What if 4 team turf war?


Senior Squid
Jun 7, 2017
Just in case there might be an issue with framerate by having more than 8 players.

I'm suggesting 4 teams of 2s spawning in specially designed 4 way symmetrical maps for the purpose of a chaotic pseudo free for all turf war.

I did think about modes like tower and splatzone and thought. Nah way too chaotic and matches would easily run into overtime consistently.

I just find it interesting that in any given time you are forced to play at high level and defensively since your are constantly at a 2-6 disadvantage, forcing players to learn to really play at constant high pressure situations and have the free for all nature of it be even more unpredictable.


Inkling Commander
May 4, 2017
Switch Friend Code
Play the game first before you start trying to theorize these things. Eight players kinda already fill up the game to the point lag is slightly present, and the game does chose the player with the best internet. Having four teams would just make it too windy and cause disconnections a lot more.

And the ranking system does this already. Once you get to a higher rank, you are moved to a higher rank players which means you have to defend your title more efficiently.

Also, wouldn't this take WAY too long to paint an entire turf? You will have to make a much larger map to accumulate the amount of players, it just does not make any sense to me...

Really, please play the game and learn how it goes instead of posting threads that really kinda rely on other video game logic. Splatoon is a different animal compare to your standard shooter, or what other game that plays somewhat similarly, but not in a way is Splatoon. You also have to keep in mind of the other game modes.

There is 'RANK' where you apply your skills to gain higher, and there is 'TURF' for standard play. Turf is just for everyone, especially if you are getting used to a weapon type. Then you go to rank when you feel that you trained enough for it.

(I had to read this more...Wait, map rotations? Wouldn't it just be the same thing just teams swap out...That...Really, please play the game.)
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Egyptian Goo God
Feb 23, 2016
Switch Friend Code
The game's hard enough to keep track of as is, this is a horrible idea. If you're this enthusiastic for Splatoon 2 and have the money to buy all that stuff, get the original and familiarize yourself.

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