How Do You Deal With Losing Streaks?

Do you think the current ranked system in Splatoon is overall good, or bad?

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Oct 3, 2015
Currently so close to A+, it's killing me. I have been an A- for 2 whole months, so when I got to A I was determined to keep it and then go higher. So close I tell you, but when I lose a lot, I take a break and switch up weapons. My idea is that sticking to a single weapon will help you learn it inside and out, but should you come across a counter to that weapon, you may as well be splat fodder. So I use a bunch of weapons, so I never find myself in that situation.


Inkling Cadet
Aug 2, 2015
Usually if I lose a lot I fall back to the .96 Gal Deco, since it's the easiest weapon (imho). I'm decent with chargers and the dynamo, but I can't really carry an S ranked game with them like the .96 Gal Deco.

And if that doesn't work I go into a rage fit and eventully just quit >.<


Pro Squid
Sep 13, 2015
Currently so close to A+, it's killing me. I have been an A- for 2 whole months, so when I got to A I was determined to keep it and then go higher. So close I tell you, but when I lose a lot, I take a break and switch up weapons. My idea is that sticking to a single weapon will help you learn it inside and out, but should you come across a counter to that weapon, you may as well be splat fodder. So I use a bunch of weapons, so I never find myself in that situation.

I know full well the struggle from A- to S, (I had dropped from A+ to A- 4 times, and from A+ to B+ twice. A+ 90's, not low A+) and how BULLSHIT the matchup can be. Looking back on it now, I know the sole reason it's so hard to progress at all in these ranks, for both me and everyone else. It's simple: we're not good enough (was in my case). A rank is the trainer rank, as I like to call it, for S. It sounds douchey of me to say you're not good enough, but let me explain a little. I don't mean it like you think.
(Although after writing this whole thing I realized I didn't explain it until the end, so please forgive my jumbled ADD thoughts. I'm actually really smart, I promise.)

Before making it to S rank, A+ was the hardest, most ridiculous rank to ever progress in. Now, since becoming an S rank player, the couple times I've dropped back down to A+, those matches have become cakewalks.

Right now you just need to keep plowing through with your best weapon. You might think that you might have reached a point where there's not much left to learn about your main weapon, and know every good method with it- I assure you that you don't. I main almost exclusively the two Luna Blasters (normal and Neo), and yet I still find new methods and tricks that help me significantly (and let's not talk about the times I find other Lunas whose play style completely destroy me). It's best to keep chugging with your best, and train up with other weapons in turf wars. Now it's true that you can't always use the same gun for every set up (i.e. I use the Hero Shot Replica on Moray Towers, my strategy with the Luna doesn't work there yet), but I've found that many maps that seem disadvantageous for my weapon actually have viable strategies that I just hadn't found before (like going in from behind at Kelp Dome, etc.)

The same applies to the counters to your weapons you may come across. Now, I'm definitely not saying that you'll be able to overcome any and all counters while playing that particular session, but think about what was happening after the match is over. Could you have taken a different route? Was the enemy focused on a certain area that you could come in from a blindspot? Is it better to just avoid the enemy until he moves into a better position? You might be able to think of something that you can try the next time you're in that situation. This worked for me in Bluefin Depot; I used to always get destroyed by E-Liters on the other side of the map. I've learned (since I'm good at dodging their shots when I'm moving) that I can zig-zag up close until the retreat inward, and then wait until they pop out on the side exit of the platform (most likely in an attempt to snipe me while I climb up the wall. By staying to close to the side path they appear on, I can splat them with no problems, consequently countering their counter (not that it works every time, as nothing does in these kinds of games). Observing enemy movements is key for these kinds of strategies, so if you've ever noticed how most .96 Gals like to throw out Splash Walls in certain spaces, or how Rollers like to hide on top of the boxes at Walleye Warehouse, you can start formulating plans for future matches.

Also, when I said you weren't good enough yet to make the rank, please don't take it the wrong way. I'm completely on your side. It's not like I'm saying it'll take months to "git gud;" I mean it in the sense that the A-, A, and A+ ranks are really good at training players to think differently and more openly about their play style, as well as help them figure out for themselves some good strategies to use on certain maps. I'm basing all of these assumptions off of my own experiences as well, so they may not work as well for you as they did for me. Even if it's unhelpful, I hope you gain something good out of it.

