Octo Lab - IC Thread


Inkling Commander
Jul 5, 2015
Canada, ON
Zale looked around the room, trying to spot anything that could be a camera.

Nope. Nada. There wasn't so much as an indent in a wall or even a misshapen panel. The corners of the ceiling were smooth, except for a covered vent that hummed loudly. Giving him the impression that there was a vent very, very close by to the opening. Perhaps it was right at the opening, preventing any camera from being planted there.

The robot in the doorway hummed quietly, reminding him of its presence.

What do?


Oct 14, 2015
Laura continued to stare blankly at where the robot had been standing, in a mix of shock and awe. It certainly wasn't a result she was expecting.

Finally she snapped out of it, with a slight, quick shake of her head. Laura's eyes then suddenly lit up for a second.

Oh, I'll need this! Laura said quietly as she dashed over to the table to grab the journal laying there.

@Rustic [Grab: Journal]


Inkling Cadet
Aug 12, 2014
New York City
As Zale looked around the room, he noticed that there was no place to properly hide a camera. The vent, which drew the most suspicion out the pinkette, hummed loudly giving him the thought that there was a opening that prevented any camera in the room from viewing him.

Guess I all worked out over nothing. Zale thought, messing with a spiky tentacle.

The robot at the entrance hummed, alerting and reminding Zale that he had go... where ever the robot wanted him to. "
Alright. Show me where I need to go." He says, as his stomach let out a growl for not having food for a day. "I hope there's food where ever I'm going..." He mutters.

[Action: Follow the Robot]


Inkling Commander
Jul 5, 2015
Canada, ON
Laura moved to the table, picking up the journal and stuffing it into her pocket.

The robot hummed quietly in a quizzical tone, tilting its head in curiosity as it saw her put it into her pocket. Perhaps it thought she was a kleptomaniac, or maybe a hoarder, whatever it was. It didn't really seem to care too much after she took it. It merely waited for her to make her next action, standing aside for her. "Done? Go?" The robot patiently asked her.

It's really pushy...


Oct 14, 2015
Laura paused for a moment, curiously surprised by the robot's reaction. She quickly shrugged, and walked over to the robot to follow it to wherever she's apparently supposed to be now.

@Rustic [Go to: Robot]


Inkling Commander
Jul 5, 2015
Canada, ON
(( Okay. Time for the next round. Edit: Did a misclick. ))

"Hey you bucket of Bolts! Why am i here!" He takes a ready stance in case the robot would start attacking. He knew he couldn't win this fight without a weapon but he only needed a opening to escape.

"Experiment," the robot in the doorway replied. It stood there in a neutral stance, although its arm slowly reached behind it, the hand outstretched as if poised to grab something. Hunter looks at The robot and seeing the little motion it was doing didn't make him feel anymore safe. "What Experiment!"

The robot didn't respond -at least not immediately. "Test Inkling capabilities. Yours, others." It said simply.

"Others!...Who wants to test our Capablities! and where exactly is here?"

It chittered in a hostile tone, "classified information." The robot answered him, shaking its head ever so slightly. Hunter growls classified clearly ment bad news. "I highly doubt kidnaping us for Testing isn't your master's goal. If anything he is just looking for a way to kill us easier!"

It looked into the hallway, clanking come from further down it, before another robot showed up. A silent exchange happened between the two, and the ornately designed newcomer glanced at Hunter. "You're being difficult," it stated. "I can assure you that we are not looking to kill you, at least that is not the sole purpose. Merely a possible outcome."

Hunter crosses arms. he was outnumbered he needed to play nice. "Ok...what is it you want me to do."

"We need you to comply, go with S-06." The ornate robot replied as the larger one left into the hallway. But the smaller robot still remained in the doorway, waiting for him to go.

Hunter leaves the room. "I have one last question. What happened to my grandfather's mask? I was wearing it before you all kidnaped me

The robot followed after him, exiting into the hallway. It seemed to have at least a half dozen other doors with accompanying robots ushering out other people just like him. Except they didn't have an additional one, and as he saw on the ornately designed robot.
It had a strange weapon, dozens of scale-like plates covered it to form a blade. The whole thing seemed impractical to him, but it spoke, interrupting his stare. "Your little pair of goggles have been... shall we say, locked away for now."

Hunter just growls and follows the robot

As he followed the robots in the narrow hallway, just enough for two of the larger ones to walk shoulder-to-shoulder, Hunter walked beside another test subject from another room. A pinkette Inkling was roughly shoved towards Hunter by another robot, similar to the other ones that were marching in the corridor.

Eventually, Hunter and the rest of his small group walked out into a grand room. Another group, around six people emerged from opposite them. It seems their abductors had separated the boys and girls into separate locations, possibly for organizational purposes as each one was yet escorted by another set of robots.

The groups' members looked around them, viewing the room for the first time. There was a variety of places that someone could lounge around in, even a jungle gym that spanned around the room was available for people. It seemed as though their abductors had taken every step to ensure that people like Hunter and the rest of them were well occupied.

