The Adventures of Jeff in Splatoon

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    Votes: 5 41.7%

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Senior Squid
Feb 18, 2024
Inkopolis but commute to Splatsville
Jeff quickly gets into his uniform disregarding his cape.

"See that thing. That's a Salmonid egg and we need to collect those. The owner of this joint is Mr. Grizz and he uses them for energy or something.", remarks the female Inkling.

"That's weird. Why doesn't he just eat them?", asks Jeff.

"We don't know if he does or not but, anyways, we get paid to collect a bunch of them... why don't you have your cape? Without it you'll just be another boring Grizzco employee...", remarks the female Inkling.

"I thought it wasn't part of the uniform... at least it mentioned not to wear anything other than the uniform in the manual.", replies Jeff.

"Forget the manual, Mr. Grizz is not even watching us out there. We need to stick together on the battlefield. He's not there for us.", remarks the female Inkling.

"What do you mean not there for us?", inquires Jeff.

"Basically, he's not even observing the spawning zone and the radio is using AI.", replies the female Inkling.

"I work for Archo V Games.", adds Jeff.

"That's awesome. Then you must know about AI.", remarks the female Inkling.

"I sure do and my to green bazooka fires a rocket that hones in on a face.", remarks Jeff.

"Hones in on a face... so do you need to aim a camera at the opponent first?", asks the female Inkling.

"Nope, the rocket has a camera and will look at the initial face when fired. It will then follow the face. I tested it on Inklings and Octolings but not... Salmonids... what are those anyways?", asks Jeff.

"They're sentient fish. They have many different types of weapons. We need to be careful and it would be great if you can use your own weapon and your hand glider. Please get those before we go out.", asks the female Inkling.


"Well, is definitely interesting. You say the rocket has AI?", asks the female Inkling.

"Yes, and I have this cool bazooka to fire it from. See I blow on it like this-", remarks Jeff.

"Oh, you probably shouldn't fire that in here because it might go for my face. Let's save that for the spawning ground... and you call it a bazooka despite the fact that it is a modified trombone... I have heard a trombone being referred to as a bazooka... but where? Anyways, get your glider. We'll need your flying ability!", remarks the female Inkling.

Jeff and his team mate now are picked up by a helicopter from the roof. They fly over to the spawning grounds.

"Jeff, I'm not sure why you chose a larger Grizzco outfit over the one you already had. That one is extra large and you look kind of like a Yeti. Are you trying to be funny?", asks the female Inkling.

"No, it's just that I need a place to stash my weapon when I fly.", answers Jeff.

"Ok... so why are you not wearing the Grizzco hat anymore?", asks the female Inkling.

"Does it matter? That thing is so lame and you gave me one of the old ones. This fly fishing hat is awesome!", answers Jeff.

"So, not to bother you again but what's with the long hair? You think you're Ink Dogg or something? That style is so lame but more importantly that hair could get caught on a Steel Eel.", inquires the female Inkling.

"Dude, you need to chill out! Why are you asking so many questions? And what is a Steel Eel anyways?", asks Jeff.

"First off, I'm a lady so please call me miss. Second, the Steel Eel is one of the Salmonid's weapons. We need to destroy it.", answers the female Inkling.

"That's not a problem with my cape. Also my honing rocket should take care of it.", remarks Jeff.

"Honing rocket? I just looked at that thing and it's nothing more than a soda bottle with a circuit board on it. Yeah... that's really gonna work?", remarks the female Inkling.
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Senior Squid
Feb 18, 2024
Inkopolis but commute to Splatsville
"Listen up everyone! We're heading toward the fortress. I need you to all jump out now!", commands Mr. Grizz.

"Oh carp, I think this parachute might be too small. Should have squid jumped.", remarks the female Inkling.

"You need a cape like me. Parachutes and squid jumping blow. Land in style. So where is this Steel Eel?", asks Jeff.

"I don't see anyone here so we need to go close to the egg basket and wait... hey... you don't have your Grizzco gloves anyone.", answers the female Inkling.

