Message to Anyone.


Inkling Cadet
Sep 24, 2017
Switch Friend Code
You are a p*say. You're a scared little boy. You know you ****ed up. Trying all your last resorts, it won't work. I know what I did. I shouldn't have said "Suck your mun" but you did deserve it. You chatted a lot of ****, and I get blamed with a detention. Watch


May 1, 2018
Octo Valley
Can you just lock the car when we get home? It's far too dangerous to leave it unlocked anytime of the day, especially at night.


Inkling Cadet
Sep 24, 2017
Switch Friend Code
You ****ed up, they didn't wanna believe me at all. But I insisted, until you snaked on yourself. Haha *****


Inkling Commander
Jul 5, 2015
Did you just try to lecture me?
You just wasted your time really, but I appreciate the heads up at least. Ha ha.

I'm not like the "Previous Co-workers" you like to keep saying you make "Cry" or "Scare."

So, I'd calm down if I were you.
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Egyptian Goo God
Feb 23, 2016
Switch Friend Code
I'd like to thank you.

I've been going through some rough times - job hunting, financial challenges, and my roomie's health is failing. And yet there's something that's been consistently cheering me up - your silly antics. You keep making a fool of yourself for no reason, and the effort put into the "trolling" brings a smile to my face. Honestly, seeing what happens next is a primary reason as to why I check this site these days.

You're a real mood lifter, something I need at this time of year. Thank you so much! Keep it up, please :)


Inkling Commander
Jul 14, 2015
Switch Friend Code
I'd like to thank you.

I've been going through some rough times - job hunting, financial challenges, and my roomie's health is failing. And yet there's something that's been consistently cheering me up - your silly antics. You keep making a fool of yourself for no reason, and the effort put into the "trolling" brings a smile to my face. Honestly, seeing what happens next is a primary reason as to why I check this site these days.

You're a real mood lifter, something I need at this time of year. Thank you so much! Keep it up, please :)
No problem friend! I love putting smiles on peoples faces, mhm! :) Glad I could help out in your time of need! However... I believe there are people less fond than you... Since the creation of this account, I have lost my ability to thumbs up posts!!! I believe this to be the result of the usage of the “report” feature!!! Mhm! It is really quite sad that some people have nothing better to do than to complain about something on a dead forum... Well! Regardless! I wish you a splendid evening and day to whomever reads this, and please, if you have the time, purchase Big Chungus for the Playstation Four, the greatest game of all time! Catch ya later, Professor Oak!!! :cool:


Pro Squid
Aug 2, 2017
Vienna, Austria
Switch Friend Code
Im not exaclty done with you. Just because the teacher managed to beat me in terms of programming doesn't mean that I can't do anything. You always I program of videos, despite that fact that I didn't watch a programming video for 3 years now. It's btw logical that Im falling flat against a teacher who knows how to program and who is about 40 years older than me. You also like to complain that I "stare at you". Well, Im sat right behind you so Im gonna see you at some point. And you had to turn around multiple times just to see "how stupid I am". You literally have to put in more effort to look at me and you are still doing it, or rather did it. But I would have forgotten you if you weren't mocking me again on the day of the open door. But you did, well, it's your fault that Im writing this. Also: how immature is it that you always had to call me an idiot just because I am using a specific laptop/phone. Do you really need that much attention? Or what is it? Why can't you simply ignore me.

Im surprised you managed to get into the next year. Thankfully tho. Since we chose different main areas, Im no longer in your class. Im feeling soo much better now


Inkster Jr.
Jan 8, 2019
Congratulations. You've managed to become one of the people I do not care to convince otherwise anymore. Oh well... Less wasted words and time, right?


Inkling Commander
Jul 5, 2015
Fight me in Smash Ultimate!
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Egyptian Goo God
Feb 23, 2016
Switch Friend Code
You really do need to let this go, haha, it's been over a year at this point. You can (and do) say what you like about me, but getting others involved in this little feud is crossing the line a bit.

As for your comments last month, you give me too much credit - I've only reported a couple things of yours, namely the mass-liking and a particularly antagonistic post from some time ago. That is being completely honest with you. Other, unrelated people can and will report bad behavior when they see it. You do understand that rules are rules, yes? Even an inactive forum's mods will take steps to keep their site clean, since neglect reflects poorly on them (especially considering the mods of this site are active in many different places). It takes two to tango, and they wouldn't keep deleting your posts if your posts didn't violate the rules, simple as that. Take some responsibility for your behavior before you do something that goes too far and gets you banned.

Granted, I don't think a banning could happen. I mean really, your trolling doesn't go far enough to have impact - it's not offensive or demoralizing, it's just petty. Just enough to break some rules but not enough to get you in serious trouble. Yet, anyway. I do wonder how far you'll go with this.

For the record, I don't hold any ill will against you anymore. At this point, I don't feel much of anything. You're not blocked on Discord, if you ever want to talk this out and end this that door's open to you. I don't think you will, but I want you to have that option. Have a pleasant day.

Edit: I'm very proud of you for what you did, thank you for reaching out and I wish all the best for you! CRUSH ALL WHO OPPOSE YOU IN OVERWATCH!
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Inkster Jr.
Dec 6, 2018
Window-shopping @ the Galleria
what am i ever gonna do with you?

i feel like im talking to a wall

a suicidal wall that drinks too much mountain dew

and im worried that you wont listen to me

i dont want you to die

i really dont

i feel like if you die ill take responsibility because im not doing enough

but i dont know what else i can do

somehow whenever you wanna talk im not there

and it makes me feel horrible

you wont open up to me

you wont tell me whats going on

you wont tell me what happened to you

and i just want to help

ive seriously considered reporting you to someone so you can get the help i know you need

and i cant believe that i sometimes let my reputation rival that

what should i do?

i worry for your life

i pray for you every night

and i talk to you as much as i can

but i cant hug you

i cant put my arm around your shoulder

would you let me?

i can't get the whole picture through a screen

and this is why i hate the internet sometimes

because people put on masks

and i hate masks

they wont make you look any better in my eyes

i just want you to be real with me

thats all i want

i saw your mask

it entertained me

but then you got exposed

and i realized i had no idea what id gotten into

and sometimes you still put it on for me

and i admire that you care that i care

and im grateful for that

even if you only show it by not showing me the reality i want to see

but whatever is behind that mask that you wont show me

that is much more important to me

i wish you would listen to me

God listens to me

do you?

He's not a big talker

but if you need a listening ear and i'm not there

just pray

may God give you the peace that passes all understanding


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