How do you feel about Horror in Video Games?

How do you feel about Horror in Video Games?

  • Hate it

    Votes: 3 21.4%
  • Love it

    Votes: 3 21.4%
  • My opinion on it is mixed

    Votes: 8 57.1%

  • Total voters


Don't get Cooked!
Jun 30, 2016
both intentionally done and unintentionally done
(unintentionally meaning it wasn't designed to be a scary element, but it ended up scary anyways)

I was about to use Kirby as an example considering the Zero boss fight, but I shall for the most part refrain from gushing about Kirby in any way or this'll turn into another Kirby thread... hahah. Anyways I personally really enjoy horror games, the only ones I don't like are ones that rely on cheap jumpscares honestly.


Inkling Cadet
Nov 2, 2015
I really don't like jump scares, they're lazy and not very scary, mostly just annoying, but it's fine if a game uses frightening elements in the environment to create an atmosphere that's legitimately scary to the player. I don't play games based around horror, though, since I don't like them very much (they're very boring and I don't get scared very easily), but if I play a game that has some elements of horror in it, I'm fine having it there.


Octobrush Crackerjack
Aug 4, 2015
What I love about survival horror games is, I can't just shoot everything to oblivion (except RE4 but thats more action horror), trying to avoid enemies while saving health and ammo items for bosses, some of them even have crazy atmosphere

and of course :V the multiple endings



Inkster Jr.
Jan 23, 2016
I can only play horror games if they rely more on unsettling atmosphere, rather than just jump scares. Jump scare horror games are not fun for me.


Inkling Commander
Apr 1, 2016
I can't play horror games of pretty much any sort because I find them scary, cheap or not. However, I have a lot of fun watching them being played on YouTube - I may or may not cover my eyes at scary parts, but the thrill of anticipation is good entertainment.


Inkling Commander
Aug 9, 2014
Horror games make the game unenjoyable for me, thus I refuse to play them. They destroy the meaning of entertainment. I play games as a pastime - to have fun, not to get scared. If I want to get scared I'll go watch a horror movie.


Lord of the Squids
Aug 15, 2015
Switch Friend Code
I'm fine with horror, and jumpscares too when done in limitation. You cannot rely on just plain atmosphere alone to drive a horror experience, sometimes you need a "Something bad its happening and it could KILL YOU!" moment to keep the tension going.
I really hate loud jumpscares, that stuff needs to eff off. I should be scared of the game, not scared that i might eventually go deaf.

Horror outside of actual horror games is a mixed bag to me. For me, it's getting kind of predictable for indie games to start out disarmingly cute and then whip out the proverbial Giygas at some point. That kind of creepypasta-esque horror never really worked for me, nor did i ever find it as scary as actual horror games.

Mr. 9

Semi-Pro Squid
May 15, 2016
I definitely have mixed feelings on the topic. The only horror series I ever really got into was Silent Hill, and Silent Hill is without a doubt one of my favorite franchises. On the other hand, playing those games is so stressful. Does that mean one of my favorite things to do is be stressed out for hours on end? :confused:


Don't get Cooked!
Jun 30, 2016
Horror games make the game unenjoyable for me, thus I refuse to play them. They destroy the meaning of entertainment. I play games as a pastime - to have fun, not to get scared. If I want to get scared I'll go watch a horror movie.
I suppose it's different for everyone then. Some people like to get scared / it is enjoyable for them, so that's why horror games exist. It's entirely understandable if you don't like it though.

Horror outside of actual horror games is a mixed bag to me. For me, it's getting kind of predictable for indie games to start out disarmingly cute and then whip out the proverbial Giygas at some point. That kind of creepypasta-esque horror never really worked for me, nor did i ever find it as scary as actual horror games.
To be honest HAL seems to do a lot of the sort of "Here's this cutesy game now time for this horrible thing final boss" and I personally never really deemed it as horror more than just ... interesting? At most I was a bit creeped by Zero from Dreamland 3 it's little eye thing it does when it loses all it's life, but besides that the "horror-esque boss twists" that go in games usually are more interesting / thrilling to me than they are scary. Considering HAL made the Mother series, i'm assuming doing that with the final boss is also a sort of trademark of theirs, and others kinda decided to overuse the concept from them. Dunno for sure, but I still like how HAL does it better than any other game creators. Maybe i'm biased because i'm a sucker for HAL's games...

I'm fine with horror, and jumpscares too when done in limitation. You cannot rely on just plain atmosphere alone to drive a horror experience, sometimes you need a "Something bad its happening and it could KILL YOU!" moment to keep the tension going.
I really hate loud jumpscares, that stuff needs to eff off. I should be scared of the game, not scared that i might eventually go deaf.
Oh god yea I know what you mean. For the most part things that just appear in my face without a sound just startle me for a moment and then i just... laugh though. I don't know, there was a thing in a game I watched awhile back that just popped out of nowhere and I forgot if it made a sound or not but i just remember it popping up and then it was gone and the main characters had 0 reaction to it so just started cracking up because the game was meant to be serious. Then again the game had more of a reliance on jumpscares than I'd like- for the most part i didn't mind jumpscares revolving around the monsters chasing you and whatnot because it made sense- but god there were just pointless jumpscares at points.

