The Cherry H-3 Nozzlenose is absolutely delicious (in turf war)


Pro Squid
Apr 17, 2016
You know, I am definitely one of those people who feel the H-3 family is difficult to be good at. I tried them personally, and just can't find success. But dat cherry H-3 though. Its absolutely broken kit makes this weapon magnificent. I love the look of it and the play style of it. Simply throw the wall and proceed to shoot. If you miss your shot, you won't get punished nearly as bad. It is so satisfying to use. Its just a delicious nutritious treat that can't be beat (if you understand that reference, your awesome).

Anyone else finding success with it? I am running

:head_eye005: :ability_damage: :ability_damage::ability_damage::ability_damage:
:clothes_tes007: :ability_specialcharge: :ability_specialcharge::ability_specialcharge::ability_specialsaver:
:shoes_sht007: :ability_runspeed: :ability_inkrecovery::ability_inkrecovery::ability_inkrecovery:
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Senior Squid
Jan 24, 2014
What? A H-3 Nosslenose got Splash wall AND Bubbler?

I've got to get back to splatoon now xD

I have a feeling i'll main it so much more than the original...even though the original has my highest points racked up of all my weapons.

You'll notice that the H-3 Ink's surprisingly well despite it's nuclear shooting. I feel that it's best map would have to be Walleye. Nice and flat with room to move about to keep your distance from enemies. You could probably rack up to 900+ points with the H-3. And it's always fun to see a rarely used weapon like the H-3 beat the Inkbrush in Turf war in terms of points xD.


Inkster Jr.
Oct 13, 2015
I really like the weapon but I think although my loadout is stylish, it kind of stinks:
Jungle Hat: Ink Saver Main (main), ink saver sub triple
Berry Ski Jacket: Special Duration (main) random subs
Custom Trail Boots: Special Duration (main) random subs
two quick super jump subs, two defense subs, two worthless subs.
Any advice?

Green Waffles

Inkling Fleet Admiral
Apr 18, 2016
Since I still think the main weapon is sub-par (at best) I go for stuff that lets me abuse the sub and special as often as possible

Soccer band headgear because tenacity. The way I play (like a wuss) keeps me alive for vera long time. Also it's one of two headgear I have with ink recovery AND bearable looks.

Choco long sleeve shirt because I like chocolate
(also it has sub saver with special charge ups)

Aaaaand strapping red shoes because I married ink resistance and I wanted ink saver mains in order to shoot more after deploying a wall.

Elaboration: just cram in a bunch of ink saver/recovery anything to take them splash walls to the moon and back till the cows come home! YEEEEEEEEHAAAW!
And you can honestly put in any (or a bit of all) special weapon related abilities depending on your preference.

I personally choose charge up because it doesn't benefit as much from special saver than other weapon sets because of its light depletion after dying, and special duration loses its "SURPRISE!! I have another second of special! =p=p=p=p" due to the bubbler flashing right before it runs out (special duration kraken users drive my squid up the wall sometimes).

You could probably drop that ink resistance in exchange for some other ability if you're not much a fan of the ol' inky resisterz like me.
More special charge ups? Bomb sniffer? Woomy duration up? I dunno

Mmmmmm, chocolate...


Inkling Cadet
Oct 6, 2015
I haven't played much yet with it but I'm surprised how many times I'm still able to shoot when I dropped a :splashwall: with full tank and without :ability_inksaversub:.
I'm used to Slosher Deco with 2-3 sloshes but this is something else :scared:

I'm going to practise more on Splatfest this weekend (EU/OC) with the H3 including the Cherry and this will probably be my gear.


Gonna spam the :echolocator::inkzooka::bubbler: everywhere :D


Lord of the Squids
Aug 5, 2015
It's delicious in Ranked aswell! I really like the duration ups giving the Bubbler an extra second since it also applies to to teammates when shared with them, and it makes it easier to outlast Krakens and enemy Bubblers. The rest is generic good abilitys lel. Was thinking about special charge up and tenacity but this weapon gets points very well as it is so I feel Special Saver is more valuable and effective.

:ability_specialduration:|:ability_specialsaver::ability_specialsaver::ability_specialsaver: - :head_eye006:
:ability_specialduration:|:ability_swimspeed::ability_swimspeed::ability_swimspeed: - Squid-Pattern Waistcoat
:ability_inkrecovery:|:ability_swimspeed::ability_swimspeed::ability_swimspeed: - :shoes_shi004:

I really like the weapon but I think although my loadout is stylish, it kind of stinks:
Jungle Hat: Ink Saver Main (main), ink saver sub triple
Berry Ski Jacket: Special Duration (main) random subs
Custom Trail Boots: Special Duration (main) random subs
two quick super jump subs, two defense subs, two worthless subs.
Any advice?
Are you really having trouble with Ink efficiency? This weapon is very ink efficient. I'd say you'd only need Ink Recovery Up to better ensure you always have a Wall available with ink to spare, but even that isn't really necessary.


