What do I do as an Inkbrush?


Semi-Pro Squid
May 9, 2015
I've been playing Inkbrush since launch and it's my absolute favorite weapon by a considerable margin. Now I'm looking to start using it in my squad/ranked but I have literally no idea how I can contribute to my team other then just laying ink down. I know laying down ink is its main draw but I honestly feel that I need to be doing something else then just sitting around while my team does the heavy lifting. I know the weapon isn't the most viable over others but I really don't care and am willing to put in more work for the same effect.

Also gear set-ups. I think the current one I have is pretty good but I want to know what may be better.
Don't know if I necessarily need so many:ability_defenseup:but I'm not running Nove so it doesn't seem so pointless on paper. Maybe something with :ability_specialcharge: would be better but I'm not sure.
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Inkling Commander
Sep 28, 2015
The Inkbrush is a weapon that can be useful in many different ways depending on the mode and the way the player is using it. So how to use an Inkbrush really depends on what mode you are thinking of playing or perhaps not playing - because I think we all have that one mode we detest and try to avoid playing. ^.^

A universal thing that I - as a roller main - personally like in an Inkbrush player is getting their team mates to the objective quickly. I always like it when I have an Inkbrush user who will work with me as a roller main. If they can get me to the center, it'll be easier for us to start capturing the objective because my roller and lay down enough ink to begin or even take out some opponents early on. It's important to remember that support with an Inkbrush is always beneficial for your team.

1. Splat Zones

When it comes to an Inkbrush, Splat Zones is probably your best mode to be doing. Inkbrushes are a lot like rollers when it comes to Splat Zones so I probably will be speaking from the perspective of a roller main. Much like us, an Inkbrush's main focus should often be on capturing and keeping the zone. Of course, this is also dependent on you having team mates who will play defense. This isn't something you can control unless you're squadding though.

For example, when I use my Carbon Roller for Splat Zones, I mainly focus on capturing or keeping the zone. I'll only focus on killing when I absolutely need to or when my Inkzooka is ready to go. It's important that someone is always keeping the turf covered if there is any enemy ink on it. Even the smallest amounts can eventually lead your team to losing control so it's always best to have a roller or Inkbrush to cover that up. That's not an easy task, of course, because you'll have the opposing team gunning for you so that you'll stop covering the zone. That's why we need at least one shooter - preferably with a ranged weapon - to play defense for the rollers and Inkbrushes.

The Sprinkler is great to have for Splat Zones. It can help get and keep the zone but it can also be used for a distraction. The enemy team isn't going to want a Sprinkler causing them any trouble so they're going to be distracted for a few seconds to take it out.

So overall, during Splat Zones, your best idea would be to focus on covering turf while also watching your back for enemies of course. This is the best way that an Inkbrush can assist their team in Splat Zones and seeing as how covering the zone is the point, it's probably also one of the more important jobs that you could have for your team. ^.^

2. Tower Control

This is a mode where - I think - the Inkbrush can have two uses depending on how the player utilizes their brush. You could play defensively on the ground or defensively on the tower. You can choose to take the same path as a roller would - which is to defend the tower from the ground. You can lay down ink and run ahead (preferably by using Ninja Squid or squidtrotting so you're not detected) to scout for enemies and splat them when you see them. An Inkbrush is only as dangerous as the stealthiness of its user. So this is definitely a useful role to play. It's always good to have people scouting ahead and clearing a path for the tower to keep it safe.

If you're quick with your brush, you could also be the one who takes the tower. For an Inkbrush, you can rapidly kill someone if you react quick enough. So when someone jumps on the tower, it would be possible for you to start swinging and take them out. This would allow you to stay alive on the tower and keep it moving. It's always nice to have someone on the team who will get on the tower seeing as most people don't ever want to get on it.

3. Rainmaker

This is probably the most complicated mode for an Inkbrush user because there's not a lot of wiggle room for you. When it comes to Inkbrushes, you do need turf to swim in so that you can sneak up on opponents and get a kill. Going head to head with someone is never really a good idea with a brush - especially if that person is holding a gun or the Rainmaker. Unfortunately, having enough ink to sneak in is dependent on how you and your team is playing. You can't successfully land down enough ink and keep it there. Your team needs to be helping you by inking and giving you enough ink to sneak around in,


Full Squid
May 17, 2015
Los Angeles, California
Simple: don't use Inkbrush. It's one of the worst weapons for every ranked mode. Maybe in splatzones it's ok, but every other mode gives it issues.

In all honesty though, I'd turn down the Def+ due to how diminishing returns work.

If you really want to use Inkbrush, get at least 1 ink refill+ and an ink saver for your main and your sub. Also remember that using your special will refill your ink, so you should use it right before you run out.


