Skipping for a free Special Charge Up

Jet Uppercut

Senior Squid
Sep 25, 2015
I'm no theorycrafter, I don't have a capture card and taking screenshots isn't really going to do a good job of explaining what I'm talking about here. But a little bit of messing around has revealed something that's probably pretty obvious, but maybe some people don't know. So I thought I would post it for all of your consideration.

When you jump, your weapon's accuracy decreases by a fairly large amount, for some weapons it's over double the spread you would normally get. But this spread increase doesn't decay at different rates depending on jump height. So if you do a tiny little hop, your accuracy is going to stay wider for a little bit after landing. If you do another little hop, the spread increases straight back to the max amount without giving it any chance to decrease, giving you a much wider spray pattern overall.

So how does this give you free Special Charge Up? Well, normally when you're pushing forward covering the ground, you'll walk forward a bit, then swim forward, move forward a bit, swim forward, etc. Here, I'm proposing instead of just walking forward, you do a few little short hops. The increase in spread means your gun is going to paint more ground. Which means you gain more special meter. The jump also increases the range a tiny bit too. The amount gained per spray is probably only a few pixels, but in the few matches I played to test this theory out I was getting an extra special or two off that I ordinarily wouldn't have had without any special related gear.
If you're the type of person that likes to just walk forward and spray, this is even more effective.

If you're not totally convinced that skipping might make you even more of a killing machine than usual, you can always test it out in the shooting range. If someone better equipped to deliver some testing results was willing to check this stuff out that would be pretty good too.
I noticed higher accuracy weapons with lower fire rates benefited more from this than fast firing weapons with low accuracy, I think this might be because there's a cap on how wide your spread can be and low fire rate weapons tend to have projectiles which leave more ink on the ground, so with much less chance for the bullets to overlap you gain much more meter.

This is completely useless for non-Shooter weapons, but Blasters and Rollers/Brushes still gain the increased spread from jumping.


Inkling Fleet Admiral
Jun 10, 2015
I'm pretty sure that Judd already tells you to jump to increase your weapon's Turf claiming efficiencyo_O


Full Squid
Jul 29, 2015
You know that ink trail that blasters leave when you shoot further?
Shooters have this property as well, but it's a lot less noticeable because since it's just 2 -3 little sploshes on the ground. This happen when you shoot forward. I want to know if this is a fixed amount of "sploshes" or are there more the further the main shots travels.
So maybe when you jump for the less accuracy and further distance, you are leaving more sploshes down in more directions. You are on to something ;)
I will try this when I get home


Jun 5, 2015
This doesn't get you a special charge up, it just lets you spread ink more. Special charge is most useful mid to late game because by then your base is completely covered in your own ink, meaning you can only charge your special via covering your enemies' ink. Special charge up makes it so you can charge your special faster while not going out of your way for a long time, or by engaging the enemy like normal. Jumping around doesn't always help your aim or win fights more.

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