What do you think Nintendo would choose as a 3rd(or 2nd) kit for your favorite weapons?


Inkling Commander
Jan 31, 2024
I know we're not even sure we are getting 3rd kits but I do enjoy speculating and ever since the new kits for this season were revealed, my view on what they would even like to choose for certain weapons has changed a lot. I've kinda just accepted that most of the time, they are not going to make good choices on kits but I still like guessing on what they will be. We also still have a few weapons to predict on 2nd kits for too so there's that.

Kit_Slosher 2024_3_4 14_53_36 (1) (3).jpg

Soda Slosher kits are always aggressive and have Splat Bomb as their sub but since vSlosher already has it and there's a clear preference for utility subs, I think a 3rd Slosher kit might end up just getting sprinkler. It's also had it before on the Splatoon 2 deco kit so there's that. I also think they might give it Big Bubbler since no slosher has it yet and they might think that both previous kits are aggressive enough and they want a supportive kit for it now. Also works as a reference to Baller I guess but they don't tend to completely recreate Splatoon 2 kits.
It's a meh kit but I don't mind it too much since vSlosher and the deco kit are really fun already, even if only one of them is good.

Kit_Tri-Slosher 2024_3_4 14_55_42.jpg

Similar to Slosher, I think Tri could also end up getting Big Bubbler. I don't think they both will have it but this is just what I'm guessing is most likely for either of them, not that they both end up with the same special. Personally, I think this is better than the Slosher one and I'm surprised they didn't give it Big Bubbler already since it had Ink Armor and Bubbler before. I don't even think it's that bad of a kit in general, I'll actually have a lot of fun with it. I'd prefer if they gave it burst but the devs seem to be really scared about giving burst bomb to any weapon in general so I don't think they want to give it to Tri-Slosher again.

Kit_Sloshing_Machine 2024_3_4 15_5_13.jpg

Not a lot of strong feelings about this one honestly, just think the devs never want Machine to be really good again and if they give it another bomb, it would only be autobomb and that's it. The only utility sub it's ever had is point sensor so they'll probably stick to that pattern. Killer Wail 5.1 could also be a reference to Stingray from the Splatoon 2 vanilla kit but I'm mainly expecting it for the card design in tableturf and also because it's a very simple special that the devs seem to like and will also make it so that they won't have to worry about making this Machine kit too strong. I also thought about TSD since Kensa Machine had Splashdown but I think the devs genuinely believe TSD is a crazy good special and that's why they make it more expensive for weapons that have it like Naut with 210p TSD.
It's a funny thought but they might actually get worried about Machine with TSD being too good lol

Azure ST

Inkster Jr.
Mar 8, 2018
Switch Friend Code
Today i will reveal how dead i am inside

The Reef-Lux 450 could benefit greatly from a sprinkler to enhance its poor paint output and help it charge its special. Triple splashdown will allow it to move in more aggressively and potentially achieve trades. This synergistic combo makes for a kit inklings will hope they won't see in their matches.

The explosher is a weapon whose kits lack an appropriately aggressive option when deciding which kit to choose, so this is meant to amend that discrepancy. By giving it the angle shooter as a sub weapon, the explosher is given excellent combo potential it cannot achieve otherwise, allowing it to splat an opponent if hit with an angle shooter and a 90-damage strike from the main weapon. Reefslider pairs well with this through its use as a continuation special, allowing you to take the fight to your opponent after securing a quick splat.


Inkling Commander
Jan 31, 2024
Today i will reveal how dead i am inside
View attachment 9831
The Reef-Lux 450 could benefit greatly from a sprinkler to enhance its poor paint output and help it charge its special. Triple splashdown will allow it to move in more aggressively and potentially achieve trades. This synergistic combo makes for a kit inklings will hope they won't see in their matches.
View attachment 9832
The explosher is a weapon whose kits lack an appropriately aggressive option when deciding which kit to choose, so this is meant to amend that discrepancy. By giving it the angle shooter as a sub weapon, the explosher is given excellent combo potential it cannot achieve otherwise, allowing it to splat an opponent if hit with an angle shooter and a 90-damage strike from the main weapon. Reefslider pairs well with this through its use as a continuation special, allowing you to take the fight to your opponent after securing a quick splat.
The fact that the chance of these being future 3rd kits isn't completely 0% is insane


Inkling Commander
Jan 31, 2024
Marooner’s Bay
Switch Friend Code
How good is this kit for Tri-Stringer compared to the other kits? I don't play this weapon class so I don't know a lot about what subs and specials they'd work best with.
Stringer is a weapon that highly values chip damage and wants to support its team. Storm does both.
Burst Bomb would technically be better than Mine, but it's Burst Bomb. Mine has good combos, and the weapon likes things that can locate people so it can hit falloff shots.
It is, indeed, the best-case scenario.