"So...", replies Jeff.

"Well, we're going to need to pick up the eggs and put them into the basket.", replies the female Inkling.

"Eww... gross... I'm not touching those.", remarks Jeff.

"Sigh...", mumbles the female Inkling.

The two land near the basket with their weapons drawn.

"Ok, we're looking for those golden eggs. We need to destroy the Steel Eel to get those and we need to do this quickly. Once we do that we just need to put the eggs into the basket... ok?", instructs the female Inkling.

"Sure, defeat the Steel Eel but you can pick up that carp... smells like the gym... I'm not going anywhere near those eggs.", replies Jeff.

"Jeff, why are you being like this? We have a job to do and we may find ourselves in danger if we stay here too long. The Steel Eel is powerful and we're taking a risk for this high paying job. Please just work with me.", commands the female Inkling.

"Sure, but I'll defeat the Eel and you quickly collect the eggs. I'll be timing you!", chuckles Jeff.

"Sigh... you are really something, you know. You dress like a clown, have Ink Dogg hair, are using an empty coke bottle as a weapon, and are wearing a turtle shell on your back. Can this get any worst?", remarks the female Inkling.

"It's a cape and glider, not a shell.", replies Jeff.

Just then the sound of clanking steel is heard.


"What the heck is that?", asks Jeff.

"Yeah... that's the Steel Eel. That's what we need to fight.", replies the female Inkling.

"He doesn't look too touch and that fish with pants is a Salmonid?", asks Jeff.

"Yes, exactly. The ink that the machine sprays is very toxic so avoid walking in it. We need to take that guy out quickly and I mean we need to work as a team!", replies the female Inkling.


"Right now things are just not looking too good for us. We need to go with the option that Mr. Grizz gave us... to defeat this guy we need to distract him and blast the guy on the back... that's where you'll come in. Fly in front and around this machine and blast it in the mouth with your rocket. Can you get it to hone in on the machine's face?", asks the female Inkling.

"Yes, it will hone in on any face that it sees first.", replies Jeff.

"Ok, good. I will then blast the guy driving the machine. We'll then pick up the eggs put them in the basket and get out of here. It is very dangerous to stay here for long.", remarks the female Inkling.


"No Jeff! Don't ride behind that guy!", commands the female Inkling.

"Get off of my you weirdo... freak... I'm gonna knock that grin off your face if YOU DON'T STOP TOUCHING ME!!!", commands the Salmonid.

"Jeff, if you don't stop piggy back riding on that guy I cannot make a clean shot... please stop!", commands the female Inkling.

"Oh carp, I'm gonna run into that wall.", yells the Salmonid.

"Jeff! He's going to run into the wall jump off... I'll... I'll splat him!", begs the female Inkling.

"Ok...", groans Jeff.
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Senior Squid
Feb 18, 2024
Inkopolis but commute to Splatsville
Ink Dogg Appears

Just then the Salmonid is splatted.

"Dude! That's nasty!", screams Jeff.


"Yeah, but look at all the eggs we have. We get paid 10000 coins for this job!", remarks the female Inkling.

"Let's split it 9000 to 1000!", suggest Jeff.

"No way! I need to pay my rent. Why are you being so greedy today?", asks the female Inkling.

"Oh, it's a Jeff thing... you wouldn't understand!", laughs Jeff.

Just then a new face appears at the scene...


"Yo, give me those eggs you collected, dogg.", remarks Ink Dogg.

"Umm... it's Ink Dogg. Funny, we've been talking about how my team mate Jeff's hair looks a lot like yours. What a coincidence that you just showed up here. Are with working for Grizzco too?", asks the female Inkling.

"Yo! I don't care about coincidences or nothing. Just give me my golden eggs, dogg! I don't want to hear about your day to day lives. Just hand over the loot!", commands Ink Dogg.

"So we can strike a compromise of some sort. We can let you take half of the eggs and we can take the other half. We need to bring in a certain quota to get paid... I think we can strike a deal... all right.", suggests the female Inkling.

