
Enker (M.D.)

Enigmatic Halfling
Oct 1, 2015
1: Red x Yellow from the Pokemon Adventures Manga, Although I'd also go for Gold x Crystal~
2: N-neither.. Sorry Marigi!
3: Hmm.. Possibly chicken noodle soup~

@Marigi174 @Enker @G1ng3rGar1

1. Which gaming console do you prefer?
2. Favorite cartoon/video game character of all time?
3. Favorite outfit set on Splatoon?
Sorry for taking so long, I've been busy!

1. Currently? PC and Wii-U
2.Megaman X
3.Ink Recovery/Ink Saver Main set~
Yeah I've been gone for some time but I'll try to reply now!

@Jakkie @luna_runes @Demigod

1.Favorite moment in Video Games (Weather it be a cut scene, or you pulled off something cool)
2.Favorite game OST
3.A random Fact.


Inkling Fleet Admiral
Sep 25, 2015
Inkopolis, born and raised!
Switch Friend Code
1. I don't really like jelly.
2. If I could eat this it would be heaven. (Though I'm mildly allergic to eggs so I would not enjoy the next day)

3. If Steam is a valid answer, then Steam. If not, I guess it would be LEGO stores. (I have a thing with LEGO bricks. If anyone says legos around me I spend like 7 minutes scolding them about how it's LEGO bricks and LEGO is either a noun when used to describe the company, or a adjective.

@Rustic @Marigi174 @G1ng3rGar1
1. Is the universe a hologram?
2. If you were locked in a room with another person, and the other person had swallowed the key, would you kill the other person just to escape, or would you just stay there with them. (the person is a random stranger)
3.Was that last question so specific that it was stupid?
1. I hope not.
2. I would wait for them to poop it out XD
3. No

@Rustic @Enker @Drew

1. Do you like free food?
2. Do you like to watch game shows?
3. Blue or green?


Inkling Commander
Jul 5, 2015
Canada, ON
@Rustic @Marigi174 @G1ng3rGar1
1. Is the universe a hologram?
2. If you were locked in a room with another person, and the other person had swallowed the key, would you kill the other person just to escape, or would you just stay there with them. (the person is a random stranger)
3.Was that last question so specific that it was stupid?
1. Probably, Morty. These ayyliens have reaaally stepped it up with all the real time responses and details.
2. Beat the crap out of them, kill em and take the key, then hastily retreat as I go mad within the prison.
3. Yes. Yes it was.

@Rustic @Enker @Drew

1. Do you like free food?
2. Do you like to watch game shows?
3. Blue or green?
1. Who doesn't like free food? Granted, if it's from a shifty person, I'll be very, very suspicious and wouldn't accept it. But otherwise, free food, matey.
2. No, I do not.
3. Blue, I didn't wear a blue hoodie for like 5 years because it wasn't my favourite color. Green is my fourth favourite, tub... EIRAM!!


@G1ng3rGar1 (VENGEANCE!!) @MacSmitty @13thGalaxy

1. Warriors of the Sun/Heirs of the Sun/Sunbro or Darkwraith/Brotherhood of Blood/Dankwraith?
2. Favorite video game ever?
3. What would you do if you were stuck in the city of Yharnam during the Blood Moon?
Due to your possible confuzzlement, I'm giving you a fourth and fifth if you've never played Bloodborne or Dark Souls
4. What's your favorite thing to do in your spare time (ex, your hobbies)?
5. How would you react to getting told that you're not the best around and that everything is going to keep you down?


Inkster Jr.
Mar 4, 2016
omg what am I getting myself into.

1. 25 things?!??!!?!?!?!?! happy!?!?!?? if this were 25 things that make me want to ragequit life that would be simple.
1. Splatoon
2. @Spiderface
3. Dominos Pizza
4. dank memes
5. the plant
6. alcohol
7. paychecks
8. most video games
9. sleeping
10. irony
11. my students (most of the time)
12. soft pillows
13. shoulder rubs
14. animes and mangos
15. strong poetry/lyricism
16. violent hip hop
17. spicy food
18. most food
19. being in the company of a person/people who care(s) about you
20. when people get what they deserve
21. traveling with a friend
22. deep nature
23. monotone clothes
24. free time and/or avoiding responsibilities
25. squidbagging
2. platform/adventure (especially N64/early 3D style)
3. Harry Potter (whoa very original)