Inkling Cadet
Jan 30, 2024
dousers do not appear to be on the kit maker yet so i cannot make an image but i finally get to share my hot take dream kit for it which i also think is pretty realistic: autobomb + ultra stamp. auto is a cheap bomb which i think it could get good value out of, since it helps to pre-fire locations that enemies are in and generally helps support it pushing the enemy slowly. ultra stamp would be the perfect special for it because it lets it close the distance against things that outrange it, and it can also let it force itself into a good position for it to then hold with its range. and if none of those options are appealing, then it's still a crab-deletion option if you've got an enemy special threatening you

for gloogas my take is a lot less hot, but i think it'll get fizzy bomb and then either bubbler or inkjet. i think bubbler is slightly more realistic, but inkjet would combo really well with it and so it's my personal hope for what it gets


Inkling Commander
Jan 31, 2024
dousers do not appear to be on the kit maker yet so i cannot make an image but i finally get to share my hot take dream kit for it which i also think is pretty realistic: autobomb + ultra stamp. auto is a cheap bomb which i think it could get good value out of, since it helps to pre-fire locations that enemies are in and generally helps support it pushing the enemy slowly. ultra stamp would be the perfect special for it because it lets it close the distance against things that outrange it, and it can also let it force itself into a good position for it to then hold with its range. and if none of those options are appealing, then it's still a crab-deletion option if you've got an enemy special threatening you

for gloogas my take is a lot less hot, but i think it'll get fizzy bomb and then either bubbler or inkjet. i think bubbler is slightly more realistic, but inkjet would combo really well with it and so it's my personal hope for what it gets
I'm really confused why none of the dulies have gotten Inkjet but there's 3 kits in the weapon class with a Splashdown rework.
Either way, Glooga with Fizzy/Inkjet sounds really fun.


Inkling Cadet
Jan 29, 2024
Southeast USA
Swords are kinda hard to guess for since they haven't been in any games yet, although I guess it wouldn't help me in particular nearly as much since I haven't been around for past games lmao. I have a lot to say about my thought process to both of these kits since I spent a long time on them just because it bothered me how hard of a question it was to answer but I'll just go over my choices briefly so nobody has to read the text wall if they don't want to.
Kit_Splatana_Wiper 2024_3_5 1_26_16.png

The main Wiper kits are meant to make it an up-close fighter and a strictly supportive weapon. I know that explanation might make you wonder how this doesn't clash with the Deco kit but let me explain. There are a fair amount of weapons that have gotten Tacticooler with a second aggressive kit like the Dapples and Tri-Slosher, and the developers seem to have tried giving Tacticooler to some weapons to make them even more mobile. That would be the goal of this Wiper kit, and the Ink Mines are there to annoy people once you're behind them kinda similar to how Inkbrush has done it. It IS a second support Wiper in a way but I don't know if they designed things like the Dapple Dualies with the intention of them being supportive weapons as opposed to fast weapons that can choose to help people with Tacticooler if it wants to.
Kit_Splatana_Stamper 2024_3_5 1_33_10.png

After some thought, Stamper's kits are harder to pin down than Wiper's. I don't know if the vanilla kit is meant to be an aggressive playmaker or a weird skirmisher, and I thought the Nouveau kit was meant to control space but Sheldon said completely different things than what I'd thought about it. He only really mentioned Toxic Mist being used with a charge slash and perhaps more importantly claimed the Crab Tank was for "hitting enemies that are far away" which might imply Crab Tank in particular is not meant for area denial. I'm just going to take Sheldon's word for all of that and say that Nouveau is meant to be a more jack-of-all-trades version of Stamper that has tools to help it fight at a distance more consistently.

Sprinkler has been kind of randomly tossed about to weapons but I think it fits better than any of the other subweapon options here while also forming a pretty specific focus on paint with Ink Storm. Maybe I was right on my gut feeling from game design stuff and Nouveau was meant to be the area denial kit. If so then I guess give this Triple Inkstrike in place of Ink Storm since that seems to be the more jack-of-all-trades special while playing to a similar intended playstyle with Sprinkler anyways. Much, much less satisfied with this answer than Wiper's.

