What are some Splatfest tips?


Jun 26, 2017
One thing I've learned after a while is, if you don't have a lot of ink behind you to bail, don't go out too far on your own cause you'll need time to escape an ambush. If you use dualies, you have more of an advantage to make your way into enemy territory.


Inkster Jr.
Nov 9, 2018
Honestly? Just treat it like a regular Truf War. The only real difference will be the mode you choose.

Normal Mode you can either go solo or queue up with 3 others. At the end both teams will receive clot for their Splatfest team regardless who wins.

Pro Mode you can only do solo and after you do your 7 placements it will find people around the same skill level as you. Unlike Normal mode the losing team will not receive any clot.

Personally I prefer Pro mode just because it feels more balanced in terms of skill. I've been against some 4 stacks in Normal and it was a massacre.

DJ Particle

Senior Squid
Aug 14, 2017
Switch Friend Code
Stake out the Shifty Station in advance using the recon tool... find all the good perch points, strategic walls, etc. Get used to the "gimmick of the month" and how it works for you.

Play a LOT of Turf War...strategies are far different for Turf War than they are in ranked or league. Even then, competition is FAR harder in Splatfest than in regular Turf War, especially if you play in a Japan-only Splatfest.

If you have a weapon with a fast fire rate, prepare to be a "tank".....find the best places to shoot your ink and don't worry as much about splatting other squids/octos. if you cover up a significant amount of their ink deep in their territory, you will get the bulk of the aggro, and it will keep their minds off *your* base for a while.

Also...COVER YOUR HOME BASE as much as possible. I have seen many many Turf War matches won by who had the better inked home base.


Full Squid
Mar 6, 2019
Switch Friend Code
"Also...COVER YOUR HOME BASE as much as possible. I have seen many many Turf War matches won by who had the better inked home base.
I always see people go right to the enemy but the importance of inking your homebase is never taken seriously enough i feel like.
That might just be me since i've just started like a week or so ago, but still.. people need to cover home base better..


May 1, 2018
Octo Valley
However, don't spend the whole game covering the home base, especially if the only spots left un-inked are ones that won't make any substantial difference toward the total score, I see way too many people who ink the home base stay there for half of the game. Balance is key to winning. And about the home base, protect it if the other team have rushers. Heck, be the protector of your home base if the rusher doesn't let up after they have been splatted.


Inkster Jr.
Sep 5, 2017
I think when it comes to inking your base you need to consider your team's composition. Some weapons aren't built for the front lines and do much better hanging back and covering the base. Meanwhile, a great tip that I heard (from this board, actually,) is "push the front line." From the very beginning of the match, you want to gain control of the central area as soon as possible before the enemy has a chance to move in and set themselves up to defend. I've seen plenty of Splatfest victories go to whoever managed to reach the center of the map first, especially on certain versions of Shifty Station.

It's a team effort, and there's definitely a strategy to rushing out to meet the enemy head-on. The key is having someone hang back to ink. It's just... in most cases, no one wants to be the one to do that.

Speaking of team comp, if you're playing in "Normal" mode, if you've found a group of players who are willing to stick with you and play several matches together, definitely consider swapping out your Gear to match others, if you can. Get that extra clout bonus!

Lastly, if you keep getting splatted and the enemy is running rampant, stop and wait for your team to respawn. Rushing out one at a time makes you easy targets. Moving as a group in those cases will give you a chance to turn that match around! Look out for your teammates. Protect the slower ones if you can.

DJ Particle

Senior Squid
Aug 14, 2017
Switch Friend Code
However, don't spend the whole game covering the home base, especially if the only spots left un-inked are ones that won't make any substantial difference toward the total score, I see way too many people who ink the home base stay there for half of the game. Balance is key to winning. And about the home base, protect it if the other team have rushers. Heck, be the protector of your home base if the rusher doesn't let up after they have been splatted.
I do tend to ink the home base right away, as fast as I possibly can (I use one of the faster-inking weapons [Sharp Marker (Splash-o-Matic) Neo], so I can get it done quick...usually under 1 minute). I'm not very effective in direct PvP situations though due to how many shots are needed to splat an enemy. What I can do, though, is if the other team is pushing, and I can get by them into their home base, I can be a tank by spreading a large amount of ink (even better if my suction bomb rush is available) in their base and getting all their aggro to slow down their advance and make them return to their side of the map.

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