How Do You Deal With Losing Streaks?

Do you think the current ranked system in Splatoon is overall good, or bad?

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Inkling Cadet
May 9, 2015
Whenever I'm close to losing a rank, I go to Turf War, get at least 5 wins in a row, then go back. I do that to train my aim and find out how to deal with my current problems for a better chance.


Inkling Cadet
Oct 30, 2015
After much insanity through A+, including briefly dropping back down to A after a silly losing streak, I finally got up to S today. And I'm level 29 so I reached my goal of becoming an S (again) before level 30 :) Stupid goal but I have to have something to aim for...

The question is, how long will Nintendo let me be an S this time? Guess we'll see!


Senior Squid
Jan 24, 2014
The question is, how long will Nintendo let me be an S this time? Guess we'll see!
Oh that reminds me of something funny that happened to me today.

So i've been using the Sloshing machine a lot, like, a whole lot. And i'm getting pretty good with it yeah, i skyrocketed (Exaggerated) out of A+ and boom, completely different story. Well,i did switch weapons quite a bit, but that's not the point

I switch back to the Sloshing machine, on the Mahi/Moray Splatzones rotation, lost a few matches, and was dragged down to S 6 (This is important since winning and losing is usually + or - 5 points). And i'm like "Sweet, i'll have enough room for one loss and come back another day." So i played another match.

Well before you guess, It was an intense Moray Splatzones match, i looked after the first zone, but was under constant harassment by a very good E-litre scope. Unfortunately that scope was the detriment to our team, as every opportunity to attack was mitigated by his/her own team from the corner/above. Very good improvised teamwork. Every time i left the zone, it's captured by enemy team, then i retake it. Their zone seemed impossible to take. Our teamwork was simply insufficient. We lost by about 40 points and i'm satisfied with what i accomplish on the round. And i'm pretty confident of keeping my rank. Then the results come up.

-7 Rank down...

Let that sink in for a bit....aaannnnd i couldn't stop laughing xD
It's just like "Nah man you're going back down there" and boots me out of S rank xD

So i'm currently on A+ 70. Going to keep on using the Sloshing machine. Cause it's much better than i thought.


Lord of the Squids
Aug 15, 2015
Switch Friend Code
I got to admit, i'm not very good with dealing with constant losses. Whenever this happens i really want to get back to my earlier position, but then i tilt and it keeps getting worse and worse. Like, i can blame teammates who go 1/6 every single match, or the ranked system giving/taking a seemingly random amount of points but eventually i have to look at myself and see what i'm doing wrong.
This sucks because honestly, i'd much rather play the ranked modes than turf war. But i wish i didn't have my own rank to worry about.

Last night i fell all the way from S50 to A+30.

I really should wait for Arowana/Walleye zones so i can get my old rank back. But for now, i think i should stop playing sploon for a while to chill out.


Dec 8, 2015
Take note of what you're doing wrong mid-match, pay attention to people who outplay you, try to think of better ways you could have approached situations. If you're on a losing streak, take a break, you're probably tilted without realizing it, it's best to let your mind relax, get a drink and continue on later. Forcing yourself to play when you're constantly losing will eventually ruin your mindset and enjoyment of what you're doing, which is pretty bad.
I started playing again a few days ago and I'm floating around the low-mid A-, instead of getting angry over a lot of things I instead try to understand what I did wrong, what I can change, and things like that. (I'm awful at Tower Control though... somehow didn't drop to B+)
Also, if you have a recording device, record your matches and look back and review your footage, this will also help with what I mentioned before.
Pretty universal advice, hope it helps.


Inkling Cadet
Oct 30, 2015
Oh that reminds me of something funny that happened to me today.


Then the results come up. -7 Rank down...
Sorry man :( Glad you didn't get too bothered about it. It'd make things more enjoyable if point award/losses were predictable. I don't recall ever losing 7 points when I was an S before, though in my first game yesterday as an S with my new user I lost 7 points for no apparent reason.

