The Bragging Thread


Inkling Commander
Sep 28, 2015
There was one game on Urchin Underpass when we were playing Rainmaker. It was really a back and forth for nearly the entire game. We would get it to their side only to be splatted. They would get it to our side only to be splatted. Near the end of the timer, a team mate managed to get the Rainmaker just barely away from their pedestal before he was splatted.

I had only realized this after I decided to super jump to a team mate's spot. I guess the opposing team didn't notice or anything because no one tried to take me out. By the time anyone realized, I had already popped the shield and splatted three of them. It made it easy to grab the Rainmaker and carry it the rest of the way.

Seeing as how that was only my third time playing Rainmaker, I would say that was a pretty nice accomplishment haha. x)

Playing Turf Wars on Urchin Underpass and splatting three people consecutively one after the other with a Carbon Roller Deco was also pretty nice. :P Usually someone starts shooting at me but none of them ever did haha. xP


Inkling Commander
Jun 1, 2015
Here are a couple from today:

I was playing Rainmaker on Arowana Mall with the Carbon Roller Deco, and my team was getting wrecked (including myself). The enemy team has the Rainmaker right outside tha ramp to the knockout altar pillar thingy, and they have a Charger on the right-side sniper nest platform that keeps us from getting out (and that guy also made a great superjump point, now that I think about it. Thanks, charger guy! I wouldn't have thought of that, might make a good Beakon spot).
So out of desperation, I went after the charger guy and hoped my teammates could stop a knockout until I was done with him. I threw a Seeker that missed a bit right and rushed in to flick the charger, and I get lucky: There was another guy on the platform, and my Seeker hit him, so when I flicked the charger, I got rid of half the team quickly.
So now my team has the Rainmaker, managed to clear the enemy team out and were ready to advance. I send a Seeker up the ramp to make a path for the Rainmaker (and myself), cross the center platform fairly quickly as my teammates handle the enemy team, toss another Seeker down the ramp onto their side and start advancing to make a safe road for the Rainmaker. We got pretty far.
But one of the enemy team got behind me and splatted our Rainmaker carrier shortly before we would've taken the lead. That guy got splatted quickly, and we secured the area, popped the Rainmaker a second time and got it all the way to their ramp before losing it again.
Fortunately, I had Seeker Rush ready for a while and remembered that I had it for once, so I boatspammed the shield until it broke, threw out a few more boats to give myself a bit of a path, and took the Rainmaker up myself to give us the lead. After getting over the ramp to give us the lead, I go for a quick knockout, get lucky and dodge some bullets to pull it off.
And we win. And I feel awesome.

Also, I went like 19-2 on Turf War Walleye Warehouse with the Tri-Slosher through the magic of spawncamping. Seriously, it's so easy once you get the ramp up to their spawn inked to sit there and crush anyone as they come down. I didn't even have to fight much on my way there, my teammates were unusually efficient in clearing the middle of the field, so I only had to fight a couple of enemies on their side of the map on my way up to their spawn. I think the first death was getting 2 or 3v1'd because I went too far up the ramp during my first attempt and losing (Tri-Slosher has many good points, but handling multiple foes in close combat is not one of them), and the second was me screwing it up and getting pincered when one got behind me while I was on the ramp.
Felt damn good after that match.

EDIT: And just now I threw Sprinklers at an E-Liter until she died from Sprinkler damage. Felt so good!
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Oct 9, 2015
the abyss
I am now 3 for 3 in splatfests!

Also just dominated with the heavy splatling on Port Mackerel! About 1000p, and 12 kills and only 2 deaths (top on my team).

Because of all the long corridors heavy splatling is an excellent choice for Port Mackerel. But then again, it's pretty much awesome in general. It is my favorite:)



Pro Squid
Aug 21, 2015
WA, Australia
this morning, I was in a SZ match, moray towers. we got our zone, at which point I played defense while everyone else grabbed the enemy zone. we only had it for 8 seconds before the enemy grabbed it back, at which point we decided to play defensive, on the basis that, if the enemy never took our zone, we'd still win.
we ended up winning 91/100, and they didn't grab our zone once.
the best bit? we continued playing until the stage switch, and every single match was played in the exact same method: grab the zone, get a tiny lead, go defensive, win.

as they say: sometimes the best offense really is a great defense.
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Inkling Fleet Admiral
Aug 16, 2015
Last night in a Turf match on Triggerfish I distracted 3/4 of the enemy team into coming after me when I raided their half of the field, allowing my teammates to gain map control :D


Full Squid
Oct 11, 2015
I think my best accomplishment was last EU-Splatfest, where my team got "blessed" with disconnects until we just had two players left (i.e. me and somebody else)... and still won the match. Granted, it was a very close victory, but we won against a full and working team. HOW.

There was also the one time where I accidently wiped out the whole enemy team without even noticing it until it had happened. Not with a special or anything, just in regular combat while helping out a teammate. They were ganging on him with three people, I somehow managed to take them all out, then the fourth super-jumped to them and got himself killed before even really realized what had happened. I only noticed it when I suddenly had 4 kill messages on my screen x'D

These are the kind of times where I wished I had a recording device orz


Senior Squid
Sep 29, 2015
Oh damn, I've got a lot.

I've learned how to time an enemy Kraken to kill it right when it ends. It's one of the tricks I have that I haven't seen anyone else use at all.

I've carried a 3v4 match to victory almost single-handedly.

I've broken 2000p a few times, but unfortunately none of them while my capture card was on. This is the highest I've been able to score while recording.