That's about all I have to say about these before I start diving in and end up taking way too long explaining. I spent a few hours thinking about all of this, trying my best to learn about Nintendo's design philosophy and consider what weapons have been given what subs and specials, but ultimately there is just no way to know for sure what they're thinking. Below is a full dump of my thoughts explained as well as I can but be warned that some of it might be a bit rambly and might not make any sense, not to mention it once again probably being wrong in some areas. DO NOT take this as fact.
Starting out I just decided to do process of elimination on a few things that felt simple to me and then work from there.

Fairly straightforward to say that neither are getting Torpedo, Ultra Stamp, Burst Bomb, Zipcaster, Squid Beakon, Tenta Missiles, Toxic Mist or Crab Tank again. The devs have seemed to usually not want to give duplicates to a weapon class if there's not many options to choose from for it so that all feels straightforward to me. Since I saw this thread I've been reading over Sheldon's quotes and trying to remember stuff that's been filled in for this game's reference kits and thinking about how those would apply here. From that I also think that there's some subs and specials we can immediately strike off since Nintendo designed them WAY too similarly judging by both fan reception and Sheldon quotes. This includes Angle Shooter (Burst Bomb), Autobomb (Torpedo), Killer Wail, Super Chump (Missiles), Kraken, Splashdown, and Reefslider (all Ultra Stamp - it actually describes it as a panic button AND a way to get in which I think would cover all of these). I also don't think Splash Wall, Big Bubbler, Ink Vac or Booyah Bomb make a lot of sense here since the charge slash is clearly meant to be a strong line of defense when people are close to you and those mostly go to longer-range weapons or weapons that struggle fighting when rushed down.

That should be all of the immediate stuff to look at, so here's what's left...


While there's some similarities between the stuff described here and stuff the swords already have, I don't think they're identical. The developers have given for example the Flingza Roller two specials meant for displacing people so I could totally see either sword having Wave Breaker despite Missiles serving a similar purpose.

For Wiper. Vanilla kit is clearly meant to be the more in-your-face aggressive one and the Deco kit is meant to be more supportive one. None of that is anything I needed to tell you.
  • Curling Bomb and Fizzy Bomb are both exactly the kinds of thing I'd see the developers putting on Wiper but they don't fit any of the remaining specials super well in a way that I could see the developers doing. Maybe one of the displacement specials or Triple Inkstrike?
  • Point Sensor is mostly on fairly immobile weapons and would probably for the devs' purposes be seen as an inferior Torpedo here. As a side note there's nothing that says a weapon can't have two location-focused subweapons, like Nova has Point Sensor and Ink Mine and I think Ink Mine serves a different purpose from Torpedo.
  • Sprinkler I could genuinely see being chosen here since the devs have been weirdly inconsistent on what they give it to but it has no direct synergy with Tacticooler here.
  • Splat Bomb and Suction Bomb are impossible to pin down since they're meant to be all-purpose and are given to basically every kind of weapon. Sheldon gives no hints either since all of his quotes about either say different things. I could see either of these going onto basically any weapon, although there might be an especially strong argument for Wiper since it's probably intended as the "easier" sword. It's given out at an earlier level and the game says it's an easier sword.

