No, you're not carrying bad teams, you're throwing.


Inkling Commander
May 9, 2015
Like I said before, this kind of logic is silly. While one extremely good player is nice, even he/she is going to fall under the weight of FOUR extremely good players. I'm not saying everyone has to reach the height of squid perfection, but this whole "just get good" attitude doesn't solve every problem you're going to have in a game about team play and map control. If my smartest option is to not do anything because the team isn't good enough, and the option you provide is "just get good enough to do everything"...
it's as I said in the second (now third, with the edit) paragraph. some games are unwinnable because they're stacked. but not all games will be stacked against you. the worst case is there are two good players in the room (including you) and the other good player keeps getting on the other team and just carries that little bit harder. but this isn't what I'm getting at here.

if a player says that they're carrying every game, then they should be winning enough to rank up. it's not any kind of wild logic, it's just how luck works. luck very quickly balances out, so a player who is actually carrying (and not taking important defensive positions that inflate their k/d) should be winning enough to rank up (or at least not losing enough to be demoted). for every loss due to a bad team, they should have a win as a result of a good team. every other game, where the teams are not so stacked as to be uncarryable or unthrowable (let's just pretend these are actual words), they should be winning enough to be promoted. if they aren't, then they aren't carrying as much as they think they are, and maybe lack in some area that is not immediately reflected by k/d.

I've edited the OP to hopefully clarify this.


LFT mid range, former xlt
Jun 3, 2015
Switch Friend Code
Your title is clickbait. It gives the impression that it's my fault most people are bad and give me free wins. I came in here in a bad mood but the thread is about losing! What gives, man?
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Full Squid
Jun 9, 2015
Salty Splatoon
Sooo, basically camp in a safe spot and avoid dying at all costs. Keep your hallway clear of enemies and act as a super jump point for your team.

This is basically how I play, its easy to secure an area with the splash wall, making some areas just completely impassable for the enemy team and forcing them to make a deathmarch through mid. although its getting pretty boring. I wish I could just rush in there like the .52 gal players.


LFT mid range, former xlt
Jun 3, 2015
Switch Friend Code
Sooo, basically camp in a safe spot and avoid dying at all costs. Keep your hallway clear of enemies and act as a super jump point for your team.

This is basically how I play, its easy to secure an area with the splash wall, making some areas just completely impassable for the enemy team and forcing them to make a deathmarch through mid. although its getting pretty boring. I wish I could just rush in there like the .52 gal players.
Just know when it's time to get passive. You don't have to stay in one spot if the other team is pushed too far back. The most important thing in this game is just making sure someone is keeping an eye on flank routes at all times.


Splatin' through Inkopolis with my woes....
Jun 1, 2015
I have complained of this before. Definitely at times its my fault I've died/given up zone, no one can realistically say 100% of the time they aren't making mistakes. However, more often then not when I do complain of this (not all the time mind you) its because I'm saying "where is my team???/what are they doing???"

But I would advocate at times "throwing" is necessary. I super jump to my 2 team members and they are being held off in a side hallway by a splat jr. The amazing thing is they had a splat jr and an aerosprayer, I also had an aerosprayer. There is no reason in that situation not to rush in and have a player play backup. I managed to kill the opposing splat jr without dying but by that time his teammate had stealth jumped and I kamikazed with him. I dont mind dying in vital areas if I can take out 2 to 3 players and leave the rest of my team in the main area.


Full Squid
Aug 26, 2014
So I agree with the OP in principle, but last night I had some interesting experiences with low-rank lobbies.

Since Japanese Splatfest is on, the people who we [Australia] would normally be matchmade with were unavailable. I got put in lobbies with C players.

Now I'm not an amazing player, my best rank so far has been B+. But if my games last night are indicative then I think there are definite knowledge gaps that would slow the progress of a decent player that would make them frustrated and reinforce their belief that they're carrying the team.

Some examples:
  • Players continuously standing on the point. (It's easy to blame your teammates for being careless on point while at the same time it feels like attacking the other team is like shooting fish in a barrel - you rack up a high kill-count AND you cap often. Putting you in the headspace that you're "carrying".)
  • Players applying no point pressure. Instead, they go off to all corners of the map to charge their inkstrikes. The other team have no ability to avoid the inkstrikes, so your MIA player is rewarded with three kills from doing this, and on a map like Kelp Dome, instant point control as well. (Even with the inkstrike support, if you never *see* your teammates in your vicinity, you'll start to believe you're the only one working on the objective)
  • Players who don't understand the premise of the mode. I saw a player sitting in the ink of a neutral zone, making no attempt to cap. ("Why are you just sitting there, you mean I have to come in and ink up after my own teammates too?")

A player put in these situations is highly likely to blame their teammates for their losses, even if their own mistakes are exacerbating the team's difficulties. Once you get out of the newbie-zone you at least have a good chance of playing alongside people who understand the mechanics of the game mode.

