Charger Users: What criteria determines which charger you bring?


Squid Savior From the Future
Dec 18, 2015
I've spent a good deal of time with all the chargers these past few weeks, from bamboozler through 3k scope. Each has its place, and I'm starting to lean AWAY from the scopes. I never felt splat charger needed a scope, it's not that long range to need it, and if I need longer range I might as well use eliter. Recently I've been leaning toward scopeless eliter as well. The smidgen of added range doesn't seem worthwhile to give up reduced charge time, added mobility and situational awareness. Especially when I need to go mobile and leave the perch and go aggressive with the burst bombs. It's also easier to hide the laser when not zoomed into a wall. My aim doesn't seem to suffer much except for the farthest shots, which are kind of a gamble with lag anyway.

So between splat charger (bombs) and 3k non-scope (or between the scope versions of each), how do you decide whether you're going to equip your eliter or your splat charger/splatterscope? Is it map based, mode based, mood for the day, or does it come down to which type of sub to bring? What is it that makes you think "I'm going to use this one today!"?

Drip Bam Boozle

Inkster Jr.
Nov 15, 2015
I exclusively use the splatterscopes for every stage and gametype these days.

Man, I think the question is a few patches too late. The Splatterscopes are the pound for pound best chargers in the game. They can basically match the speed and charge4kill of their scope less counterparts. The zoom actually has more benefits than you might think. The gradual zoom can drastically increase your precision over ledges as well as in general and skilled players will use the gradual zoom as a timing mechanism for the fastest possible kills within the kill threshold. This gun is basically a higher skill ceiling for their scope-less predecessors.

The difference between the kelp and Og Splatterscopes:
Basically you use the kelp when you're playing splatzones, solely because the sprinkler is ridiculously hard to counter on certain stages: Moray, Mahi, and Walleye. ( you throw the sprinkler at any easy to reach spot from your vantage point that forces the forces the enemy to turn around and shoot at it.)

The original is just better in every other regard.

The Eliters are meh now. I don't see them as much as I used to in high level ranked. They were the best in the game before the nerfs. And don't get me wrong they are still great at killing other chargers which was their primary function. They're just not AS good at it... and everything else. I would still recommend the E3K scopes for maps like Walleye, Moray and hammer head. This gun can only shake up the enemy supports now... It's a support gun itself now.

Use on maps with a lot of vertical and flat playing fields for maximum mid range power: Blackbelly, Moray, Museum, etc.


Lord of the Squids
Aug 15, 2015
Switch Friend Code
I tend to never use the shorter-ranged chargers myself outside of TW, i rather use the mobility offered by other shorter-ranged shooters.

Personally i'd rather go for reg Splatterscope for Zones, splat bombs are great for laying traps and rush can quickly retake the zone in case it got captured. One of the charger's great maladies, Splash Walls can easily be taken advantage of by tossing bombs against it splatting anyone directly in front of it and damaging the wall a great deal aswell.
Allmost always will i use Kelp on Tower Control, slap a sprinkler against the tower and you'll be able to spam Wail over and over again. Wail clears out the tower far faster and more effectively than Splat Rush, hence i'd rather pick Kelp over reg in TW.
I'd reccommend Custom E-Liter for Rainmaker IF you can play well with it, Kraken is amazing in this mode along with Beakons. Normally i'd rather pick a non-charger weapon for RM like the Custom Jet/Heavy Deco.

E-Liters are still very good even after the nerf, mostly thanks to the incredible sub n special combos they have. However the weapon itself has possibly the highest skill floor out of all weapons hence it's uncommon to see anyone in Ranked doing well with them.


Prodigal Squid
Aug 18, 2015
I just started trying to get good with chargers as I just recently got decent gear for it.

Coming from a shooter background, I really like the mobility of the squiffer, but I can do basically the same sorts of things with the CJS, so I decided to try the splatterscope. I'm still learning, but I have finally been able to consistently get positive K/D ratios. I feel like the spatterscope can be decent on every map. It charges quick enough to get off a shot and reposition. It has enough mobility to be just about anywhere.

I think eliters are still really powerful, but take a lot of skill. I still get taken out from nowhere by eliters because they can cover so much ground. And they are still the best at defending themselves and support with their kit. I prefer a more mobile weapon, but I have mad respect for eliters.

