Lives of Agents


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May 1, 2018
Octo Valley
This is a group of short fanfics about my Agents 3, 4, and 8. Just something to do for fun and to train my storytelling skills.

The Fear of a Chaotic World​

After the Chaos vs Order Splatfest, Agents 3 and 8 are unsure about the future of Inkopolis while Agent 4 is celebrating his victory with the Chaos group, not knowing the consequences of a no rules Inkopolis. Agent 3 is worried both for his best friend Agent 8 and for Inkopolis in general since the no rules concept is a double-edged sword. Agent 8, who was also on Team Order along with 3, is now divided on which sort of world is better for other Octarians. While 8 does not miss his previous life as a brainwashed soldier for DJ Octavio's army, he still feels bad for abandoning his Octarian friends, most of them not even Octolings. On one hand, an Inkopolis with no laws would allow his Octarian friends to reach the surface without the law enforcements forcefully kicking them back into the underground, but on the other hand, DJ Octavio was on Team Chaos, so 8 isn't sure how to feel about the very person who hypnotizes Octarians to take over the surface. 8 just wants both Inklings and Octarians to coexist in the same city.

Either way, now Inkopolis is going to be more chaotic, how chaotic? No one knows, "This is not good, we're already seeing the effects of Chaos winning, why did my brother 4 join Chaos again? We'll never know." Agent 3 says. Agent 8 agrees and says, "I hear the Salmonids have gotten more aggressive as well, I remember a shift the other day and I was surprised by how many waves had Chums charging at us like they were under the effect of Glowflies."

Agent 3 is worried about his Inkling girlfriend, he seems to spend a lot more time with her these days just to make sure she's okay. Agent 8 on the other hand now lives with his Octoling girlfriend so he can keep her safe from the Great Turf War veterans who want to keep Octarians underground. Agent 8 moved out of Agent 4's apartment because he didn't like the mess that his roommate kept leaving on purpose, most of the time just to spite 8 about Chaos winning.
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May 1, 2018
Octo Valley
How Agent 8 and Agent 3 Became Friends
After Agent 8 defeated Commander Tartar with the help of Pearl and Marina, he notices Agent 3 waking up and smiles at him. After the group of 5 cephalopods watches the sunrise, Agent 3 and Agent 8 discuss the recent change of events.

"So I was mind-controlled by some disgusting goop? No wonder I had a small headache upon waking up." Agent 3 says. "Don't worry about it man, I was mind-controlled when I was down in Octo Valley for I don't know how long." Agent 8 says. Agent 8 wonders how it is to live on the surface, seeing how happy he is to know that Marina is safe and away from the hypnotism.

"I wish I didn't leave DJ Octavio just because I wanted a new life." Agent 8 says when thinking back to the Mem Cakes he collected. However, Agent 3 interrupts his thought "Forget him! He was the dude who hypnotized you. Agents 1 and 2 helped me take him down. Bros gotta look out for one another after all. Cap'n seems willing to let go of the past, so maybe that DJ that you still respect can bury the hatchet as well."

"You're right!" Agent 8 says "Much like how we looked out for one another during our escape, you destroying that blender that almost tore me and your captain to pieces while I got that goop off your head."

Their friendship seems to remind Cap'n Cuttlefish how he used to be friends with DJ Octavio before the Great Turf War happened.

Agent 3 tries to plan something with Agent 8, "Hey, after Off the Hook drops you off in Inkopolis Square, do you want to meet some ladies? If you aren't able to date some octo ladies, you can borrow the hook from my jacket, pretty much most single people carry that accessory with them." Agent 8 agrees to do that sometime, "That would be great, but first, I want a tour of the city. You being my friend will show me around." to which Agent 3 replies "Sure thing, you will have to stay at my brother Agent 4's apartment though, he doesn't watch TV, so he might not be caught up on everything that's happening right now."
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May 1, 2018
Octo Valley
Where is Callie?
Agent 4 decided to check how things are going in Octo Canyon, he sees the typical: DJ Octavio still trapped in the snowglobe, Marie in a kimono, and... wait, where did Callie go? "Ugh, do I have to go get her again?" Agent 4 grumbles, "It's like she's the princess getting squidnapped and I'm the knight that she's waiting for." he adds.

Marie (username is Agent 2) is seen being busy typing on her laptop, she seems to be in an unknown chatroom where she saw two usernames that she wasn't familiar with: MC.Princess and DJ_Hyperfresh. It took a little bit for a user named CraigCuttlefish to respond.

Agent 4 took this time to look for Callie, and being a chaotic guy himself, decided to investigate with no weapons whatsoever. Upon his investigation throughout Octo Canyon, he noticed that the Octarians aren't attacking him anymore. What's more is that he already noticed Callie, while she was wearing the same outfit when she had the hypnoshades on, she's actually not wearing the hypnoshades themselves.