Also I think low-rank lobbies have such a distinct meta to the higher ones (eg: abandon the point to charge your inkstrike). I need to go unlearn a bunch of bad habits now :p


Senior Squid
Jun 8, 2015
I would not think too much of ranked battles now. Simply because there is absolutely no team coordination. The legitimacy of ones strategy will only be truly tested once a chat is incorporated. That is why splatoon is pure chaos fun now. Its more of a brawler than a strategy game right now. So you are the guy with all the strategies but the moment the battle starts, your strategy is basically that, yours. Ranked battles only measure your kill to death ratio and understanding of game mechanics. I believe all the A players now have fantastic ratios and if they are allowed strategy into a match, splatoon will become a totally new ballgame accompanied by its own meta.

Lots of kills and death in a match could have been effected or prevented if there was a coordinated gameplay by both sides. I believe it is futile to talk about strategy at the moment.

Give us at least a text chat Nintendo!


Aug 12, 2017
I would believe this... if it didn't happen to my wife as well. I powered through C- to B, with people who stood around, ran into the corners, or just inked wherever. The other team was
Completely competent and I would defend as best I could, but it was frustrating. It was like I was playing with bots.
Then, I'd get on the other side of things. With teams that just completely squash the other team, more of the same. It's like we get matched either playing with 5 year olds or against them.
Bear in mind this isn't EVERY game. Half of the games are pretty evenly matched and fair. Then, 3 are with morons and 2 are with pros.
They just need to balance better somehow.
I don't think that I carry, nor does my wife. But when you have 1 person standing in spawn, another hiding in the corner and a 3rd just running in like Rambo, it gets frustrating.
We just want a team to help, or at least try.
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Inkling Fleet Admiral
Aug 7, 2017
Switch Friend Code
This is something that's been hard for me to reconcile. I've been getting mad at my teammates when I play well individually but we very much lose.

What I've learned is two things:

1. I probably need to be more flexible about changing how I play when it's not something that meshes well with how those teammates play.

2. I'm not good enough that my team is going to win just because I'm on it and playing a good individual game. I need good teammates -- specifically because I'm not THAT good.

If they're bad, that's not their fault (probably). Just like how it's mostly not my fault when I sink a team by being the worst player on it. Everyone has limits to their skills. Accepting that goes a long way to accepting losses.

Drew Sebastino

Inkling Cadet
Aug 9, 2017
Switch Friend Code
I would believe this... if it didn't happen to my wife as well. I powered through C- to B, with people who stood around, ran into the corners, or just inked wherever. The other team was
Completely competent and I would defend as best I could, but it was frustrating. It was like I was playing with bots.
Then, I'd get on the other side of things. With teams that just completely squash the other team, more of the same. It's like we get matched either playing with 5 year olds or against them.
Bear in mind this isn't EVERY game. Half of the games are pretty evenly matched and fair. Then, 3 are with morons and 2 are with pros.
They just need to balance better somehow.
I don't think that I carry, nor does my wife. But when you have 1 person standing in spawn, another hiding in the corner and a 3rd just running in like Rambo, it gets frustrating.
We just want a team to help, or at least try.
Kind of strange bumping a topic this old, but yeah, once I started accepting not being able to carry teams if they're just that terrible, I started doing better at Ranked Battle. My strategy is I'll play Ranked in Splatoon until my first loss. I've still never gotten to S+, but I've gotten to S 70 recently.


Egyptian Goo God
Feb 23, 2016
Switch Friend Code
What is it with new users and reviving ancient, often years-old threads? Even if it technically isn't against the rules, it's still frowned upon. Meekrob, did you somehow fail to notice that this topic is TWO YEARS OLD? The insight you provide isn't worth dredging up this ancient thing.

Make new threads, participate in active threads, don't perform necromancy on threads where the original poster hasn't been on the website in ages!


Lord of the Squids
Aug 15, 2015
Switch Friend Code
Just for a minute i thought flc came back to the forums

i am disappointed


Jun 19, 2018
Switch Friend Code
I agree with this for sure. tho carring does happen more then one may think. ik i had 14 splats in one game and had most specials used with 5 and when we won. i saw 2 people with 3 splats, another with 1. and all of them only used there special once xD

i mean im only level 12 and im not even in the ranks at all still, c-, so im not really mad when this happens im just hoping games in the higher ranks will be more balanced. xD


A captain of the darkness.
Jul 14, 2016
Piranha Pit.
Carrying a team isn't pleasant. I seriously only carried a team once in my entire splatoon carreer and sinc ethen, I never hoped to do so and genuinely don't wish it on anyone.

Carrying isn't splatting a lot of ennemy and surviving while your team didn't splat much of people. Carrying isn't losing but having done what you could to try and hope to turn it around. Carrying is winning while your team get wipped out if you're not there, having to be the only one always alive. Having the superjumping notice spammed into your ears while you need to keep 4 opponent coming to you from all direction all at once and trying your best to protect your teampals. Without your team, even if you're carrying, you CAN'T do anything alone. You need people to distract the opponent, you need people to ink, you can't do everything alone. Alone, all you can do is survive. When you carry, you need to be absolutly everywhere, you need to look at your teampals and keep them safe, you need to attract the attention of the opponents, you NEED to be the threat so they go TO YOU. And it's stressful. After that match, I had a panic attack and had to stop playing for the rest of the day. That's how unpleasant and stressful carrying a match is in A+. That was years ago, to this day I still wish nobody has to go through that kind of match.

I might had reached S rank on that game, but dear lord I left my whinny "my team are bad and I'm the best," attitude back.
Also. Yes, hi, I like death post revival.

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