Arowana Mall Formations


Inkling Commander
Jun 19, 2015
Arowana Mall Formations

Notes: Assessment of my plans are not only encouraged, but critical and required. I recruited all of you into Ender’s Jeesh because I felt that you were all intellectually capable for this sort of thing. Also, in this I assume most of you are perfect. This is another reason why I recruited you all into Ender’s Jeesh. You are all above average in whatever weapon/weapon’s you specialize. I encourage you all to play as much Splat Zones over the summer as possible. Even if you are A+. The only rank I keep in my head of each of you guys is the peak rank, and if you go down I won’t care because that just means we are all learning more. This will be copy and pasted into every formation list because I want you guys to get the message through your heads.

(P.S. If you aren’t already, use motion controls. The precision in them is closer than anything to a Mouse and Keyboard.)

Stuff To Expect: Expect chargers and squelchers to take side high ground areas (obviously.) If they have control of one of the high ground areas, they will attack the other like hell if they spot an opponent. If you are trapped in the far right high ground area constantly evading opponent attacks, quickly move in the area and chuck a bomb then quickly move back. While your opponent is retreating move back in and take him down. Trust me, this works every time if you are a good shot. Expect rollers to completely own the middle area. If there is a roller, take him down fast as possible. Please comment more contributions for this stuff.

Offensive Formation 1:

A: Dynamo Roller/ Jet Squelcher/ Dual Jet Squelcher/ Forge Splattershot Pro. Dynamo goes straight up the middle, where it’s insane range will drive the opponents defending the entrance insane. It is advised by me that the Dynamo be extremely reluctant and conservative, even retreating from the splat zone if need be and pretending to attempt to climb up our entrance (<<< Please argue with me on this, this just seems like such a barren plan.) The two Squelchers take the high ground passages, with Dual to the right and the Single to the left. The Forge will accompany the Jet Squelcher. The Forge will accompany the Squelcher for high ground assertion on enemy high ground. Fact is, chargers can’t handle them, and superior range is confirmed against other shooters like Splattershot Junior, Aerospray, Luna Blaster, e.t.c. Rollers can’t reliably handle it, and squelcher’s are too weak. While the single squelcher is raining ink on enemy heads, the Dual will be handling enemy high ground on the right. Me being the dual, I am pretty sure I can reliably handle any other weapon that has taken high ground in a shoot out. After high ground threats are terminated, we obviously proceed to shoot whoever is down there to you know where.

A-Suggestions: Splattershot Pro can create ink lining up the wall in case the enemy does something like an ink strike and Dynamo needs to regain position. Also, since Pro is on the left side at the beginning of the match, if Dynamo starts assault on the right and abandons pre-caution, Pro can help Dynamo flank by spreading friendly ink.

B: Simply push forward and establish new positions. Singular will relocate just a little bit to the opponent’s right high ground and Dual will take over the opponents left high ground (both respectively from their viewpoints.) The Splattershot Pro and the Dynamo Roller will be in the Splat Zone on the tip of the opponent’s entry providing constant pressure and making it nearly impossible to recover their position.

B-Alternate: Splattershot Pro will accompany the Singular further making sure no enemies will try to regain high position through back passage ways.

C-Situational: Splattershot Pro and Dynamo Roller will move into enemy territory on low ground while the two squelchers will take their earlier positions. When the Squelchers aren’t seeing any action they will look at their maps to make sure no opponents are going through the back passageway.

Offensive Formation 2:

A: 2 E-Liter 3k’s/ 2 Splattershot Tentatek’s. Chargers escorting Splattershot Tentatek’s. Splattershot Tentatek’s proceed to go as fast as they can to the zone while chargers take high ground. Once zone is taken, Pro’s proceed to scout out enemy high ground. Tentateks then lay down suction bombs near opponent entrance for inconvenience. Chargers meanwhile will be harassing opponents entrance with multiple shots. Depending on the type of charger, they will use their sub weapon to provide aid during battle.

B: Full Offensive Throttle. When opponents are all respawning, chargers will proceed to take over opponent high ground area while Tentateks transfer over to the enemy zone entrance for harassment. Chargers will still be taking part in harassing when no opponent is trying to sneak up on them from behind (they will be taking over enemy high ground.)

C-Situational: Pretty much just being a jerk. Again, when most opponents are inactive we will switch to Formation C. Tentateks will move down into enemy territory and Chargers will take back passage way through enemy high ground to survey the enemy territory. This is just making it so there is no possible way that the opponents will come back and win. Also, This is extremely situational. This is if something unlikely like every single opponent fell around a certain time frame near the same time.

Recovery Formations:

A: Tentateks/ E-Liter 3k’s. Tentateks take side passage while 3k’s go right up the middle. 3ks will retaliate against the obvious enemies trying to protect our basic entrance. If any chargers make themselves visible up at high ground; the 3k’s will punish them, killing them for their stupidity. Tentateks are taking side passages only if the high ground enemies are chargers or anything besides squelchers. If they are squelcher’s, the 3k’s will instead go for the side passages. Honestly, the only reason why the Tentatek’s/ 3k’s will be attacking our own entrance is for a distraction. I realize that this is generally a weak formation, but our offense doesn’t have much versatility in terms of weapons. I hope someone has suggestions that make this recovery formation more possible, because I really do think that the pure offensive force involved in this is something special. Like the Oregon Ducks.

B: Dynamo Roller/ Jet Squelcher/ Dual Jet Squelcher/ Forge Splattershot Pro. The two Squelchers take the high ground passages, with Dual to the right and the Single to the left. The Forge will accompany the Jet Squelcher. The forge will accompany the Squelcher for defense against hostile enemies, since the Singular is arguably weak. Once up at high ground, the singular will lay an ink wall facing parallel to the opponent’s high ground, where the Forge will take out opposing chargers. Dynamo goes straight up the middle, where it’s insane range will drive the opponents defending the entrance insane.

Contribute or Die!
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