And if you're wondering where I'm at in my rank to be talking like I know everything, here's my info:

In-game name: Isan
Level: 43
Rank: S (60-something)
Effective Weapons: Luna Blasters (absolute best), Sloshers, Hero Shot Replica (just a cooler looking Splat Charger), and to a small extent on certain maps, the Heavy Splatling (not the Deco).
Oct 3, 2015
To the guy above me, thanks. I'll keep it all in mind. Watching enemy movements is something I have gotten into habit lately, and my skills have never grown so quickly. For example, when I was playing saltspray rig splat zones, I realized that enemies kept flanking our zone out of nowhere, and it was truly becoming a bother to deal with. We lost hard that round, and I realized that it was because a Sploosh got to the back and was placing beakons everywhere, which none of us took notice of. Now that I know how to counter that and use that strategy myself, I grew in skill that day. Same with observing enemy patterns and weapon strategies people use. Thanks for all the advice, I'll report back with my progress, haha.


Pro Squid
Sep 13, 2015
To the guy above me, thanks. I'll keep it all in mind. Watching enemy movements is something I have gotten into habit lately, and my skills have never grown so quickly. For example, when I was playing saltspray rig splat zones, I realized that enemies kept flanking our zone out of nowhere, and it was truly becoming a bother to deal with. We lost hard that round, and I realized that it was because a Sploosh got to the back and was placing beakons everywhere, which none of us took notice of. Now that I know how to counter that and use that strategy myself, I grew in skill that day. Same with observing enemy patterns and weapon strategies people use. Thanks for all the advice, I'll report back with my progress, haha.
Looking forward to it! Glad I could help!


Inkling Cadet
Oct 30, 2015
Before making it to S rank, A+ was the hardest, most ridiculous rank to ever progress in. Now, since becoming an S rank player, the couple times I've dropped back down to A+, those matches have become cakewalks
Of course you gave great advice. However, it's worth saying that there are plenty of times when playing well doesn't make you win. Likewise, there are times when you win when playing badly. One amazing player among a team that doesn't play well together isn't necessarily going to save the day.

I'd say the times I've played my best and contributed the most to the team are times I've also lost more games than won. Either due to a bad teammate(s) in specific situations or simply the other team was a better team. Or like today, my first game was me and 7 B+'s in Tower Control and I moaned and complained because I don't like playing with that level, but then I played so badly and my B+ teammates carried me to a win! :) I shaped up pretty fast after that...


Inkling Cadet
Oct 30, 2015
I was up to A+ 40 earlier today—feeling happy about getting back to A+—and guess what? Even though I was playing better than earlier I start a losing streak. Sometimes my teams were awful.

Back down to A again. Hopefully history (or Splatoon's matching algorithm) won't repeat itself...
Oct 3, 2015
Got myself up to A+ today, probably one of my happiest moments with this game. All I can say is, the match that had me rank up can be summarized by this
Octobrush>Krak-On Splat Roller

Heck yeah octobrush is amazing in rainmaker.


Inkling Cadet
Oct 30, 2015
Back down to A-, despite me not playing badly. I'm done with Splatoon.


Inkling Cadet
Nov 7, 2015
When I'm on a losing streak I quit ranked and play turf wars with a weapon I have no idea how to use, cause then I don't feel so bad about sucking... Actually I feel good, cause I'm learning a new weapon. This has led me to actually be quite good with the inkbrush and I'm not even too crappy at the kelp splatterscope any more. So yay!


Pro Squid
Sep 13, 2015
Back down to A-, despite me not playing badly. I'm done with Splatoon.
Welcome to the grind, my man. Check out all my posts to this point, I did the same thing.


Pro Squid
Sep 13, 2015
Got myself up to A+ today, probably one of my happiest moments with this game. All I can say is, the match that had me rank up can be summarized by this
Octobrush>Krak-On Splat Roller

Heck yeah octobrush is amazing in rainmaker.
You ranked up through Rainmaker? That's by far the hardest mode to be consistently successful in. Then again, my skills are suited to Tower Control, so it'd make sense for me.
Oct 3, 2015
You ranked up through Rainmaker? That's by far the hardest mode to be consistently successful in. Then again, my skills are suited to Tower Control, so it'd make sense for me.
yeah, I'm amazed too. Guess I just had competent teammates for the final stretch to A+. Also, Squid Beakons are a terribly underrated special. Advancing and placing them in places enemies wont notice or are too lazy to destroy is almost certain victory


Inkling Cadet
Jul 29, 2015
How do I handle losing streaks? Well I get salty and throw my gamepad across the room, turn the game off, then come on here to complain about what made me so angry about the losing streaks!