  • Inkjet is described as pushing past enemy lines which vanilla kit is already meant to do, and it's usually been put on longer-range weapons this game.
  • Ink Storm is super ambiguous and inconsistent in how the devs describe it but a lot of it sorta lines up with Tenta Missiles between displacing people and "locating them" in one case for some reason.
  • A lot of what was said about Ink Storm also applies to Splattercolor Screen, except you can also apparently use that for ambushes? Sounds like a weird amalgamation of the first two kits if you ask me.
  • Triple Inkstrike is never really described well but trying to piece things together between this and Splat Bomb Launcher in Splatoon 2 it seems to be mostly meant for helping you out in a more general fight, not specifically with people at any particular distance from you? It would make sense that it's supposed to have a broad application too since it was given to the Splattershot. If there's anything against this it's similar to Missiles but I don't know if Nintendo would think like that.
  • Trizooka doesn't really have much synergy with many of the subweapons remaining but would have been an amazing candidate otherwise. Its main goal is hitting people who are distant from the user and Ultra Stamp is meant to excel up close while Missiles are meant more for displacement. Maybe a Splat/Suction Bomb could suit this but that'd just be ridiculous for me to get out here and say they'd give Splat Bomb Trizooka to Wiper.
  • Wave Breaker seems to mostly be meant for location which I don't think makes sense here since Missiles, but then you look at Painbrush which has Wave Breaker and Missiles on its two kits. Sheldon describes Wave Breaker vaguely as a way of killing people for Painbrush though and the combo number does work for this.
For Stamper, Burst Bomb is meant to combo with the main weapon and Zipcaster is meant to either go in and kill people or just to distract them for a while for your teammates to come in and help. Either is meant to be super aggressive or just plain annoying and it's really hard to tell. Toxic Mist is meant to threaten to kill enemies that go into it with your ranged attacks and Crab Tank is meant to lock down an area and hit people who are far away. Definitely meant for area control.
  • Curling Bomb and Fizzy Bomb are both explicitly meant to help you move and don't seem to have been given to many weapons that are meant to be slower like this one.
  • Ink Mine I think needs a weapon that either doesn't want people to get close to it or can get behind enemy lines and Stamper doesn't fit either of those.
  • Point Sensor I could definitely see. To be honest I just didn't want to have two location subweapons and saw another good candidate here.
  • And, once again, Splat Bomb and Suction Bomb are technically impossible to pin down. There's nothing stopping a weapon from having two different bombs for its two kits so Burst Bomb wouldn't single these out on Stamper too but I do think the argument is a liiiiiittle bit stronger for Wiper since it's the easier sword.
For the record it was WAY harder coming up with a special for Stamper than Wiper. Zipcaster being as ambiguous as it is for its purpose makes things pretty tricky, as well as a lot of the stuff it'd compete with being covered by redundancies with Ultra Stamp already.
  • Inkjet ticks a lot of really similar boxes as Zipcaster. Technically possible but much less so than any of the other options here.
  • Splattercolor Screen easily could have gone here instead of Ink Storm if we follow the thought that Nouveau is a jack-of-all-trades but I think Ink Storm just works slightly better. Screen is described for being able to ambush people which I can't imagine fits Nintendo's idea of Stamper that well as a main weapon, especially with the sub I chose. Point Sensor + Screen could be very possible though.
  • I think the devs would definitely want a sub that helps make Tacticooler more promising in some way on a slower weapon like this. Maybe Point Sensor to help it or its teammates go in, or Fizzy Bomb to make it super fast like Heavy Edit or Tri Nouveau is supposed to? I would actually be so happy if we got Fizzy Bomb Tacticooler which means it's too good to be true.
  • Triple Inkstrike is also super ambiguously given out to stuff and honestly this is the kind of thing I could see getting it since there's a lot of weird midline-y stuff that has it already. I mentioned everything else before for this one.
  • Trizooka is a definite "no" since Sheldon describes both it and Crab Tank as a way of hitting people who are far off. Very sad that the two specials remaining that would probably be the best for it are the ones I see as the least likely.
  • There's not many likely subweapon candidates that I could see suiting a Wave Breaker Stamper unless you give it a Splat/Suction Bomb. Curling Bomb and Fizzy Bomb I could only see with a special that has direct synergy which this does not do, and the rest are mostly either location-based or Sprinkler.
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Inkling Cadet
Jan 30, 2024
From that I also think that there's some subs and specials we can immediately strike off since Nintendo designed them WAY too similarly judging by both fan reception and Sheldon quotes.
i'm not sure whether i really agree with this tbh, if 3rd kits happen they're sure to allow some overlap for stuff that happens to share similar purposes. not to mention,

this is obviously an infamous example and i don't think they'd ever do something to this extent again, but it's also worth pointing out that there are multiple weapons that have had point sensor and autobomb on their two kits, both subweapons intended for location. the point being that something like autobomb or kraken could probably show up on one of the kits (and i say that because those specifically are my hopes for stamper 3). now, that unfortunately implies that stamper with reefslider could easily happen, but like. idk maybe they won't .

i do like the wiper kit though, mine would be nice for it. i'm not sure how much tacticooler will fit for it; vanilla wiper is famously a weapon that has struggled in cooler meta due to not benefitting from it as much as other weapons do, so giving it cooler directly might be a poor fit for it... funnily enough i'd merge your kits into wiper with mine + storm, since i think it'd benefit from both the healing and the chip damage from storm


Inkling Cadet
Jan 29, 2024
Southeast USA
i'm not sure whether i really agree with this tbh, if 3rd kits happen they're sure to allow some overlap for stuff that happens to share similar purposes. not to mention,
View attachment 9842
this is obviously an infamous example and i don't think they'd ever do something to this extent again, but it's also worth pointing out that there are multiple weapons that have had point sensor and autobomb on their two kits, both subweapons intended for location. the point being that something like autobomb or kraken could probably show up on one of the kits (and i say that because those specifically are my hopes for stamper 3). now, that unfortunately implies that stamper with reefslider could easily happen, but like. idk maybe they won't .

