Sploosh o matic 7


Jun 21, 2016
What do you good players think about the new sploosh?
I couldn't find a thread about it yet.

Anyway I have mixed feelings. I really like the kit on paper. But somehow I haven't made it work for me yet. But I think I will start using it on some maps in ranked after I practiced it more.


Senior Squid
Sep 21, 2015
l still like the Neo better as l'm more used to it and l think it's better to have a set that focuses on the weapon's strong points than one that tries to mitigate its weaknesses but the 7 is still very good. l can't stress how great it is to finally be able to fight at all range with a Sploosh. Splat bombs in particular are such a good fit, especially as you can still fire for a while after throwing one due to the Sploosh's excellent ink efficiency. lt makes retreating easier with the classic bomb laying tactic and it allows you to do some interesting stuff zoning wise, forcing your opponent to move closer so they're in your optimal range.

Overall l'd say it's a better version of the Octobrush Nouveau: faster ttk, better mobility, better ink efficiency, and similar turf coverage. lt's obviously always going to play second fiddle to the Tentatek, but no one ever expected the Sploosh to dominate the metagame.


Jun 21, 2016
Yes I prefer the neo too. But I have started too use the 7 over the tentatek since I usually pay hyper aggressive and I die a lot. Then tentateks heavy depletion is really crippling. I only get the special one or twice a match usually. With the sploosh it feels almost like having zooka as secondary if you run some special charge up.
But yeah sploosh 7 and tenta and sploosh neo and n zap 83 is a matter of how you play and which map/mode is on.


Full Squid
Aug 2, 2015
l still like the Neo better as l'm more used to it and l think it's better to have a set that focuses on the weapon's strong points than one that tries to mitigate its weaknesses but the 7 is still very good. l can't stress how great it is to finally be able to fight at all range with a Sploosh. Splat bombs in particular are such a good fit, especially as you can still fire for a while after throwing one due to the Sploosh's excellent ink efficiency. lt makes retreating easier with the classic bomb laying tactic and it allows you to do some interesting stuff zoning wise, forcing your opponent to move closer so they're in your optimal range.

Overall l'd say it's a better version of the Octobrush Nouveau: faster ttk, better mobility, better ink efficiency, and similar turf coverage. lt's obviously always going to play second fiddle to the Tentatek, but no one ever expected the Sploosh to dominate the metagame.
I honestly like the Octobrush Nouveau more. Can attack multiple opponents without much aim and get splats. Actually has decent splatting range with some damage up. (More than the normal roller) Can abuse height advantage. I just can't stand the Sploosh's range. It's annoying against Carbons since you can't even outrange it while Octo is pretty good against rollers since it has more range than them. My only problem with Octo is that it needs some damage up and ink saver main while Sploosh doesn't leaving room for more slots.


Inkling Cadet
Sep 17, 2015
I can relate to the OP on my first impressions of the sploosh 7; The spec sheet sounds like something from my dreams, but I have come to find just how much this weapon set emphasizes just how well you need to be at not only the sploosh itself, but also its sub and special. If anything, it really exposed how much I have to go with learning both the sploosh and inkzooka. Having said that, This weapon is starting to make a little sense, and is really making me focus on doing well with each weapon in this set. Having special up is crucial to have the inkzooka on hand, although how much I'll need to leverage with my speed seems to depend how fast I need to go. I also am reminded just how much you need to be aware of the sploosh's limited range. The kit gives you more options when it comes to range, but in the end the splosh weapon itself still has a relatively short range, and the sooner you come to grips with that the better.

There were times where I recklessly thought I had more range (must be my Jr. mindset conflicting the sploosh's shorter range) only for a gal, or other longer ranged weapon put me back in my place. I do like this weapons set though; I really do. I know there is absolutely nothing wrong with this weapon because I've been put down by many monsters from the other side of the pond who run this weapon as if it were part of their body. Hope to hear what other squids think of this weapon as I think this weapon, although with a slight learning curve depending on where you approach this weapon from can be an absolute monster in the right hands.


Inkling Commander
Sep 5, 2015
Not that I'm particularly good at theory crafting, but a cursory glance would suggest that the Neo is a more synergistic set. I admit I like the notion of covering all ranges - you have the base weapon for extremely close targets, the throwable for mid range, and the inkzooka for far off. Unfortunately the usage drops off dramatically when you take into account you can only make use of the inkzooka at a full special charge. You also can't spam splat bombs, as they do use a fair bit of ink.

