Fun Facts About My Agents


May 1, 2018
Octo Valley
So, this is a list about my Agent 3 that you didn't know of:

  • He actually speaks the ancient human language known as Portuguese, the Brazilian kind that is. But only when eels ask him to do so.
  • He sees Cap'n Cuttlefish as an elder to be respected, which is why he saves him whenever he gets himself into trouble.
  • He is more of a fan of Callie and he likes her a lot more than Marie.
  • Despite that, he actually has an Inkling girlfriend of his own, but he doesn't tell her anything about his missions with the New Squidbeak Splatoon since that would spike the curiosity that might lead her into trouble.
  • He considers Agent 8 his best friend, considering him as a second brother sometimes.
  • He actually prefers to eat at home a lot more since he doesn't have to deal with the texture of melted cheese.
  • Going from fighting Octarians to saving an Octoling, he wanted more Octarians to come to the surface because of a new perspective that Agent 8 showed him.
  • His younger brother is also an agent himself, Agent 4 to be exact.
  • Seeing how his best friend is an Octoling, he actually sympathizes with Octarians in general considering how Agent 8 told him that he had Octarian friends back at Octo Valley.
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May 1, 2018
Octo Valley
Now for a list of fun facts about my Agent 4:

  • He doesn't take a lot of things seriously, leading to him just not feeling like doing a mission or something else that he doesn't feel like it.
  • He actually hates going underground because it's too cold for him, the Octarian domes, for example, don't have enough heaters to make him want to go down there.
  • He sometimes leaves a mess on purpose just to keep spiting Agent 8 on Chaos winning, although, Agent 8 told him multiple times that he would be moving out.
  • While he is a Chaotic guy, Agent 4 does not tolerate people who throw Turf War games for any reason at all.
  • Seeing that he was still relatively far away to raise weapon Freshness to Raw on every single one of them and getting every single piece of gear the stores offer, he decides to just let 8 do the rest for him.
  • Agent 4 shares his balance and savings with Agent 8, both have gotten rich by doing Salmon Runs most of the time Grizzco was open and playing Turf Wars.
  • He always joined Marina's side of the Splatfests, but he went a different route for Chaos vs Order and didn't participate in the Squid vs Octopus because Agent 8 chose Octopus for both.

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