I noticed that when I get on a losing streak I have the temptation to play with more desperation, and I didn't notice I would do this for a while. There's that desire to avoid the sour feeling of another loss, and so I would overextend myself and not have patience.

So I would suggest if someone's on a losing streak that you'd still be patient in your gameplay, waiting for opportunities. You may not get out of your losing streak but there's no need to make it worse.
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Senior Squid
Jan 24, 2014
Sorry man :( Glad you didn't get too bothered about it. It'd make things more enjoyable if point award/losses were predictable. I don't recall ever losing 7 points when I was an S before, though in my first game yesterday as an S with my new user I lost 7 points for no apparent reason.
No need to feel sorry, I think it's part of what makes the game fun in a way. I appreciate it though!

Usually i've found when my team has more higher ranks than the other team (An example would be I'm in a team of S ranks and the other team has 1 S rank and 3 in A+) we'd get less points for winning or we lose more points if we lost. So i guess whenever there's a rank imbalance between the teams it does that.


The RNG God of /r/Splatoon
May 9, 2015
Where did you get your signature? XD
But great advice. I usually just wait for a different mode that I know I'm good at or go draw for a bit until I've calmed down. Here I come S+
Thanks. And I can't remember really, I just happened to find something (maybe on google?)


Inkling Cadet
Oct 30, 2015
No need to feel sorry, I think it's part of what makes the game fun in a way. I appreciate it though!

Usually i've found when my team has more higher ranks than the other team (An example would be I'm in a team of S ranks and the other team has 1 S rank and 3 in A+) we'd get less points for winning or we lose more points if we lost. So i guess whenever there's a rank imbalance between the teams it does that.
Glad you're light hearted about it, I need some of that :)

Rank-imbalanced teams definitely affect the point award/loss but it's not consistent and is sometimes undeserved (in both awards and losses).

A game can quickly become unfun when your personal effort repeatedly results in failure. I think most of us tolerate losing streaks in ranked believing it to always be random or us playing badly. We shouldn't take rank too seriously, but it's there as a goal, something to aim for, and should be a small reward for hard work and improved skill. I shouldn't have to spend an hour or more recovering from a losing streak from S 68 to S 2 when I was repeatedly matched up with the clearly weaker team, and then go back up when I'm not even playing as well! There's little sense of reward for my effort, and as I've said I don't believe it's entirely random.

If the game weren't otherwise so excellent I'd have chucked it in the rubbish and never bought a Nintendo game again :)


Pro Squid
Sep 13, 2015
A game can quickly become unfun when your personal effort repeatedly results in failure. I think most of us tolerate losing streaks in ranked believing it to always be random or us playing badly.
Tell me about it. Some matches I'll literally take the same route over and over trying to kill a sniper that gets me every single time, for the very fact that I don't stop and think of other routes to take (it's also because I usually end up in a bloodthirsty rage for the guy's head). Well, that doesn't usually work out too well with the Luna Blaster.

Oh and I found a solution to the losing streaks. Ready for it? It's pretty simple:

In all seriousness, it is, by far, the most difficult mode to maintain even an equal score of wins and losses, let alone a winning streak. Thinking back, all of my losing streaks that I came on here to rant about were almost exclusively due to Rainmaker. I don't really know why it's s terrible for me, and I certainly don't have any ideas at why I can't maintain a winning streak past 2. When you get to S rank, wins and losses give you fewer points both ways, with losses dishing out slightly more penalties as opposed to winning. This means you can no longer progress at a fairly equal win/loss ratio (this was the case in A). This is especially important in Rainmaker, when the most random occurrences can completely change the tide of the game. With the lack of recovery in rainmaker (i.e. point penalty in Splat Zones and the tower going back to the starting point in Tower Control) the slightest mistake, or even simple lucky occurrences (like getting lucky and splatting three enemies with the inkzooka) can put a team at such a high advantage that there's no possibility of recovery. I understand that this is part of the game, and that there's some matchups that just don't work out (even if there's always a way to counter them [yes my Luna Blaster can reach you on the top of the side path on Museum d' Alfonso, you dirty E-Liter]); But with the inability to recover, I think it's a joke to make rainmaker a ranked mode. Comebacks are possible, don't let me get you wrong, but the majority of battles are determined in the first half (who covers more ground and controls the rainmaker). With no way to counteract the one-sidedness of rainmaker battles, it's unfair to drop's someone's rank just because they couldn't get to it first. At the very least, I feel that the points earned and lost during a rainmaker battle should be reduced, to prevent a ridiculous amount of points from being lost.

