’ll definitely regret.” Gas Mask dragged a thumb across their neck and pointed down with it, seemingly threatening the pilot.

The pilot whimpered quietly, “alright, alright! I’ll tell you, just as long as you let me go!”
“Granted,” Legi replied.

“Okay… N-no, I haven’t seen any I-Inkling woman. Just a really, really tall Inkling kid. He’s got this… r-really glazed over look on his face, usually we leave him alone.” She began, “but then we started to lose some people, they vanished without a trace and another one of our Mechs--”

“Wait, wait.” Ski Mask interrupted, “more Mechs? Well, that’s just great. It was hard enough taking one down.” He pointed at Legi, “without this guy we’d be red splatters against the ground.”

“Is that all?” Legi asked the pilot, ignoring Ski Mask’s interruption.

“N-no! Not at all, I swear!” She answered, “as I was saying. Our guys were vanishing one by one, and then a Mech disappeared. At first we thought it was the Octarians, the rival gang! But then the kid stopped wandering around and disappeared, so we think he stole it.” She concluded, attempting to drag herself away.

Legi pulled her back, carrying her upside down. It handed her to the Crimson Squids. “Here, I got all the information I needed.”
“Whoa! Hey! I thought you said you’re letting me go!” She cried.

I’m letting you go, they’re not.” Legi responded, “a nice turnaround, wouldn’t you agree, Gas Mask?”

Gas Mask, uncomplaining, silently and quickly tied up the pilot and picked her up. But Ski Mask had differing plans. “Whoa whoa. There must be a reason that we just interrogated and scared that poor girl,” he demanded, angry about what he just helped with.

Legi rolled it’s head, annoyed. “The people I’m supposed to protect, two Octolings named Adara and Ikara, had their friend Canchi kidnapped. I was sent here to search for a hideout for the abductors, but clearly found nothing.” It explained curtly.

“C-Canchi?” Ski Mask gasped, “I thought he in the Do-- Ugh… Nevermind, we’ll attempt to help you in any way we can.” Ski Mask promised.

“If you are serious about this offer, then thank you.” Legi answered, it’s voice slightly happier now that it wasn’t the only one doing this search.

Legi turned and left the scene, letting the Crimson Squids handle the mess now that it was clear of hostiles. The place looked like a wreck, car crashes, signs of fighting, and emergency responders wandering around. It avoided any police patrolling the area, although it came across a collapsed warehouse, it spotted several people wearing odd, black suits with a safety vest on.

“The New Squidbeak Splatoon…” Legi grumbled robotically. It avoided the mixed group of police and Agents, and it left the industrial district. Arriving at the subway near the house. Checking the time, it noted it was 7:00, because of it’s internal clock. The twins will show up soon, it picked an empty spot and waited for them to arrive.

It looked out from the alleyway between a gas station and a house it hid away in. The surrounding area looked similar to the industrial district it came from earlier. Except it seemed worse, like three groups started fighting against each other in the area.

Legi grumbled, deciding to go look for the Octotwins’ mother just in case she got hurt in all this. It left the alleyway, getting weird looks from emergency responders as it passed them in the street.
Last edited:


Inkling Commander
Jul 5, 2015
Canada, ON
Legi ignored the worried looks it got, walking across the street to its house. It knocked three times on the door.

The door creaked open. And Legi assumed the worst, it got it’s Melta-Cannon ready. Holding it up, it looked inside the house. It wasn’t too bad inside, a table across the entrance was overturned.

Suddenly a woman sprung up from behind the table and aimed at Legi, “back off you idio-- Oh hi Legi!” Mrs. Octadron said, putting down a Heavy Splatling. “W-where’re the kids?”
Legi looked around the house, it asked in response. “they’re not here?”

“I thought you would’ve brought them back after all that trouble!” Mrs. Octadron replied, before pointing back out the door, “get your sword and meet them at the subway. Now.” She demanded.

Legi grumbled, walking past her to the basement door and quickly running down the stairs. It threw it’s now destroyed Power Helmet onto the ground and put on a new one along with a new coat. It grabbed it’s sword and headed back upstairs.
“Now get out there and get those kids to safety!” Mrs. Octadron said, “I’ll keep this house safe.”