"First of all, what the heck are you? You're certainly not an Inkling or Octoling... in fact I can't really tell what you are... are you a squid or some kind of weird looking mammal? Are you related to Judd?", remarks Jeff.

"Man get out of here with this 'What are you carp?', Ink Dogg is angry and he just want all of the golden eggs! 'This what are you carp? Geeze... just hand it over and quit messing with me!", commands Ink Dogg.

"We're not giving you all of the golden eggs and, besides, what are you going to do with all these eggs?", asks the female Inkling.

"None of your business! So if you have to know, I'm gonna eat them. I need to make a good omelet for breakfast. I haven't been eating much breakfast as with all the work I do.", remarks Ink Dogg in an angry tone.

"Dude! Your head is really small. I'm pretty sure I'd be able to take you without my weapon!", remarks Jeff.

"That weapon is stupid, dogg, a coke bottle? Wha'd your mom give you for breakfast, boy? No one goes around creatin' carp like that!", remarks Ink Dogg.

"Look, we don't want to have to blast you but you're giving us no choice. We just defeated a Steel Eel and you're not even armed.", remarks the female Inkling.

"Mam, you don't know who you're messing with! Just give up the eggs and I won't have to unleash my special on you!", warns Ink Dogg.

Just then Ink Dogg picks up a ladder that he left on the ground at the outpost and begin climbing it. He somehow balances perfectly on it!

"Yo! It's Ink Dogg the Laddinator! I'm gonna kick the ink out of ya'll!", claims Ink Dogg.

"Is this some kind of joke? I mean it's impressive that you can balance on a ladder but how are you going to fight us with that thing?", inquires the female Inkling.

"Man, that looks so stupid. I'm gonna blast it!", remarks Jeff.


"What the heck? Are you one of the Blues Brothers? What a stupid weapon! You know I'm gonna catch that thing and throw it back to you! Meathead!", remarks Ink Dogg.
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Senior Squid
Feb 18, 2024
Inkopolis but commute to Splatsville

"See, I told you I'd catch your dumb rocket.", remarks Ink Dogg.

"How did you even do that? You must be really strong or fast.", comments Jeff.

"Well, I'm Ink Dogg, dogg.", replies Ink Dogg.

"Can I have my rocket back?", asks Jeff.

"Let's see if you can get it, dogg. I may have never seen you but I know that you can fly with that glider. I also recon you can take off from the ground itself unlike other people who need to go up on the mountains.", comments Ink Dogg.

"How did you even guess how this works?", asks Jeff very confused.

"I'm Ink Dogg, baby! Let's see if your flying ability can stand up to my ladder!", remarks Ink Dogg.

"Jeff! We need to leave now. Judging from the look in Ink Dogg's eyes he's not only very strong but highly intelligent. He seems to know what you're about to do! We need to just leave the eggs and go to the helicopter. I don't care if I lose my job. This just isn't worth it!", remarks the female Inkling.

"Hush squid babe! I'm trying to test out his abilities.", answers Ink Dogg.


"Get him, Jeff. Yeah give him the areal kick!", cheers the female Inkling.


"JEFF!!!", cries the female Inkling.

"Man, this sucks! What a bad dogg!", cries Jeff.

"What should I do? What should I do? How is he even able to tilt like that without falling? I need to rescue him! Forget the job!", cries the female Inkling.


"I'm glad I found you. I ran as fast as I could and called Grizzco to send in the chopper... I see you got your rocket back... ok.", remarks the female Inkling.

"Yeah, he launched it right back at me.", remarks Jeff.

"He was able to launch it right back at you?", asks the female Inkling.

"Yeah, I don't know how he activated the rocket to hone in on me but he must know something about electronics!", replies Jeff.

"By the way, I was reading the Grizzco manual and it mentions Ink Dogg. Now we all know about Ink Dogg as a singer.", informs the female Inkling.

"He can sing?", asks Jeff.