Thank you for the tag, Anaru!
Umm.... Spiderface, @TeaBee , @J-Rae :
1. most delicious thing you've ever eaten
2. greatest accomplishment of your life
3. List 10 things that make you happy (I'm nicer than Anaru :p )

  1. Can't really say, I have a pretty big sweet tooth.
  2. I really enjoy visual/audio editing and see that as an accomplishment.
    1. Anything tea related (included tea sets, doillies, and herbs)
    2. pastries/sweets
    3. Horror genre
    4. The Autumn
    5. My Grandma (on both parent's side)
    6. Halloween & Christmas (They make me happy)
    7. Apples (even though I can't eat them without getting a scratchy throat)
    8. The flute (It's my favorite instrument and I want to play it one day)
    9. Lucid Dreaming
    10. Videogames (mostly adventure based or bullet hells) (I'm a sucker for games like Zelda and the Souls franchise)
    11. Tarot Cards
    12. Motorcycles (I'd like to own one)
    13. Blades
    14. Roller blades
    15. Pocket watches
    16. Tennis
    17. N64/Gamecube (I have the most games and memories from those two)
    18. Creative ways to play videogames
    19. Contemplating in a positive manner including philosophical thoughts
    20. Magic based characters
    21. Megaman
    22. Bomberman (Playing Splatoon is like having Bomberman by my side)
    23. Sonic Archie Comics ( I miss reading them)
    24. Teleportation as a Super Power (As long as no hazardous crap happens like teleporting into something)
    25. Rain (I like listening to it indoors and it helps me sleep)
    26. Cyborg 009
    27. Certain types of Orchestra
    28. Anything with Foxes or Dogs
    29. My weird devotion or platonic love to Star Fox
    30. The Fox and the Hound (The animated movie not the book and not that crappy crappy sequel) (I find the characters admirable)

I should probably stop listing now.

@Marigi174, @Achamo, @Actimela

  1. What's your zodiac (Can be Astral, Chinese, any kind)?
  2. Got any philosophies or things you go by?
  3. Would you say no to a tea party?


Inkster Jr.
Jun 2, 2015
1. I don't really like jelly.
If I could eat this it would be heaven. (Though I'm mildly allergic to eggs so I would not enjoy the next day)

3. If Steam is a valid answer, then Steam. If not, I guess it would be LEGO stores. (I have a thing with LEGO bricks. If anyone says legos around me I spend like 7 minutes scolding them about how it's LEGO bricks and LEGO is either a noun when used to describe the company, or a adjective.

@Rustic @Marigi174 @G1ng3rGar1
1. Is the universe a hologram?
2. If you were locked in a room with another person, and the other person had swallowed the key, would you kill the other person just to escape, or would you just stay there with them. (the person is a random stranger)
3.Was that last question so specific that it was stupid?
  1. Probably
  2. I wouldn't have the balls to kill them. That and I'd have to navigate their organs to find it which is just... ew...
  3. Nope!
@Squid Master @Bruce Squillis @xCoCo
  1. What's the most morbid thing you've ever done or imagined?
  2. Guns or swords? Kid Icarus blades are cheating btw.
  3. Baby blue or baby pink?


Roller Mobster
Dec 5, 2015
a nebula, probably.
1. Warriors of the Sun/Heirs of the Sun/Sunbro or Darkwraith/Brotherhood of Blood/Dankwraith?
2. Favorite video game ever?
3. What would you do if you were stuck in the city of Yharnam during the Blood Moon?
Due to your possible confuzzlement, I'm giving you a fourth and fifth if you've never played Bloodborne or Dark Souls
4. What's your favorite thing to do in your spare time (ex, your hobbies)?
5. How would you react to getting told that you're not the best around and that everything is going to keep you down?
1/3: It's been a good while since I played those games.
2: Besides my obvious bias to Splatoon, I've gotta say Hotline Miami 2: Wrong Number,
4: Spending time with my girlfriend is the best. That's all I've got to say about that, keep it safe for the kiddies.
5: I'd dropkick the heathen and then strive to be better.

1: What is the item furthest from you on your left side?
2: What is your favorite pizza topping?
3: Is my fiancee the biggest nerd there is?
1: A door.
2: Pepperoni. All the goddamn way.
3: Of course he is.

@G1ng3rGar1 @Rustic @Sare

1: Do you believe in luck?
2: Would you rather join a group of spies, a group of mercenaries, or a group dedicated to knowledge and the advancement of humans?
3: What do you think of this drop?