"There she is! Good thing I didn't have to go far." Agent 4 says. "Agent 8 is still waiting to go to a Squid Sisters concert, he seems to not know what is happening in Octo Canyon currently." Although Agent 4 did hear Callie feels sympathy for the Octarians, he doesn't quite get how. He was never told of the results of the Callie vs Marie Splatfest, especially since his brother Agent 3 didn't talk to him about Splatfests that he participated in.

"Meh, she's fine now." Agent 4 brushed the situation off just like that. "Just as long as that DJ is trapped in that snowglobe, there's nothing bad that can ever happen." and just like that, Agent 4 left, leaving Callie with the Octarians.


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May 1, 2018
Octo Valley
The Meeting of the New Squidbeak Splatoon
After a frustrating Turf War match that both Agent 4 and Agent 8 had because of people who don't take the game seriously. They went to a (rundown) building, seeing Agent 3 arriving there before them. Agent 3 sees both of them not being happy, "Gees, chill out you guys! Didn't think going to a meeting would upset you this much."

"It's not the meeting that we're angry with." Agent 8 starts then Agent 4 hastily finishes, "It's the idiots who seem to think it's cool to fool around during the entire game of Turf War."

"I see" Agent 3 answers, "Well, in any case, we have to meet Cap'n Cuttlefish, Agent 1, and Agent 2, so you two better cool it because this meeting is important."

After this short talk and a bit of calming down, the three boys went inside where they see the three aforementioned Inklings.

"What up buckos?" Cap'n Cuttlefish greeted. Agent 1 greeted with an excited "Hiii!" while Agent 2 greeted with a halfhearted "Hey."

"So, what's the meeting about?" Agent 8 asks.

"Well, it's about the Octarians.", Cap'n Cuttlefish says.

"Ugh, those guys again?!" Agent 4 replied, "Just for the record, I hate going underground, it's too cold down there."

"We're not going to fight them, this is about something else." Cap'n Cuttlefish says.

"I hope you're not planning to wipe them out, they are my people, you know!" Agent 8 says with worry, Agent 3 adds "Plus, it would definitely flip DJ Octavio's lid if we did that, that dude would be really ticked off and brainwash Inklings at a moment's notice."

"It's not that either." Cap'n Cuttlefish said. This brought relief to the three boys, but at the same time they are worried about what Cap'n is really going to say.

"I have decided to start working on a truce with the Octarians, after being trapped in the Deep Sea Metro with Agent 8, we discovered that there might be even greater enemies that we have to worry about, ones who could single-handedly destroy Inkopolis as we know it. That old telephone being a prime example of them." Cap'n Cuttlefish explains.

Agent 3 asks, "Wait, what if that DJ doesn't listen, what if he uses you for conquest? You never know what he's plotting!"

"Chill, bucko! He and I used to be friends and besides, Agent 8 can definitely help me convince him to bury the hatchet so we can finally heal from the Great Turf War." Cap'n Cuttlefish answered.


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May 1, 2018
Octo Valley
The Surge of the Salmonids
Agent 8 and his three co-workers are going on a Salmon Run, as the boat reaches the Spawning Grounds, they prepare to Super Jump to the island. "Am I the only one having a bad feeling here?" Agent 8 asks his co-workers after they land. The male Inkling co-worker replies "It's not just you, there have been more Max Level Hazard events happening here than before."

The group of four start inking paths toward crucial key points of the island. The horn starts as 10 Chums come out of the water at once from different sides, followed by 12 Smallfries and 3 Cohocks. Panicked, the female Inkling of the group asks, "When did this happen?!" with the female Octoling of the group replying "I don't know, I didn't think they were that smart. This is definitely a new tactic of them."

As the group of four keeps splatting Salmonids, including boss ones, they manage to achieve the Golden Egg quota for the wave. As they ink the island back up, Agent 8 states "Those Octoling ships in the distance used to be there to gather intel on Inklings, but now they gather intel on Salmonids, it's how we came to the conclusion that this is the Salmonids' new tactic."

The second wave starts and a lot more Salmonids instantly rush out of the water, the number of bosses is now becoming too much, with Scrappers at every corner. The crew starts to get tired as they try their best to survive the wave, however, due to many Scrappers at once, they were able to exceed the egg quota. Now for the final wave.

Agent 8 got some new information from the distant Octoling ships, "After some translation from our team on those ships, they discovered that the Salmonids are now planning to attack the Octarians now that they discovered that I and other Octolings are now going on Salmon Runs." The female Octoling to the group panics "What?! For eel?! Octarians need help!"

Agent 8 replies "Don't worry, I'll solve this problem.", the final wave starts, this time it's a Glowfly wave. The male Inkling of the group exclaims "Everyone, go to the elevated platform!" while the female Inkling panics "Why is this happening?!"