Soon after, the robots that escorted them dispersed and went towards a small checkpoint, a few guards stationed there let them pass through.

What now?

Raye followed the robot out of the room into the hallway, looking around at the others that were coming out of their own rooms, accompanied by robots of their own.

She saw that many of the robots walked side-by-side, and as she had also seen their weapon. A heavy, almost impractically large weapon that was latched onto the back-plating of the robot, seeing that it also resembled a Heavy Splatling in its design as well. If she were to be on the receiving end of that, Raye guessed that she wouldn't really be able to survive being shot by it.

Raye walked with her escorting robot, its mechanical feet stomping on the ground as it walked beside her. Before they exited the corridor into a large room, a climbing set was strung up around the walls of the room, overlooking several covered lounge areas. The robot that she had walked in with hastily left her there, joining the rest of its group before going through a brief checkpoint. Leaving them without a second thought.

Now she was left with the people from both groups, six of each gender. Her gaze slowly rose upward to the climbing web above her, a large capsule-like booth with tinted glass windows looked down upon the room. She wondered who could've been in there, scientists perhaps, maybe even a robotic crew that was dispersed? Whatever the case, she would've liked to know.

What to do now?

As Zale slowly walked out into the hallway, the robot grew impatient and pushed him along with a cold hand, practically tossing him into another boy accompanied by two robots instead of one, one was small and projected itself proudly, another was simply big and intimidating.

He opened his mouth to say some wisecrack at the robot that pushed him, but closed it when he saw the weapon on the smaller robot's back. A long blade that seemingly consisted of scale-like plates forming the obviously sharp end of a sword. Except that he noticed that it occasionally sparked and random scales twitched.

The group walked out of the hallway into a big room, lots of bars and places to lounge around were all around him. Clearly, whoever took him here had gone to lengths to have a satisfying experience for the subjects that were there. Across from his group, stood another.

As he looked, his rude robot left them, and he wasn't sorry to see it go considering its hostility towards him. It regrouped with its buddies and left the room through a checkpoint, a few guards cast him looks as he stared at the departure.

What's next?

Laura moved over to the robot, complying with its request as it took her out of the hallway, she spotted the massive weapon, a heavy, impractical thing for her to wield, but on the robot it almost just fit. A big weapon for a big construct.

The girl and the large robot entered a massive room, and as she looked around her, the robot quietly left her to her own devices and regrouped with the rest of the robots. Which, as she noticed, was an alarmingly big group. It might put a dent in her plan to escape if she was unfortunate enough to encounter them on her way out.

As she looked around the room, she saw the wide range of things around it. A capsule-like booth that had tinted glass windows overlooked them all. Lounge rooms that were sheltered from the tangled climbing web up above her, which raised an eyebrow, as she judged from the height that she may actually get hurt if she fell off.

But perhaps her abductors wanted that?

What to do now?

The next GM-Post will be on May 20th.
As always, actions may be added upon request.
Turn-Ending actions
Talk... (Talk with the person) - Will be responded to in GM post. A talk-scene will occur on the Discord channel, so the player(s) can be a voice for themselves in their interaction to the NPCs/PCs.
Attack with... (Attack with the intention of starting a fight) - Will be responded to in GM post.
Use... (Use something, state on how you're using it. Lest it be unclear and your result won't be what you want.) - Will be responded to in GM post.
Go to/Move to... (Go somewhere, name it. Move somewhere, name it. Else I won't know where and may just arbitrarily pick your next destination.) - Will be responded to in GM post.

Insta-Response Actions (As instant as I can make it, at least)
Hide at... (Hide somewhere, use it to evade detection.) - Will be responded to instantly.
Grab... (Grab an item, compliments hiding in cover.) - Will be responded to instantly.
Fix... (Attempt to fix a computer, broken down robot, or weapon.) - Will be responded to instantly.
Examine... (Take a more in-depth look at an object or person.) - Will be responded to instantly.
Shadow... (Follow someone close behind while hiding) - Will be responded to instantly.
Approach... (Approach to interact with a CaST.) - Will be responded to instantly.
Throw... (Throw an object, it can a rock, a vial, a broken gun, etc, to grab something's attention. However it needs to be logical, as in no objects appearing out of thin air. Can start a fight.) - Will be responded to instantly.
Last edited:


Inkling Cadet
Nov 9, 2015
@Rustic Hunter looking around the room. So many inklings were kidnapped and brought here. He would keep an eye on the robots as he wandered around the room. There had to be a way to get out of this.


Mar 17, 2017
Raye looked around the room. She noticed that while her robot had left, there was still too great a chance of running into them again if she tried an escape that went badly. She had no illusion that the robots wouldn't be ordered to kill any subject that tried to escape, experiment or not. She noticed the dome, and figured that whoever was on the other side would be keeping a close eye on the subjects in the room. Finally, she noticed her fellow kidnap victims. After counting them, a frown formed on her face. Counting me, there's only 12 of us here. The OOPA said there were 19 total "subjects". This doesn't bode well. What if the other 7 were already killed? Raye thought to herself. She couldn't give up hope yet. She began looking around the room again, this time looking closer than she had at first glance.

