Recruiting for C-!


Bottom Feeder
Jun 6, 2015
Dear S+ ranked player,

Please help carry us! We are bottom feeders, forever stuck at C-.

We excel in the following areas:

-Having our Dynamo carry the rainmaker while wearing ninja squid and disrupted
-Meticulously inking every inch of our base for the first 2 minutes of battle
-Superjumping to teammates currently engaged in a 1 vs 4
-Stacking bomb range up when using the Krak-on roller
-Walking off the map while zoomed in with a scope
-Neglecting the Splatzone to build up special
-Spamming "Booyah!" when we get splatted
-Shooting charger shots into teammates
-Setting up beacons on our spawn
-Painting walls to get more turf
-Avoiding the Tower

At the time of posting, we currently have 14 S+ players carrying the following members:

1. Valkyria: Krak-on roller main. Determinedly rolls in a straight line headfirst towards an enemy with a gun.

2. Remi: The best loli ever. Happily sets up a cluster of beacons at our spawn point for us to use every match.

3. Phil: Our dynamo roller expert. Insists that the most effective use of this weapon is to roll, roll, and only roll.

4. ~ath: A white mage in training. In the habit of following behind his teammates and squirting them with ink to restore their HP.

5. SheriffCrazy: Loves his 3000 liters of E. Hopes to escape from the 3000 inklings in C.

6. Jafa: Sharpshooter extraordinaire. Claims to have once defeated an Octosniper in a 1v1.

7. Murray: Not much is known about the whereabouts of this elusive individual. Rumors say that after hours upon hours of hard work, he is almost done the tutorial.

8. Diego: Experienced defensive player. Superjumps back to our base upon seeing a speck of enemy ink.

9. Prinny: Our bravest inkling. Fearlessly stands in the middle of the Splat Zone and spams "C'mon!" in the direction of the enemy.

10. Bangerz: A bomb fanatic. Stacks bomb range up and hurls bombs across the stage from the safety of the spawn point.

11. Sloth: Loves living life in the slow lane. Would much rather swim up to an enemy on uninked turf than in her own ink.

12. てぃみー: この男は吸うが、彼の遅れの優位性を乱用で非常に良いです.

13. Piko: A very timid creature. Will attempt to intimidate opponents by rapidly and repeatedly transforming from a kid to a squid in front of them.

14. Travelingpikmin: Loves exploring new places. In the habit of jumping off stages to see what lies below.

We have a lot to offer, so please consider joining us! If you prefer to reach me through Skype, my Skype username is jay.splatoon.

See you at the bottom!


Top secret - DO NOT READ!
-We have 5 S+ 99s posing as C-
-We actually do well in tournaments
-We are one of the 3 oldest English-speaking Splatoon teams
-We have participated in more tournaments than any other team

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Bottom Feeder
Jun 6, 2015
I can't tell if you're the Locke who is already in C-. If not, then yup, feel free to apply.


Data Nerd
Aug 8, 2015
If that's the same ~ath that used to play TF2 it's a hilarious coincidence we both moved to Splatoon


Sep 12, 2015
Hey Valkyria! :oops:
I saw your post on gamefaqs and I'm interested in signing up to be a part of the C- family :)
I'm currently S+ 40 hoping to increase that number some day lol!
My mains are: .96 Gal Deco, Tentatek Splattershot, .52 Gal, Splattershot Pro, and if you need me in situations I can use a roller as well :)
Although I would have to make a Skype account if I'm chosen ^^;
Also I'm curious what tournaments we might be doing in the future?
Thanks again and stay fresh! :p


Bottom Feeder
Jun 6, 2015
Hey Prinny, thanks for your interest in C-!

We'd love to do a tryout with you - just add me on Skype once you download it (my ID is jay.splatoon). We're currently signed up for the Calimari Cup (September 19th & 20th), the Inklings vs Octolings Tournament (September 19th & 20th), and the Nintendome Tournament (October 3rd).



Inkster Jr.
Jun 15, 2015
Sorry to intrude, but I just wanted to say that post at the top was hilarious. This killed me "Claims to have once defeated an Octosniper in a 1v1" Good work to the planner who made it.


Bottom Feeder
Jun 6, 2015
Thanks lol. A couple of months ago we started spamming Booyah! when we got splatted just to be stupid, but now apparently it's an actual thing people do in competitive matches bahahaha...


