What I feel about the 'report' button in Splatnet 2


Inkster Jr.
Jan 11, 2017
hello squids, kids, and octolings alike! i honestly haven't been posting alot in a while and ive been thinking to share my thoughts lately about a specific feature in Splatnet 2 - reporting.

now. most of you have seen this video before. i have seen it too.

basically how i feel about adding a report button feature is stupid. the fact that even when you squidbag people it's an action to show that you're better than them/teasing them. But some trolls can even report you for bad sportsmanship even if you haven't done anything. it also goes with hacking - which is basically cheating. some troll is gonna go and report you even if you haven't done anything and COULD get you banned.

so, how do you feel about this? good thoughts? bad thoughts?


Pro Squid
Mar 12, 2016
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Switch Friend Code
I never understood people getting reported for squidbagging; it's apart of the game and is in the same realm as teabagging in other shooters.

Then again, Nintendo does have a different philosophy when it comes to their games so you have to take that into account.


Egyptian Goo God
Feb 23, 2016
Switch Friend Code
Rockenberg? Really? I don't think a man that gets up to criminal activity with nudes and such like he's been proven to do is a worthwhile source on anything. Anyway...

Report systems can be abused, that's a fact of life, but it's good to have them regardless. From what we've seen, Nintendo only bans people who are reported numerous times - you know, like the jagoffs that bag after every single kill. The worst offenders WILL get slammed. After the hundreds of matches I had on the first game ruined by squid parties and baggers and generally jerkish behavior, I relish being able to do something about the jerks I come across, however small that action may be.

And yes, excessive bagging is a reportable offense if you can get barred on Smash for taunting too much or banned on Miiverse for saying something is dumb. You don't have to like it, that's just how Nintendo rolls.


Inkling Commander
Apr 19, 2016
Switch Friend Code
I never understood people getting reported for squidbagging; it's apart of the game and is in the same realm as teabagging in other shooters.
That's exactly correct. Metaphorically applying one's testicles to a fallen opponent's face is the very definition of bad sportsmanship.

I'm a big fan of the Report button and use it liberally. Folks who report other players for no good reason won't accomplish anything--Nintendo won't ban someone for one or two reports. They'll be looking at patterns. Players who behave badly will get lots of complaints from lots of people will be the ones who get banned.

Even more clear are vulgar player names. Nintendo doesn't even need patterns for that. I'm sure they check every one of these reports, since they're easy to confirm.

Hero of Lime

Inkling Fleet Admiral
Sep 26, 2015
Switch Friend Code
I think it's a fine addition to the game. While the feature can be abused, what are the chances some trolls will report you wrongly enough to actually get you banned or reprimanded? Realistically the only people being banned will be the ones actually doing something wrong. And squidbagging isn't the only reason to report someone. Match throwers, saboteurs, ragequitters, and others ruining the game for players deserve to get reported.

I have no sympathy for a serial squidbagger getting banned for being a jerk overall. Squidbagging is not needed to enjoy the game unless you are predisposed to be mean to others. Instead of telling people to "deal with it" involving squidbaggers, why can't we just ask that squidbaggers...not squidbag?

I never understood people getting reported for squidbagging; it's apart of the game and is in the same realm as teabagging in other shooters.
That isn't true though, squidbagging is something players came up with to use as a taunt, in no way are you required to rapidly change back between a human and squid form like that. Teabagging in other shooters is the same, it's merely crouching several times in a row.


Inkling Commander
Aug 31, 2017
Switch Friend Code
That's exactly correct. Metaphorically applying one's testicles to a fallen opponent's face is the very definition of bad sportsmanship.
Please don't tell me that that's what t-bagging stands for...


Egyptian Goo God
Feb 23, 2016
Switch Friend Code
Please don't tell me that that's what t-bagging stands for...
Yeeeeeep. It's a reference to the act of making tea in order to give an innocuous name to a very disrespectful gesture.


Inkster Jr.
Jan 11, 2017
yes, all of these are true, the report button can be used for good and bad reasons, however there are going to be trolls as i said in my post. the good reason is that you can report people not only for squidbagging, but hackers (as i said in my post), or even an inappropriate username. i dont think squidbaggers deserve to get reported (as now im not much of a salty person), but i think its the hackers that deserve to get reported.

however, there are no hacks for the switch yet, but they will arrive sooner or later. hackers deserve to get reported because they are basically ripping out the fun of splatoon, (if it is a ftw, for the win), but a hacker that uses hacks for fun (a ftl, for the loss) then i dont care, but if they just hack to win thats just stupid and just makes the player look bad because they cannot play clean (no hacks).

now, for the bad reason. as i said in my post, there are some trolls that can report you even if you have done nothing. nothing at all. it goes for hacking, as i also said in my post. as rockenberg said, there are people who dont care about squidbagging, and there are some who care. the ones who care, they will get you banned (if some multiple users report you you will get banned like in splatoon 1 ).

tldr; ftw hackers deserve report, ftl ones dont.


Inkling Cadet
Sep 12, 2017
I like the addition of the report button. I mean, I would like to think Nintendo investigates some of these reports before deciding to take action on them. If they do, then report trolls won't really get anything out of it. The fact that I can do something about players being jerks is a great thing, whether it's taunting or match throwing.

I only really use it for constant squidbagging. They want to be annoying? I can be annoying too. Admittedly if someone squidbags me after I killed the person alot, I let it go, since I understand that frustration. I would use it for match throwers, but I don't see them that often outside of Salmon Run, and as far as I know, I can't report people from Salmon Run.