[Action - Examine Room]


Inkling Cadet
Aug 12, 2014
New York City
After mumbling a brief apology to the older, dark skinned Inkling, Zale grumbled as he followed the other robots.

Annoying piece of scrap of metal. He thought.

While Zale and the others toured around the area he noticed the place was rather, homely and welcoming for a place where a bunch of people were kidnapped and placed against their own will. Whoever was responsible for this wanted them to be as welcome as possible, but why?

Before he could ponder on it, the robots brought Zale and the other Inkling to a room that held other captives. All had worried looks on their faces, all for justifiable reasons. Not much was being said, and as much as Zale wanted to strike a conversation, going all about "
Hey my fellow captives! How are you doing right now?" would make the pinkette come off as a complete inkhole, and make the others less willing to trust him or interact with him.

Not knowing what to do, he let his spikey tentacles cover his eyes, and stood somewhere in the room.
[Action: Do Nothing]


Inkling Commander
Jul 5, 2015
Canada, ON
As Hunter looked around, trying to see if there were any more robots inside of the room. He was relieved to see that there weren't any remaining inside, there was just a small group of guards inside of a checkpoint. A thick layer of glass, that he guessed was durable else it probably would've been a reinforced wall, was standing in between the rest of the room and the four guards.

Hunter looked at the quartet of guards. All of them were Octolings clad in armored jumpsuits with a symbol that he roughly read as "SISEC" on one of their arms, all of them were armed with pistols. As he looked upward, he saw that there was a lookout post manned by a lone security officer. The helmeted man, at least he guessed judging from the lack of feminine features, held a long, sleek Charger rifle, and as Hunter realized. The man above was looking straight at him, causing Hunter to avert his look. All in all, there were five guards. Four regulars and a sniper.

That was a difficult way to escape. Perhaps there were other easier ones.

Hunter's eyes shifted upward at the higher parts of the walls. There were four vents placed around the walls, several robots circled around the walls as they swished everywhere. But then he was reminded of the sniper above them, and Hunter glanced back to him. It seemed there was no easy way out of this room.

What to do now?

Raye looked around the room, there wasn't any other opening that could lead to more subjects. There were simply the two doorways from which the two groups had entered from, respectively, and an entrance that led down a the bathroom area, as she realized with the two signs. Maybe there could be a way out there, as it might have no surveillance for respectful reasons.

As Raye shifted her examination of the room around her, she saw that the lounge areas had a homely feel to them, but still had matched the rest of the room with a monochrome theme. The two spaces each had a TV for them though. At least that's how it looked. Who knew with her abductors.

'Could be mind-control devices', but she pushed away that thought as it was ridiculous. Her view slowly went upward.

There were a few vents, covered by white panels, and as she also noticed. There were multiple little robots moving around the walls, crawling around as they cleaned it of any dirt and stopped to idle after they realized that it was all spotless. They didn't appear to acknowledge the new arrivals below them, and she noticed that they never came anywhere close to the overlook above them. It seemed as though they weren't able to go towards it.

She cast a look towards the checkpoint now, seeing that there was a tower, a helmeted man it seemed was watching them all from above. In his hands was a charger, a mean looking weapon that resembled an E-Liter 3K, but it seemed to be of higher caliber judging by the two dual pressure tanks on it.

The checkpoint had a thick layer of glass that was likely very durable, else it wouldn't be a glass wall and it would be just another white wall. Inside were four more guards, all of which were equipped similarly to the sniper up on the tower, wearing dark-grey, armored jumpsuits.

What now?

Turn-Ending actions
Talk... (Talk with the person) - Will be responded to in GM post. A talk-scene will occur on the Discord channel, so the player(s) can be a voice for themselves in their interaction to the NPCs/PCs.
Attack with... (Attack with the intention of starting a fight) - Will be responded to in GM post.
Use... (Use something, state on how you're using it. Lest it be unclear and your result won't be what you want.) - Will be responded to in GM post.
Go to/Move to... (Go somewhere, name it. Move somewhere, name it. Else I won't know where and may just arbitrarily pick your next destination.) - Will be responded to in GM post.

Insta-Response Actions (As instant as I can make it, at least)
Hide at... (Hide somewhere, use it to evade detection.) - Will be responded to instantly.
Grab... (Grab an item, compliments hiding in cover.) - Will be responded to instantly.
Fix... (Attempt to fix a computer, broken down robot, or weapon.) - Will be responded to instantly.
Examine... (Take a more in-depth look at an object or person.) - Will be responded to instantly.
Shadow... (Follow someone close behind while hiding) - Will be responded to instantly.
Approach... (Approach to interact with a CaST.) - Will be responded to instantly.
Throw... (Throw an object, it can a rock, a vial, a broken gun, etc, to grab something's attention. However it needs to be logical, as in no objects appearing out of thin air. Can start a fight.) - Will be responded to instantly.
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Inkling Cadet
Nov 9, 2015
Hunter sits down somewhere and thinks.