I believe it was Until Dawn? Still a pretty good game I suppose, but the unneeded jumpscares just to keep the player on edge or whatever were just kinda unnecessary especially for the ones that the characters don't even react to.


Inkling Cadet
Nov 2, 2015
I really hate loud jumpscares, that stuff needs to eff off. I should be scared of the game, not scared that i might eventually go deaf.
This is all I think of when I hear the word jumpscare which is probably why I say I really dislike them. I probably don't even notice that the game is making a failed attempt at jumpscaring me when there's one that's not like this.


Inkling Cadet
May 21, 2015
Can't say for myself, because i love the horror genre. But those moments that leave you unsettled based on a simple description, or a tiny allusion, is ten times more effective than the jump scares most horror games think it's the whole genre these days.

The tiniest things that bother the hell out of me usually leave the biggest impact, such as pokemon descriptions, underlying themes in games, or even certain, unresolved conflicts can leave much more lasting impact than a simple scare.

That being said, yes. I do enjoy horror elements in games :p


Egyptian Goo God
Feb 23, 2016
Switch Friend Code
I used to like horror, but that was 15 years ago. I'm fed up with it now. Jumpscares, extremely low budgets, cheap "psychological" horror... every horror movie trailer is the same and Steam runs over with cruddy "horror" titles slapped together for a quick buck. I can still appreciate creepy atmosphere when it's done right, but it rarely if ever scares me anymore. I have bills to pay and I've dealt with crime, the horrors of real life are much more terrifying, hah.


Inkling Commander
Nov 3, 2015
Not gonna lie, the Resident Evil REmake for GCN put me on edge. Silent Hill 2 legitimately freaked me out. That hospital man...words cannot describe that hospital.

I love it, honestly. I love trying to figure out what happens next. If I'm right, I get some satisfaction from getting it right. If I get it wrong...well, I enjoy having games throw me a curve now and again. Most importantly of all, I love watching LPers piss themselves when they play legitimately scary games.

Until Dawn isn't necessarily scary, but counts as horror/suspense and some people's reactions to the deaths/outcomes is amazing. Miniladd's facecam in his playthrough is first class.


Egyptian Goo God
Feb 23, 2016
Switch Friend Code
welp, wrong post, ignore this :p


Don't get Cooked!
Jun 30, 2016
Until Dawn isn't necessarily scary, but counts as horror/suspense and some people's reactions to the deaths/outcomes is amazing. Miniladd's facecam in his playthrough is first class.
That makes sense, I didn't really like the jumpscares in it either way though and I most likely never will- I play games when they have well done horror atmosphere. I'm a sucker for good psychological horror, see silent hill for instance. Basically: If there's cheap jumpscares with 0 plot relevance i'll probably get put off from playing it because it makes it unenjoyable for me.

Same goes for movies. Movies with pointless jumpscares piss me off and I can't really watch them unless I really feel into that for a bit. Jumpscares are more annoying than they are horrific at this point.


Inkster Jr.
Mar 8, 2016
I like horror games. Especially if they craft things around a tense atmosphere rather than "zombies boo!" The first couple Resident Evils, Silent Hills, Fatal Frame, Outlast I feel are pretty good as far as causing tension.


Don't get Cooked!
Jun 30, 2016
I like horror games. Especially if they craft things around a tense atmosphere rather than "zombies boo!" The first couple Resident Evils, Silent Hills, Fatal Frame, Outlast I feel are pretty good as far as causing tension.
Silent Hill*
Sadly "Silent Hills" was cancelled haha (I know you were probably trying to refer to the entire franchise but some of them don't do atmosphere as well as others imo). Fatal Frame looks really good and I really want to pick it up someday... and sadly Outlast just feels like it has too many jumpscares and shock horror for my tastes). Resident Evil I never bothered with, but if there's any good ones I might look into it.

This kinda reminds me how The Evil Within had an amazing atmosphere for like the first half of the game THEN SUDDENLY it went to just doing jumpscares way too much. I was like "wow, way to ruin the mood". I can't get behind jumpscares. They're just cheap and silly.

Horror is ok. I just want more P.T. and a lot less FNAF.
P.T. was interesting, but not really my cup of tea. The atmosphere of the repeating hallways and rooms was nice, but as I said just a moment ago I couldn't really get behind the jumpscares. They were still pretty silly / cheesy to me and kinda ruined the mood of it.

FNaF got old really fast because it's reliant on jumpscares anyways.

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