Old weird stuff


May 1, 2018
Octo Valley
Hey there, my name is Coral. You may not see me very much because I decided to do this as a freelance. But I realized a severe lack of spy catchers, so that's why I decided to take up this position. Nobody likes that one person who turns out is working against you. Trust me, I have felt the same way. Back when I was escaping Octo Valley along with all the other Octarians not wanting to be part of DJ Octavio's army, which is the army we were actually fighting against, we had partnered up with some Inklings who claimed to be "Agents", I was wondering "agents to whom?" until I discovered the existence of the New Squidbeak Splatoon, I remember there was a similar division I read about in the history books that had that name except for the "New" part, the group that has forsaken my kind into Octo Valley.

Anyways, we Ringed Octarians had enough of DJ Octavio's influence and how the Crimson Octarians controlled every bit of our lives, but the worst was keeping us inside the domes that started to collapse due to the lack of energy, so General Anemone, the Ringed Octohurler with an eyepatch created a plan to fight back. It was a hard war, but we managed to win due to rescuing the Inklings who were captured and so much of the Crimson Octarians defecting to our side after freeing them from mind control.

The Ringed and the Crimson Octarians, the two subspecies that actually used to be one, but were forced to split due to DJ Octavio's actions. Thankfully, we are slowly coming back together and the wounds between us and them are being healed.

Now about the spy thing, well, of all the possible enemies to attack us, the Sanitized Octarians were the ones to attack us. But you know who did it? One of the agents we have trusted.
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Banned (6 points)
Oct 10, 2021
Hog Haven the BIcycle City
Egg McMan here! Yeah, I just retired from being a radio announcer for the last 40 years. I don't even remember what its like to fight a Turf War anymore. I used to run this whole sweepstakes thing with Spyke and we used to give out large check to lucky winners of the Squid Clearing House Sweepstakes. As it turned out it was a scam and we used to pay in chicken eggs instead... or egg inkling's houses.

Anyways, I largely left that lifestyle to join the Trail Hogs. Their leader, Frankus, as decided to make a reform in his life too, though he is a lot younger, and join the Squidspike Soldiers. I decided to follow in his footsteps and join as well. I don't really use any traditional weapons used for Turf War but I have learned how to create ink-filled eggs. My chickens Chicken McCharlie, Chicken McChef, Chicken McJoe, Chicken McBob, and Chicken McPatrick can lay different color eggs after I feed them the correct color of ink. I use the attack Egg-You-On when in battle. Pretty effective according to other squids.

Wait! What am I doing as a solider, you ask? I cook for them but it turns out my attack, Egg-You-On, comes in handy when the soldiers are overwhelmed.


Banned (6 points)
Oct 10, 2021
Hog Haven the BIcycle City
Peg Leg Pete here. Arr! Arr! Shiver me timbers! No, no, I'm not a pirate. I have a condition called piratitis where I think I'm a pirate. Arr! I own a talking blue jay who thinks he is a parrot. Originally I joined the Trail Hogs alongside Frankus to help build the Bicycle City of Hogopolis. However, it was never completed. Arr! Arr! Shiver me timbers! The city was never built! Talk of fighting the three guardians on Mount Nanatai happened but we never fought them!

As a past member of the Trail Hogs I fought alongside Frankus and beat up some Salmonids. We gathered so many eggs and our Mega-Tack-Attack was so effective against the fish that they stopped coming to the spawn sites. In one run we even managed to board the mother ship! Arr! Arr! What a time that was! Even a bottle of rum cannot compare to that adventure!

Arr! But I left the Trail Hogs not because of the lack of adventures but because some promises were not kept. I joined to see the Bicycle City of Hogopolis and it never came to be. I now have embarked on new adventures with the Squidspike Soldiers. I am a scout. I never rode a
as a Hog but I always rode a
so I could maneuver a lot better for attack. My main weapon is the Jug of Rum. There is no rum in this jug - it is ink and it tastes like rum. I suck some ink into my mouth and spit it at opponents which walking with a limp like a pirate. I only attack when threatened and rarely use my Jug-of-Rum attack. Glad to have joined to Squidspike Soldiers!


May 1, 2018
Octo Valley
Coral again, I'll be on the lookout for any isopod spies. Anyways are you interested in an alliance with General Anemone's army?