The Sploosh series seems to demand high mobility builds, at least that's the way the meta shaped up. The Kraken special benefits tremendously from swim speed up, which should already be a part of your build to make use of the main weapon, and tagging people with the point sensor allows you to track them if they hide when you unleash your special. Additionally if people are out of your range, you can discourage them from approaching you by locating them, and if someone does get the upper hand on you, you can leave them a little goodbye present - a pseudo Haunt by chucking a point sensor as a last ditch effort.

If you wanted to run the Sploosh7 differently, I might suggest the traditional swim and run speed, then augment it with cold blooded, bomb range up, and maaaaybe tenacity. Your goal would be to hide in the shadows and pick off people that come close to you, and if nobody's in your general vacinity, you should focus on map control. This should also give you the opportunity to charge your zooka and get rid of exposed snipers and other people that outrange you. -literally everyone. I'd avoid being detected at all costs, but I'd still avoid ninja squid; the loss of mobility wouldn't be worth it on such a weapon.

Play like a trapdoor spider with grenades.


Senior Squid
Jul 2, 2016
I Love it, The Sploosh O Matics are what got me to Love Swim Speed Up,

Anyway a good set would be


The Sploosh has a lot of Damage, So damage up or Defense up isn't necessary, Just Go crazy with it and you should be fine


Semi-Pro Squid
Nov 11, 2015
I'm just going to come out and say that I really don't like this weapon. Not because I hate fighting it, but because I hate seeing someone with it on my team. I mostly have this problem in Ranked when I'm trying to get better at the game, and it's with all Splooshes. For some reason, everyone and their mother thinks that Splooshes are good (when they really aren't), these people use them, they end up going 2-11 or something, and we end up losing because we literally had a guy on our team, who was useless for the whole game because a) his weapon can't paint, and b) he couldn't use the Sploosh's "amazing circle-strafing and unparalleled time to kill" to get kills, and thus he died in basically all of his engagements.

I know that I seem mad salty right now and that I'm being that guy who blames his team for all of his losses. Well, that's because in part, most of that is true. And that's just the problem: the fact that people hype up the Sploosh to be all that, when in reality, it really isn't. I shouldn't have to blame a guy on my team for contributing absolutely nothing to the team because he/she used Sploosh of all weapons.

But seriously, Sploosh really doesn't do anything better than any other weapon like it.

So what if it can kill at close range st the speed of light? Tentatek/Wasabi can do this too, just with more flexibility because unlike Sploosh, they can play at a range away from people as well. If, hypothetically, I can Rush someone down with both a Sploosh and a Tentatek, I'm going to get the same result; a kill. If I get right up to my opponent with both weapons, I'm only going to kill a little bit faster with a Sploosh than with a Tentatek. However, assuming I'm a good Tentatek main who's, perhaps, getting in an E-Liter's face, I'm going to get the kill, he's not going to be able to do anything about it, and I'll still be alive. I don't need to use Sploosh to get that very same kill, just faster. It's not necessary.

Then it's not even good at painting. It shoots ink a couple of feet away from... well, it's feet. It has a wide spread, but who cares? If I have a wide spread, but too low a range for that spread to cover a lot of Turf in front of me, I'm not actually turfing at all. I think people have this weird conception that building special fast = painting well. Which it doesn't (and Sploosh doesn't even build special all that fast).

THEN the biggest flaw of the weapon: it's mobility for something with its range. Many people say "oh, use a bunch of Run/Swim Speed and Sploosh will go crazy fast, it can strafe quickly, it can do this move..." etcetera etcetera. It doesn't even run faster than Splattershot. Yep. Those two, drastically different weapons, have the exact same mobility while moving. It also runs at the same speed as Jr., Aerospray, and Splash-o-matic. So it doesn't even outrun N-Zaps. What, in any capacity, restricts these weapons from doing these strafing and mobility techs just as fast as (if not faster than) Sploosh can?

You can see that I talked about the Splooshes as a whole and not just the 7. Because seriously, they all have the same problem. I mean, you can argue that Sploosh 7 has a kit of range options, but it doesn't make it any more useful than the weapons that do exactly what it can do (and more), but better. It makes it the best Sploosh, but that's about it. It's still a bottom tier weapon in my eyes and I really think people need to stop trying to justify why it's good or worth using, because it really isn't (not even the 7 is worth it).

And before you say people don't think this, I stumbled upon a Reddit comment that listed Sploosh 7 as one of the best shooters in the game. Something to think about there.