Of Moose & Men

Inkling Fleet Admiral
Aug 9, 2015
Anatat Tatanatat
Alright, I'll try and refrain from repeating what others have said, but as an ELiter main, I'll give my two pennies worth. So, as its been stated, the ELiter definitely takes a bit more time and effort to get down. With that long range leaves little room for effort. It requires a steady hand and a patient user. Thanks to its absolutely AMAZING sub in Burst bombs, it is capable of just about anything from close quarter to mid range, to the literal longest range possible. It's far from an easy weapon to pick up, but if you're willing to put the time and effort into getting the hang of it, you'll be good to go. I honestly don't think I've ever gone in the negative using my ELiter, and if I have, it's no more than once or twice. The Eliter just requires time, effort, and a lot of patience. After you get the hang of it, you'll start getting jump shots down, strafe shots from behind walls and boxes and, just an over all steadier hand in shooting.

The reason I personally chose the no scope variant is simply because I feel the field of view is extremely beneficial over the slight push in range. Granted, that loss in range was noticeable at first. It's really up to you and what you prefer.

So, long story short, if you're wanting to hone your accuracy, are okay with being patient and, have the time and effort to invest in the ELiter, I promise you, it won't steer you wrong.

With that said, Eliter really does work on most if not all maps. It REALLY strives in Moray Towers, Walleye Warehouse, and especially Saltspray Rig. There are only a couple maps that the ELiter struggles a little with, being Kelp Dome and Camp Triggerfish. The latter being remedied after you get jump shots down.
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Semi-Pro Squid
Jun 24, 2015
I've generally used the Splatterscope mainly because of its shorter charge and (fairly) ink efficient qualities. Because I play a sort of "shotgun-style," I've been using Damage Ups to reduce its charge time to where I can have the charge speed of a squiffer but with the range of a Splatterscope should I need that extra distance. I also get tunnel vision from the scope but because I usually let out my shots at around 50-75%, I benefit only from the initial zooming, which helps my accuracy to a degree.

I enjoy the E-Liter as well but rarely have I ever had trouble closing the distance in between an enemy to really warrant the extra range. The charge time bothers me quite a bit and while its range is superb, its ink efficiency is penalizing if I miss my shots.


Squid Savior From the Future
Dec 18, 2015
Fantastic responses so far all around. And it's fun how some of them are fully contradictory to each other. The fact that I agree with BOTH of those viewpoints is the inspiration for this thread to begin with. In terms of the short range shooters, I love squiffer and bamboozler, but bamboozler with disruptor (or L3 Nozzlenose with disruptor) is definitely my preference for the midrange. I happen to love most of the weapons in the game so it's hard to really nail down preferences. I tend to switch around by mood. but I'm trying to dial in my overall mains. I'm considering myself a "charger + Carbon" main at this point. And by charger, I'm referring mostly to the 4 bombed chargers (splat charger/splatterscope, 3k scope/non-scope.) (I'll call them "splatters & eliters" for this thread.)

Being comfortable with both, I still feel there's a time and place for both of them, but I'm having difficulty determining that time and place.

@Elecmaw: That sprinkler tip for TC is fantastic! I've always used luna neo on TC, and done well with it but I don't want to ALWAYS be the one pushing (even though my team comp usually necessitates that I am....) I wondered how to play chargers in TC and that might well be the ticket!

Scope v. non-scope. I'm still trying this out. @Drip Bam Boozle brought up some interesting points about the scope helping out with ledges, but it does come at the cost of mobility and charge time. And of course situational awareness. You make me want to try splatterscopes again, but for that one I'm pretty sure I determined a while back that the scope added very little for me and took away a lot of how I play it. The one that was up for more debate was eliter. Until the past two days I felt that the eliter's range did benefit from the magnification of the scope, and reaching the ultimate range in the game. But playing around, especially in Kelp Dome, I'm starting to discover some big advantages to going scopeless. The added mobility, reduced charge time, and increased visibility all around makes me more likely to take risks, get on the ground, and apply pressure from different angles than I would if I had to zoom and stay on the perch. It also helps me see movement on the periphery much earlier and reposition to take them out where I might have missed it. There's good things about the scope: Namely higher chance of hitting those ememies at the farthest range. If this were an all first person shooter it would be a no brainer. But third person offers some advantages in general that the scope bypasses. A few days ago I'd have said scoped eliter all the way....but I'm re-evaluating if the reduced accuracy is an acceptable trade off for pressuring more aggressively and maneuvering to more locations. Still undecided.