"Yes, sometimes he sings on the stage with Shiver, Frye, and Big Man. Supposedly he went to school with them but was never mentioned in their biography.", answers the female Inkling.

"By the way, what's your name?", asks Jeff.

"No, no, I don't like my name, it embarrassing...", remarks the female Inkling.

"So what is it?", laughs Jeff.

"It's Chef. Look, let's not call each other by name, ok...", answers the female Inkling.

"That name is just not normal. Who named you that?", asks Jeff.

"My stupid parents. I love to cook so they called my Chef as a kid and it stuck as my name. I got made fun of a lot for it in school.", replies Chef.

"Well, if it makes you feel any better I skipped school because I thought it was lame. I even made up that I was going to code camp so I didn't have to go to my lame high school classes.", comments Jeff.

"Well, that's a good way to avoid bullies. I envy you!", remarks Chef.

"So, I don't think I'll be working this job again especially after running into Ink Dogg.", remarks Chef.

"What is Ink Dogg? What creature?", asks Jeff.

"According to the Grizzco manual he's probably a mammal like Judd... well, a dog.", answers Chef.

"He sure is ugly. I never seen anyone with such a small head.", comments Jeff.

"But he seems to be highly intelligent and a strong fighter. I wonder why he wanted the eggs.", wonders Chef.

"He said he was hungry.", comments Jeff.

"No, he was being sarcastic. He might sell them on the black market. Who knows. Anyways, the Grizzco manual states that he is very dangerous and if seen just to leave the eggs and run.", remarks Chef.

"But that's our pay!", complains Jeff.

"Yeah, but I don't think he shows up often. It says mostly with tornadoes. Apparently he shows up when the weather is really bad but this was an odd situation... it says never to fight him as he can predict moves and counter them - even projectiles... WOW!", remarks Chef.

"Man, that sucks. Can't we build a trap for him?", asks Jeff.

"Maybe, he's been trapped in a cage along with Deep Cut members Shiver and Frye. It says here that they were stealing golden eggs and Grizz employees trapped them in the basket. They were then taken into custody and forced to clean the streets.", informs Chef.

"So, we'll see him at Splatfest?", asks Jeff.

"Maybe. He does do the ladder dance on the plaza. Well, I certainly don't want to see him outside of the city, that's for sure.", remarks Chef.
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Senior Squid
Feb 18, 2024
Inkopolis but commute to Splatsville
Jeff Does Splatoween


"It almost Splatoween and I got to come up with a new weapon. I can't keep using the bottle rocket stuff especially if Ink Dogg is going to be performing. I mean he caught my rocket bare handed - I mean BARE HANDED!!! WHAT THE CARP!!!", remarks Jeff.

Jeff begins drawing on his whiteboard to brainstorm ideas.

"Nah, I'm too hungry to think. Let's see if that pizza is done...", says Jeff.

"Damn! It's good... no, it's great! I wasn't sure at first but I wanted to see if I could cook a pizza inside of a jack-o-lantern since I don't have an oven or anything... seems to have worked. And, munch, yeah, it's healthy... a basil infused crust... munch... nerd made pizza sauce... munch... fresh cheese from Calamari County... some peppers... and some chicken... yep, good food keeps the nerd wheels turning... anyways, back to the plan.", remarks Jeff.

Jeff ponders for a moment.

"I can't use another rocket launcher or ink gun - that's just lame. I mean I really need something that will kick some calamari tentacle. What the carp could that be?", exclaims Jeff.

Jeff looks all around and sees the jack-o-lantern. He looks and looks at it till something clicks.

"Oh, yes, that's it! I could create throw able flaming pumpkins. They would explode in bursts of ink.", remarks Jeff as he draws the idea.

"The only thing I can think of is a pumpkin with an ink aerosol spraying from the nose and then ignited with an igniter to create a flame effect. Well, that's awesome... I can throw the pumpkin at an opponent and then program a circuit board to detect the face of the opponent and spray an ink flame. Ink flames are pretty harmless so they're well within the rules of turf war.", explains Jeff.

Jeff then begins to wonder about a special attack.