Semi-Pro Squid
Nov 14, 2015
For a Brush, you relatively don't want Defense up, since you'll more than likely be trading kills or giving them up from time to time, I personally like to run Tenacity, Quick Revive, and Swim Speed for my mains as Octobrush. Why? I don't like to die, and neither does the team, but it'll happen. So gain from not having your team, while also coming back sooner helps in the long run. As for how you can help your team with a brush, it depends on what brush you end up using, and what mode the game is. Tower Control? You can never go wrong with Ink Mines or a well placed sprinkler. Rainmaker? I'd prefer beacons, but you're essentially a seeker for your team, giving them a B-line for the objective. Splat zones? Go wild, never surrender.

While yeah, Brushes are normally subpar picks in competitive play, they're not the worst pick, especially when you're going for a flank. Keep going with it though, maybe you'll learn some new tricks.


Semi-Pro Squid
May 9, 2015
For a Brush, you relatively don't want Defense up, since you'll more than likely be trading kills or giving them up from time to time, I personally like to run Tenacity, Quick Revive, and Swim Speed for my mains as Octobrush. Why? I don't like to die, and neither does the team, but it'll happen. So gain from not having your team, while also coming back sooner helps in the long run. As for how you can help your team with a brush, it depends on what brush you end up using, and what mode the game is. Tower Control? You can never go wrong with Ink Mines or a well placed sprinkler. Rainmaker? I'd prefer beacons, but you're essentially a seeker for your team, giving them a B-line for the objective. Splat zones? Go wild, never surrender.

While yeah, Brushes are normally subpar picks in competitive play, they're not the worst pick, especially when you're going for a flank. Keep going with it though, maybe you'll learn some new tricks.
I pretty much run exclusively default Inkbrush. I don't like Nove, and Octobrush is boring to me though I do use Nove in TC since it is universally less of a chore. I've actually found that my Defense Up can make me outright win exchanges when combined with my mobility, though I think you are right and I should tone it down a wee bit. Maybe all retire :head_cap002: when using brush and go with :head_cap009: . Still like to keep a cap cause you gotta look fresh. What is :head_cap009: most likely to get on rolls?


Semi-Pro Squid
Nov 14, 2015
I pretty much run exclusively default Inkbrush. I don't like Nove, and Octobrush is boring to me though I do use Nove in TC since it is universally less of a chore. I've actually found that my Defense Up can make me outright win exchanges when combined with my mobility, though I think you are right and I should tone it down a wee bit. Maybe all retire :head_cap002: when using brush and go with :head_cap009: . Still like to keep a cap cause you gotta look fresh. What is :head_cap009: most likely to get on rolls?
I see, for a regular brush, i think the best option is to always keep up sprinkler, while also making a paths to flank. Using the ink strike to help cover your team regularly. And iirc, the likely ability for that item is special saver.


Inkling Cadet
Aug 2, 2015
I find the Inkbrush most effective in Rainmaker. But like others have said :ability_quickrespawn: is a much better ability to go for than :ability_defenseup:

The key to winning in Rainmaker with the Inkbrush is to spend your time doing heavy inking (like you would in turf war), unless the enemy team gets the Rainmaker. Once they have it, the Inkbrush makes for the best assassin (well aside from chargers) since you can easily get behind the Rainmaker and take them out.

If your playing right your team should end up getting majority control of the map and so even when they get the rainmaker your team will have plenty of paths to keep them from pushing very far in.

That's how I got my Inkbrush account to S rank at least.

Just remember you shouldn't be trading unless your assassinating the Rainmaker, fair fights are not something an Inkbrush should be walking into.


Sep 20, 2015
Honestly as a person who's used the Inkbrush since launch and almost has 300k ink covered with it I only see it viable in turf. I could see it do work in Splat Zones with sprinklers and inkstrikes but most people will out range and kill you most of the time and in ranked I feel range is everything. I mostly use the Inkbrush for fun in turf it is fun to sneak around and just slap people with the brush. I also think it's one of the best weapons for turf as you easily make 250+ the points in the first minute with sprinklers and inkstrikes.


Semi-Pro Squid
Nov 14, 2015
Welp, good luck friend, hope the endeavors you face are in your favor. Oh, one last thing. As a brush, I'm sure you've noticed this by now, but you have to wait a lot compared to other weapons, try and find perches that aren't too high, but are out of the enemy's direct sight, but are places they walk through occasionally during the match, really helps your team when you batman down to take out someone who is out of position.


Semi-Pro Squid
May 9, 2015
Welp, good luck friend, hope the endeavors you face are in your favor. Oh, one last thing. As a brush, I'm sure you've noticed this by now, but you have to wait a lot compared to other weapons, try and find perches that aren't too high, but are out of the enemy's direct sight, but are places they walk through occasionally during the match, really helps your team when you batman down to take out someone who is out of position.
Yeah the waiting is what made me feel useless tbh. If it's what I'm supposed to be doing though then I have no issues, thanks for your input.