@Elecmaw: The high skill floor is one of the things I find appealing about it. It may be crazy but I like the appeal of tackling the complex weapons. The payoff is usually worthwhile in sheer fun. However, while I'll take a splat charger into ranked, I've only tried it twice with eliter, and the results weren't where I wanted it to be, but in fairness, it was rainmaker in moray against a team that liked pressing the perches from the start, and I'd never played RM on Moray before then. So TW practice only for now. I do well with it except when it throws the A+ & S ranked players in that storm the spawn in the first 30 seconds, though I'm useless with splat charger in those cases for now too.

@Pareto: That sounds a lot like how I play splat charger, shotgun like, on the ground, using it as a midrange weapon. "shotgun like", or specifically I use it like a long squiffer + grenadier. But one that can double on a perch when needed. I'll perch on mahi with splatter, but most maps I use it as a shooter, where eliter I dedicate to perches when available.

@Tim H. : The mobility is one thing I really do like about the splatters....they CAN double in a shooter's harder for eliter.

@Of Moose & Men : Separate response to yours inkoming. Yours I think touches on the heart of the question fairly closely.


Squid Savior From the Future
Dec 18, 2015
Alright, I'll try and refrain from repeating what others have said, but as an ELiter main, I'll give my two pennies worth. So, as its been stated, the ELiter definitely takes a bit more time and effort to get down. With that long range leaves little room for effort. It requires a steady hand and a patient user. Thanks to its absolutely AMAZING sub in Burst bombs, it is capable of just about anything from close quarter to mid range, to the literal longest range possible. It's far from an easy weapon to pick up, but if you're willing to put the time and effort into getting the hang of it, you'll be good to go. I honestly don't think I've ever gone in the negative using my ELiter, and if I have, it's no more than once or twice. The Eliter just requires time, effort, and a lot of patience. After you get the hang of it, you'll start getting jump shots down, strafe shots from behind walls and boxes and, just an over all steadier hand in shooting.

The reason I personally chose the no scope variant is simply because I feel the field of view is extremely beneficial over the slight push in range. Granted, that loss in range was noticeable at first. It's really up to you and what you prefer.

So, long story short, if you're wanting to hone your accuracy, are okay with being patient and, have the time and effort to invest in the ELiter, I promise you, it won't steer you wrong.

With that said, Eliter really does work on most if not all maps. It REALLY strives in Moray Towers, Walleye Warehouse, and especially Saltspray Rig. There are only a couple maps that the ELiter struggles a little with, being Kelp Dome and Camp Triggerfish. The latter being remedied after you get jump shots down.
I'll break down the responses to a few parts of this individually. The time it takes and the patience required is part of the appeal for me, and I'm actually not doing bad with it with the time I've spent on it to this point. I'm not amazing with it yet, but I'm getting decent. I know the great eliter users essentially never miss. I'm a long way from that.

The versatility with burst bombs is a great appeal, and one reason I like the main duo of eliter + carbon. They share a secondary and share the case where in many situations, the sub IS the main, so one aspect of play carries over between fast & frantic and slow & patient modes. It can make me think more like a sniper with a roller and attack like a roller with a charger :D

You said you don't go negative with the eliter, one question I've always had for a good eliter (not the GREAT eliters that go 15/0 every round, just a very good one), what's considered a good k/d, and what percentage of shots missed is considered acceptably normal? Yeah the great ones never miss pretty much, but normal, good snipers I'm sure blow some sots. Personally I'll generally go 2/0, 3/1, 5/2 on a good round. 2/2 or so when the team's defense breaks down and our base gets pushed to retreat far back, and I'll go negative on those occasions where the enemy team is just vastly superior and we're effectively spawn camped. In those cases I'll still typically average best k/d ratio of the team, but "I sucked a little less than everyone else" isn't much to brag about :p The amount of missed shots varies depending on just how good at moving the enemies are. Really bad rounds against A+ and S rank players I'll miss numerous times and resort to playing interference in disrupting their path long enough for a ground shooter to mow them down instead.

Jump shots: That one perplexes me. Strafe shots I'm fine with, especially without scope. Jump shots I'm not sure I'll get comfortable wiith (or be able to hit anything...)