i do like the wiper kit though, mine would be nice for it. i'm not sure how much tacticooler will fit for it; vanilla wiper is famously a weapon that has struggled in cooler meta due to not benefitting from it as much as other weapons do, so giving it cooler directly might be a poor fit for it... funnily enough i'd merge your kits into wiper with mine + storm, since i think it'd benefit from both the healing and the chip damage from storm
You'd think they'd never do anything this bad again and then very shortly after we got Dapple Nouveau we got Neo Splash which is even worse. At the very least here though you can argue that something makes them see Dapple and Tetra as very different main weapons. There's more kinds of dualie than there are swords, so there's bound to be at least some level of overlap there where it's not necessary here at all. At the end of the day cases like this are still the exception and not the norm and there's still things like Ink Mine being on both a Tent and an Undercover although those two main weapons are far more different than the two swords are.

also side note this really wasn't meant to be kits i'd enjoy at all, i'd hardly ever use the stamper since it looks kinda boring for me even if i'd probably love the wiper


Inkling Commander
Jan 31, 2024
Swords are kinda hard to guess for since they haven't been in any games yet, although I guess it wouldn't help me in particular nearly as much since I haven't been around for past games lmao. I have a lot to say about my thought process to both of these kits since I spent a long time on them just because it bothered me how hard of a question it was to answer but I'll just go over my choices briefly so nobody has to read the text wall if they don't want to.
View attachment 9840
The main Wiper kits are meant to make it an up-close fighter and a strictly supportive weapon. I know that explanation might make you wonder how this doesn't clash with the Deco kit but let me explain. There are a fair amount of weapons that have gotten Tacticooler with a second aggressive kit like the Dapples and Tri-Slosher, and the developers seem to have tried giving Tacticooler to some weapons to make them even more mobile. That would be the goal of this Wiper kit, and the Ink Mines are there to annoy people once you're behind them kinda similar to how Inkbrush has done it. It IS a second support Wiper in a way but I don't know if they designed things like the Dapple Dualies with the intention of them being supportive weapons as opposed to fast weapons that can choose to help people with Tacticooler if it wants to.
View attachment 9841
After some thought, Stamper's kits are harder to pin down than Wiper's. I don't know if the vanilla kit is meant to be an aggressive playmaker or a weird skirmisher, and I thought the Nouveau kit was meant to control space but Sheldon said completely different things than what I'd thought about it. He only really mentioned Toxic Mist being used with a charge slash and perhaps more importantly claimed the Crab Tank was for "hitting enemies that are far away" which might imply Crab Tank in particular is not meant for area denial. I'm just going to take Sheldon's word for all of that and say that Nouveau is meant to be a more jack-of-all-trades version of Stamper that has tools to help it fight at a distance more consistently.

Sprinkler has been kind of randomly tossed about to weapons but I think it fits better than any of the other subweapon options here while also forming a pretty specific focus on paint with Ink Storm. Maybe I was right on my gut feeling from game design stuff and Nouveau was meant to be the area denial kit. If so then I guess give this Triple Inkstrike in place of Ink Storm since that seems to be the more jack-of-all-trades special while playing to a similar intended playstyle with Sprinkler anyways. Much, much less satisfied with this answer than Wiper's.

That's about all I have to say about these before I start diving in and end up taking way too long explaining. I spent a few hours thinking about all of this, trying my best to learn about Nintendo's design philosophy and consider what weapons have been given what subs and specials, but ultimately there is just no way to know for sure what they're thinking. Below is a full dump of my thoughts explained as well as I can but be warned that some of it might be a bit rambly and might not make any sense, not to mention it once again probably being wrong in some areas. DO NOT take this as fact.
Starting out I just decided to do process of elimination on a few things that felt simple to me and then work from there.