"Well, let's see... a special... well, so I could create the flaming helmet... yeah, a special jack-o-lantern helmet where I could spit fire. That would complete my weaponry for Splatoween!", exclaims Jeff.

Jeff then goes to his lab.

"Yeah... I had to move my lab. It was blocking the street by the river so now I have added it here to what I call Jeff Village. So, let's go into the lab!", remarks Jeff.
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Senior Squid
Feb 18, 2024
Inkopolis but commute to Splatsville

"So, I have obtained quite a few jack-o-lanterns. First I'll need the an ink compressor to pressurize the ink coming out of a sprayer. So let's gut install the hardware in the small lanterns!", explains Jeff.

"Ok, so I rigged up an ink delivery system to the flame. The forward pressure of the ink should blow the ink flame out of the mouth! But... there might not be enough pressure in the ink. Hmm... I need some device to squeeze the ink out of the bag. Hmm... well, I have this robotic hand that I got at work for my years of coding service. It's USB powered. It can squeeze the ink bag...", remarks Jeff.


"Ok, that should do it!", exclaims Jeff.

"Well, only one thing to do... write some code!", exclaims Jeff.


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Senior Squid
Feb 18, 2024
Inkopolis but commute to Splatsville

"So, I can use the code from the rocket to power this thing. I just need to teak a few things. First I'll be throwing the pumpkin by hand and then it needs to spit fire when it gets close to the target.", remarks Jeff.

"Yeah, when the pumpkin gets close it spits the fire. The valve should then close after a tenth of a second. Next the board is disabled until I pick up the pumpkin and reactivate it!", explains Jeff.

"Yeah, these things are gonna be great! Ink Dogg will never know what I have coming!", laughs Jeff.

Jeff pauses and looks at the large pumpkin.

"Now for the helmet!", remarks Jeff.

"For the helmet I'm going to use nerd juice to fuel the flames then I will blow on the flame to make the helmet spew flames. The change in air pressure in the pumpkin should trigger the air pressure sensor to open up the valve.", explains Jeff.


"So all that needs to be done is to track the air pressure. When I blow into the flame the nerd juice should be sprayed into the flame creating the spitting pumpkin effect.", explains Jeff.
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Senior Squid
Feb 18, 2024
Inkopolis but commute to Splatsville

"Oh yeah! This is gonna scare Ink Dogg! Man, he not gonna have anywhere to run with that ladder!", remarks Jeff.

Within a couple of weeks Splatoween has begun under the full moon. The festival is for one night only and is celebrated on Inkopolis Plaza as well as Splatsville Plaza. Jeff checks out Inkopolis Plaza first.


"Where the heck is Ink Dogg? Wait a second... oh, I remember Chef said that Ink Dogg performs with Deep Cut. He went to high school with them or something like that. Well, I know where I'm going!", remarks Jeff.

Jeff flies off into the moonlight!

"What the heck is that?", asks a male Inkling.

"It looks like some creature with a glider.", remarks a female Octoling.

"Yeah, if you look really closely you can see Jeff's hat on its head.", remarks another male Inkling.

"It's probably Jeff.", replies Marie who paused her song to answer the crowd.

"Really?", asks a female Inkling.

"Yeah, he was right behind y'all just a few minutes ago... at least I think that was Jeff... unless it's some jack-o-lantern monster.", laughs Marie.

"What if it is a monster?", replies Callie.

"No, no, let's not get distracted by this silliness. Time to go back to singing.", remarks Marie.

Jeff arrives at Splatsville Plaza.

"Have any of your squids seen Ink Dogg?", asks Jeff.

"I'm not a squid!", replies a male Octoling.

"How could you not see him? He's performing right on stage with Deep Cut!", replies another male Octoling.

"What are you supposed to be anyways? You're carrying a pumpkin with a candle in it and your helmet has a candle in it as well... be careful.", remarks the male Octoling.


"Whoa! What's your problem dude? That almost hit us? Why are you breathing fire here?", asks the male Octoling stunned after the flames almost hit him.