Legi rolled it’s eye, and walked down the driveway onto the sidewalk. It went to the subway, thanking that it was still running, despite its initial thoughts that it should’ve been shut down the moment all that happened.

It didn’t have any complaints about it though, given that it made getting around a lot more easier. Although there was an increase in police officers patrolling and guarding it. The train ride was uneventful, and it arrived at the Plaza quickly.

Legi got off of the subway, trudging all the worried people attempting to get home--to safety. While it was stuck attempting to rescue three people from the Plaza. It walked up the steps and looked around, for a Bobble Hat, for a pair of Octo-Goggles, hell, even Evelyn’s tri-tentatail.

Hopefully, they could see it, because it couldn’t see them in the writhing mass around it.

A hand grabbed it’s sleeve, it looked and saw Adara’s puffball hat bobbing in the panicked morass of people. “There you are, your Mum sent me to get you three out of here.” Legi told her, quickly picking them all up, placing Evelyn up top, and holding the Octotwins in their Octopi forms in its cupped hands.

It began a brisk pace to the train, ducking down as it entered the subway to avoid bashing Evelyn’s head against the ceiling. Legi quickly boarded the train with the three.

The train was absolutely packed with people, some were worriedly texting on their phones, whilst others were reading the news. Legi placed the two in its hands on the ground, they stumbled around for a bit before it stood up and let them take its seat beside Evelyn.

It looked around, spotting a familiar gas masked Inkling onboard with it. Gas Mask was onboard the same train! They must’ve gotten around really quickly. It brushed it off though, the Crimson Squids will contact it when they find something.

“Legi! What happened?” Adara asked, worried.
“I’ll explain when we get home.” It answered.
“What? Ugh… fine.” Adara grumbled in response.

The train ride was uncomfortably crowded and they barely had any space to move, but Legi’s presence seemed to make everyone back away from them. The train stopped and they got off, Legi shepherded the group to the Octadron house

It opened the door and made sure it stayed closed. Mrs. Octadron engulfed the group in a seabear hug, lifting them all into the air.

Legi locked it, satisfied that it actually stayed closed after locking it. It’ll have to tell Mrs. Octadron to fix it at some point. It looked back at her, she was still locked in a giant hug with the kids.

“Excuse me, Mrs. Octadron. But you appear to be suffocating them,” it pointed out, looking at the kids, concerned about them.

Mrs. Octadron released them, “right, sorry. Just kinda worried about them, that’s all.” She mumbled in response.

Adara doubled over, gasping for air. “Thanks… thanks Legi.”

“What happened over where you were, Legi?” Ikara asked, in the same situation as her sister, “did you find anything? Also, what happened to your eye?” She pointed up at its eye.

“Nothing more than a fight, a gang attempted to destroy me. They nearly succeeded, but I was saved by two vigilantes. They identify as the ‘Crimson Squids.’” It replied, explaining the unpleasant memory of being bested by a group of gangsters. “If I had my sword with me, they would not have won.”

“Mhm… And you would also have been arrested,” Mrs. Octadron cut in, “and what exactly happened next?”

Legi gestured to the living room, the twins and Evelyn sat on the couch, whilst Mrs. Octadron sat down on a recliner. It then proceeded to explain everything, starting with the fight with the gangsters and its saviours, then its chat with the Crimson Squids, and then the encounter with the Construction Mech and the ensuing riot, ending with the pilot’s interrogation after they took the mech down.

“Well, surprisingly Phillis’ lead actually got us somewhere, but it’s still a very big place to search. And it’s worsened by the fact that there’s a gang that is active there.” Evelyn lamented at the mention of the Pro-Inklings and Pro-Octarians.

Adara nodded, “and we’re supposed to find that kid. Well, I suppose we could tell the police that there was a kidnapping perpetrated by a gang, I guess.” She added, hopeless.

“Affirmative, but that vigilante duo had promised to keep an eye out for your friend Canchi.” Legi interjected, adding to its explanation of the interrogation.
“Well, that helps us a lot, a duo going and finding Canchi for us.” Evelyn said, “like one of those old detective movies.”

