Octolings vs. Inklings RP (Reboot)

Agent 507

Apr 24, 2018
Inkopolis, a place of peace, relaxation and prosperity between inklings and Octolings who just wanted to live in a good home. Only to have the city overrun with invading Octarian forces, A war between the two races had been going on for the longest time possible, both sides doing their best to not cause chaos in inkopolis..But they had enough of waiting around, they knew they had to do something, and so, they decided to invade this city of peace, citizens now captured as slaves and prisoners of war. Which side will you choose? What adventures will unravel the truth behind this mysterious war? Only time...will tell...
(The actions of each role player will effect the outcome of the story later on, you have been warned @Cephalobro @Yin_ )


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May 1, 2018
Octo Valley
All the Octarians who escaped Octo Valley are seen inside the walls and borders of their newly founded neighborhood. An Octohurler talks to the crowd. "DJ Octavio's loyal Octarians are causing trouble for us again, this is certainly going to interfere with our reunification process. This couldn't happen at a worse time, we were just about to have good relations with Inkopolis as well. Now that has been postponed unless we form an alliance with them to take down Octavio's loyalists. Now, I'm going to pick two volunteers to find the base of our enemy and put an end to their tormenting attacks once and for all! The rest of you will be tasked to protect the neighborhood from any and all attackers, but if you want to volunteer as well, you will have to accompany the ones who I have picked and stay with them until this war ends!"

This is when an Octotrooper and an Octoling stepped up to take the quest to end the attack, turning to the crowd, the Octotrooper spoke first, "I decided to take up this responsibility because I, Clam, am very tired of the annoying DJ and his minions targeting us all the time." then the Octoling decided to speak "My name is Coral and I care a lot about our species and the new era of peace that will come as a result of the reunification between the Ringed Octarians and the Crimson Octarians, so it is my duty to stop those who will interfere with our reunification!"

Then, the Octohurler spoke to the two, "As General Anemone, I shall send you two outside the borders, make sure you two give an update on the situation at hand, it would also be nice if you get some supplies for us when we need it, but we aren't hurting for them yet."

After the whole speech, Clam meets with Kelp's sister who is a female Octobomber as a goodbye all the while Coral meets up with his girlfriend, a female Octoling who is called Kelp. "Please return safe and sound, I will be very worried about you." Kelp said in a worried tone, Coral then replied "Don't you worry, even though the odds might be stacked against Clam and me, we will make sure that both of us return here alive." After that, Coral and Clam went to the door that leads to the outside of the neighborhood. "You ready for this mission, bro? We won't be able to come back here for a while." Clam said, to which Coral replied "I am ready to do this, even though I will possibly get homesick again. It is the sacrifice that I need to make in order to stop the attacks permanently."

After the doors have opened, the brothers stepped through them, starting their quest to defeat DJ Octavio and his loyalists. The doors behind them closed, signaling that this is a point of no return.
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Inkling Cadet
Jul 30, 2017
Laying on my bed
Switch Friend Code
Shade is sifting through the remains of what used to be a apartment complex, looking for some food, materials, or maybe even weapons if he’s lucky. His concentration is broken after hearing the all too familiar metal footsteps that resound of every wall. He looks back to see a squadron of octolings staring back at him. The elite in the group yells something and they all start firing at him. Shade quickly transforms himself into his blob form and flys over to a wall. He pulls out a walker talkie and quickly screams “I am under attack and need backup, I repeat, I need back!” Into it. But all that replies back at him is static. “Dang it! Must be out of range...” he swears to himself.

The barrage of ink stops and the squad marches toward the inkling. The lead octoling turns the corner and is greeted by nothing. The octoling looks up and is greated by a black spot on the ceiling. It suddenly transforms the inkling and he drops down onto the octoling! The ocotling struggles but soon is consumed. The squad turns the corner to see him eating the octoling. He turns towards them with a devilish grin on his face. He launches himself at them consuming all of them within the minute.

Shade wakes up surround in a black puddle. “I think I might have went overboard again...” he laughs to himself. He hears footsteps again, but this time they sound like normal shoes. He hides behind the wall again and waits for the people to come.

Agent 507

Apr 24, 2018
Joseph growled in both frustration and rage as he looked upon the unconscious octarians, his mood returning into a calm one as he lockpicked a cage housing a few residents of inkopolis “Hey? Everyone okay?” The inklings and Octolings within nodding as they rushed out, giving him a quick thank you before disappearing from sight. “Well...This day would come..thankfully i’m Trained for this...” he said to himself as he used a brush to make a trail of black ink towards a wall, transforming into his squid form, climbing upon it, and then quickly jumping out into his ‘kid’ form to throw some ink again before landing in it as a squid, finally reaching a rooftop.

He tuned into the local contact radio station that was publicaly available to all the denizens for an emergency “This is Agent 507, is there anyone out there that can hear me?” He asked calmly as his eyes scanned around, making sure he wouldn’t be spotted by any snipers or scouts around the city.

“Damn...This happened all too quickly..” he thought to himself.