I always end up more nervous than excited to play rainmaker, because I end up worrying whether it's even worth risking my rank just to play a mode I'm rarely successful at. Maybe if they added a point buffer for rainmaker or had a longer delay in the the rainmaker's shield regeneration, it might be a little more recoverable.

It's fun as hell and super cool to play rainmaker, I just can't make it past two or three wins in a row. And in S rank, you need to win A LOT more than you lose. So for that, I won't play that mode anymore (rest in piece S 70, may you forever be remembered as S 42).


Inkling Cadet
Nov 7, 2015
Oh and I found a solution to the losing streaks. Ready for it? It's pretty simple:

Haha, my rule is DON'T EVER PLAY TOWER CONTROL. I love rainmaker. I almost always rank up playing it, I usually rank down playing splat zones and I just really don't like tower control.


Senior Squid
Jan 24, 2014
Rank-imbalanced teams definitely affect the point award/loss but it's not consistent and is sometimes undeserved (in both awards and losses).

A game can quickly become unfun when your personal effort repeatedly results in failure. I think most of us tolerate losing streaks in ranked believing it to always be random or us playing badly. We shouldn't take rank too seriously, but it's there as a goal, something to aim for, and should be a small reward for hard work and improved skill. I shouldn't have to spend an hour or more recovering from a losing streak from S 68 to S 2 when I was repeatedly matched up with the clearly weaker team, and then go back up when I'm not even playing as well! There's little sense of reward for my effort, and as I've said I don't believe it's entirely random.
I think see your point, i've definitely had moments when my performance was terrible yet my team still won. For me, i've snatched defeat from the jaws of victory, and vice versa. I don't know how long i should be spending on a game just to get to a specific point, but for me, just reaching that point is what counts. I've reached S rank with the Rapid blaster (With the help of a few other weapons) so now i'm just aimlessly battling. Well, not entirely, i do want to reach S+ but i'm prepared to wait. S was already a big achievement (like completing the game) so i guess S+ would be the 100% completion for me xD

Oh and I found a solution to the losing streaks. Ready for it? It's pretty simple:

Guess we all have a DO NOT PLAY X huh? xD My Danger zone is Splatzones (hah.) Saltspray rig. As of B+ (Or a really long time ago, i can't remember). I've yet to win a game on that particular stage/mode combo. If it comes up again and i'm feeling bold enough, i'll rough it out but it's always that one that i can just never win. One day i'll be able to conquer that stage.


Inkling Cadet
Oct 30, 2015
Guess we all have a DO NOT PLAY X huh? xD My Danger zone is Splatzones (hah.) Saltspray rig.
Haha, my rule is DON'T EVER PLAY TOWER CONTROL. I love rainmaker. I almost always rank up playing it, I usually rank down playing splat zones and I just really don't like tower control.
Oh and I found a solution to the losing streaks. Ready for it? It's pretty simple:
It's funny to hear everyone's worst game :)

My losing streak the other night happened to be Rainmaker, although it's my favourite game of the three and I usually do well and so I feel confident playing it. I've had losing streaks with all of the ranked games.

Splat Zones is my least favourite, Hammerhead Bridge in particular. I had stopped playing Splat Zones because I would almost always lose. Over the past few weeks I've been playing it sometimes to try and figure out why I'm so bad. I've gotten better as a result and my team even wins games now :) I still don't play it much though.