Inkling Fleet Admiral
Sep 29, 2015
Switch Friend Code
1. Woomy?
2. Favorite weapon in splatoon?
3. Single player or multiplayer?
  1. Nope.
  2. CJS, Neo Splash-O-Matic, Dual squelcher, Forge Splattershot Pro (can't pick just one)
  3. Depends on my mood. But i mostly lean towards single player.
Sorry, not really in the mood to tag anyone else o_O.


Inkling Fleet Admiral
Sep 25, 2015
Inkopolis, born and raised!
Switch Friend Code
1. Probably, Morty. These ayyliens have reaaally stepped it up with all the real time responses and details.
2. Beat the crap out of them, kill em and take the key, then hastily retreat as I go mad within the prison.
3. Yes. Yes it was.

1. Who doesn't like free food? Granted, if it's from a shifty person, I'll be very, very suspicious and wouldn't accept it. But otherwise, free food, matey.
2. No, I do not.
3. Blue, I didn't wear a blue hoodie for like 5 years because it wasn't my favourite color. Green is my fourth favourite, tub... EIRAM!!


@G1ng3rGar1 (VENGEANCE!!) @MacSmitty @13thGalaxy

1. Warriors of the Sun/Heirs of the Sun/Sunbro or Darkwraith/Brotherhood of Blood/Dankwraith?
2. Favorite video game ever?
3. What would you do if you were stuck in the city of Yharnam during the Blood Moon?
Due to your possible confuzzlement, I'm giving you a fourth and fifth if you've never played Bloodborne or Dark Souls
4. What's your favorite thing to do in your spare time (ex, your hobbies)?
5. How would you react to getting told that you're not the best around and that everything is going to keep you down?
1. WHat.
2. Splatoon/Paper Mario(for all future references guys)
3.Thank you for that
4. Look up Japanese resources and barely use them/drawing/surfing the internet
5. I would feel some kind of way. But of course, I already know I'm not the best.

(I'm not done, give me a break)

1. No
2. Probably the last one(Forgot the option). Although being a spy would probably be cool
3. Eh (wasn't really digging the upside down cross)

@Achamo @SgtUBER @Anaru

1. Cupcakes or muffins?
2. Would you travel abroad?
3. Are you good at chess?
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Inkling Cadet
Feb 11, 2015
QC. Canada
Aaah! I've been called again!
@cleosplatra @MissingNumbers @Goolloom
1. Favorite artist? (In anything)
2. Do you prefer Large monitor screens or small?
3. Favorite genre in a video game?
1. Uuuh.... I'd say David Wise...? Because Donkey Kong music?
2. Small monitors... gives me a better reason to sit close to it.
3. Probably platformers.

@pixelizedchell @モモコ @Goolloom
1: What is your favorite color?
2: Do you like to play board games?
3: What are your hobbies?
1. Purple maybe?... Eh, it's not like I care that much about it to be honest.
2. For the few times I actually do play board games, yeah, I like it.
3. Apart from playing games, I just sit down and listen to music, and nothing else.

I don't know who to tag, so I'll just pick random people in here...
@Marigi174 @Chaos_Knight @TeaBee

1. Which game(s) have you 100% completed?
2. Aside from Splatoon, do you play other shooters sometimes?
3. Can I come up with a better third question?


Inkster Jr.
Mar 4, 2016
Aaah! I've been called again!

1. Uuuh.... I'd say David Wise...? Because Donkey Kong music?
2. Small monitors... gives me a better reason to sit close to it.
3. Probably platformers.

1. Purple maybe?... Eh, it's not like I care that much about it to be honest.
2. For the few times I actually do play board games, yeah, I like it.
3. Apart from playing games, I just sit down and listen to music, and nothing else.

I don't know who to tag, so I'll just pick random people in here...
@Marigi174 @Chaos_Knight @TeaBee

1. Which game(s) have you 100% completed?
2. Aside from Splatoon, do you play other shooters sometimes?
3. Can I come up with a better third question?
  1. I don't remember.
  2. Yes, but rarely.
  3. I'm not you. :cool:
@G1ng3rGar1, @Leronne , @13thGalaxy