Fairly straightforward to say that neither are getting Torpedo, Ultra Stamp, Burst Bomb, Zipcaster, Squid Beakon, Tenta Missiles, Toxic Mist or Crab Tank again. The devs have seemed to usually not want to give duplicates to a weapon class if there's not many options to choose from for it so that all feels straightforward to me. Since I saw this thread I've been reading over Sheldon's quotes and trying to remember stuff that's been filled in for this game's reference kits and thinking about how those would apply here. From that I also think that there's some subs and specials we can immediately strike off since Nintendo designed them WAY too similarly judging by both fan reception and Sheldon quotes. This includes Angle Shooter (Burst Bomb), Autobomb (Torpedo), Killer Wail, Super Chump (Missiles), Kraken, Splashdown, and Reefslider (all Ultra Stamp - it actually describes it as a panic button AND a way to get in which I think would cover all of these). I also don't think Splash Wall, Big Bubbler, Ink Vac or Booyah Bomb make a lot of sense here since the charge slash is clearly meant to be a strong line of defense when people are close to you and those mostly go to longer-range weapons or weapons that struggle fighting when rushed down.

That should be all of the immediate stuff to look at, so here's what's left...

View attachment 9839

While there's some similarities between the stuff described here and stuff the swords already have, I don't think they're identical. The developers have given for example the Flingza Roller two specials meant for displacing people so I could totally see either sword having Wave Breaker despite Missiles serving a similar purpose.

For Wiper. Vanilla kit is clearly meant to be the more in-your-face aggressive one and the Deco kit is meant to be more supportive one. None of that is anything I needed to tell you.
  • Curling Bomb and Fizzy Bomb are both exactly the kinds of thing I'd see the developers putting on Wiper but they don't fit any of the remaining specials super well in a way that I could see the developers doing. Maybe one of the displacement specials or Triple Inkstrike?
  • Point Sensor is mostly on fairly immobile weapons and would probably for the devs' purposes be seen as an inferior Torpedo here. As a side note there's nothing that says a weapon can't have two location-focused subweapons, like Nova has Point Sensor and Ink Mine and I think Ink Mine serves a different purpose from Torpedo.
  • Sprinkler I could genuinely see being chosen here since the devs have been weirdly inconsistent on what they give it to but it has no direct synergy with Tacticooler here.
  • Splat Bomb and Suction Bomb are impossible to pin down since they're meant to be all-purpose and are given to basically every kind of weapon. Sheldon gives no hints either since all of his quotes about either say different things. I could see either of these going onto basically any weapon, although there might be an especially strong argument for Wiper since it's probably intended as the "easier" sword. It's given out at an earlier level and the game says it's an easier sword.