Scope: Glad to hear an eliter main pointing to the no-scope as well. I've been so biased toward scope being the better one and the one that sees the most high level play (and the assumption the scope was really required to make the long shots) that I hadn't spent much time with unscoped. My brief time really giving it a shake down really has me leaning toward unscoped. I do miss that little bit of range at times when I'm used to hitting that far wall, but on the flip side I think it's made me get more overall splats by being able to get more aggressive with burst bombs, and more willing to risk getting off the perch and assist a push from the ground. The scope is a fun playstyle, but I was getting the impression there was benefit to going scopeless too...I was hoping going that route wouldn't be a mere "crutch" in avoiding the more masterful variant.

Maps: When playing the scoped version I was always in doubt if the conventional wisdom was accurate that chargers are great on Moray. I do badly every time I take the eliter. I'll get a few splats at center, sometimes, but I never feel truly effective. Then the other day I took the scopeless version (in TW). There was a second eliter on the team, his was scoped. He's a level 50, I'm lvl38. I took the usual perch on the mid ledge, got a splat. He took the perch too, so I moved away down to the wall perches above the bottom ramp. By the end, I'd gone 9/1, he'd gone 1/0. And I used my laser to try to alert him of an incoming ambush up the wall. Then got their sniper on the other sides's perch. By the end we had center and my team was making a push up their ramps. With a scope, I'd have sat uselessly in center on the perch in case of a breakout. Once the breakouts were plugged by the advance I jumped down and joined the advance on the ramps (that's where my single death came from.) I would NEVER have tried that with a scope. Got at least two splats on the ramps and suppressed a flank long enough for one of the shooters to clean up the camper.

What's funny though is, for me, that list of maps is reversed. Walleye is one of the one I don't do as well with eliter as splat charger (though I haven't tried unscoped yet.) And Triggerfish I usually do fairly well with it, though I generally use it to watch the back door on that map until the gates go down. I may not always hit all the way across when enemies now how to avoid it through the tunnels, but it keeps their flank invasion severely repressed for a good while and prevents any kind of stealth flank entirely. In ranked I suppose I'd have to take a more forward position since the gates are down from the start. Kelp dome, that's the thing that made me take the unscoped out for a spin. It was seriously painful with a scope in the round. Tunnel vision is awful there. I was doing better in guarding center with unscoped, and more importantly able to shoot from more places where the scope camera angle sees nothing but railings and grates. I dont know about salt spray. That's a weird one where ranked should be entirely different from TW. Thus far I haven't had saltspray in any rotation when playing ranked.

Anyway, it sounds like you're fairly dedicated to eliter. Are there any situations (maps, modes, moods) that make you say "I think I'll be better off bringing splat charger instead, today!"? a

Of Moose & Men

Inkling Fleet Admiral
Aug 9, 2015
Anatat Tatanatat

Sorry for the late reply, I really wasn't feeling writing out a huge long story and a half lol. Now I'm more in the mood to write a little bit.

Lol, as far as the K/D, that sort of comes with practice with the weapon. At the beginning I'd say ~5/1-2 would be decent for just picking it up. Over time you'll begin to get your kills in the higher numbers and deaths in the very low numbers or even 0. The truth is, your K/D doesn't matter if you aren't doing whatever needs to be done lol, so that should take precedence.

Sorry for the potato quality, I've got a crappy phone right now lol.

As far as jump shots go, it definitely takes time. I used to get jump shot, and think "how the hell do they even do that?" I'd try, and at first I couldn't get the hang of it. Over time, and Moray constantly being in rotation, I got the hang of it. Now it's damn near second nature. It's tougher with Scope though I'll admit. I still go back and forth on using the scope or going without it.

Now, for the scope. Don't get me wrong, I still use the scoped variant from time to time. It's REALLY map dependent though. More often than not though, I choose non scope just because I prefer the wider field of view it provides. It comes in handy more often than not, and I hardly ever go "man, I wish I had that scope". The loss in range sucks, but I don't feel it's enough for me to opt for the scoped version. In the end, it comes down to personal preference. If you feel more comfortable with the scoped variant, stick with it.

I've gotta say, there has never really been any time where I wanted to use a splatterscope or splatcharger over my ELiter. Like you said, I'm dedicated to it, and I feel very comfortable with it now. I haven't touched my Kelp Splatterscope since I picked the ELiter back up. But, that's just me, that's not to say you won't feel differently. Practice with the ELiter will enhance your over all accuracy though, trust me. It's helped me with my Hydra Splatling more than I thought it would.