  1. What's your favorite fruit or veggie?
  2. Ever heard of Ambidexterity?
  3. Can I leave the tag thread now? :U


Inkling Fleet Admiral
Sep 25, 2015
Inkopolis, born and raised!
Switch Friend Code
1. Favorite fruit might be clementines/mandarins or Pineapples. Or watermelon. Favorite veggie is probably broccoli or potatoes.
2. Yes. I believe it's when you're neither left or right handed, but both-handed. I heard of it a year or two ago when I wrote stories a lot. (In my HC, Mario is ambidextrous, but I might change it to him being left handed)
3. Unless someone tags you back, sure

@SyMag (Muhaha) @モモコ @AlphaOmegaSplatter

1. お元気ですか。(Okay,now for the real question) Do you draw?
2. What do you think of my new profile pic?
3. Are you a kid or a squid? (Or an octo)


SOLDIER 1st Class
May 9, 2014
The intersection of Conch and Coral
What is happening?! Oh, uh, I mean, hi.

1. 元気です。;D For the real question: I don't draw per se. I use a program called Inkscape to make cool logos for stuff--such as the profile picture to the left of this text, among other fun projects in my spare time. So I don't know if I would call it drawing necessarily?
2. I approve!
3. Yes.

So I guess I put my questions now?
1. Do you know any other languages besides English/your native language?
2. What sorts of movies do you enjoy watching the most?
3. If you could learn to do anything perfectly, what would you choose?

And because why not: @DualQuelcher @Ansible @splooshlover


Inkling Cadet
Nov 9, 2015
1. I think B+
2. i have not won any of them. i always get the unpopular one somehow.
3. Alot
Hunter, Zerul (inkling), Zerul(Octarian), Niraya (inkling), Niraya (Octarian), Sarah, Robin, Tim, Richard.
@AlphaOmegaSplatter (This answer your questions?)

I vote @Lydia @SgtUBER @13thGalaxy to answer these three questions

1. What is your favorite thing to do. ex. play video games, Draw inklings, ext.

2. what is your opinion of that shady man named Spike in the alley near the studio?

3. If you had to choose between Inkling or Octarian for you character in splatoon what would you take?


Roller Mobster
Dec 5, 2015
a nebula, probably.
1. Current rank?
2. How many Splatfest wins do you have?
3. Do you have any OCs?
1: S+ 30~
2: Of the 5 I've participated in, I've won 3.
3: Yep. Galaxy's design is meant to be used as an OC. I have others from other fandoms, but I don't use them much.

1. What is your favorite thing to do. ex. play video games, Draw inklings, ext.

2. what is your opinion of that shady man named Spike in the alley near the studio?

3. If you had to choose between Inkling or Octarian for you character in splatoon what would you take?
1: I love to play vidya gaims. I don't really do much else with my life. Aren't I productive?
2: He's a douchebag. Steals my snails and money and never gives me anything good.
3: I'd probably try out both interchangeably until I found one I had a preference for.

@G1ng3rGar1 @Rustic @Sare

1: An E-Liter has spotted you. You have nowhere to run. What do you do?
2: Scoped or unscoped chargers?
3: True or false: The Octoshot is gross.


Inkling Fleet Admiral
Sep 25, 2015
Inkopolis, born and raised!
Switch Friend Code
1. Superman away to base if possible. Or I'll be stupid and try to swim away first. I hate getting sniped.
2. Unscoped. I hate the tunnel vision, although I'm impressed by their range. I might give it another chance.
3. False. I like the Tentatek, so therefore I'll like the Octoshot. It'll look better, anyway.
@aqua46 @Hero of Lime And the next poster

1. Favorite Game Show?
2. Long or short hair? (Which one do you prefer)
3. Favorite time of day?
Last edited:

Hero of Lime

Inkling Fleet Admiral
Sep 26, 2015
Switch Friend Code
1. Superman away to base if possible. Or I'll be stupid and try to swim away first. I hate getting sniped.
2. Unscoped. I hate the tunnel vision, although I'm impressed by their range. I might give it another chance.
3. False. I like the Tentatek, so therefore I'll like the Octoshot. It'll look better, anyway.
@aqua46 @Hero of Lime And the next poster

1. Favorite Game Show?
2. Long or short hair?
3. Favorite time of day?
I would not expect Aqua to show up, but I will answer!

1. Well...I don't think I have one sadly. I'll just say Jeopardy since my mom loves it.
2. I wear my hair long and short, but imagine most women would say my long hair is more of a medium length.
3. I like the middle of the day mostly. So from 10 am to 2 pm sounds good to me. But I have no part of the day that I dislike.