Banned (6 points)
Oct 10, 2021
Hog Haven the BIcycle City
Egg McMan here just got on Deepsea Metro and I see a large Isopod in one of the cars. He never leaves and he's always asking people for mem cakes. I'm sitting in the car behind the one he's in and looking at him through the window. Dressed in a business suit. I'm not so sure about this guy. If I see him bothering any of the commuters I'll egg him!


May 1, 2018
Octo Valley
You will hear it from your freelance friend Coral. My brother, Clam was just pushed down by a couple of jerks who think it's funny to bully tentacle Octarians, let's just say they are scared to even touch a tentacle Octarian ever again. Clam is my brother, so of course I helped him defend himself (and put some painful hits on the offenders at the same time) after all the times he protected me.
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Banned (6 points)
Oct 10, 2021
Hog Haven the BIcycle City
Yikes, those Salmonids have invaded our post and they won't stop attacking. We set up some walls the defend against them and they still manage to swim up the walls! Even the Maws is can swim up walls! Yikes! Wait a second... there's one coming my way! Time to get my pie launcher... maybe they like pumpkin pie?


May 1, 2018
Octo Valley
So, I'm at Splatsville right now helping Shark with something he calls a "fuzz invasion", whatever that means. I saw some weird fuzz and his Steelhead "pet" just ate it all! I didn't know Salmonids could eat something like that and still be okay. Both Shark and I are too vulnerable with those things, so I guess having a way to safely get rid of that weird rainbow and fuzzy goop is a good thing.

Also, I'm still not sure if it's possible to keep Salmonids as pets, or at least not in a traditional sense.


Banned (6 points)
Oct 10, 2021
Hog Haven the BIcycle City
Frankus here. Whoa! Splatsville is crazy! So now there's a new bicycle gang called the Skidmarks who leave skid marks of ink not only on the streets but also on the walls. I even saw one of those fenderheads riding up the walls. Since when did they learn a trick like that? So I invented the Trail Hogs when I back when I was the leader of the Trail Hogs. After my departure they split up and scattered. Could some of them have formed this notorious new bicycle gang, painted their bikes with green glow-in-dark paint, and reside in some of the abandoned buildings of Splatsville?

I'm going out for some mint-dandelion ice cream. Can't be stressed out right now with all these green bikes riding around tearing it up. Wait a second? What the carp is that??? Did one of those splatheads just shoot an ink line out of his gun, latch onto another bikes, give the bike an ink-knuckle sandwich? So now they can punch you with their bikes??? This is some scary business for the Squidspike Soldiers. I'm going to alert my comrades!
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May 1, 2018
Octo Valley
More about this "fuzz invasion", the weird rainbow goop forces cephalopods to grow fur, I also heard it's really painful too. I feel bad for the Octarians who were affected by this. Shark and I along with his Steelhead ally are trying to get to the bottom of this mystery. Finding out who is doing this will really help in our mission to stop them from spreading this icky and contagious fuzz.


Banned (6 points)
Oct 10, 2021
Hog Haven the BIcycle City
Frankus here, currently a bit outside of Splatsville. Yeah, it snows around here. New opportunities are arising for me to ride my bike in the snow. Wait, what is that carp? Some type of fuzzy goo... I see an Inkling in the distance with a Smallfry, part of that group of Salmonids that my and my Hogs fought years ago. Yeah, we creamed them! They were no match for the Mega-Tack-Attack. Looks like he's eating the goo. If that's the solution to getting rid of this stuff I could make a gun that can fire a Smallfry at the stuff. Oh, looks like the Inkling girl fell in the stuff and now she has some fuzz growing on her. I'm glad I'm over here and not there. If it would make an Inkling grow clown hair I'd totally be for that but this stuff is gross! What the carp! This carp is coming for me! I must alert the other Squidspike soldiers and tell them of this calamity!


May 1, 2018
Octo Valley
Shark and I are investigating this fuzz goop further and we saw another Inkling and Smallfry duo encounter this stuff. The Inkling shouldn't have come close either as he grew this creepy hair all over his body. I worry whether Octolings are affected the same way as well.

On another note, we see an Octotrooper who was affected and... well, his eyes don't look healthy at all.

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