Thought I'd contribute some more vocab now. This time, it's mainly based on the suggestions from theFIZZYnator and Coelpts.
Body Parts (All Nouns)
{ažúka} = Head
{zapížu} = Hair (short for 'zapí nežúzu' - small tentacles)
{saražúka} = Forehead (lit. 'up head')
{binažúka} = Face (lit. 'in front of head')
{dižáe} = Ear (variant of 'dižu' - to hear)
{koágezói} = Nose (Lit. 'koáge' - scent. See below)
{ráho} = Cheek
{biéyu} = Mouth (from suggestion by theFIZZYnator.)
{šitúe} = Tongue
{číha} = Tooth/Teeth
{iyágai} = Chin
{kaibó} = Neck
{žiká} = Shoulder
{sánai} = Arm (from 'šáno' - to reach for. See below)
{kaží} = Elbow
{eyóbu} = Finger
{muóna} = Chest
{íwe} = Stomach
{haíse} = Back
{žikánu} = Hip (shortened from 'žiká pinú' - shoulder below)
{šigú} = Butt
{sánainu} = Leg (shortened from 'sánai pinú' - arm below)
{kažínu} = Knee (shortened from 'kaží pinú' - elbow below)
{eyánu} = Foot (shortened from 'éyatu pinú' - hand below)
{eyónu} = Toe (shortened from 'eyóbu pinú' - finger below)
Basic Weather (Adj. & Nouns)
{haíya} = Sunny (variant of 'haíyo' - sun). Adj.
{žubéya} = Rain (shortened from 'žubóiéyadi' - water fall. See below for 'éyadi'). Noun.
{zapižubéya} = Drizzle (lit. small rain.
♪zapižubéya, zip-a-dee-ay♪ :D). Noun.
{žubéyoi} = Rainy (variant of 'žubéya'). Adj.
{uyežubéyoi} = Drizzly (lit. a little rainy. Yes, I AM using 'uye', not 'uya', as in the PDF. That's a typo.). Adj.
{šumádi} = Snow (shortened from 'šumaéyadi' - cold fall. See below for 'éyadi') Noun.
{šumáda} = Snowy (variant of 'šumádi') Adj.
{fuzíe} = Wind. Noun.
{zapifuzíe} = Breeze. (lit. small wind). Noun.
{fuzói} = Windy. (variant of 'fuzíe'). Adj.
{uyefuzói} = Breezy (lit. a little windy). Adj.
Other Verbs
{koáge} = To Smell
{biéyo} = To Taste
{šáno} = To Reach For
{žubéyu} = To Rain
{šumádu} = To Snow
{táže} = To Visit
{ráiyo} = To Allow (Example: {I ráiyo huró táže iyáezói ŧunigái} I will be allowed to visit the king tomorrow (That IS where you put the 'huró', right?).)
Other Adjectives
{tuáko} = Thick
{hosára} = Thin
{uyóki} = Confident
{utáiya} = Doubtful
{kiyóte} = Strong
{kusá} = Weak
Other Nouns
{koágu} = Scent, Smell
{éyadi} = Fall
{tuáyo} = Confident Person, Hero (shortened from 'thick ink')
{hosáyo} = Weak Person, Weakling (shortened from 'thin ink'. Formal contexts; informal is 'homao')
{kažietu} = Pen/Pencil (lit. 'write tool'. Uses the new proposed suffix 'tu'. See below.)
{hénatu} = Boomerang (lit. 'return tool'. Again, see below)
{rúto} = Elevator (lit. 'ascend tool'.)
{káišotu} = Starting Pistol (lit. 'start tool')
A Proposal
{tu} = Utensil, Equipment, Tool. This is put on the end of a word to get the word of the item (not person or body part, ITEM) that performs that action. This will be a useful way to devise words.
EDIT: Oh, and since these posts of mine usually swamp the forum (so sorry about that, btw ;)), I might as well post some unfortunate pieces of vocab suggested by others that haven't gotten into the PDF (yet).
{zi} : Superlative Word Prefix (Example: {zibeόta} = best)
{ayáni} : In Addition
{oyápa} : As I Thought (when starting a sentence, from Japanese 'やっぱり')
{abunái} : Watch Out! (Japanese for "dangerous"; colloquially means "watch out")
{daipíči} : Something really bad is going on! (Colloquial, {píči} is in less severe cases, from Japanese.)
{mímu} : Poison
{čidóze} : That Over There (equivalent to 'あそこ' in Japanese)
{žéka} : Fire
{kuró} : Air
{kéna} : Earth, Ground
If I've made any mistakes, do tell me!