Pro Squid
Sep 13, 2015
Wow, I guess we're just different people. I absolutely love Splat Zones and Tower Control, it's cool to see that there are others that are the exact opposite of what I like. It's not that I perform badly in Rainmaker, I think it's that I usually tend to stay away from my teammates, and try to ambush the enemy (Luna Blaster main Wooo). So in a map like Moray Towers, that doesn't work at all (but it's great at Walleye Warehouse, and so far Museum d' Alfonso).


Inkling Cadet
Oct 30, 2015
Wow, I guess we're just different people. I absolutely love Splat Zones and Tower Control, it's cool to see that there are others that are the exact opposite of what I like. It's not that I perform badly in Rainmaker, I think it's that I usually tend to stay away from my teammates, and try to ambush the enemy (Luna Blaster main Wooo). So in a map like Moray Towers, that doesn't work at all (but it's great at Walleye Warehouse, and so far Museum d' Alfonso).
When I started my new NNID I switched to the Luna Blaster (usually Neo) as soon as I could because I've wanted to get good at it and thought playing with lower ranks was a great place to do that. I'm doing well but will switch back to the Tentatek if I'm not doing as well as I'd like. Plus, I'm very good with suction bombs which I enjoy and is also good for my team.


Pro Squid
Sep 13, 2015
When I started my new NNID I switched to the Luna Blaster (usually Neo) as soon as I could because I've wanted to get good at it and thought playing with lower ranks was a great place to do that. I'm doing well but will switch back to the Tentatek if I'm not doing as well as I'd like. Plus, I'm very good with suction bombs which I enjoy and is also good for my team.
Well, good luck! The Luna Blaster is great no matter your skill level with blasters, but look out for ranged opponents. I tend to use the Neo on levels where I can get in close to snipers (Like Walleye Warehouse, :I can ambush them from below), and the normal Luna when they're either too far away or it's hard to get to them (Like Museum d' Alfonso or Camp Triggerfish, the inkzooka can take care of them in an instant). If you ever need any advice, just message me! (Before you ask if I'm actually any good, I'm rank S 75 almost exclusively because of the Luna Blaster) I know a bunch of little tidbits for when you're fighting certain enemies, maps, weapons, etc, so I could probably answer most questions you might have. Also, I'd be really happy too!


Inkling Cadet
Oct 30, 2015
Well, good luck! The Luna Blaster is great no matter your skill level with blasters, but look out for ranged opponents. I tend to use the Neo on levels where I can get in close to snipers (Like Walleye Warehouse, :I can ambush them from below), and the normal Luna when they're either too far away or it's hard to get to them (Like Museum d' Alfonso or Camp Triggerfish, the inkzooka can take care of them in an instant). If you ever need any advice, just message me! (Before you ask if I'm actually any good, I'm rank S 75 almost exclusively because of the Luna Blaster) I know a bunch of little tidbits for when you're fighting certain enemies, maps, weapons, etc, so I could probably answer most questions you might have. Also, I'd be really happy too!
Thanks :) I may take you up on that. My main weakness right now is in close fast combat. I have trouble reliably maneuvering well to get off a good shot. I'm not a fan of jumping and bouncing so I'm trying to find my way without doing that (not that I look down at it, it's great for the Luna Blaster, just not my style). I'm progressing but I tend to position myself so I'm not in those situations right now. I'm usually in the double digits for splats so overall I'm doing ok.

I'd like to play with you sometime. You accepted my friend request. Do you have regular times you play?


Pro Squid
Sep 13, 2015
Thanks :) I may take you up on that. My main weakness right now is in close fast combat. I have trouble reliably maneuvering well to get off a good shot. I'm not a fan of jumping and bouncing so I'm trying to find my way without doing that (not that I look down at it, it's great for the Luna Blaster, just not my style). I'm progressing but I tend to position myself so I'm not in those situations right now. I'm usually in the double digits for splats so overall I'm doing ok.