[do nothing]


Oct 14, 2015
Uhh… she muttered, confused as what to possibly do next.

Somewhat awkwardly, Laura continued to stand in place. Having no instructions or any sort of guide to actually go by, she was left completely clueless, much to her dismay.

With nothing else to do, she took a second look at her surroundings. Maybe she'd at least learn something for later.

@Rustic [Examine: Surroundings, in detail]


Inkling Commander
Jul 5, 2015
Canada, ON
(( @Devack Just as a bonus because I wrote your post in the middle of the night, I'm letting you know that this post's knowledge of the room is also given to you. And it will be edited into your own post shortly. Sorry for the inconvenience if you were already in the process of writing a post. ))

Laura looked around her to the other 'subjects', other Inklings that like her were captured and brought to the place against their will. There were twelve of them, her included. In the boys group were three Inklings with blue, pink, orange, and purple colourations for their hair. An older, dark-skinned blue Inkling sat on the ground, a confused look on his face. The pinkette Inkling stood near one of the lounge areas, his spikey hair covering his eyes. Probably crying, although it didn't look like it.

The other two blue Inklings seemed to be brothers and talked to each other about something, one of them looked around and it seemed like they were plotting something. Likely a plan to escape. The purple one in a grey parka stood alone, before walking towards one of the couches of the living area to sit down in it, looking forward in a readily apparent trance towards the blank TV screen, maybe he was deep in thought. The lounge areas matched the rest of the interior. Monochrome and sterile.

Her focus slowly shifted to her own group, seeing that her group's Inklings consisted of two orange, another pink, a light-blue, and dark green colourations. The pink Inkling looked around her, just as Laura did, but she didn't pay attention to the others around her. As she looked around further, she saw that most of the other Inklings in her group looked around as well, unknowingly clustering together. The dark-green one walked toward the checkpoint, receiving a look from one of the guards within. She looked into the room and asked something, getting a response from of the guards. Then she nodded and left the checkpoint, heading to the bathroom.

It seemed that the guards weren't completely hostile, despite the intimidating tower overlooking the room manned by a sniper.

Laura's eyes went from the girl to the checkpoint, and she saw that it had four guards inside of it, all of them wore armored jumpsuits. One of them appeared to be a leader, judging by the distinguishing shiny badge on her bicep. Another guard, bulky and muscular with a buzzcut, sat at a table with a helmet on it. The other two were just barely visible behind their cubicles, likely using computers inside of the checkpoint.

Aside from that, the walls had some vents scattered around them, but there were little bots that encircled them and occasionally made rounds to the floor. Leaving it spotless.

What's next?


Mar 17, 2017
Raye finished her examination of the room, and was dismayed by the sight of the various snipers. She held no illusion that they were unskilled, given that their main task seemed to be to keep their "subjects" from escaping. As she was moving to a place she could sit while waiting for food, she wound up bumping into a light blue Inkling girl.

"Oops. Sorry about that." Raye said. "My name's Raye. What's yours?"

@Rustic @Ikaheishi

[Action: Talk to Laura.]


Oct 14, 2015
Laura sighed in response to the overwhelming new situation she was in. She started to guess at what was next, until—Unh! W-Wuaaah!!!

Something had collided into Laura, causing her to topple over.

Oops, said a voice. Sorry about that. Laura looked up from her newfound place on the ground.

Up there, Laura saw the pink inkling she had noticed earlier while looking around the room. My name's Raye. What's yours? they spoke. Laura continued to stare at Raye for a few awkward seconds, still somewhat dazed from the collision.

H-hello… I-I… I'm Laura.

@Rustic [Talk: to Raye] (@Devack)


Inkling Commander
Jul 5, 2015
Canada, ON
(( Here it is! Whew boy, that's a lot. ))

As Zale sat there, thinking over what could happen next with them.
One of the Inklings that stood off to the side of him, talking with his brother it seemed, suddenly stopping his chatter to look over at Zale.

The blue-Inkling boy had gotten his attention with the stare he unintentionally had given Zale, but he quickly diverted his look and continued to talk with his brother. "...are there even any ways out of here?" Even though it was probably a bad idea to try escaping, as Zale believed that their captors wouldn't hesitate in using violence to prevent potential escapees from getting away. He continued to listen in on their conversation. "No, I'm not sure. We could go up into the vents, but there's him."

On that last word, Zale flashed a quick glance at the sniper in the tower. Putting his head back down as he didn't want them to get suspicious. "True... Man, I wanna go home." The younger brother said.

"Don't worry, I'll try and think of something," the older brother replied in an attempt to better his brother's mood.

They stopped talking when the doors by the guard post opened up, a pair of robots, ornately designed robots that an older, dark-skinned blue-Inkling perked his head up when he saw it, escorted a man into the room. The sniper up in the tower put down his weapon, putting it away for now as he watched over everyone. Without another moment spent, one of the two robots emitted a high-pitched whistle and everyone stopped what they were doing, looking towards the robots and then the man with them. The Octoling, a man in a short lab coat, waited for something.