Pro Squid
Jun 10, 2015
...I feel like the only one who has maxed out the turf inked with my ink brush... Anyways, I used to use the vanilla ink brush religiously but recently ive favored the nouveau however, the vanilla excels at gaining special so what I focused on was builds that had tenacity and special charge up and launching ink strikes and sprinklers every 5 seconds. Like sheldon said, the ink brush is no fighter so i mainly stayed away from confrontation till we had map control at which point I would assassinate the enemy squad. Since you wont be fighting directly, you should in theory stay alive longer than others on your squad which is why tenacity works.

Basically try to play like a field commander in a sense; Play kinda like a charger user would till its safe to advance then attack the enemy squad but never jump in with no fear. This playstyle is most effective in SZ. RM is alittle easier to use the brush in as well since the enemy RM holder is basically food to you and you can also paint a path for your teams RM holder if need be....TC...Ugh tower control with any roller aside from the dynamo is a chore because of that poll on the tower. I honestly would just switch to either a charger or my custom jet squelcher when TC would be in rotation but try to put a sprinkler on the tower and use ink strikes as an area denial tool to prevent your opponents from advancing the tower.. you should have plenty of ink strikes to do this.

Hope I helped a bit; Try not to give up on the ink brush. Its honestly a great weapon with an awesome flow but it requires patience when it comes to confrontations.
If it makes you feel alittle more confident I was S+ and got there mainly using the 2 ink brush variations... Unfortunately I lost my S+ while trying to pick up chargers Haha.
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Inkling Commander
Nov 3, 2015
The best strategy I've ever found with Inkbrushes involves drawing ****s on the other team's turf. Give that a shot. For more advanced users, I'd recommend a middle finger.


Semi-Pro Squid
May 9, 2015
The best strategy I've ever found with Inkbrushes involves drawing ****s on the other team's turf. Give that a shot. For more advanced users, I'd recommend a middle finger.
I don't even care if this is irrelevant.


Pro Squid
Aug 20, 2015
Ah, so another brushie tryin' to learn how to use the Inkbrush in ranked?
Hmm... ballsie. The only reason why I said that is because the Inkbrush is pretty difficult to use in ranked due TO EVERYONE USING SO MUCH LONG RANGED WEAPONS! QAQ
But of course, you already read what everyone else said about it and yeah... never go too aggro with the Inkbrush. Inkbrushes are not for aggro players but for... fast/stealth ones.

Aggro would go to the Octobrush as it can kill quicker than an Inkbrush.
Anyways... I say Inkbrushes are best for Zones as you can defend and sneak into plenty of places with that weapon.

USE THEM TO DISTRACT ENEMIES AND TO COVER UP INK and of course to get your special ready!
I used to go in to ranked with an Inkbrush and to be honest... it worked here and there. If you flick fast enough you can kill the players with ease... as long they don't leave your range area. :'^)

As for what I would use with an Inkbrush... it would be:

I like to go with a lot of speed and Def. for staying alive to RUN away than to trade kills.
Super Jumping away is also important IMO if you're in trouble.
Just- trying not to get killed will be pretty helpful in certain cases.

But also... it would be helpful to also use some Ink Resistance Up shoes.

Now as for this set, this is actually for my Octobrush, however this could work as well for the New Inkbrush, encase you wanted to give that one a go!

Having a long lasting bubbler can really help your team and yourself out in some battles.
Always set up mines as well as you'll never know if a person might step right into it!
I don't have many tips for Ranked for an Inkbrush as I don't go into a lot but I'm sure you'll go in there like a champ AND SHOW THEM WHO'S BOSS!
Be carful out there and smack some peeps.

Now if we was talkin' about the Octobrush, I would have more tips. uvu;


Pro Squid
Jun 10, 2015
Ehh I figure Ill add this: If you do plan on trying out the Nouveau again dont activate bubbler before you engage... Probably the worst idea since you give away your position and the enemy WILL knock you out of range then kill you when it runs out since they will pin your bubbler down. This can also happen to any weapon with bubbler, not just ink brush. with ink brush do exactly what Sheldon says and 'get in your opponents face!' Then attack and activate bubbler if need be but never BEFORE confrontation.


Semi-Pro Squid
Nov 14, 2015
Honestly can't wait for the Octobrush Nouveau, Just to see how differently the playstyle from other brush variants is. Also allowing me to finally put on my Bomb Range+ set.


Pro Squid
Aug 20, 2015
Finally a brush with range!
I wonder how many people going to have different gear set for the New Octobrush... and how many try hards are gonna use it. ;^)
I might get this weapon mixed up with the reg. as I might try to use a Kraken but I have a Inkzooka. :'^)
What kind of skills will be learned with that weapon...


Speedrunning Inkling
May 6, 2015
Hello my friend
I actually made a guide a fair amount of time ago about brushes in ranked. You can check that out here: http://squidboards.com/guides/brushes-in-ranked.141/

Some of the info may be similar to what Airi said. I may make a video counterpart at some point ᴼᶰᶜᵉ ʸᵒᵘᵀᵘᵇᵉ ˢᵗᵒᵖˢ ᵇᵘᶫᶫʸᶦᶰᵍ ᵐᵉ

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