Nah I'm just squidding you guys. If I'm on a losing streak, I will go on to turf wars with the inkbrush neuveau and just fool around. Ya know try to draw smiley faces, squidbag, or try to get on top of that wall behind the enemy spawnpoint at Bluefin Depot. It's quite a good stress reliever!


Nov 16, 2015
Of course you gave great advice. However, it's worth saying that there are plenty of times when playing well doesn't make you win. Likewise, there are times when you win when playing badly. One amazing player among a team that doesn't play well together isn't necessarily going to save the day.

I'd say the times I've played my best and contributed the most to the team are times I've also lost more games than won. Either due to a bad teammate(s) in specific situations or simply the other team was a better team. Or like today, my first game was me and 7 B+'s in Tower Control and I moaned and complained because I don't like playing with that level, but then I played so badly and my B+ teammates carried me to a win! :) I shaped up pretty fast after that...
The concept of your team being the reason you lost isn't the most accurate; yes, you get teams that are absolute garbage more often then not. But, you can always play better yourself. Instead of blaming your team for forcing you into what is now essentially a 1v4, focus on your own mistake that caused you to lose the 1v4; were you not mobile enough? Did you rush when progessing slowly was your best option? Focusing on your own mistakes and shortcomings and how to correct them, no matter how unfair the game felt, is the best way to get better at the game imo
You can't always carry your C- team against a team of S+, but you sure as hell can perfect your own play. You're lying to yourself if you "couldn't of done anything"


Inkling Cadet
Oct 30, 2015
The concept of your team being the reason you lost isn't the most accurate; yes, you get teams that are absolute garbage more often then not. But, you can always play better yourself. Instead of blaming your team for forcing you into what is now essentially a 1v4, focus on your own mistake that caused you to lose the 1v4; were you not mobile enough? Did you rush when progessing slowly was your best option? Focusing on your own mistakes and shortcomings and how to correct them, no matter how unfair the game felt, is the best way to get better at the game imo
You can't always carry your C- team against a team of S+, but you sure as hell can perfect your own play. You're lying to yourself if you "couldn't of done anything"
You have given good advice, thanks :) That's certainly the most productive way to look at it and I've been making that effort to see where I could have made more of a difference in the games I lose with weaker teams.

With that said, any of my 'complaints' about being on the weaker team aren't necessarily pointed at my team. Rather, that Nintendo will knowingly (and I suspect deliberately) match you on the weaker team. So my complaints centre around Nintendo's approach to matching and point award/loss, rather than my team. I make dumb mistakes and play badly sometimes too.


Nov 16, 2015
You have given good advice, thanks :) That's certainly the most productive way to look at it and I've been making that effort to see where I could have made more of a difference in the games I lose with weaker teams.

With that said, any of my 'complaints' about being on the weaker team aren't necessarily pointed at my team. Rather, that Nintendo will knowingly (and I suspect deliberately) match you on the weaker team. So my complaints centre around Nintendo's approach to matching and point award/loss, rather than my team. I make dumb mistakes and play badly sometimes too.
Nintendo does have janky matchmaking, and you will frequently get place on the weaker team. All I'm trying to say (and I'm pretty sure you understood my point, just reiterating) is that blaming anyone besides yourself for a loss is counterproductive; yes, the loss may not have been your fault, but blaming anyone or anything else doesn't.. change the result of the game. Atleast blaming yourself, even when you aren't the main cause of your team's loss, leads to a productive evaluation of your own personal flaws.

That being said, I definitely think the matchmaking is intentional. I always seem to get matched with the weaker team once I get up in 80+ of any rank.


Prodigal Squid
Aug 18, 2015
RE: Matchmaking.

On my journey to A rank a few days ago I noticed there was an A+ player in the lobby and that same A+ player was always on top of the leaderboard at the end. AND they were always on the opposite team (I was typically on the top of the leaderboard for my team). The only time we were matched on the same team was when an S player dropped into the lobby (for whatever reason...). We ended up getting the same K/D and I ranked up so I couldn't do any more comparison. I just thought it was interesting because it didn't seem random at all.

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