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May 1, 2018
Octo Valley
As the two brothers took steps forward, they heard the first sign of ink battles, "Just great, Octavio's loyalists are just waiting to attack our neighborhood." Clam said, sighing. Coral then said, "We have to make sure this area around the neighborhood is safe from the attackers before we get to go on!", with that in mind, the brothers checked around the walls on the outside of the border, they then found a group of enemy Octarians already defeated, on the ground. Clam then notices a moving black puddle, "Seems like we may have an ally who defended our neighborhood for us." Clam said, Coral then replied, "Then let's keep going, I doubt DJ Octavio's army will stop coming here, they know where we live."

The two brothers then hurried to an alley that's further away from their neighborhood, Coral decides to call General Anemone, "General, this situation is worse than we thought, Octavio's Octarians already got to the neighborhood before you sent us out here.", General Anemone then replied, "Hmm, I'll send the Octospartans to guard the door from the inside. We can't let him win because if he does, he will execute us all for fighting against him the second time."

Agent 507

Apr 24, 2018
He sighed before he tried speaking into the radio again “Repeat check on the emergency contact radio, this is Agent 507, is there any civilian out there?” He jumped down into a nearby alleyway, landing on a pile of trash to luckily cushion his fall. “If anyone is out there—“ he stopped before thinking ‘Hmm...perhaps somethings jamming the radio signal...I should find out what it is..’

Joseph quickly hid within the dark, waiting for a group of octarian soldiers to pass by before rushing off across the street into the next alley, on the other side was another street ‘if I just take the passageway to the radio tower, I can see what’s jamming the signal..Focus Joseph, Focus..’ he then quickly threw a patch of ink against the wall, melding into it as a short firing squad came in with a group of blindfolded inkling prisoners...a family, the daughter crying to her mother and father on what was going on.

He knew he couldn’t save them all..if he tried..he would end up dying for nothing. Joseph quickly closed his eyes as the sounds gurgled screams and splat shots were heard before the octarians walked off, he pulled away from the ink spot he was hiding in to inspect the bodies of the family, quickly giving them a silent prayer before walking off “I suppose this is the ‘horrors’ of war that the old man warned me about..”


Pro Squid
Feb 25, 2019
Switch Friend Code
A group of Octolings sat at Mount Nantai, sharing rations and discussing plans to set things right.

"I'll work on blueprints for the weapons if necessary," the tallest of the five, a male, offered, "and also be a sniper."

"I'll build and program them," a former Elite replied. "I did get a degree in technology after all. I'll be on mission control, and if I need to fight I have a Slosher ready."

"I'll be the speed fighter," a younger female with blue tentacles added, "since I've always used Dualies. It's a dangerous job, but it probably doesn't compare to the tests Octavio put us through."

"I'm using the Splattershot," a young male volunteered, "so I'll probably be out on the battlefield as well."

"I will use the Brella and attempt to be a support." A female, presumably the male's sister, who notably wore her tentacles in a bun, adjusted her position on a rock and showed her Brella, which had a particularly large umbrella attached to it. "I never thought I'd be in an actual war, but I guess I have no choice."

"Ditto," the tall male replied. "All I wanted to do was invent and repair weapons, but I guess I'm fighting too."

"I just wanted to participate in Turf Wars and make friends," the blue female added. "Never thought I'd be making enemies instead."

"We're allied with the Inklings," the Elite clarified, "so we still have the opportunity to make friends."

"Let's go back to the base," the younger male said. "We can continue talking there. Nantai is a bit dangerous..."


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May 1, 2018
Octo Valley
Coral and Clam then remember that some other Octarians who escaped with them were sent to scout the other areas, "We should find our friends before getting into a direct confrontation against the DJ's elite part of the army." Clam said. Coral then notices some enemy Octarians blocking the way to get out. "Yikes!!" Coral yelped, bringing out his Octo Shot to defeat them. Then Clam said "Let's get them out of here, the farther we push them, the better chances of survival for our neighborhood!", this is when Coral started shooting at the enemy Octarians who already noticed them, "Why won't you leave us alone!?!?" he yelled as loud as he could, splatting a few of the enemy Octarians while Clam beat up the remaining enemy Octarians in the area.
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Pro Squid
Feb 25, 2019
Switch Friend Code
The young Octolings left Mount Nantai when they heard something coming from a radio transmitter: "This is Agent 507, is there anyone out there who can hear me?"

Rebekah, being fluent in Inkling, picked up the radio she found on the ground and replied, "We can hear you! Where are you? We just left the Mount Nantai area and are heading for our base."

"Ooor not!" Rebekah grabbed her Slosher as an Elite Octoling with an Inkbrush jumped down by her. The Octoling dodged Rebekah's blind attacks, but did not attack herself; in fact, when things calmed down, the Octoling pulled off her mask and joined them. "Nevermind. Do you need help?"

Agent 507

Apr 24, 2018
The black inkling turned to an area he thought he had heard screaming before hearing from his radio “We can hear you! Where are you? We just left the Mount Nantai are and are heading for our base.” Hearing this made him jump before he grabbed his radio and began speaking “Wait, there’s more than just one of you?..Nevermind that, tell me where you are so I can get you guys to safety.”