Inkling Cadet
Jun 6, 2015
I'm just going to come out and say that I really don't like this weapon. Not because I hate fighting it, but because I hate seeing someone with it on my team. I mostly have this problem in Ranked when I'm trying to get better at the game, and it's with all Splooshes. For some reason, everyone and their mother thinks that Splooshes are good (when they really aren't), these people use them, they end up going 2-11 or something, and we end up losing because we literally had a guy on our team, who was useless for the whole game because a) his weapon can't paint, and b) he couldn't use the Sploosh's "amazing circle-strafing and unparalleled time to kill" to get kills, and thus he died in basically all of his engagements.

I know that I seem mad salty right now and that I'm being that guy who blames his team for all of his losses. Well, that's because in part, most of that is true. And that's just the problem: the fact that people hype up the Sploosh to be all that, when in reality, it really isn't. I shouldn't have to blame a guy on my team for contributing absolutely nothing to the team because he/she used Sploosh of all weapons.

But seriously, Sploosh really doesn't do anything better than any other weapon like it.

So what if it can kill at close range st the speed of light? Tentatek/Wasabi can do this too, just with more flexibility because unlike Sploosh, they can play at a range away from people as well. If, hypothetically, I can Rush someone down with both a Sploosh and a Tentatek, I'm going to get the same result; a kill. If I get right up to my opponent with both weapons, I'm only going to kill a little bit faster with a Sploosh than with a Tentatek. However, assuming I'm a good Tentatek main who's, perhaps, getting in an E-Liter's face, I'm going to get the kill, he's not going to be able to do anything about it, and I'll still be alive. I don't need to use Sploosh to get that very same kill, just faster. It's not necessary.

Then it's not even good at painting. It shoots ink a couple of feet away from... well, it's feet. It has a wide spread, but who cares? If I have a wide spread, but too low a range for that spread to cover a lot of Turf in front of me, I'm not actually turfing at all. I think people have this weird conception that building special fast = painting well. Which it doesn't (and Sploosh doesn't even build special all that fast).

THEN the biggest flaw of the weapon: it's mobility for something with its range. Many people say "oh, use a bunch of Run/Swim Speed and Sploosh will go crazy fast, it can strafe quickly, it can do this move..." etcetera etcetera. It doesn't even run faster than Splattershot. Yep. Those two, drastically different weapons, have the exact same mobility while moving. It also runs at the same speed as Jr., Aerospray, and Splash-o-matic. So it doesn't even outrun N-Zaps. What, in any capacity, restricts these weapons from doing these strafing and mobility techs just as fast as (if not faster than) Sploosh can?

You can see that I talked about the Splooshes as a whole and not just the 7. Because seriously, they all have the same problem. I mean, you can argue that Sploosh 7 has a kit of range options, but it doesn't make it any more useful than the weapons that do exactly what it can do (and more), but better. It makes it the best Sploosh, but that's about it. It's still a bottom tier weapon in my eyes and I really think people need to stop trying to justify why it's good or worth using, because it really isn't (not even the 7 is worth it).

And before you say people don't think this, I stumbled upon a Reddit comment that listed Sploosh 7 as one of the best shooters in the game. Something to think about there.
So one person makes a hasty judgement on Reddit and suddenly everyone is overhyping the weapon?

Any specialist weapon can be bad if you have too much of one on a team, including chargers and certain rollers.

The real reason this weapon is considered good at inking is not due to it's spread or range, but the fact that it pretty much never runs out of ammo when doing so. It also gives a layer of security against ambushes or unfavourable encounters when doing so, since you'll likely still have enough to toss a sub to deter them, and you'll rarely be caught dry when making an escape route, either.

Other weapons are restricted from running high-speed builds by their ammo consuption or lower damage output. But, the sploosh is not a pure rushdown weapon despite all the speed it can muster with little drawback. It is a flanking and ambush tool. The vanilla version favours the former by securing alternate routes and planting beacons for your team, while having a relatively quick-charging Wail to lend support to the objective while doing so. Neo is more focused on playing forward, but just outside the reach of opposing players, repeatedly tossing sensors to harass and help set up on those who try to push forward regardless (and again, helping your more battle-ready teammates do the same).

A key tactic seldom employed to help getting into position is hiding on walls. People rarely check the ones they pass around corners, except for the odd explosive. And once you get into that position and strike first, nothing short of maybe a carbon roller can stop you before you deal lethal damage. That weapon is the only real contender to the sploosh's ambush tactics, but it needs to be on target to match it.


Egyptian Goo God
Feb 23, 2016
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