Despite the intensity of the wave, the crew manages to meet the egg quota and survive, after the final wave is over, none of them hesitates to Super Jump. After getting back to Inkopolis, Agent 8 calls Cap'n Cuttlefish, "There is some bad news cap'n, the Salmonids are planning to launch an attack on the Octarians, you know, the potential allies." Cap'n Cuttlefish replies, "Well bucko, all the more reason to make the Octarians our allies. Because if the Salmonids get their fins on more advanced Octarian weapons, then Inkopolis is doomed. We have to help the Octarians defend their supplies!"


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May 1, 2018
Octo Valley
The Regret of the Past and Worry About the Future
Agent 3 stands on the place that used to be Octo Valley, now practically deserted due to power failures. Bringing out his flashlight, he goes into the first kettle he went on when he was first recruited into the New Squidbeak Splatoon by Cap'n Cuttlefish. "This is the place where my encounters with Octarians started." he reminisces, remembering when he was just the typical squid kid playing ink battles against other Inklings before the recruitment happened as well as during his break from his battle against DJ Octavio's army.

"If the Salmonids start rising up to the mainland Inkopolis, this will be a worse fate than the stealing of the Great Zapfish." he thinks about the thought of Salmonid takeover as he explores the Octotrooper Hideout, which ironically enough, has no Octotroopers inhabiting it, this place now is a ghost town due to all surviving Octarians either fleeing to Octo Canyon, migrating to Inkopolis or being octonapped by that evil telephone.

Agent 3 steps over some debris made of broken screens and bits of cement and concrete strewn around the place. He sees that the Octarians probably needed the source of power more than Inkopolis did, but at the same time, he didn't know it when he was 14, all he did was listen to Cap'n Cuttlefish and later Agent 1 and Agent 2. "Why did I not see the reason why Octarians took the power source and instead listened to an old man and his grandsquids?"

Agent 3 started feeling more sympathy toward the Octarians, especially since his best friend Agent 8 is an Octoling. While Agent 3 felt like he doomed the Octo Valley, he still did not forget that DJ Octavio had the wrong idea. "That old fool hypnotizing his own people, why would he do it? An Octoling hypnotizing other Octarians, it's just messed up in so many ways!"

As he reaches the platform that originally held the first Zapfish he collected, Agent 3 says "It wasn't supposed to end this way, we may have freed the Octarians, but at the cost of their homes, I remember Agent 8 telling me that he'd rather help the Octarians to reach the surface and let them live in Inkopolis, regardless of whether they are Octolings or not. He was worried about the Squid vs Octopus Splatfest getting in the way of that and now Chaos winning the final Splatfest, what's with that short girl's obsession to separate and scatter us all?!" he kicks a fallen and broken TV screen in anger, with the sounds echoing in this cold, empty, and lifeless cave that used to have life in it.
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May 1, 2018
Octo Valley
Agent 8's First Date
It's finally time for Agent 8 to meet a girl, although, he prefers the girl to be an Octoling given he has a better chance with her.

"I am so nervous about this, I don't know if she will like me." Agent 8 says nervously. Agent 3 replies "Don't worry so much about it, man. If things go south, I've got your back. Now go get 'er, champ!"

Relieved, Agent 8 nervously walked up to an Octoling girl, "Hey there, expecting anyone to join you?" he asks. The Octoling girl looking at him answered "No". Agent 8 then asks "Mind if I sit with you? You know, being an Octoling can be really lonely sometimes."

The Octoling girl agrees, "Can you believe Inklings don't know who we are? Like duh, our tentacles have suckers on the outside, dummies!", Agent 8 laughs a little at that statement and says, "Well, not all Inklings are like that, I have a buddy who is an Inkling but he knows I'm an Octoling." The Octoling girl in front of him says with a worried tone, "About that... I'm worried about the possibility that Inklings are going to hate us for being Octarians, let alone Octolings.", Agent 8 tries his best to comfort her, "I know what you mean, I had this fight against my buddy before I made it to the surface, but I'm sure that most Inklings are going to be accepting of us, after all, they don't care about the Great Turf War, heck, I even know an Inkling veteran who fought in that war and he eventually accepted me!". This made the Octoling girl happy and relieved.

After the date, they both parted ways, but not before the Octoling girl gave her phone number to Agent 8. Agent 3 met up with Agent 8, "So, how did it go?" Agent 3 asked, "It went well, actually, it went perfectly, she even gave me her phone number!" Agent 8 excitedly replies.

Electro Splatling

Inkster Jr.
Mar 19, 2020
Are the Agents boys or girls?
I am confuzzled


I'm Agent 3...
AND I'm Still Partially sanitized...