I'd like to play with you sometime. You accepted my friend request. Do you have regular times you play?
Well jumping's a habit of mine with the Luna, it's very effective at avoiding shots. However, if the enemy is able to anticipate the path of the jump, they can punish me pretty easy. I usually tend to stay hidden until I'm right upon the enemy, and then take him out in one or two shots. There's no real way to explain the pattern for bobbing and weaving in close combat, it's just one of those things that takes time and eventually becomes muscle memory. Bouncing is important for the Luna because the enemy is always painting the ink beneath you, so the jump can give you some extra space to land in your ink and swim bob-and-weave style around the enemy (because of these things, I recommend running swim speed up and ink resistance). To work on getting a clear shot, that also just takes practice. Try focusing your screen's cursor on the enemy while your swimming, doing that can give you a clear shot as soon as you come out of the ink. Also, try to space out your shots. Shooting the enemy once usually won't kill him, so hit him once and then dive back again to finish him off at another angle. Trying to rush and get that second shot in will usually result in your death, so be patient.He won't heal right away, so you can usually space it out between around three or four seconds (In case I've never mentioned it, sneak attacks are key! Always see if you can hide in a random patch of ink where the enemy frequents [like right under the side path in Museum d' Alfonso, where they're easily killed as they jump over you]. I've splatted literally entire teams at a time by doing this, it just takes patience). I also recommend tenacity and damage up. Tenacity can help you fill your special gauge since blasters aren't too good at covering ink, and damage up can help you turn three-four shot splash damage shots into two-three.

Now, rollers and other short range weapons, like the Splattershot Jr., are your worst enemy. Sure, snipers suck for the Luna, but once you figure out how to get to them they're a cakewalk to outperform. However, the other two are SO HARD to beat when you're unprepared for them. They can ambush you just as your trying to ambush someone else, and completely ruin your run.
Here's how I deal with them, in a simple statement:
Look before you leap.
Before jumping out into the battlefield, no matter what vantage point your at before hand, stop for a second and look to see if you can locate the enemies. You're best bet is to either ambush the close rangers if they're where you want to go, or otherwise avoid them altogether. It's easier said than done, but it's still better than nothing. Like I said before, you'll eventually be able to outmaneuver the enemy in close range and take the kill, it just takes practice.

Personally I run:
Mains - Tenacity, Swim Speed Up, Ink Resistance Up
Subs - Three Quick Respawns, Three Swim Speed Ups, Two Damage Ups, One Run Speed Up

That's all I can think of right now, but I'll still be able to answer any questions, especially about strategies for certain maps. In the end, practice makes perfect, especially with the Luna. It's a lot of trial and error, and you'll get there with time.

I usually play games at night, when my little brother is asleep (he likes to super jump me everywhere). I live in the UTC-4 Time Zone, and I usually play between 9-12 at night, usually every couple days. I've never played online with anyone on the WiiU, so I don't know too much about how it works, but I'm sure I could figure out squad battle.

I absolutely hate headseats, so if that's what's required to be able to talk to you, I'm sorry. If I can talk to you through the gamepad, I'd be more than happy to.


Inkling Cadet
Oct 30, 2015
Well jumping's a habit of mine with the Luna, it's very effective at avoiding shots. However, if the enemy is able to anticipate the path of the jump, they can punish me pretty easy. I usually tend to stay hidden until I'm right upon the enemy, and then take him out in one or two shots. There's no real way to explain the pattern for bobbing and weaving in close combat, it's just one of those things that takes time and eventually becomes muscle memory. Bouncing is important for the Luna because the enemy is always painting the ink beneath you, so the jump can give you some extra space to land in your ink and swim bob-and-weave style around the enemy (because of these things, I recommend running swim speed up and ink resistance). To work on getting a clear shot, that also just takes practice. Try focusing your screen's cursor on the enemy while your swimming, doing that can give you a clear shot as soon as you come out of the ink. Also, try to space out your shots. Shooting the enemy once usually won't kill him, so hit him once and then dive back again to finish him off at another angle. Trying to rush and get that second shot in will usually result in your death, so be patient.He won't heal right away, so you can usually space it out between around three or four seconds (In case I've never mentioned it, sneak attacks are key! Always see if you can hide in a random patch of ink where the enemy frequents [like right under the side path in Museum d' Alfonso, where they're easily killed as they jump over you]. I've splatted literally entire teams at a time by doing this, it just takes patience). I also recommend tenacity and damage up. Tenacity can help you fill your special gauge since blasters aren't too good at covering ink, and damage up can help you turn three-four shot splash damage shots into two-three.