"I'm going to kick the ink out of Ink Dogg!", replies Jeff.

"Good luck. He has an Ink Joint and he uses a certain attack that's hard to dodge. We fought him one time in Splatfest and he beat our entire team.", remarks the male Octoling.

"The whole team? And what did his team do?", asks Jeff.

"He was alone and it was ten of us against him!", answers the male Octoling.

"Wait! That's illegal. How can he go against Splatfest rules?", asks Jeff.

"Supposedly he own Splatfest and Deep Cut just manages it!", answers the male Octoling.

"Well, that sucks. I'm gonna kick his tail!", remarks Jeff.

"No, just leave him alone. He's just trying to entertain us. Why do you have to disturb Splatoween for us. Go register and get your t-shirt.", remarks the male Octoling.

"...those shirts look stupid.", remarks Jeff.

"Ok...", answers the male Octoling.
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Senior Squid
Feb 18, 2024
Inkopolis but commute to Splatsville

"Octos, Squids, and Jellies tonight it the night you've been waiting for. We, Deep Cut and Ink Dogg have something special for you. Yes, it's SPLATOWEEN!!!", announces Shiver.

"YEAH!!!", cheers the crowd.

"And y'all better groove to the beats I'm gonna drop on ya!", remarks Ink Dogg.

"Hit it Ink Dogg!", cries Frye.

"Can y'all dig this beat? Doggs? I can't hear y'all! Are y'all awake?", asks Ink Dogg.

"YEAH!!!", cheers the crowd.

"GREAT! So I'm Ink Dogg and the only Dogg here so listen up, doggs! Even DJ Octavio can't lay down a beat like this!", remarks Ink Dogg.

"YEAH!!! SING IT INK DOGG!!!", cheers the crowd.


"DING DONG HE'S A DOGGY DOGG!", cries the crowd.


Just then Ink Dogg puts on his glasses and the crowd cheers wildly!

Ink Dogg then puts his Ink Smoke in his mouth for the crowd. The crowd gives and standing ovation to Ink Dogg.

"INK DOGG! INK DOGG! INK DOGG!", cheers the crowd.


"Dude, what the heck is going on? I just don't get it!", inquires Jeff.

"Hush! Ink Dogg's gonna take a puff!", replies the male Octoling.

"I tell you, if Ink Dogg takes a puff this is going to be the best day of my life.", exclaims the jelly with a few tears in his eyes.

"Yeah, reminds me of a girl I dated back in high school. She was my crush and it was the best time of my life. I was never so happy. I think this moment is gonna top that.", adds the other male Octoling.

"Really?", inquires the first male Octoling.

"Yeah, I was so happy at that time of my life that I would get up everyday thinking about my girl but if Ink Dogg takes a puff this moment it is gonna top any happy time I had in my life. I probably will start crying and I never cry. I'm a tough guy!", remarks the other male Octoling.


"YEAH!!! YEAH!!!", cheers the crowd.

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Senior Squid
Feb 18, 2024
Inkopolis but commute to Splatsville

"Boy, this is so stupid! What's so great about him taking a puff?", asks Jeff.

"I... I'm... sorry... just crying... the way he filled the air with smoke... was... so... artistic!", remarks the first male Octoling while crying.

"I have to say, I've seen some beautiful things in my life but nothing like that!", cries the second male Octoling.

"Yeah, that's why he's Ink Dogg!", cries the jelly!

"He's an idiot. BOOOOO!!!", cries Jeff.


Senior Squid
Feb 18, 2024
Inkopolis but commute to Splatsville


"OW! THAT HURT! WHAT A JERK!", screams Shiver.


The crowd goes silent.



"Don't even think about it, guys. I'll release a barrage of flaming jacks if anyone snitches!", warns Jeff.

"Oh, we won't snitch on you but if Ink Dogg catches you you're definitely going to the dogg house.", remarks one of the male Octolings.