  • Inkjet is described as pushing past enemy lines which vanilla kit is already meant to do, and it's usually been put on longer-range weapons this game.
  • Ink Storm is super ambiguous and inconsistent in how the devs describe it but a lot of it sorta lines up with Tenta Missiles between displacing people and "locating them" in one case for some reason.
  • A lot of what was said about Ink Storm also applies to Splattercolor Screen, except you can also apparently use that for ambushes? Sounds like a weird amalgamation of the first two kits if you ask me.
  • Triple Inkstrike is never really described well but trying to piece things together between this and Splat Bomb Launcher in Splatoon 2 it seems to be mostly meant for helping you out in a more general fight, not specifically with people at any particular distance from you? It would make sense that it's supposed to have a broad application too since it was given to the Splattershot. If there's anything against this it's similar to Missiles but I don't know if Nintendo would think like that.
  • Trizooka doesn't really have much synergy with many of the subweapons remaining but would have been an amazing candidate otherwise. Its main goal is hitting people who are distant from the user and Ultra Stamp is meant to excel up close while Missiles are meant more for displacement. Maybe a Splat/Suction Bomb could suit this but that'd just be ridiculous for me to get out here and say they'd give Splat Bomb Trizooka to Wiper.
  • Wave Breaker seems to mostly be meant for location which I don't think makes sense here since Missiles, but then you look at Painbrush which has Wave Breaker and Missiles on its two kits. Sheldon describes Wave Breaker vaguely as a way of killing people for Painbrush though and the combo number does work for this.
For Stamper, Burst Bomb is meant to combo with the main weapon and Zipcaster is meant to either go in and kill people or just to distract them for a while for your teammates to come in and help. Either is meant to be super aggressive or just plain annoying and it's really hard to tell. Toxic Mist is meant to threaten to kill enemies that go into it with your ranged attacks and Crab Tank is meant to lock down an area and hit people who are far away. Definitely meant for area control.
  • Curling Bomb and Fizzy Bomb are both explicitly meant to help you move and don't seem to have been given to many weapons that are meant to be slower like this one.
  • Ink Mine I think needs a weapon that either doesn't want people to get close to it or can get behind enemy lines and Stamper doesn't fit either of those.
  • Point Sensor I could definitely see. To be honest I just didn't want to have two location subweapons and saw another good candidate here.
  • And, once again, Splat Bomb and Suction Bomb are technically impossible to pin down. There's nothing stopping a weapon from having two different bombs for its two kits so Burst Bomb wouldn't single these out on Stamper too but I do think the argument is a liiiiiittle bit stronger for Wiper since it's the easier sword.
For the record it was WAY harder coming up with a special for Stamper than Wiper. Zipcaster being as ambiguous as it is for its purpose makes things pretty tricky, as well as a lot of the stuff it'd compete with being covered by redundancies with Ultra Stamp already.
  • Inkjet ticks a lot of really similar boxes as Zipcaster. Technically possible but much less so than any of the other options here.
  • Splattercolor Screen easily could have gone here instead of Ink Storm if we follow the thought that Nouveau is a jack-of-all-trades but I think Ink Storm just works slightly better. Screen is described for being able to ambush people which I can't imagine fits Nintendo's idea of Stamper that well as a main weapon, especially with the sub I chose. Point Sensor + Screen could be very possible though.
  • I think the devs would definitely want a sub that helps make Tacticooler more promising in some way on a slower weapon like this. Maybe Point Sensor to help it or its teammates go in, or Fizzy Bomb to make it super fast like Heavy Edit or Tri Nouveau is supposed to? I would actually be so happy if we got Fizzy Bomb Tacticooler which means it's too good to be true.
  • Triple Inkstrike is also super ambiguously given out to stuff and honestly this is the kind of thing I could see getting it since there's a lot of weird midline-y stuff that has it already. I mentioned everything else before for this one.
  • Trizooka is a definite "no" since Sheldon describes both it and Crab Tank as a way of hitting people who are far off. Very sad that the two specials remaining that would probably be the best for it are the ones I see as the least likely.
  • There's not many likely subweapon candidates that I could see suiting a Wave Breaker Stamper unless you give it a Splat/Suction Bomb. Curling Bomb and Fizzy Bomb I could only see with a special that has direct synergy which this does not do, and the rest are mostly either location-based or Sprinkler.
I really think your thought process for this was super interesting, especially because you have no past kits to base your guesses on. I wanted to try and think of a kit for Dread when I was making this thread but since it's only been in this game and I didn't understand why they gave Dread Beakon and not Custom Explo, there was just too much to think about for me to reliably make a kit that I thought could be possible so I'm impressed that you were able to come up with something for a class that's only been in one game.
I'm sure that the new Sword next season (there's no way there wouldn't be one right?) will also give more info on how they see the class as a whole and what role they want for each weapon in it.


Inkster Jr.
Feb 21, 2024
Both of my dream kits are technically possible as neither of these subs or specials have been on Splatlings (and that’s how they like to decide the splatling kits for some reason):


Solid chance that Nintendo, cruel god that they are, makes these kits the other way around, which wouldn’t be terrible for the Edit (still not ideal since it’s splash wall will be in range of bombs and shooters) but the Hydra with crab would feel kind of pointless, the hydra gains the primary fire of the hydra.


Inkling Commander
Jan 30, 2024
Switch Friend Code
Here's my predictions:

Splat Brella 3rd kit prediction.jpg

I've always wanted a splat brella to get mist, I don't think it's the best sub for it (torpedo, fizzy or burst would be better) but it would have really unique and fun synergy. For the special, obviously buffed ink storm would be the dream but I think tristrike already fills the long range painting/displacement special category. So my bet's on super chump, which I think would work really well on it to stall people around a ton of incoming damage, + trapping people in mist inside the chumps could work really well.
Not as strong as sorella brella, but sounds super fun, I'd love it.

Maybe I'm having too much hope here, but like, the vanilla brella kit is already so unsynergistic I feel like statistically at least, it HAS to get another kit that makes sense.
Honorable mention to wave breaker (could work but it's already on a lot of kits), killer wail (same thing + would probably work better on recycled brella) and kraken (I could totally see it happening but it's kind of in the same category as inkjet to me)

Tenta Brella 3rd kit prediction.jpg

For Camo Tent, I think Ultra Stamp's basically guaranteed. Already worked great last time, no reason to change it (you could say the same thing with ink storm on splat brella but uhhhh-). And the only specials left that really have any kind of unique synergy with tent are ultra stamp, big bubbler (already taken) and kraken imo, and trust me, you do not want to fight a tent that can just turn invincible whenever it feels like it lmao.
I really have no idea what sub it'd get though. I was hoping for dart but that's taken already, sprinkler could work but that's taken too, no one liked splash wall thank god... so maybe curling?? It could be fun

And for recycled brella, my prediction's splat bomb and triple splashdown. It's probably going to get a bomb even though it's really ink hungry, and an aggressive special, so splashdown it is.
I really have no clue what I'd actually want on it though, I haven't played it enough and the current kit is growing on me a little.