Inkling Cadet
Aug 20, 2015
Been playing a Splatterscope since launch, and it's all I use. I've tried E-Liters (Too easy to close the range gap on most maps), Squiffers (ended up missing the extra range), and Bamboozlers (oh my god I just plain suck with these). The 'scope is right in that sweetspot of speed, range, and spread, so unless I'm feeling experimental, it's what I take.

As a general rule, I think the Kelp Splatterscope has more useful subs, but using Splat Bombs is so ingrained in how I play that I haven't been able to switch to it effectively.


Dec 31, 2015
I run with the 3K Scope most often, mainly because of burst bombs. To me, the E-liter is to chargers what the Tentatek is to shooters: It's a well-rounded weapon that doesn't have any "bad" maps or modes. Its range enables you to take out any other weapon simply by keeping your distance, and although it has a long charge time and poor ink efficiency, it also carries a tremendous amount of intimidation power. On maps without good sniping spots you can rely on burst bombs to get you out of a tight spot, whereas other chargers make it much more difficult to defend yourself in close quarters. This makes it a lot easier to cope with a bad team, since you can watch your own back.

That being said, I don't find the E-liter to be nearly as fun as the other chargers. Since the nerf happened and you can't splat people with 50% charges anymore, the Liter has become very inefficient in terms of kills. It's hard to get more than 10 unless the other team had lots of quick respawn. It's not always a problem, because you don't need a good K/D to win a match, but it does make me feel like I'm not doing as much as I could be.


Squid Savior From the Future
Dec 18, 2015

Sorry for the late reply, I really wasn't feeling writing out a huge long story and a half lol. Now I'm more in the mood to write a little bit.

Lol, as far as the K/D, that sort of comes with practice with the weapon. At the beginning I'd say ~5/1-2 would be decent for just picking it up. Over time you'll begin to get your kills in the higher numbers and deaths in the very low numbers or even 0. The truth is, your K/D doesn't matter if you aren't doing whatever needs to be done lol, so that should take precedence.

As far as jump shots go, it definitely takes time. I used to get jump shot, and think "how the hell do they even do that?" I'd try, and at first I couldn't get the hang of it. Over time, and Moray constantly being in rotation, I got the hang of it. Now it's damn near second nature. It's tougher with Scope though I'll admit. I still go back and forth on using the scope or going without it.

Now, for the scope. Don't get me wrong, I still use the scoped variant from time to time. It's REALLY map dependent though. More often than not though, I choose non scope just because I prefer the wider field of view it provides. It comes in handy more often than not, and I hardly ever go "man, I wish I had that scope". The loss in range sucks, but I don't feel it's enough for me to opt for the scoped version. In the end, it comes down to personal preference. If you feel more comfortable with the scoped variant, stick with it.

I've gotta say, there has never really been any time where I wanted to use a splatterscope or splatcharger over my ELiter. Like you said, I'm dedicated to it, and I feel very comfortable with it now. I haven't touched my Kelp Splatterscope since I picked the ELiter back up. But, that's just me, that's not to say you won't feel differently. Practice with the ELiter will enhance your over all accuracy though, trust me. It's helped me with my Hydra Splatling more than I thought it would.
LOL, that k/d...I've only seen one eliter top those scores (20/0 on Flounder)! Actually I've had the 9/0 before, but I wouldn't say I was up against great players in that TW round to get it. I'll often get 3/0, 2/2 if the base gets overrun. Typically the best ratio on the team. King of the Bad News Bears may not be a crowning achievement. But I'll tend to fortify a position just behind and into center, so if the team is good and locks down center early, not too much comes my way (TW.) It's hard to gauge my effectiveness sometimes. I'm not sure how to be effective on Saltspray for example. I figure the eliter is MOST useful up at the top once the team secures it like a sentry turret. If the team holds the line, I'll have nothing to shoot at (0/0). If the line breaks down, I have to take on the whole opposing team alone (or stall them long enough for the team to jump to me.) On Piranha I'll take the tower. I've had mixed results here, often getting 2/0 or 5/2 or so depending on if we're overrun or not. Generally as long as my position holds, though, our base remains secure. Once my position is compromised (that horrible missed shot as they come around the inflatable wall by a fast opponent that makes it down the conveyor), our base falls apart. Which tells me I was doing a good job securing it if I seem to have been the only thing keeping it that way. I got my shoot-a-squid-in-mid-air snipe yesterday. A few times on Pirana we had opponents that stormed spawn immediately. They were already too close for me to take the tower, so I ended up 2/6. On the other hand it was the best k/d on the team. Hard to snipe if the team can fight up close even worse than I can! For now eliter only goes to TW, so there's little objective beyond painting large areas and holding the base. Hard to push with an eliter.