Senior Squid
Jul 27, 2014
Omaha, Nebraska
Is this a real group? Are you only taking S ranks? I would really fit in here. I have been known to do really stupid things. For example, jump backwards off the spawn point at the beginning of the match cuz I want to ink every last inch of the base, only to fall off the ledge. Or, be zoomed in with a scope and walk off the ledge, particularly on Moray Towers. Use my Kraken on a net or grid quite frequently. Fire my charger into the back of my teammate, although this is their fault for standing in front of me. For crying out loud, why would they do that? I also like to use squelchers for sniping. It actually works quite well at times. Go after people in their own spawn with my special, that's when I don't get splatted with it fully charged. Although, I have never had one, but I would probably re-roll a piece of pure gear to try to get something better.

What's wrong with spamming c-mon at the opponent anyway?


Bottom Feeder
Jun 6, 2015
Updated descriptions of all C- members. Now you know our secrets.

1. Valkyria: Krak-on roller main. Determinedly rolls in a straight line headfirst towards an enemy with a gun.

2. Remi: The best loli ever. Happily sets up a cluster of beacons at our spawn point for us to use every match.

3. Phil: Our dynamo roller expert. Insists that the most effective use of this weapon is to roll, roll, and only roll.

4. ~ath: A white mage in training. In the habit of following behind his teammates and squirting them with ink to restore their HP.

5. SheriffCrazy: Loves his 3000 liters of E. Hopes to escape from the 3000 inklings in C.

6. Jafa: Sharpshooter extraordinaire. Claims to have once defeated an Octosniper in a 1v1.

7. Murray: Not much is known about the whereabouts of this elusive individual. Rumors say that after hours upon hours of hard work, he is almost done the tutorial.

8. Diego: Experienced defensive player. Superjumps back to our base upon seeing a speck of enemy ink.

9. Prinny: Our bravest inkling. Fearlessly stands in the middle of the Splat Zone and spams "C'mon!" in the direction of the enemy.

10. Bangerz: A bomb fanatic. Stacks bomb range up and hurls bombs across the stage from the safety of the spawn point.

11. Sloth: Loves living life in the slow lane. Would much rather swim up to an enemy on uninked turf than in her own ink.

12. てぃみー: この男は吸うが、彼の遅れの優位性を乱用で非常に良いです.

13. Piko: A very timid creature. Will attempt to intimidate opponents by rapidly and repeatedly transforming from a kid to a squid in front of them.

14. Travelingpikmin: Loves exploring new places. In the habit of jumping off stages to see what lies below.


Sep 26, 2015
Hey C- I'm interested in joining if you guys are still taking apps!

NNID: Mcicedtea
Skype: mcicedtea
Rank: S+
Weapons: .52 gal, Luna blaster


Sep 28, 2015
Hello, am willing to join [C-] if you're not full and willing to let me join x~x

Currently S rank
On Skype literally every day and moment I can (both laptop and phone) Skype - glacegkt
Gladly willing to add the [C-] Emblem to my name.
Timezone is EST time (didn't know if it mattered or not, but willing to put it if necessary)

Please respond as soon as possible and really looking forward to joining the squad if possible ^^. My NNID is Glacegkt for future references. Thank you for your time ^^.
(kinda copied and pasted from a PM I sent from another site to you. Sorry, didn't see this site with the recruitment thread >~<)


Sep 28, 2015
Hey! Figured I'd throw my hat into the competitive Splatoon ring! First time posting here so I'm probably going to do some more browsing after this post. Anyway, here's my stats!

Name / NNID: Afrohawk (they're both the same)
Main Weapon: Definitely feeling the Sploosh-O-Matic. I love getting up close and getting kills, plus it's great coverage and the beacons really work for a lot of maps (though I have no idea how well that goes in organized Splatoon). I generally play pretty defensively as a result though; usually I'm laying down beacons and only rushing in when needed by the rest of the team.

I'm also attempting to run the Neo-Splash as well as the Splash-O-Matic as I enjoy the overall design and aesthetic.

Honestly I'm a total hipster when it comes to weapons and gear though haha. I wear 1-2 star gear that I upgraded almost all the time just because for the style (and to not be like everyone else).

Rank: Currently S but pretty close to dropping back to A+ unfortunately. I've been at S 30 for a long time and tonight's looking like one of those tough nights. But we'll see.

Time Zone: EST

Skype: afrohawk52

Lemme know what you think! I'd be interested in playing sometime!

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