He said something inaudible to the robot on his right, and the robot walked towards him and said something quite simple to Zale. "Go to R-07. Wait for further instructions, Inkling." It said, and Zale grudgingly obeyed it, moving to join the group, after its numbers finished growing, the man stepped out from behind them, "greetings everyone! I trust the accommodations were found to your liking?"

An unsteady murmur spread throughout the group, unanimously agreeing with each other that it was homely, but still had an odd feeling around it. "Whether you all found it good or didn't, I, frankly, don't really care. I just need you all to come with me." With that statement, the robot behind the older blue-Inkling in the black vest shoved, pushing the group forward as the scientist turned and walked out of the room, with the group in tow.

They left into a hallway, which shared the same colour-combo as the room except there were red stripes on the top and bottoms of the walls with Octarian writing that Zale didn't understand. Although as the dark-green Inkling girl looked at it, she mouthed words as she read them. Before long, however, they went through another doorway into a room. It was smaller, but as the group stepped further in, they saw that there was a larger room below it. Overlooking what seemed to be an arena of sorts, the floor had a glowing grid that highlighted the edges of the obstacles and structures that were placed into it. And as Zale noticed, there was an open door, leading down to an Inkslide with a table with a bunch of items down it, he couldn't see what they were.

Soon, as they still looked over the location. The wall to their right seemingly opened up and two great metal arms pushed them, giving them no ground to whatever resistance the group could muster. And he fell down with them down the slide, the Ink had at least softened the tumble downward.

Down in the small armory, he saw that they had supplied a great many weapons of all kinds on the tables. And around on the walls were even more racks of weapons, a variety of them, guns he hadn't even seen before lay around. The only problem he had looking around were the fact that there wasn't an Ink-tank in sight, until he remembered the tiny thing on his hip.

The Inkslide was turned off and a door blocked them from exiting. Down in the room, there was a door on each side of the room with the number "6" written above them.

What to do? It's your decision...

Hunter shut his eyes and began thinking, ignoring the other Inklings around him as he thought of what to do.

'Could I try to escape with the help of the others?' He thought and he swore he could've heard someone had the same idea, discussing it with another boy, referring to each other as brothers. Hunter thought briefly about getting up and speaking to the two, but didn't. For now, he decided he had to bide his time in this lab. He shouldn't rush, but he shouldn't delay. If they knew their intents to leave, they'd probably have no problem with eliminating the whole group. But if he delayed, they'd know all of their capabilities, and then it would just be a matter of time before they are disposed of.

Still, Hunter felt confident that he could take care of at least a few robots on his own with a weapon. Only thing is, he needed a weapon, because he knew that hitting the robots with his bare hands would just make it easier for them to beat him.

He felt odd somehow, like someone stared at him for several moments before it went away, making him open his eyes. Before he could investigate and look for the person, the doors to their holding room opened up. Two robots that resembled the ornate one that talked to him back in his room stood on either side of an Octoling man, his labcoat had a red stripe on it running down the chest to the bottom of the coat.

One of the robots, Hunter didn't know which, emitted a loud high-pitched whistle, getting the room's attention, the conversation between the two brothers, the despondent one and the faltering one approached with each other, albeit hesitantly. Hunter looked at them before the ornate robot stopped at him, looking down to Hunter. It stood there, waiting for him to do something and he got up, walking towards the other robot with the rest of the growing group. He saw the robot that had approached him do the same to the rest of the people in the room, stepping into the girls' bathroom to find whoever went in there.

It exited after a minute, or was it two? Whatever. The robot followed behind a dark-green Inkling girl wearing a dark-purple shirt with text formed out of shiny stones, rhinestones he thought. Before he could look around further, he noticed that the group was fully assembled and stood in a small cluster. "Greetings everyone! I trust the accommodations were found to your liking?" The Octoling said, looking around at the group.

Hunter was silent for the most part, as he hadn't used anything for whatever reason. The couches were there, but the ground was comfortable he learned, maybe it was just his imagination that it was comfortable though. "Whether you all found it good or didn't, I, frankly, don't really care. I just need you all to come with me." With that statement, the robot Hunter shoved him forward, before pushing the group as the scientist turned and walked out of the room with them in tow.

They left into a hallway, which shared the same colour-combo as the room except there were red stripes on the top and bottoms of the walls with writing that Hunter couldn't understand, but knew somehow that it was purely Octarian. But as he noticed as did a pinkette Inkling, that the dark-green Inkling girl looked at them with an understanding, mouthing words as she read them. Before long, however, they went through another doorway into a room. It was smaller, but as the group stepped further in, they saw that there was a larger room below it. Overlooking what seemed to be an arena of sorts, the floor had a glowing grid that highlighted the edges of the obstacles and structures that were placed into it, stepping forward towards the window that overlooked it.