Jump shots: Any particular location/maneuver that's reliable for practicing it?

Scope/no-scope: I'm thinking I really like non-scoped. I'll go back and try scoped. in some maps it could be good. The problem for scoped, for me, is there's a lot of times I see the shot I want. But when I zoom with the scope it places an obstruction in the camera view and messes up the shot. In an FPS, zooming is just zooming, so it doesn't mess up your shot. In a third person, you're changing the camera ANGLE too. that can be an advantage sometimes, but I'm finding for the shots I want, it's a disadvantage more than an advantage. A grate/railing/crate/something ends up in my view where at the raised camera angle it wouldn't be. I like using it sometimes. But IMO I think it's more "fun" than "practical" beyond a slight increase in accuracy. I tried splatterscope too. Shooting dummies it seemed doable with partial charges. In practice, the shots I need, even "shotgun" style don't have predictable enough firing times to keep it from zooming too far. I'll still play with scopes for a while, but I really think unscoped is just more versatile. Being able to actually without it amazed me.

Custom: Were you seriously using the Custom in those screenshots? Yeouch. It's among the 7 weapon variants still unpurchased at the store for me. How do you play eliter without burst bombs? Beacons are cool on theory, but since they light up on the map where you want to be, and tend to get shot out in the back and forth of the game (or used by a team mate, I just can't manage to get the use for them versus close range defense.)

Hydra: That's one weapon I just don't understand. It makes sense it would be used by an eliter main, it seems snipery. But I can't figure out how to use the thing. I end up just spraying it around like a firehose to create hard to pass terrain for enemies. And if you're just sniping with it, why not splat charger or eliter?​

On the Ground: I'm assuming with k/d like that you're not taking just a defensive position and are actively advancing with the team. I'd like to move into that as well. Any tips on how to leave the perch? Also, what about maps like Port Mackarel. I wasp laying unscoped yesterday there, switching (wish I had beacons, LOL!) between the two side paths on our side most of the round. I stayed there most of the time. Sometimes I did advance up to the moving trucks and alcoves just behind center, but almost never closer and only if the team seemed to really lock things down. It seemed best to wait behind though. A few times a breakout occurred and my team lost their hold up front leaving me to try picking off the assault that made it down my way, which seems the proper sniper thing to do. On the other hand, if they managed to avoid me too, they made it back pretty far. (I did jump back to spawn and took them out coming down that way so they didn't start a spawncamp, but still...


Squid Savior From the Future
Dec 18, 2015
Been playing a Splatterscope since launch, and it's all I use. I've tried E-Liters (Too easy to close the range gap on most maps), Squiffers (ended up missing the extra range), and Bamboozlers (oh my god I just plain suck with these). The 'scope is right in that sweetspot of speed, range, and spread, so unless I'm feeling experimental, it's what I take.

As a general rule, I think the Kelp Splatterscope has more useful subs, but using Splat Bombs is so ingrained in how I play that I haven't been able to switch to it effectively.
Yeah, I love the splat bombs. I've never been able to effectively use sprinklers. They're fun, but I can't put them to good use. And I get about half my splats with the splat bombs.

I run with the 3K Scope most often, mainly because of burst bombs. To me, the E-liter is to chargers what the Tentatek is to shooters: It's a well-rounded weapon that doesn't have any "bad" maps or modes. Its range enables you to take out any other weapon simply by keeping your distance, and although it has a long charge time and poor ink efficiency, it also carries a tremendous amount of intimidation power. On maps without good sniping spots you can rely on burst bombs to get you out of a tight spot, whereas other chargers make it much more difficult to defend yourself in close quarters. This makes it a lot easier to cope with a bad team, since you can watch your own back.