I don't really know who to tag! >.<

Anyone can answer these if you find them interesting, but @G1ng3rGar1 brought me here. So I can return the favor. And @ThatBerkawitzSquid because Wynaut. Though I doubt he will see this for a loooong time.

1. Favorite game that you've played for the first time this year? It does not have to be a game that came out in 2016. It just needs to be new to you this year.
2. At the start of a turf war match, your whole team immediately heads for the middle. Will you go with them to start fighting, or will you stay behind and ink your base?
3. Favorite Season of the year?


Squid Savior From the Future
Community Ambassador
Feb 3, 2016
Round two, eh?

So I guess I put my questions now?
1. Do you know any other languages besides English/your native language?
2. What sorts of movies do you enjoy watching the most?
3. If you could learn to do anything perfectly, what would you choose?
  1. I seem to pick up languages for a few years at a time then drop them because I have no one to converse with. =*( I've learned German, Latin, Spanish, Mvskoke, and Braille but have just about forgotten them all.
  2. Currently on a martial arts binge or any movie with good fight choreography.
  3. Acrobatics! All of it!
Now for some fun: @ReeSquidGig @ZootFluteRiot @birdiebee

  1. If you could shrink yourself, what pet animal would you ride like a horse?
  2. If you were a stuntwoman/stuntman, what would be the ultimate stunt you want to perform?
  3. You're hired to make a harlequin romance series, either novel or TV. What two other subjects do you combine it with (e.g. Splatoon: a post-apocalyptic, sea creature, romance)?


Inkling Commander
Apr 1, 2016
And the next poster
Ooh, I'll take that! Discounting pre-emptive posts, as they're all coming from tags and I spent too long typing this up.
  1. The Thwomp's quiz in Paper Mario: TTYD. One particular highlight of a glowing game. I, eh, haven't really watched enough of real game shows to have any particular favourites, although I do enjoy high-stakes quizzes.
  2. Long hair is wonderful and I can't wait to move out to go to university so that I have an excuse to stop getting haircuts. Short hair is fine if that works for you, but it's really not my style.
  3. I really activate from 19:00 onwards, but I think that I don't have enough experience of the morning to comment for sure. Either I'm going to school so I can't appreciate pre-noon, or I'm not going to school so I don't get out of bed until 11:00, anyway.
@Xehias @AlsoDededork649 @Goolloom
  1. Do you wear socks at home?
  2. What's the last snack you had?
  3. What is/are your wallpaper(s) on your most-used computer/laptop?


Inkling Commander
Jul 5, 2015
Canada, ON
@G1ng3rGar1 @Rustic @Sare

1: An E-Liter has spotted you. You have nowhere to run. What do you do?
2: Scoped or unscoped chargers?
3: True or false: The Octoshot is gross.
1. Go out in a blaze of glory, if I'm dying, I'm going to attempt to take you down with me. With loads of bombs.
2. Don't like playing Chargers at all. I never use them, so I wouldn't know what to choose.
3. False. Simply because it looks a LOT more better than the eyemelting visuals of the Tentatek.

Anyone can answer these if you find them interesting, but @G1ng3rGar1 brought me here. So I can return the favor. And @ThatBerkawitzSquid because Wynaut. Though I doubt he will see this for a loooong time.

1. Favorite game that you've played for the first time this year? It does not have to be a game that came out in 2016. It just needs to be new to you this year.
2. At the start of a turf war match, your whole team immediately heads for the middle. Will you go with them to start fighting, or will you stay behind and ink your base?
3. Favorite Season of the year?
1. *checks game library* The only new game I've gotten this year would be Endless Legend, and I would say it's pretty good. It's visuals are good, and the story behind each faction is pretty good. Broken Lords are my favourite so far, right above the Mezari/Vaulters.
2. Seeing as how I have terrible luck with getting decent teammates, I'll probably accompany them on their way to fight the opposing team.
3. Winter, because of all the snow and the advantages it brings with it. Hide 'n Seek? Hide in the snow and surprise everyone! :D And then there's more stuff to do than run around in shorts towards a ball like a very, very bored hound.


@Zerul @AlphaOmegaSplatter @ThatSquidYouKnow (sue me boi)

1. If you could see what he's seeing, would you believe it?
2. You're fighting a boss alone in a dungeon crawler(ex Souls-type game), both of you are at low health with no health recovery items or spells. What does your playstyle/tactics turn into? Focused? Worried? Stressed? Inking-your-pants scared?
3. Favourite weapon in Splatatatatatatatata-Splatoon?

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