Full Squid
Apr 6, 2016
Switch Friend Code
It's especially delicious in zone control. It lets me get KO victories with horrible k/d ratios like 0/1. I love it. The sub-weapon and special suit my defensive playstyle perfectly. Plus it's red, my favorite color. The Cherry H-3 Nozzlenose is my new favorite weapon.


Egyptian Goo God
Feb 23, 2016
Switch Friend Code
I've been practicing with it, and boy does this thing teach you to aim properly! You pick up good traits like trigger discipline and holding the pad steady or it's back to spawn for you :P It's great for assists too, since even if you don't get all three shots, just two leaves the enemy at death's door for an ally. This may become a new main for me!


Senior Squid
Jun 7, 2015
You mean splash wall and bubbler is delicious in turf war. The main weapon is probably the worst weapon in the game. L-3 literally outclasses it.


Egyptian Goo God
Feb 23, 2016
Switch Friend Code
You mean splash wall and bubbler is delicious in turf war. The main weapon is probably the worst weapon in the game. L-3 literally outclasses it.
Considering you're Luigi according to your icon, you're saying it's perfect for you, right?


Pro Squid
Apr 17, 2016
You mean splash wall and bubbler is delicious in turf war. The main weapon is probably the worst weapon in the game. L-3 literally outclasses it.
Don't get me wrong the L-3 is great, but if I am trying to work with the H-3, the cherry is far superior then the other two H-3's. It also covers turf quite well.

Inkling Ash

Inkling Cadet
May 1, 2016
You know, I am definitely one of those people who feel the H-3 family is difficult to be good at. I tried them personally, and just can't find success. But dat cherry H-3 though. Its absolutely broken kit makes this weapon magnificent. I love the look of it and the play style of it. Simply throw the wall and proceed to shoot. If you miss your shot, you won't get punished nearly as bad. It is so satisfying to use. Its just a delicious nutritious treat that can't be beat (if you understand that reference, your awesome).

Anyone else finding success with it? I am running

:head_eye005: :ability_damage: :ability_damage::ability_damage::ability_damage:
:clothes_tes007: :ability_specialcharge: :ability_specialcharge::ability_specialcharge::ability_specialsaver:
:shoes_sht007: :ability_runspeed: :ability_inkrecovery::ability_inkrecovery::ability_inkrecovery:
What map were you playing it on?


Senior Squid
Jun 7, 2015
Don't get me wrong the L-3 is great, but if I am trying to work with the H-3, the cherry is far superior then the other two H-3's. It also covers turf quite well.
I understand how good the kit is of the cherry. H-3 has good turfing abilities which charge the bubble fast, but when it comes to actual combat, the other long ranged shooters outshine the H-3


Senior Squid
Jun 7, 2015
Considering you're Luigi according to your icon, you're saying it's perfect for you, right?
I don't understand what you're trying to get at. What does my luigi icon have to do with anything?


Senior Squid
Jan 24, 2014
So I had a go at the Cherry H-3 and, well it is user friendly...almost too friendly xD. Splash walls are a big help in firefights should you ever be involved in one. Stack a little bit :ability_inksaversub: (1 main or 3 subs), :ability_inkrecovery: or:ability_inksavermain: and you'll last longer than a 96 deco most of the time.

Bubbler on the H-3 feels like the rapid blaster, it's a getaway tool, or a pushing tool. I mean if things aren't going well, bubbler!... And the tides will turn to your favour... Yet unfortunately thanks to the precision the H-3 needs you'll find that most foes will just out strafe you if you don't know how to deal with it. And Unlike the Rapid Blaster (Who's bubbler strategy is very similar i reckon) you can't "spark" nor use an Inkmine to drive CQC away. So it might just end in a stalemate every time or the foe wins because they gain control of that particular turf you were fighting on should you retreat.

Since Splash walls also like to make you abuse your range, the H-3 is kinda...well, not so much "Heavy"- 3 anymore. Because at max range the damage starts to fall off, even at level ground. And this takes 1 burst K.O's to 2 bursts. So, it's kinda being harsh on itself, but it isn't really noticeable unless you really pay attention to detail.

So really, when picking one of the H-3's It's about how you want to contribiute to the team. The vanilla (The one i use the most) is the most balanced out of the 3, as it can perform a killing/front line role, ambusher/flanker, inker, a little bit of area control and with Echolocator. You can be support.

The H-3 D....Er... Well, in my opinion it's absurdly hard to use. It plays like a patient sniper that can't get itself functioning properly. The Dolphin focuses on inking, and picking off easy targets. And i mean easy. Unless you can fully land your burst you shouldn't get into a firefight with the Dolphin. This weapon is for Gods who have mastered the H-3 in every aspect. Well, that's how i think of it. Kudo's to you if you can use it xD

And The Cherry is the family friendly version that everyone loves.Like the Vanilla, it can play a multitude of roles, but plays each role a bit differently. It can't track anyone, but it can spread invincibility which majorly can help at desperate times. Think of it as a passive 96 deco. Virtually the same kit and power, but the H-3 can ink better and get specials faster. Unsure of how else to describe it but yeah that's how i think it is.

Cherry H-3 Is alright. I like the vanilla more though at the moment. At least Nintendo are trying to make the H-3 visible xD

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