That being said, I don't find the E-liter to be nearly as fun as the other chargers. Since the nerf happened and you can't splat people with 50% charges anymore, the Liter has become very inefficient in terms of kills. It's hard to get more than 10 unless the other team had lots of quick respawn. It's not always a problem, because you don't need a good K/D to win a match, but it does make me feel like I'm not doing as much as I could be.
I agree with both halves here I think. Maybe that's kind of where my OP came from now that I think about it. It's hard to match the intimidation. I've found there's two types of eliter users. The ones that can't hit anything, are just trying it out, and will probably not use it much again. And the good ones that are deadly, with the latter group split into the "ok" ones like myself that do well with it but aren't great yet(but will get better), and the already great ones like oM&M. I find enemies that see the laser will test the waters. They'll poke out, try to make a run by. If you take them out fast, the others will go somewhere else, assuming you're deadly, leaving you little else to shoot at. And yet that's kind of the point, you've demonstrated that you're too dangerous to mess with and they shouldn't enter your part of the map. I imagine @Of Moose & Men is a bit more active and more likely to get on the ground and advance, thus the higher kills. I'd like to get there!

And yet even the very look of the splat charger/splatterscope looks more fun. It looks like a Super Soaker like most of the guns. The eliter for some reason in all it's stainless/chrome looks like an actual weapon more. I dislike that about it. I want my Super Soaker! And being more likely to run in with the pack is kind of fun with the slatters! Range can be fun too though. And the one fun thing with the eliter is all the booyahs you get from the team when the enemy that was gunning for them just explodes. You can feel like you're team's little guardian. :)


Squid Savior From the Future
Dec 18, 2015
One thing frustrating with the matchmaking is it makes it impossible to evaluate my performance with different weapons. I switched between the scoped and unscoped eliter and splatters yesterday. I did terrible with things I normally did good with, and vice versa. But the teams I was with/against were too dissimilar to evaluate it well. Then I tried tri-slosher just for fun and to clear my thoughts a little and did HORRIBLE. I kept dancing around with this one .52gal player, getting splatted repeatedly by him and only getting him once or twice, though we won several rounds. Then I saw him in my plaza and noticed he's S+. No WONDER he stomped me....I can't believe I did that WELL with the trislosher! I managed to help secure a win against an S+ player led team by keeping him occupied for the majority of the rounds! I think he had 10 kills (only!) and only 3-4 of them were me, and he spent most of the rounds bobbing and weaving with me.

No wonder the game thinks I'm better than I am and matchmakes me accordingly :(


Inkling Cadet
Jun 7, 2015
i pretty much exclusively use the mid-ranged chargers with a lot of run speed ups to give me an edge on enemy chargers. i stick to the bamboozler when i'm somewhere like moray, triggerfish, or arowana where the squiffer's short range is a disappointment. on more jam-packed stages where i'm more prone to getting swarmed (mostly just hammerhead, flounder heights, and walleye) i stick to my preferred squiffer. anything else is just kinda whichever i feel like playing that day.

but yeah, if the stage really benefits from range: bamboozler
if the stage has a lot of **** to hide behind and climb over: squiffer


as for other chargers scope vs no-scope,

i've noticed scoped chargers tend to do be better players. not sure if the weapon itself is "better," but they tend to dominate more frequently to the point where i have to actively hunt them down for my team to succeed. they have slightly more range and also the scope helps them with timing.

i personally prefer no-scope but maybe that's just because i like to be closer to the fray where an enemy might pop out from a surprising direction (but that's why i play the mid-ranged chargers).


Squid Savior From the Future
Dec 18, 2015
One other question for @Of Moose & Men along with the others. Specifically for Underpass, I've long had a problem with eliter. There's just seldom enough to snip going on in a snipable area from the side tunnel or the outlook, and I can't find a really solid vantage point from that mini-tower behind the ramp. This is one of the maps I feel most useless on as a sniper. I'm a deterrant, but not much more. And from the side ramps, when enemies quickly go by the window, it's near impossible to actually charge, aim, and hit them in time.

I was also playing around with Custom Eliter Scope after seeing it in your screens. Wow, I suck with that thing. I went 0/4 for the first time ever with an eliter. :scared: I'd spend half the round redeploying beacons that were gone or refilling ink from redeploying the beacon. The idea is fun, and maybe that's the wrong map to play with it on. I used it in Depot too, but we kept getting overrun on our side*, and, yep, the beacons were always gone, and I was stuck trying CQC with the main gun only.