In truth, Joseph was terrified of who was on this station, could be octarian soldiers, could just be citizens trying to survive their way through this war just like he was, could also be Octolings immigrants that came here looking for a new start on life..There was only one way to find out. “You said the Mount Nantai area, correct? Tell me your names.”


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May 1, 2018
Octo Valley
After Coral and Clam defeated the Octarians who blocked the exit, they ran to the outside of the alley. It was then that they realized that their General sent some Octolings to Mount Nantai before Octavio's loyalists started attacking the neighborhood. "Let's go to Mount Nantai!" Coral said, Clam replied with "Great idea! We will be able to win this war with more help!", after which the brothers hurried to Mount Nantai to meet their friends.


Inkling Cadet
Jul 30, 2017
Laying on my bed
Switch Friend Code
Shade silently stalks the black inkling silently. “Interesting...He is in communications.” He shoots in front of the inkling, pulling out his brella. “Who are you?” He says while reforming about 5 yards in front of him. “You are not with the army, so who are you?” He questions

Agent 507

Apr 24, 2018
upload_2019-5-1_10-19-26.png Joseph stops in his track, quickly setting his radio on his belt as he pulls out a roller in one hand and a brush in the other, startled at shades encounter and appearance “What in the hell..” he says to himself as he takes another step back, keeping his eyes on shade as a nervous drop of sweat runs down his face “Before I tell you a thing, you tell me who you are first...” he sets his roller and brush aside back in his holsters slowly, showing that he was not trying to start any fights with the mysterious inkling in front of him.

‘What happened to him..?’ He thought to himself as he noticed the inklings features when they became clearer.


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May 1, 2018
Octo Valley
As the two brothers hurried to Mount Nantai before their friends leave, they notice an Inkling with black tentacles who is facing that same blob who defeated the enemy Octarians near their neighborhood. "What the heck is that?!" Coral exclaimed while looking at the blob with Clam replying "So that blob IS alive after all.", then they got confused when the blob turned into an Inkling. Coral said in a confused tone "Okay? How does that work? I know cephalopods are mostly made of ink, but I don't know how that can be explained." Clam then replied, "So the General told us to look out for something strange on the battlefield, we didn't know what, but he had the feeling that this will not be the typical war like the one we had against Octavio's loyalists when we escaped Octo Valley."


Inkling Cadet
Jul 30, 2017
Laying on my bed
Switch Friend Code
I am Shade. That is all you need to know. Now tell me...” He face becomes contorted and starts to deform. “WHO ARE YOU!” He screams at him, which sounds likes a thousands tortured souls. His composure reverts back to normal, although ink is still dripping from him.

Agent 507

Apr 24, 2018
upload_2019-5-1_11-0-16.png Joseph quickly covers his ears, shutting his eyes tightly as the scream echoes through his head, removing them and responding to his question with only his agent name “Agent 507..” his hand begins reaching for his roller as he jumps a few feet back from shade, pulling out to activate it to the ‘swinging’ mode as if it was a weapon. He quickly swings it to shoot ink in shades direction before running off ‘God what I would’ve killed to trade in these things for a splatter shot..’ he thought as he looked back and stopped to see Both clam and coral, taking out his brush, thinking that they might’ve been octarian soldiers.

“Carp!” He shouted to himself, putting one arm out in defense while the other half of his body remained behind him. It was obvious Joseph knew how to fight with both weapons as well as with his hands “Thank the stars above for the training..”


Inkling Cadet
Jul 30, 2017
Laying on my bed
Switch Friend Code
Shade jumps back from the roller shot and roars again. “You have made a grave mistake!” He turns into blob form and shoots towards him, readying a attack.


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May 1, 2018
Octo Valley
Coral reacts to those screams that came from Shade "Ah!! That's terrifying!", Clam reached out for a nearby rock to throw at Shade "Hope this gets him to stop screaming." he said. It wasn't long until they see Agent 507 having two weapons ready to attack them. In response, Coral pulled out his Octo Shot in defense, "Are you on that horrible DJ's side? Because if you are, I will take you down!"

Agent 507

Apr 24, 2018
upload_2019-5-1_11-22-51.png Joseph closed his eyes and took a deep breath, hearing shade coming straight towards him, he quickly did a side spin away as he jumped in the air behind the Octo brothers, opening his eyes once more to speak to them as he aimed his brush in their direction.

upload_2019-5-1_11-24-28.png “Why would I be on that imbeciles side? I’m trying to do my job and fight this war against them.” He prepared his roller in his other hand before speaking again “Now unless you two wanna be taken prisoner, I suggest telling me what your purpose is, and why you’re not red like the rest of those octarian bastards..are you defectors of some sort?”


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May 1, 2018
Octo Valley
Coral then took on a more aggressive tone, mainly because this Inkling thinks that all Octarians are bad. "My purpose is to defeat that jerk and his loyalists, he keeps targeting our Octarians all the time. We escaped him along with many other members of our species while fighting against his army! Do you really think that all Octarians are bad?! That couldn't be further from the truth, idiot!" Clam then went after Shade. He then yelled at Shade "I will not let you go anywhere near my brother, you monster!" before attacking Shade.

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