Turn it Up an Octave: This Song is My Battle Cry (Original Poems Collection)


Inkling Cadet
Jan 2, 2022
Eagle City, Komerika, Ninjala
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Can you hear my wolves, they’re howling
The beast inside of me is growling
The earth is quaking, my eyes are red
My body’s shaking, my hope is dead
I’m surrounded in my mind
i’m lost, I’m desperate, I’m weak and blind
The hunters can smell my blood on the breeze
They sense the time is nigh to feast
My flesh is torn, my heart’s in two
The vultures are circling, they sense it too
The wolves won’t quit, won’t give up the chase
They will hunt me down, lay me to waste
I can’t run from them much longer
My will is weak, and they are much stronger
I am struggling to even survive
Will i make it out alive?

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