“Legi, continue your searches, and attempt to find the Crimson Squids again. We may need their help to find Canchi.” Mrs. Octadron ordered, it nodded and left the house. Being careful to lock the door behind it as it went.

“So… Mrs. Octadron, what’s gonna next?” Evelyn asked, she turned to the twins’ mom.

“Call me Kara,” she responded, “and what’s next is that you gotta go home. Your family must be worried about you, go and catch up with Legi. I want you to get to your home safely.” Kara worriedly added, pointing out the mess outside.

“Okay… Kara, I’ll get going.” Evelyn nodded, leaving the house. She ran up beside Legi.

“And now, you two help me clean this house up.” She ordered, righting the overturned table.

“Alright, Mum,” Ikara said, helping her mother clean the house up. Adara joined too and the rest of the day was spent cleaning, and fixing, their home. Kara made dinner for her two kids and they ate it, before she sent them all to bed. She quickly fixed the door after Legi returned from its trip back outside.

It went to the basement and tended to the damage it sustained throughout the day, while Kara went to sleep in her room. Dreaming of happier times.


Inkling Commander
Jul 5, 2015
Canada, ON
Oop, I'm back at this again. Well, I'm not back at this in particular. I always worked on it in the background, in fact there's like 10-15 chapters waiting in the wings to be edited and posted. But, as usual feedback is always appreciated.

A week later, in the Octotwins’ home on the outskirts of Inkopolis within the basement was a robot, standing within a small gantry, connected to it by a series of cables. It had a week’s layer of rust covering the soles of its plated feet, and a coat rack beside it with random rows of puffy parkas, large overcoats, and a single, long, piece of purple fabric. A large selection of hats were on a shelf near the door.

It’s eye was dark purple, and glowed faintly in the dimly lit room, which had a single light bulb illuminating it.
Suddenly, the eye flared up and the robot turned its head to look around the room. Before it disconnected itself from the gantry, the cables hissing quietly as it stepped off. The room itself was plain and had various tools for the robot and its gear. Welders for damage, slosher buckets with paint inside, oil cans for its joints, and various containers of rust remover, some were empty and on their side, while others were upright and full.

It walked to one of the sloshers, grabbing it and leaving the small room, heading upstairs. Where the Octotwins and their Mom were having breakfast.

The kids managed to look up from their food and wave and smile and Legi, while their Mom said “Hello”.

“Greetings, Mrs. Octadron,” it replied, “how are you today?”

“Good, thanks for asking!” She nodded, sending Legi off on its way.

Legi walked to the kitchen and turned the sink on, making sure it was warm water and not cold or lukewarm. It quickly grabbed some soap and put a little into the bucket, mixing it so it got a bucket of warm soapy water. It looked back at the family of Octolings and glanced down at what they were eating.

Bacon and eggs, typical meal for them.

It returned back to the small room and sat down on an overturned bucket, setting the filled bucket beside it. It took a cloth and dunked it into the soapy water--

“Legi! It’s time to go!” The Octotwins called downstairs to the robot.

The robot hunched over, slightly annoyed that it wasn’t able to properly tend to its weary hull without being interrupted. “Wait ten minutes, I will arrive shortly afterwards!” It called back

“Okay!” They replied.

It chattered in its robotic language angrily as it polished the plating on its chest and head, quickly going down to its legs and arms, quickly dumping the rust remover inside two more buckets and dunking its feet inside. Before long, Legi was polished haphazardly and a bit less peeved.

It grabbed one of the gray overcoats and put it on, reaching inside and pulling out a pair of pants from the hanger within. It quickly slipped it on and walked upstairs, grabbing a power mask from the shelf and putting it on its head. The purple visor quickly glowing as Legi put it on.

“I’m coming up!” Legi shouted upstairs, walking to the front door where the Octotwins waited for it.

Adara quickly pulled out her phone and texted something, causing an annoyed chirp from Legi.

“Stop your texting, a real sold--” It stopped mid-sentence when it realized that they weren’t soldiers. “Stop texting, Adara. Your Inkling friends are suspicious and you shouldn’t trust people who needlessly endanger you.”