Hunter saw the layout of the arena, dominated by a large tower, similar to the one in Blackbelly Skatepark, but the rest of the arena looked unique and new to him. After he finished looking, he turned around to say something to the scientist. But suddenly, two great metal arms emerged from the wall to his right and began shoving the group down a slide he had failed to noticed. Hunter quickly jumped forward, flopping on to his stomach. In the process of getting up, a strong metal hand grabbed his neck and walked over to the slide, dropping him down.

At the bottom of the slide, Hunter recovered from the robot gripping his neck, catching his breath at the bottom of the slide. The dark-green Inkling cast him a worried glance, but was more worried about the collection of unfamiliar gear on racks, tables around them. Hunter looked up at the slide, seeing it was turned off and the door closed gave him some doubts at escaping with the use of all this gear.

What will you do?

"Sorry about that, Laura" Raye said, helping the bluenette to her feet. "Was looking around, and wasn't paying attention to where I was going. Are you okay?"

"Uh..." Laura closed her eyes and shook her head for a split second. "I-I think so." She scratched the back of her head. "Just caught a bit off guard."

"I really should look where I'm going. Were you able to see any possible way out?"

“No, I didn't.”

"Me neither. Granted, even if there was a way out that was unguarded, there's still the snipers up top."

Laura grimaced for a moment. "I guess we just have to wait and see?"

"Unfortunately, that's as good a plan as any." Raye said, before her stomach grumbled loudly. "Sorry. Didn't eat before they captured me."

Laura's eyes pointed upwards and to her left as her head tilted ever so slightly to the right… “Maybe, we should… stick together?” She resumed looking at Raye; a miniscule hint of fear could be seen from her face.

"Sounds good to me. We'll be more effective in a group." Raye said, smiling. Laura cracked a small smile. One could tell that she had a slight sense of relief and comfort in Raye's response. “Alright.”

Right after their brief exchange, the door to the rest of the laboratory opened up. A man escorted by two larger, ornate robots walked into the room. One of the robots, Raye didn't know which had emitted a shrill, piercing whistle that got their attention.

Raye saw the man with them, shorter than the two robots but in a labcoat with a red-stripe running down the chest to the bottom of the coat. He leaned towards the robot to his right and said something, spurring into action, it went around the room, stopping first at the group of blue Inklings, a pair of brothers and a brooding dark-skinned teen.

It approached her and Raye. It solely focused on her, making her a bit uncomfortable, before it suddenly thrust its hand towards her chest, stopping just a few inches away.

It opened its hand to show a small bottle of tablets, labelled in Octarian, she couldn't understand it much less read it. Thankfully, however, it spoke up. "Your food, miss."

Raye looked at it suspiciously, is this what passed for food down here? But she took it nonetheless and put it in her pocket for now, she'd have to get a translation from someone at some point and the two joined the growing group. The man stepped out from behind the group, greeting them with a faux smile.

The group started moving, and she dug into her pocket to look at the bottle, seeing a few symbols on it that resembled various foods. She twisted the cap off and popped an orange tablet onto her hand, hesitantly, she put the cap back on the bottle and put it away, but still held the tablet.

Noting that a dark-greenette Inkling that walked along the red-striped hallway seemed to understand Octarian, or at least Raye thought she did, but she needed an answer to what the bottle read. As she did not want to pop unknown foods that looked more like medication than, well, food.

Raye tapped her on the shoulder and pulled the bottle out of her pocket, showing it to her. The dark-greenette Inkling simply said, "fruit-flavoured tablets for nutritional needs." With that, Raye hesitantly popped the one she had taken into her mouth, crunching the filling, citrus-y tablet.

The group was herded into a small room after they walked through the hallway, the room overlooking an arena below was small, leading off to a slide that seemingly led off into an armory. What interested her more, however, was the arena despite its implications. It was a high-tech location, the floor was a glowing grid, brightening whenever it interacted with an obstacle or a structure that was placed there, and speaking of, a tower dominating the center reminded her of Blackbelly Skatepark.

Before Raye could look further, the group was shoved by two mighty robotic arms down onto the Inkslide, and as she tumbled down it, Raye saw one of the blue Inklings, the dark-skinned one had managed to avoid the two arms, but had been caught and thrown down the slide.

Once she landed at the bottom, she could feel the bottle digging into her belly, but it didn't shatter. Whatever it was made of was sturdy, and she stood up in the armory. Looking around for Laura, she felt worried for her newfound companion.

What to do?

"Sorry about that, Laura" Raye said, helping the bluenette to her feet. "Was looking around, and wasn't paying attention to where I was going. Are you okay?"

"Uh..." Laura closed her eyes and shook her head for a split second. "I-I think so." She scratched the back of her head. "Just caught a bit off guard."

"I really should look where I'm going. Were you able to see any possible way out?"

“No, I didn't.”

"Me neither. Granted, even if there was a way out that was unguarded, there's still the snipers up top."

Laura grimaced for a moment. "I guess we just have to wait and see?"

"Unfortunately, that's as good a plan as any." Raye said, before her stomach grumbled loudly. "Sorry. Didn't eat before they captured me."