"Ok. Ok. Let's let bygones by bygones. TONIGHT WE PARTY LIKE NEVER BEFORE!!! ARE WE RIGHT, DOGGS?", yells Ink Dogg.

"AY!!! (Ink Dogg will be fighting 1 on 4 in our quad splat battle tonight!), remarks Big Man.

"You've all been waiting for it but Ink Dogg has a very special performance for y'all.", remarks Shiver.

"What could that be, Shiver?", asks Frye.

"Well... funny you ask that Frye! Ink Dogg is going to perform his ladder dance!", exclaims Shiver.

"GO INK DOGG!!!", screams the crowd.
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Senior Squid
Feb 18, 2024
Inkopolis but commute to Splatsville

"Isn't this the best night ever?", remarks a jelly.

"No! I can smell that stuff from down here. It's disgusting! He's on a ladder too. I'm going to see how he deals with my Flaming Jacks.", exclaims Jeff.

"Oh, don't do that again. You almost made him angry. Please let us enjoy the performance!", remarks a female Octoling.

"Performance? He's puffing the dragon all while sporting a boom box on his shoulder and standing on a ladder.", remarks Jeff.


"Oh, Ink Dogg is going to sing the song that made him famous!", cries the female Octoling.

"INK DOGG, DOGGY DOGG!", sings Ink Dogg.

"INK DOGG, DOGGY DOGG!", repeats the crowd.

"You're supposed to sing along.", remarks the female Octoling.

"Screw this! Let's see what this dogg can do!", exclaims Jeff.


"Ink Dogg... Doggy, Dogg!", sings Ink Dogg.



"What the heck was that? He just came swooping down from the moonlight and breathed fire on Ink Dogg's boom box!", remarks Shiver.

"Ay (Whatever that creature is this cannot be a good omen!)", remarks Big Man.

"Have we conjured up some evil spirit by celebrating Splatoween?", asks Frye.


"Amazing! It looks like that pumpkin creature in going to engage Ink Dogg in a fight! I wonder what Ink Dogg will counter with.", remarks a female Inkling.

"Not sure. It's kind of odd that a fight is about to happen on the plaza, especially during Splatoween. We just aren't allowed to battle on the plaza.", answers a male Octoling.

"Nah, he's just a squid in a costume. We hung out with him earlier. He can spit fire from his helmet so that's interesting...", remarks a male Octoling.
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Senior Squid
Feb 18, 2024
Inkopolis but commute to Splatsville

"You just don't get it do you, dogg! I have many different attacks up my sleeves... perhaps we should engage in battle on one of the arenas after this. Well, check out my smoke ring, dogg!", exclaims Ink Dogg.


"Those are some large smoke rings, how do you do that? But, anyways, that's a stupid attack!", remarks Jeff.

"Don't judge the attack so quickly. Now I will ignite one of the smoke rings!", explains Ink Dogg.


"Oh carp! This can't be good...", cries Jeff.


"Yeah, no one messes with Ink Dogg. See ya in the arena, dogg!", cries Ink Dogg.

"Ink Dogg is so awesome! He defeated that squid with his flaming smoking ring!", exclaims the female Inkling.

"Yeah... I've only heard of the move before but I've never seen it actually done. Apparently, it's his special.", remarks the male Octoling.

"Well, at least he got rid of a disturbance. That's why we can rely on good ol' Ink Dogg to see us through!", remarks a male Octoling.
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Senior Squid
Feb 18, 2024
Inkopolis but commute to Splatsville
The next morning Jeff arrives at Inkopolis Plaza without his cape.

"Still up to your old tricks aren't you Jeff?", exclaims Marie.

"Playing video games is my life now!", exclaims Jeff.

"I see that... and on the big screen again... something seems different about you...", comments Marie.

"Yeah, I don't have my cape anymore. After that humiliating defeat at Splatfest from Ink Dogg I decided to call it quits. I mean the other squids are viewing me as a disturbance or something and I'm too old to be acting like that.", explains Jeff.

"So I came over here for two reasons. First... yeah... the TV.", explains Marie.