“Well…” Adara replied cheekily. “I think that would include you, because well, you’ve been saying that everyone is a danger to us. When they’re not. Canchi and Evelyn are our friends, so they should allies to you.”

“Yeah Legi, we’ve known them for a week now, and you should know who they are. They haven't even done anything that could be considered dangerous.” Ikara piped in, adding her own points.

Legi grumbled and lowly said an agreement in response. “Let’s go to the Tower. I’ll wait another 12 hours for you four to stop playing…” It trailed off, because it's new job was now waiting for them to stop playing Turf Wars, letting them fight, while it wasn’t able to protect them and had to watch.

Ikara perched the goggles on her head, and looked down at her phone, checking the time. “Alright, Legi, the train is going to arrive and leave if we don’t hurry up.” She told it, leaving the house with her sister in tow.

Legi hastily followed the two down to the monorail station which was a few blocks away, just getting on in time when the train left along with a rather large crowd of Inklings, Octarians, Jellyfish, and Crustaceans boarding it with them.

The twins sat down on one of the many seats on the subway train, while Legi stood up, waiting for their stop at the Plaza. At least until something caught its eye, an Inkling teen with black tentacles being escorted by a fully equipped soldier?

Curious indeed, although Legi was an 8ft tall robot that had to hunch over to fit in the train properly, and not to mention it was escorting two Octolings of its own. Still, the unlikely duo caught its curiosity and it stared at them until the train stopped.

Legi quickly -and gently- pushed the Octotwins off of the train, keeping its head locked onto the soldier, who shoved the Inkling off of the train. “A bit crude, perhaps?” Legi mumbled as it looked away from them, following Ikara and Adara out of the monorail station.

“Alright, Legi, we’ll be back at around…” Ikara paused for a moment to think, “7 o’clock.” She added, excited about the games ahead of her.

“Ikara, do you have your .52 Gal?” Legi asked her.

“Yep,” she nodded in reply.

“Adara, do you have your N-Zap ‘85?” Legi looked over at Adara.

“Yes,” she replied.

“Good, I’ll see you two soon then.” Legi patted them both on the shoulder and hummed quietly as they left and went to the Tower. A purple Inkling wearing a ski jacket approached them, waving and smiling, along with another blue Inkling girl in a varsity sweater wearing a pair of colourful headphones.

If Legi could smile, it would’ve done so right then. But it just turned and went to explore the plaza, walking around the large Plaza. Even if it acquired curious glances from passersby, it didn’t really care. What could they do to Legi? Shoot high-velocity Ink at it?

However, yet another Inkling stood out to it. Literally, she stood there and stared at it, suspiciously. The Inkling had a sickly look to her, and yet, she gave Legi a feeling of worry, as if she could beat it in a fight. The young woman stood out to it, as if Legi had seen her somewhere before but it didn't exactly know.

She turned around and started to leave the Plaza, dissolving into the crowd and leaving a slightly agitated Legi in the Plaza. However, the robot didn’t feel keen on letting the Inkling leave just like that. So it followed the Inkling out of the Plaza, watching for a light green head bobbing and weaving through the crowd.

It was tracking it for a while when the quick Inkling suddenly ducked into an alleyway, giving Legi cause for alarm and it quickly upped its pace and looked into the alley, looking around for it.

The Inkling had seemingly vanished and Legi followed her into the dark alleyway, scanning for the Inkling. Even just a droplet of Ink that could confirm she was there, but nothing. Nothing at all.

It felt watched, and it looked above it to the rooftops. There was the Inkling yet again, and she didn’t seem to give much reaction to Legi’s presence, aside from a smirk downward. She had a ghastly amount of teeth that were pointed and Legi guessed they were exceedingly sharp. That or it assumed that she had a nasty dental job.

Before then, the Inkling disappeared once again. And this time, Legi wasn’t able to follow it. Confused, it left the alleyway as a few people give it a small berth to avoid it. It retraced its steps back to the Plaza and waited in the cafe, fiddling with a coffee stirring stick as it waited for the twins’ arrival.

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