*le sad face*
Great, now I'm a DJ
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May 1, 2018
Octo Valley
The Not-So Starstruck Agent 4
Agent 3 and Agent 4 are hanging out at Tentakeel Outpost, the two brothers talk about some things but what stood out the most is how Agent 4 did not starstruck when he saw Marie. "So you met Marie and you didn't even know about the Squid Sisters at all?" Agent 3 asks his brother.

"I just didn't know they were celebrities in the first place." Agent 4 replies, just shrugging, "Besides, I just didn't like watching TV and I definitely never looked up past celebrities. I always live in the now!"

"Well, if you weren't so obsessed with collecting action figures so much, maybe you could have known them, even personally." Agent 3 responds.

"Oh, you're Mr. No Fun now? Here to tell how people should or should not enjoy their hobbies?" Agent 4 angrily asks. "Also, I was going to stop at the Squid Rangers Fusion series when I possess the final one."

"Whatever" Agent 3 just brushes Agent 4's anger like it's nothing. "Just make sure you don't accidentally start another line."

Marth the overlord

Inkster Jr.
Jan 30, 2021
Agent 2: What's happening
4 *hides action figure behind back*: nothing!
Agent 1: You collect them too!

Marth the overlord

Inkster Jr.
Jan 30, 2021
Agent 6, Everyone forgets about me.

I heard someone calling me, Octavio. "It seems that they use you, you don't even get a thank you..." He gave me the offer of a lifetime. I hid from agent 4, Gloves, my boyfriend. He handed me a pair of hypnoshades. I put them on and felt dizzy, Gloves looked over and I passed out.

Que-- Agent 6 raised her head. She seemed different. "WHO GOES THERE!" she cried, roundhouse kicking. She seemed unusually agressive

Marth the overlord

Inkster Jr.
Jan 30, 2021
I heard a laugh in the distance. Octavio. She ran after him. She smiled at him and then looked at me.

I ran to Marie, screaming "Queenie! Octavio... took her!!!" She left me a letter. I quit. I've saved the world and no one has EVER thanked me. I HATE YOU ALL. That's definitely not Queenie. I remembered when she was recovering from her sanitation. She loved me and Marie, was OK with Craig, and pranked Callie.


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May 1, 2018
Octo Valley
The Roommates Split Up
Agent 8 comes back home after a hard day of work at Grizzco, "Finally, I never thought I would hear the end of that talking radio! Now to enjoy some of my favorite video-games!"

Upon using his keys to his and 4's apartment, he notices the mess that his roommate has left. "Come on man! I told you to throw these empty snack bags away!" Agent 8 exclaims angrily. Agent 4 hears his annoyed roommate as he comes out of his own room. "So what? This is who I am, the king of chaotic rooms!" Agent 4 brushes off Agent 8's complaints. "Besides, I know you will take care of this mess."

"I am not your butler! If we're sharing this apartment, then do your part to keep it at least tolerable." Agent 8 replies, having enough of 4's passiveness when it comes to keeping the apartment in a tolerable state. "If not, then I'm moving out. Have fun picking up this trash yourself."

"So what, you're going to stay with my brother then?" Agent 4 asks. "Remember, you are still using my normal name to buy stuff and go into Salmon Runs. You're toast if the old farts find out you're an Octoling, just remember that. Just because Cap'n respects you, doesn't mean other old dudes and chicks will do the same. The old squids need lots of convincing, man." 4 finishes explaining the harsh reality to 8. "Look at it this way dude. This will make you used to the disrespect when they find out you're an Octoling."

"Well, no one should have to get used to being disrespected as much as this." 8 has finally had enough, "And for once, I'm not going to rely on Inklings to be able to get around Inkopolis. Instead, I'm going to move in with my girlfriend, who by the way, is an Octoling herself, at least she will respect me."

"Come on, you can't be serious, dude. You're going to move in with your date?" Agent 4 replies, worried that he will have to take care of the apartment himself.

"I would've moved in with your brother, but since Octolings will need to stop relying on Inkling roommates at some point, I will move with an Octoling I know." Agent 8 finally says. "So goodbye, you won't be seeing me in this apartment anymore."

Marth the overlord

Inkster Jr.
Jan 30, 2021
I heard a laugh in the distance. Octavio. She ran after him. She smiled at him and then looked at me.

I ran to Marie, screaming "Queenie! Octavio... took her!!!" She left me a letter. I quit. I've saved the world and no one has EVER thanked me. I HATE YOU ALL. That's definitely not Queenie. I remembered when she was recovering from her sanitation. She loved me and Marie, was OK with Craig, and pranked Callie.
Prinz wa sin the training room, working out. "76,77" he said, lifting the heavy weights. He was secretly Agent Eminence for C.E.P.H.L.O. Something ugly was happening. A mass sanitation. He lifted his tuxedo. He lowered his voice. "Empie!"

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