"But I can't stop playing on that big screen... it's too addicting and I promise I won't fly again. I'll even give back Tau Blu's bazooka!", explains Jeff.

"Yes... that's good... But the other reason is I have some jobs lined up for you. Unless you want to go back to Archo V Games. In any case you need to go back to work.", explains Marie.

"I don't want to work at Archo V anymore. It's too boring and I needed a break from that place. Yeah, I mean I did some silly stuff here but it was a huge relief from that boring stressful life!", exclaims Jeff.

"Hmm... boring and stressful... I guess that's office life because I was going to send you to Crab Leg Capital to work on an RPG. They want a lead developer... I guess it might not suit you...", remarks Marie.

"Yeah, I kind of want to settle down again and I'm an old fart but I mean if the project is interesting why not?", replies Jeff.

"Ok, let's do this. You may take work at Crab Leg Capital but if you're seeking more adventure in your life I could use your help...", explains Marie.

"Oh, I see... you led the Squidbeak Splatoon. Didn't your team defeat DJ Octavio years ago?", asks Jeff.

"Yes, but we also defeated Mr. Grizz who was actually a bear.", answers Marie.

"Yeah, I heard about him. Some weirdo that lived isolated underground in some dome. So he was using the eggs to create hair or something.", remarks Jeff.

"Yes, you got most of it right. Anyways, he's up in space somewhere, not a threat to us anymore but there may be something else.", replies Marie as she is cut off by Jeff.

"Sorry, Marie, but I know of new Agent 3. She works at Crab Leg Capital from what I've been told. So the RPG will be about her adventures in the big dome.", remarks Jeff.

"No, just wait a second... it's the Salmonids... they're invading the city and we can't figure out why. It makes no sense. Their spawning grounds are far from the city so there is no reason they should come here.", explains Marie.

"They suck. Nah, I want to stay way from them and we encountered Ink Dogg who stole our eggs. I just prefer to work, Marie.", remarks Jeff.

"Very well, please head over to Crab Leg Capital tomorrow morning and meet Mr. Mantis McShrimp on the 40th floor. He'll have a job for you, ok.", remarks Marie.

"That sounds good. I think this life of turf war is just too much for me. Maybe if I were a little more mature.", laughs Jeff.

"Sure. If the job is too boring for you and you ever want in on the Salmonid quest please let me know. We may be able to use your flying ability.", comments Marie.

"No way! And run into Ink Dogg again! Nope, I'm a programmer!", exclaims Jeff.

"That... could be useful too...", remarks Marie.
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Senior Squid
Feb 18, 2024
Inkopolis but commute to Splatsville

"Well, here's to work.", remarks Jeff.

"It's you're first day too... just be honest. I think they're going to like a representative from Archo V Games...", remarks Chef.

"I'm just excited about working on the new RPG.", remarks Jeff.

"Yeah, Marie sent me here too when I decided to quit Grizzco Industries. She told me to dress up as a video game character so I'm bringing the Splatana wiper. I like the fact that you brought your cape, very smart!", comments Chef.

"How tall is this building anyways?", asks Jeff.

"Oh, it's tall and we'll be working on the 40th floor. I just finished my masters at Inkblot Academy so I'm well equipped for graphics design.", remarks Chef.

"Well, it'll be good working with you again, Chef!", comments Jeff.

"Yeah, but this time we won't be fighting for our lives!", laughs Chef.

With that the two go into Crab Leg Capital to pursue their new jobs!

-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o- End of RP -o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-

Hey y'all. Did you enjoy the story. So this story is done but there is a new one to come where Jeff goes in the Salmonid quest. If y'all want to see that look for Jeff vs the Salmonids. It's gonna be fun!

Man, I wish I could give away some Jeff merchandise here. I mean Jeff, t-shirts, Jeff key chains, Jeff coffee mugs, Jeff hats, you know that stuff. Yeah, Jeff rules! See you in the next RP!
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Inkling Fleet Admiral
Feb 22, 2024
Inkopolis square
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