I also am undecided on scopes. I was leaning away from them. Then did well with it for a while, then did less well again. I think they have to play differently. Scopes are for waiting to charge until you take the shot. Unscoped is for sitting charged and ready. Flick shots can be an issue on moving targets either way, but worse with charging into the scope. I tend to fair better with the scope on splatterscope than I do with adding a scope to eliter. Except when the opposite is true :p So since I'm undecided on sitting charged and waiting versus trying to charge during the shot, I keep going back and forth.

The scope charges/zooms soooo slow though.

*I don't take full responsibility for the issues on Depot. There sere several shots I felt should have hit but missed, and I later saw a lot of teleporting players in that round, and in another round (same lobby) I saw one enemy swimming up the wall on the far right, but not swimming in a location that should really allow proper access (off the side on the metal beam!) Then suddenly three opponents come storming around the corner when I clearly saw only one moving to swim up, and ambush me. Later in the match I saw that wall was completely barren - no ink from EITHER team on it, meaning nobody should have been swimming up it at all. So something weird was going on there.


Squid Savior From the Future
Dec 18, 2015
i've noticed scoped chargers tend to do be better players. not sure if the weapon itself is "better," but they tend to dominate more frequently to the point where i have to actively hunt them down for my team to succeed. they have slightly more range and also the scope helps them with timing.

i personally prefer no-scope but maybe that's just because i like to be closer to the fray where an enemy might pop out from a surprising direction (but that's why i play the mid-ranged chargers).

I know there's that image out there that the top ranked snipers use scopes, but I sometimes wonder if there's a particular reason for it or if people tend to play follow the leader and follow that wisdom. Since the two weapons are pretty similar in ability, there may or may not be real logic to it.

Personally I can't choose. I wish I could turn the scope on or off, or at least switch weapons between rounds in the same lobby. It's frustrating to try one, do well/poor with it, switch, get a new lobby and do the opposite, but not know if it's because of the weapon or because of the lobby. yesterday the action was so fast and close I never even got to go with full charges, it was all partial charges before the scope kicked in. The range really isn't so useful, and timing is so hard to pin down. I'm running 2 main damage ups and a sub, and it requires so much charge to ohko there's really only full charge versus 2hko partial charges which are all before the scope kicks in. Hard call, both work better different times. I'm sort of surprised the high rank players use scopes TBH. They're likely to face faster, more chaotic moving opponents which are hard enough to get in the crosshairs without a scope. With a scope they drop out of your sight too easy.

I still like both guns though, the splat/splatter & eliter. Always hard to pick.


Inkling Commander
Nov 3, 2015
I know there's that image out there that the top ranked snipers use scopes, but I sometimes wonder if there's a particular reason for it or if people tend to play follow the leader and follow that wisdom. Since the two weapons are pretty similar in ability, there may or may not be real logic to it.
I think it's just for the little bit of extra range. I favor no-scope Splat Charger and have a tough time if the other team has a scoped charger. It may not seem important, but it really does make a difference.

I personally prefer the scopeless Splat Charger and E-Liter because it's easier to watch what's going on around you while aiming. I haven't mastered the art of "flick aiming" quite yet, so that little bit of extra visibility helps a lot.


Squid Savior From the Future
Dec 18, 2015
I think it's just for the little bit of extra range. I favor no-scope Splat Charger and have a tough time if the other team has a scoped charger. It may not seem important, but it really does make a difference.

I personally prefer the scopeless Splat Charger and E-Liter because it's easier to watch what's going on around you while aiming. I haven't mastered the art of "flick aiming" quite yet, so that little bit of extra visibility helps a lot.
Not that I haven't be sniped by other eliters while "in my zone" focusing on a shot by being outranged by a scope, but the opposite also applies. If I'm focusing through a scope I have more chance of being shot by a splat charger (or a squiffer) than I am by a scoped eliter if I don't have a scope and clearly see their laser across the way :)

My present think is that "flick aiming" would actually make more sense with scopeless anyway. You can aim at the floor, still see much of the map and flick up at the target. With a scope you'd have to be looking entirely away from the target, flick up and hope the target is still there. Scopes would seem better not for flick aiming but for trying to aim AT your target right when you need to shoot.

I'd love to be equally good at both, but I still keep coming back to thinking scopeless has a lot of advantages in a game all about FOV and awareness, plus added mobility. Which is a shame because the scopes look so much fresher!:D


Inkling Cadet
Aug 20, 2015
I'd like to see this image of the top ranked chargers.

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