#8 regret

Number 10,008
Dec 16, 2022
Order Sector
Switch Friend Code
Never seen anyone ask for Beakon on Splattershot before.
Any specific reason you'd enjoy it?
I'm just the type of person to like using Beakon. I like playing in a mid-backline position, the Splattershot is a good main weapon with good range, and giving both my teammates and myself the option to jump out to several places without really sacrificing a main weapon to do it would be a very nice perk to have.

Also, while I'm on the subject: Beakon with Sub Power Up is cracked.


Inkling Commander
Jan 31, 2024
Here's my predictions:

View attachment 9860

I've always wanted a splat brella to get mist, I don't think it's the best sub for it (torpedo, fizzy or burst would be better) but it would have really unique and fun synergy. For the special, obviously buffed ink storm would be the dream but I think tristrike already fills the long range painting/displacement special category. So my bet's on super chump, which I think would work really well on it to stall people around a ton of incoming damage, + trapping people in mist inside the chumps could work really well.
Not as strong as sorella brella, but sounds super fun, I'd love it.

Maybe I'm having too much hope here, but like, the vanilla brella kit is already so unsynergistic I feel like statistically at least, it HAS to get another kit that makes sense.
Honorable mention to wave breaker (could work but it's already on a lot of kits), killer wail (same thing + would probably work better on recycled brella) and kraken (I could totally see it happening but it's kind of in the same category as inkjet to me)

View attachment 9861

For Camo Tent, I think Ultra Stamp's basically guaranteed. Already worked great last time, no reason to change it (you could say the same thing with ink storm on splat brella but uhhhh-). And the only specials left that really have any kind of unique synergy with tent are ultra stamp, big bubbler (already taken) and kraken imo, and trust me, you do not want to fight a tent that can just turn invincible whenever it feels like it lmao.
I really have no idea what sub it'd get though. I was hoping for dart but that's taken already, sprinkler could work but that's taken too, no one liked splash wall thank god... so maybe curling?? It could be fun

And for recycled brella, my prediction's splat bomb and triple splashdown. It's probably going to get a bomb even though it's really ink hungry, and an aggressive special, so splashdown it is.
I really have no clue what I'd actually want on it though, I haven't played it enough and the current kit is growing on me a little.
I found out that Tent had Ultra Stamp in Splatoon 2 a few days ago and I can't believe I never thought about how Tent could protect itself in the front with its shield before.
None of the weapons I play have Stamp though so that's probably why it's never crossed my mind.
Chumps on Brella sounds cool too, especially since you're already trying to stall and having chumps blocking damage from your shield would help in stalling for even longer.
The only thing I would see an issue with is Toxic Mist with how much it takes from your ink tank but that's more of a problem of the sub being too expensive.
It really needs to be lowered to being 50% or 55% of your ink tank instead of 60%.


Pro Squid
Jan 31, 2024
cali gang
i think this is the most realistic kit for a potential heavy remix but maybe im biased bc i would really enjoy it. ive always liked wall on heavy (s2 heavy deco i miss you ;_;) and i like wail on vbow a lot so i think it would be fun on heavy too. i hope if they do sheldons picks they at least update the heavy remix model to be the s3 one bc the s1 model is kinda ugly x_x sorry
Screen Shot 2024-03-05 at 4.37.09 PM.png


Inkling Commander
Jan 30, 2024
Switch Friend Code
I found out that Tent had Ultra Stamp in Splatoon 2 a few days ago and I can't believe I never thought about how Tent could protect itself in the front with its shield before.
None of the weapons I play have Stamp though so that's probably why it's never crossed my mind.
Chumps on Brella sounds cool too, especially since you're already trying to stall and having chumps blocking damage from your shield would help in stalling for even longer.
The only thing I would see an issue with is Toxic Mist with how much it takes from your ink tank but that's more of a problem of the sub being too expensive.
It really needs to be lowered to being 50% or 55% of your ink tank instead of 60%.
I actually barely played camo tent in s2, but I totally see the synergy, I want to try it in this game!
And yeah mist is definitely a bit too expensive, even with autobomb being cheaper, it's still a bad idea to use it in combat too much (unless you have LDE) so ehhhh yeah it's not that good, but I still want to try it haha

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