Now, rollers and other short range weapons, like the Splattershot Jr., are your worst enemy. Sure, snipers suck for the Luna, but once you figure out how to get to them they're a cakewalk to outperform. However, the other two are SO HARD to beat when you're unprepared for them. They can ambush you just as your trying to ambush someone else, and completely ruin your run.
Here's how I deal with them, in a simple statement:
Look before you leap.
Before jumping out into the battlefield, no matter what vantage point your at before hand, stop for a second and look to see if you can locate the enemies. You're best bet is to either ambush the close rangers if they're where you want to go, or otherwise avoid them altogether. It's easier said than done, but it's still better than nothing. Like I said before, you'll eventually be able to outmaneuver the enemy in close range and take the kill, it just takes practice.

Personally I run:
Mains - Tenacity, Swim Speed Up, Ink Resistance Up
Subs - Three Quick Respawns, Three Swim Speed Ups, Two Damage Ups, One Run Speed Up

That's all I can think of right now, but I'll still be able to answer any questions, especially about strategies for certain maps. In the end, practice makes perfect, especially with the Luna. It's a lot of trial and error, and you'll get there with time.

I usually play games at night, when my little brother is asleep (he likes to super jump me everywhere). I live in the UTC-4 Time Zone, and I usually play between 9-12 at night, usually every couple days. I've never played online with anyone on the WiiU, so I don't know too much about how it works, but I'm sure I could figure out squad battle.

I absolutely hate headseats, so if that's what's required to be able to talk to you, I'm sorry. If I can talk to you through the gamepad, I'd be more than happy to.
Thanks for the tips :) It's interesting you mention taking a moment to more carefully assess enemy location before engaging them. I've been doing that more and more but saw it more as a weakness, since I did it to avoid situations I normally wouldn't mind with the Tentatek. Maybe I should go ahead and start hopping can be effective.

I'm in UTC-5 and often play around the same time. Look for me when you're on. I've not tried squad battles yet, but if we create a squad of two (or more if we have other friends online) maybe we'll get matched up into a game with other groups. Not sure how it works exactly. I don't feel the need to chat so don't worry about it.
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Pro Squid
Sep 13, 2015
Thanks for the tips :) It's interesting you mention taking a moment to more carefully assess enemy location before engaging them. I've been doing that more and more but saw it more as a weakness, since I did it to avoid situations I normally wouldn't mind with the Tentatek. Maybe I should go ahead and start hopping can be effective.

I'm in UTC-5 and often play around the same time. Look for me when you're on. I've not tried squad battles yet, but if we create a squad of two (or more if we have other friends online) maybe we'll get matched up into a game with other groups. Not sure how it works exactly. I don't feel the need to chat so don't worry about it.
Ok cool. You're the only friend I have on Miiverse so I'm not too worried about filling the squad up.

And yeah, it can feel like you're wasting time when you sit still to scope out with the Luna Blaster, but it's actually far from the truth. The Luna depends on quick, direct attacks, so minimizing the time you spend searching aimlessly for an enemy can help keep you alive, and, well, more successful. Figure, I do it a lot and (when I'm actually playing well, not when I'm losing) I'll get up to 20 kills in a single match, with around 8 deaths.

With your past strategies (you don't jump with a splattershot) jumping may not be for you, it just depends. I'd recommend trying it out at the beginning of each level, and switch back if it isn't working for you. If it becomes effective, you'll find yourself doing it automatically. On the flip side, staying grounded removes the risk of the enemy killing you midair, which only happens if they can anticipate it (this is more common in higher ranks, so it's better to practice it while your rank's lower).

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