Laura's eyes pointed upwards and to her left as her head tilted ever so slightly to the right… “Maybe, we should… stick together?” She resumed looking at Raye; a miniscule hint of fear could be seen from her face.

"Sounds good to me. We'll be more effective in a group." Raye said, smiling. Laura cracked a small smile. One could tell that she had a slight sense of relief and comfort in Raye's response. “Alright.”

Right after their brief exchange, the door to the rest of the laboratory opened up. A man escorted by two larger, ornate robots walked into the room, looking around at the subjects who weren't paying attention to the three. When a harsh whistle emitted from one of the robots, attracting her attention as the shrillness pierced Laura's ears.

She saw the Octoling with them, a man in a labcoat, leaning towards the robot on his right to say something inaudible. It separated itself from the trio, walking around the room to the people that were in there with her. It stopped at the two brothers, she thought, before walking to a dark-skinned Inkling sitting on the ground silently.

Finally, it got to her and Raye, the robot barely paid attention to Laura before it thrust its hand towards Raye, stopping a few inches away from her, its balled hand rolled over and it showed a small bottle of tablets. Laura looked at it curiously, wondering what they could be. Medication?

It put away most of Laura's suspicions when it said, "your food, miss." Raye reached towards it, taking the bottle and stuffing into her pocket, her suspicion of the bottle's contents was palpable and the two walked towards the growing group near the other robot. A dark-green Inkling joined the group.

"Greetings everyone! I trust the accommodations were found to your liking?"

An unsteady murmur spread throughout the group, unanimously agreeing with each other that it was homely, but still had an odd feeling around it. "Whether you all found it good or didn't, I, frankly, don't really care. I just need you all to come with me." With that statement, the robot behind the older blue-Inkling in the black vest shoved, pushing the group forward as the scientist turned and walked out of the room, with the group in tow.

As they entered the hallway outside of the large room, Laura wasn't surprised when it matched with the room. The only visible difference she could find is that there were red stripes and Octarian text across the walls, what it translated into. She had no clue.

But it seemed as though at least one of them could understand it, the dark-green Inkling mouthed it and she could sense that the girl was getting distressed as she read them. Before she could ask her however, they were herded into another room, it was small and uneven with an open doorway leading down an Inkslide and the wall opposite was very close, but the location the room was overlooking got her attention.

Morbid though it may be, she believed that it was an arena of sorts, the floor of it seemingly pulsed, a glowing grid that became more brighter when something touched it, as she noticed after looking at some of the obstacles and structures placed within. A tall tower, reminiscent of the center of Blackbelly Skatepark stood in the center, providing a lookout point.

As she looked down, Laura, like the rest of her group, had failed to notice the pair of large metallic arms form from the close wall and, giving a mighty shove, sent the group barreling down the Inkslide into a large room. Tables covered with gear of all kinds, while racks on the walls had weapons. It was a veritable armory, she thought as she stood back up.

The slosh of the Ink behind her stopped, signalling to her that the Inkslide was turned off. No way out, for now at least.

What now?

The next GM-Post will be on May 28th on midnight.
As always, actions may be added upon request.
Turn-Ending actions
Talk... (Talk with the person) - Will be responded to in GM post. A talk-scene will occur on the Discord channel, so the player(s) can be a voice for themselves in their interaction to the NPCs/PCs.
Attack with... (Attack with the intention of starting a fight) - Will be responded to in GM post.
Use... (Use something, state on how you're using it. Lest it be unclear and your result won't be what you want.) - Will be responded to in GM post.
Go to/Move to... (Go somewhere, name it. Move somewhere, name it. Else I won't know where and may just arbitrarily pick your next destination.) - Will be responded to in GM post.

Insta-Response Actions (As instant as I can make it, at least)
Hide at... (Hide somewhere, use it to evade detection.) - Will be responded to instantly.
Grab... (Grab an item, compliments hiding in cover.) - Will be responded to instantly.
Fix... (Attempt to fix a computer, broken down robot, or weapon.) - Will be responded to instantly.
Examine... (Take a more in-depth look at an object or person.) - Will be responded to instantly.
Shadow... (Follow someone close behind while hiding) - Will be responded to instantly.
Approach... (Approach to interact with a CaST.) - Will be responded to instantly.
Throw... (Throw an object, it can a rock, a vial, a broken gun, etc, to grab something's attention. However it needs to be logical, as in no objects appearing out of thin air. Can start a fight.) - Will be responded to instantly.
Last edited:


Inkling Cadet
Nov 9, 2015
Hunter gets up coughing a bit. "Splatting Hell! If were test subjects and they dont seem to care if we live or die. then we have a problem." He looks over the group and checks if everyone was ok before noticing the gear. He would walk over to it and examine them. Surely these had to be used for something. as for what he could only guess at the moment.

Action: Examine gear.