I've quadded with the Rainmaker, held the Splat Zone for a minute in overtime in 3v4, and won a Tower Control match with just myself and an allied squiffer when everyone else quit, but all this happened while my computer was unable to record.

I can almost always get a match in Splatfest where I just embarrass the other team.

I've snatched victory from the jaws of defeat more times than I can count, but here are a few better examples.

I've gotten quads in so many different ways it's hard to keep track, and trips beyond measure.

I've taken splat hopping to an art form.

And I did all this without motion controls.
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Inkling Commander
Sep 28, 2015
I think one of my best moments was finishing a Rainmaker game in under 30 seconds.

I was playing Rainmaker a bit last night in hopes of saving my B- rank, and I did. For the most part, we were winning matches because we had an ace Heavy Splatling user who was getting like 15 to 20 splats each match. This was actually after she disconnected though.

We started up a game on Port Mackerel (terrible stage for RM to be honest) and began as usual. I let out a Seeker and followed behind in its trail of ink. A team mate came along while the other two focused on inking a path behind us.

We managed to pop the Rainmaker's shield, proceeding to splat three of the opposing team all at once. I went ahead and grabbed the Rainmaker as my team mates rushed forward. I followed someone around one side while the others went to the other side and, somehow, I managed to lose the team mate I was followed.

I was beginning to panic until one of my team mates used "C'mon" and I noticed that he had used it from right next to their pedestal. So I made my own small path with the Rainmaker, threw caution to the wind and assumed he had made a path for me to get to the pedestal - which he thankfully had.

Three of the opposing team shooting at me and still managed to plant the Rainmaker.... And all under 30 seconds.

I'd say that's a fairly successful Rainmaker match if I do say so myself. :P It's honestly great when a group of strangers can get in sync that well from the start.

I've had a few moments where I've planted the Rainmaker just before I was splatted but finishing a game like that and so quickly was just the best. xP


Pro Squid
Sep 4, 2015
Somewhere on earth
Switch Friend Code
One time I was on tower control my whole team got splatted but me. We were leading by a few points and the opposing team were riding on the tower. There was only a few seconds left so I decided to start swinging my roller like crazy at them. I ended up splatting all 4 of them so I got on the tower and got the win for my team.


Inkling Fleet Admiral
Jun 24, 2015
I was playing Rainmaker on Flounder Heights with the Krak-On Roller. One of my teammates was trying to take the rainmaker to the tower through the upper passageway to the right, and got splatted as I was catching up. I broke the shield quickly with a Kraken, and inked a narrow path with the rainmaker. Then, I notices all of the other team opening fire on me, and in a panic, I jumped straight for the tower. Somehow, I was able to leap to the top of the tower and do the coolest rainmaker dunk I ever seen.


Inkling Fleet Admiral
May 10, 2015
It was Splat Zones on Hammerhead. One person thought it would be a good idea to use an Inkzooka from across the zone, but it didn't work because the bridge above was blocking its shots. So I went up to him with my trusty Ninja Squid, made a U-Turn around from that wall at the very end of the zone and got him from behind while he was still using the Inkzooka.


Pro Squid
Jun 7, 2015
Eastern United States
I didn't force myself to grind to max rank during last Splatfest, which in turn meant I didn't bring too many teams down and cars ended up winning.

You're welcome.


Pro Squid
Aug 21, 2015
WA, Australia
Splat Zones on Saltspray Rig. We grabed the zone, and I noticed a sniper on the ledge that was constantly stopping our timer. I then decided to leave the zone, deliberately over-extending to get to the sniper as fast as I could, knowing I'll out-swim any enemies who try to chase me. I get on the perch, kill the sniper, and then hid off to the side, ambushing two enemies who followed me. Only afterwards do I realise an enemy tried to SJ, and is now live bait. Rather than stay there and kill him myself, I just chucked a Splash Wall on top of his location and left.

Sometimes it pays to have a build with 3 Swim Speed Ups.


Full Squid
Aug 4, 2015
Switch Friend Code
A while ago, maybe like a week or two, I was playing Rainmaker on Moray. The Rainmaker was at mid, and it was about 2 minutes into the game from what I remember, and the other team was trying to pop it. I came down to the other side down on the lowest level, and used my Killer Wail. I ended up getting a quad kill with that Killer Wail (and this was in S rank), and my team pushed it all the way to 1. Needless to say the other team didn't come back, lol.


Inkster Jr.
Sep 30, 2015
the Bakery
Score wise, I don't even remember what my highest was D: for kills though, the most I've gotten was 20 in ranked. It was during Tower Control at Kelp Dome and I was rocking a Blaster :p I also beat a couple members of the OL clan earlier in ranked today, so I felt pretty proud of that ;)


Inkster Jr.
Sep 14, 2015
I played a tryout (rainmaker) match with my current squad. Enemy team got their counter down to 6. We pushed rainmaker back to their territory but our carrier died. There was under a minute left. we burst the bubble, I snatched the RM and donked it on the tower.
Oh, and fiveleafclover was on enemy team.


Inkling Cadet
Oct 6, 2015
Hid from an enemy with a bubbleshield and attacked (Slosher) when I thought it would be over. Good moment for me since I had problems dealing with bubblers. Our ChargerInkling saw this and said "Cool!". Yai!

Lag: Swam up to a plattform on Bluefin (Blauflossen Depot) and started to roll, 1-2 seconds later the ink appeared and a message that I splatted someone. I stopped looking arround. In his/her cam I must have looked very confused.

And another moment today: An enemy shot a Killerwail in my direction and also did I. We splatted each other, was funny.
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