For inappropriate names, I don't really bother. They're going to get caught anyway. Unless they're called something like "****J'Wiz", the name isn't causing me any harm.
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Pro Squid
Mar 12, 2016
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Switch Friend Code
yes, all of these are true, the report button can be used for good and bad reasons, however there are going to be trolls as i said in my post. the good reason is that you can report people not only for squidbagging, but hackers (as i said in my post), or even an inappropriate username. i dont think squidbaggers deserve to get reported (as now im not much of a salty person), but i think its the hackers that deserve to get reported.

however, there are no hacks for the switch yet, but they will arrive sooner or later. hackers deserve to get reported because they are basically ripping out the fun of splatoon, (if it is a ftw, for the win), but a hacker that uses hacks for fun (a ftl, for the loss) then i dont care, but if they just hack to win thats just stupid and just makes the player look bad because they cannot play clean (no hacks).
Exactly; if/when hacking becomes a thing then those people should be reported. The same can be said with offensive inappropriate Twitter messages in the square and deogritory usernames; I just can't get on board reporting users for squidbagging.

It is what it is though.


Dec 12, 2017
Switch Friend Code
I can't believe that people get offended by this kind of stuff... The world is a rough place... on Nintendo, not so much. I don't Squidbag, but I laugh when some really good player kills me a few times and then Squidbags to let me know that they know that they are better. Whatever, I have bigger fish to fry than someone "trash talking" during a video game...

To each their own I guess.


Sep 19, 2017
Honestly, after the mess the original Splatoon became once hacking became easy on the Wii U I was happy and relieved that Splatoon 2 would have an easy way to report people. While I think it's dumb to ban someone for squidbagging, I understand where people are coming from when they do report them for doing it. If someone squidbags so frequently they get banned for it, I don't think they should get perma banned, but I have no sympathy for them if they get a month or so ban.

For the trolls who report people for no reason, I honestly trust Nintendo enough to look over these things and only ban them if they get reported very frequently or have a ton of reports, so I don't see it as a problem.


Inkling Commander
Apr 19, 2016
Switch Friend Code
Some folks did crack the Switch recently, but it requires the Switch to be running on old firmware, so you can't play Splatoon online while it's cracked. I suppose you could hack your gear with it, but perfect gear is a lot easier to come by now so it's not a clear "tell." I wonder if it would be possible to equip yourself with a Grizzco weapon in multiplayer with it.


Lord of the Squids
Aug 15, 2015
Switch Friend Code
While i do appreciate the fact there's a report feature, i do have to wonder how much reports are being looked into. I doubt they have a replay available of games where people got reported, and if they did, would they have the time to watch it entirely? There's probably a flood of reports coming in at every moment which i imagine have to be taken care of in short order which results in a lot of cut corners.

Here's a case where someone got banned because his teammates reported him because he was using an inkbrush:
As it stands i get this bad feeling that Nintendo just bans someone once enough reports come in, which is nothing short of unfortunate.


Inkling Commander
Apr 19, 2016
Switch Friend Code
Here's a case where someone got banned because his teammates reported him because he was using an inkbrush:
As it stands i get this bad feeling that Nintendo just bans someone once enough reports come in, which is nothing short of unfortunate.
I can't read the Japanese in that image, but I seriously doubt that was the reason. Hundreds of players use the Inkbrush and don't get reported. He was probably doing something else, or perhaps he's well-known and a lot of people banded together to report him as a troll.

Julie Star

Inkster Jr.
Sep 1, 2017
a lost land in Inkopolis
Switch Friend Code
Well, it's good because there are stupid peeps who run around not painting anything and hoping to make your team lose. Yes, these people should be reported!


Inkling Commander
Oct 3, 2016
ur mom
Report systems in online games are always a welcome addition, however I don't think we "need" a report system in splatoon anyway.

Just because, like Rockenberg said, "You can just get your friends together and mass report someone". Which is just abusing the report system and getting someone banned because they did one bad thing, or they might not have done anything at all.

Hell, even if you play "non-meta" weapons (weapons that are perceived as not the best amongst the pros), some people will report you for that, and abuse the system just to kick you. And it's no surprise, pretty much every online report system has been abused before, just because it's up to perception.

Like this clip:
The reason why he reported this player is because they had multiple hours on a character that isn't meta (Symmetra). So, the player, XQC reports them because he assumes that the person mains that specific character. Meanwhile, the player getting reported didn't even select their character yet.

So it's no surprise that people will probably abuse this system. It's a game filled with little kids too, and it's not like the report system knows if the player reporting about a problem is 5 or 25.

So, currently, you can report for 6 reasons:
Inactivity (most likely for idling)

Unsportsmanlike Conduct (The "I got squidbagged by this dude button" Or somebody taunted you)

Frequent Disconnection (Which isn't fair just because the game bans you for that itself & most of the time it's Nintendo's servers at fault)

Cheating (Which isn't possible right now, nobody has cracked the switch for hacks yet. But I can imagine multiple children claiming that a good player is cheating just because they're getting dominated by them.)

Network Manipulation (Which I'm sure most people don't know how to do. This involves a use of a lag switch or manipulating your router constantly throughout a match) And again, this offense could easily be mistaken for Nintendo's cruddy server.

And Finally, Having an Inappropriate Nickname (This is a good offense because the game isn't rated "M" for Mature, it's E 10+. So we don't want to expose children to explicit content.)

I think the report system is a good place to start for splatoon 2, but I never deemed it as "absolutely necessary". Just because it's exploitable (you can report the same person multiple times if they are in multiple matches with you.) And I can see a lot of people losing their splatoon privileges just because some kid got stumped by said player. And the report system doesn't seem to ban users who abuse the system.

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