Inkling Commander
Jul 5, 2015
Canada, ON
Hunter looked at the collection of items on the tables and along the racks on the walls.
They were weapons, some of which Hunter hadn't even seen before, and while there were weapons that he was familiar with, like Rollers, Splatlings, along with this strange new weapon on the tables, while on the racks were Chargers, Splattershots, and pairs of Dualies lined the walls in the racks. It was a surprising armory, and judging by the arena he had seen outside. They'd have to fight something.

But the strange new pieces of gear on the table alongside the new weapon intrigued him, picking up what seemed to be an ordinary helmet, similar in design to the robots' heads. He hesitantly put it on after inspecting the inside, just in case. He looked around, seeing that it was completely dark in the helmet. At least until it turned on, a camera and an interface turned on, telling him his current status and of certain things around him that it considered a 'threat', or on its way to becoming a threat. Everyone that was unarmed in the room was labelled as a 'yellow' marker. Quickly, he took it off and placed it back down on the table.

Afterwards, he picked up a vest from the table, seeing that it was dark grey and seemingly ordinary. But it seemed to be far from normal as it was thin, but surprisingly heavy despite its appearance. Hunter's OOPA noticed his confused look and said, "that is a Nanoplating Vest, Hunter. Put simply, it is made of a self-regenerating material meant to protect vital organs inside of your body. It cannot regenerate in the midst of a fight though, as it needs to set and reorganize itself into shape."

Hunter nodded, folding the heavy vest and placing it back on the table. He picked up a strange-looking eyepiece, placing it over his right eye, he saw that it worked the same way to his grandfather's goggles. An aim-assist display appeared in his vision and he looked around seeing that it was perfectly tuned to him. Hunter placed it back down on the table.

The new weapon he had picked up after the eyepiece resembled a Splattershot, but not quite. Its barrel was long, but not quite as long as a Charger's, but it definitely wasn't the appropriate size for a Splattershot's barrel. Beneath the barrel was a place to put an attachment, along with the grip of course. But it seemed like it was missing something beneath the barrel, like it was a Squiffer without the cleaning decals.

He tested it, looking through the sights, before placing it back down on the table. Sighing, as it was a weighty rifle.

What will you do now?

As always, actions may be added upon request.
Turn-Ending actions
Talk... (Talk with the person) - Will be responded to in GM post. A talk-scene will occur on the Discord channel, so the player(s) can be a voice for themselves in their interaction to the NPCs/PCs.
Attack with... (Attack with the intention of starting a fight) - Will be responded to in GM post.
Use... (Use something, state on how you're using it. Lest it be unclear and your result won't be what you want.) - Will be responded to in GM post.
Go to/Move to... (Go somewhere, name it. Move somewhere, name it. Else I won't know where and may just arbitrarily pick your next destination.) - Will be responded to in GM post.

Insta-Response Actions (As instant as I can make it, at least)
Hide at... (Hide somewhere, use it to evade detection.) - Will be responded to instantly.
Grab... (Grab an item, compliments hiding in cover.) - Will be responded to instantly.
Fix... (Attempt to fix a computer, broken down robot, or weapon.) - Will be responded to instantly.
Examine... (Take a more in-depth look at an object or person.) - Will be responded to instantly.
Shadow... (Follow someone close behind while hiding) - Will be responded to instantly.
Approach... (Approach to interact with a CaST.) - Will be responded to instantly.
Throw... (Throw an object, it can a rock, a vial, a broken gun, etc, to grab something's attention. However it needs to be logical, as in no objects appearing out of thin air. Can start a fight.) - Will be responded to instantly.


Inkling Cadet
Nov 9, 2015
Hunter turns and shouts to the others. "Don't just stand there. Get over here and at least get some armor on! This stuff isn't lying here for no reason!" Hunter then turns and gets the aim assist eye-ware thing and put it on before putting on the self repairing body armor. and arming himself with a Kelp Splattershot.

Action: Shout at everyone to get some equipment. and then put on equipment (i know 2 actions but the main action is get equipment)


Inkling Cadet
Aug 12, 2014
New York City
Zale was originally confident that he and everyone else could bust out of this facility, but as it currently stands, the thought of escaping seemed laughable, just like how his OOPA claimed it would be. Deadly robots were around, E-Liter Snipers, and he still didn't know much about this base. Hanging his head which caused his spikey hair to cover his eyes, the pinkette let a sigh.

This is gonna be harder than I anticipated. He thought.

Out of the corner of his eye, Zale saw one of two Inklings, probably brothers, looking at him, possibly due to his spikey hair making him stand out.

Afterwards, the an Octoling scientist lead them to a room with Octoling writing that a dark-green Inkling could decipher. Before he could ask the girl what was written Zale and the group were lead to another room that provided an outlook of an arena. This fact made Zale nervously gulp and glance around nervously at the others.
Are they gonna make us fight to the death?! He internally screamed.

With a shove from a robot, he was flung into an Inkslide and while sliding down near the end, jumped with a front flip to land with his arms spread Olympic style. Looking around the room, Zale noticed that the way he and the others came from was blocked, and that there were weapons and doors with "6" on them. The pinkette decided to check the weapons in order to see what he could carry.

[Action: Examine Weapons]

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